
Welcome to my ramen dream... Currently being interpreted in Ramen Burger Land... Looking for a good slurp? Email me ! - Keizo

Showing posts with label Shibuya-ku. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shibuya-ku. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

A mountain of youth...

Day 1204:

Feeling better, there's only one thing to do. Slurp.

Isoji in Yoyogi is a great backup for when I'm craving tsukemen at this hour. Miso Tsukemen (○得つけめん) to be exact.

Ahh it feels good to be without the flu.

Later in the night, I decided to go visit a friend's shop in Saitama--Zuizan (中華蕎麦 瑞山) in Asaka.

Hatsugai-san!!! We sat next to each other at the 2012ラーメン店主忘年会 and became instant friends!

Tokusei Chuukasoba (特製中華そば).


This is good.


I wish I could make ramen like this.

Hatsugai-san arigato!!!

I love life.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

The flu day five...

Day 1202:

I couldn't take it anymore. I needed to get outside.

Feeling much better, I took a quick ride to Fukuju.



Ahh...much better.

Thursday, January 24, 2013


Day 1178:

My first visit to Okagesama in Sasazuka was impressive.

But it's been less and less so each time I've been back.

Doesn't the color look similar?

Anyway, I made a new soup today and it wasn't bad.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Pushing botans...

Day 1169:

When a day starts like this...

And ends like this...

You know it was a good day.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Return trips...

Day 1128:

They say you can't appreciate a good bowl of ramen until you return to the ones you've appreciated the most.

That's why I found myself back at Hakuryu (白龍) in Uehara.

For some simple Shoyu Ramen and Gyoza.

Gotta love these noodles!

Ahhh...still the same.

I experimented on a new tare today.

It actually wasn't bad, but there's still some work to do.

Spicy Chicken Nuggets!! Delivered!!!

Hello, my new friend.

Life just got a little sharper.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Garlic clairvoyance...

Day 1127:

With all the Jiro wannabe's out there, some say Senrigan (千里眼) near Yoyogi-Uehara is among the best. I've tried to come here a couple times in the past when my bro used to live nearby, but it was either during their day off or during their break. I don't offer crave Jiro-kei, but today it was calling me.

Believe it or not, this is the normal portion. I ordered the Buta Ramen (豚ラーメン) with ninniku (garlic) and karame (stronger flavor). Can you imagine if I went yasai-mashi (more veggies)? Like all the Jiro and Jiro-kei shops, wait until they ask you if you want to add garlic. And if you want to keep it simple just shake your head no or yes.

The noodles are classic Jiro style--thick, wavy, with not much chew and a slight crunch.

I took my time with this bowl, but I did finish it. Someday I'll have to teach you a little technique I use in eating a bowl of Jiro-kei. Btw, the egg was stunning.

Back near where I live in Eifukucho, a new cafe featuring "California cuisine" opened. When I asked the chef what "California cuisine" meant he said he really didn't know. haha. And when I told him that I'm from California he said "oh, the owner of Spago owns this cafe." Really? Wolfgang Puck?

I'll have to go back there someday, but for now...some ramen. Kagetsu debuted a new ramen today called Yakuzen Hinabe Ramen (薬膳火鍋ラーメン).

Tenchi (天地).

Tenkou (天紅).

This is what happens when you're drunk.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Ramen photogenicity...

Day 1100:

One of my favorite bowls to photograph is the Ginger Shoyu Ramen (生姜醤油らぁめん) from Gamushara (我武者羅).

Perhaps it's the lighting.

Or the dark shoyu coloring.

But doesn't it look...


And it's also one of my favorite bowls to slurp! ご馳走様でした!

Today at Bassanova we had a visit from the J:COM tv show Ekinavi (駅なび).

Tune in 12/4!!!

Mini ramen anyone?

This should work for Chicago...

Btw, tickets for the Chicago Food Film Festival are on sale now!