Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Serious Nibbage Snippet Gourmet Pens Hot Pink Lemonade Fountain Pen with Pilot Parallel Calligraphy Nib

Serious Nibbage Snippet Gourmet Pens Hot Pink Lemonade Fountain Pen

The Hot Pink Lemonade fountain pen - obviously one of my favourite pens, and one that has been inked non-stop since I first received the prototype many months ago! Actually, it's probably close to a year by now. It sports a Pilot Parallel section all of the time, and it's always being eyedroppered with this and that and the other. Most often, Gourmet Pens Pink!

Visit the shop for the last few pieces!

Gourmet Pens Hot Pink Lemonade Fountain Pen
Pilot Parallel Fountain Pens
Gourmet Pens Pink ink

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GourmetPens by Azizah Asgarali is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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