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Published on Friday, December 11, 2015

Mother And Son Embark On Epic Voyage Across The Atlantic


Mother And Son Embark On Epic Voyage Across The Atlantic


            Robyn Wolff and Davey du Plessis are South African natives that have begun their voyage across the Atlantic Ocean in a pedal powered boat. They left from Cape Town headed toward Rio de Janeiro in November. The journey is expected to be over four thousand miles. They are referring to the journey as Project Atlantic. They are trying to draw attention to another massive extinction. Scientists are claiming this sixth mass extinction was caused by human activity.

The boat will be strictly powered by their pedals.

No sails or motor will be on the boat.

They plan to complete the trip without help from any other watercraft.

It is meant to draw attention to human's effect on nature.


Holocene Extinction


            An event that has been going on over thirteen thousand years known as the Holocene Extinction. This event refers to the extinction of over eight hundred seventy-five documented animals due to over hunting and habitat destruction. The mother and son duo believe we need to draw attention to this and as a society need to reassess our effects on nature and animals and eliminate the damages we willing do to their habitats. Project Atlantic is working with Extinction Six, founded by du Plessis to raise awareness of the massive amounts of species deaths.

Some of the animals hunted into extinction include the woolly mammoth and the cave lion.

Davey du Plessis hopes that the attention of the cross Atlantic pedal boat trip will draw attention to his foundation for preventing extinction.

 Being a seasoned adventurer and has completed a cycling adventure from Cairo to Ballito in South Africa in 2011.

In 2012 du Plessis almost died on an expedition to trace the Amazon River from it's source in the Andes to the Pacific Coast of Brazil. However, this has not deterred his adventurous spirit.


            The boat was designed and built by Tertius du Plessis a local boat builder. If the Atlantic Project is successfully completed it this mother/son duo will be the first team to cross the South Atlantic. They will also be the first team of only two to complete the trip under human power only. This is the third attempt to be made in crossing the Atlantic in a pedal powered boat. Regardless of the outcome and the sheer physical strength needed the main goal is to raise awareness of extinction and work towards a solution.

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Author: Vrountas

Categories: Good News



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