Showing posts with label stems. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stems. Show all posts

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Spruce Bits Falling From Above

In my travels today, I stumbled upon a strange sight. From afar, it looked like a beautiful dense green ground cover, until I heard debris falling from above.

Had a closer look and these bits were all over the ground.

Perfect cuttings of terminal and side spruce tree shoots, littering the ground.

Notice anything missing?

There are no buds on any of these shoots. Why?

No, it's not the tree aborting last year's worth of shoots, it's our lovely squirrel population munching at the base of each segment, where the dwarf shoot meets the stem. Plump buds and immature cones are usually nestled at these joints. Making them a great food source for squirrels. As I took these photos, I could hear more falling down below. Must of been 3 squirrels feeding in this area.

Looking up, you'll notice it happens only to Norway Spruce - or at least that is in my experience. I think it's because they have larger cones (makes for larger buds) and their branching habit is more airy and open (easy access).

If you're wondering: if this damage will kill the tree. No, but it certainly sets it back and "prunes" the tree - somewhat stunting them. Removing next year's buds makes the tree respond later in developing dwarf shoots. Open wounds are now also susceptible to bacterial/virus threats too.


If this happens on your property, perhaps invest in some ultrasonic squirrel deterrent device, to help them not congregate on your Norway Spruce.

It is a shame.  Like a carpet of's so sad.

Saturday, January 21, 2017

DIY Botanical Art/Decoration - Ways of Bringing the Garden Indoors

I confess to having several house plants to help me get through the winter months.

Visits to greenhouses and conservatories help, but I just love bringing elements of the garden into my home. They help me cope with the short days of Jan-Feb.

Such as:

1) In the form of wall hangings:

You can press:

  • Dried leaves
  • Flower petals
  • Seeds

Make really simple selections or use your creative side to make patterns or designs.

2) Cuttings/stems

  • Dogwoods
  • Pussy Willows
  • Alder 
  • Bulrush
  • Grasses

3) Framed garden photos:

Whether they be of flowers from your own garden or ones like this free option on - they bring warmth and a cheery reminder of the growing season to come!

4) Dried Flowers, leaves, fruits and cones arrangements:

Late summer option

Winter option

So before the garden goes to rest in Late Summer - Autumn, collect items you love. Bring them indoors overwinter and allow them to remind you of the lush growing season you'll create this up-coming year!

Monday, August 08, 2016

Save Your Money - Don't Buy Plant Supports

I can't help but be frugal. I hate waste and I dislike spending money needlessly. I rather save funds to buy more plants.

Here are some ways to promote waste diversion and help to support/stake plants:

1. Chop sticks. I love Asian Food and when we order take out, we ask for chop-sticks. I may not use them to eat dinner, but my plants benefit from them!

Now, we do use them for eating as well. We just give them a good wash before using them as stakes.

Because I am so busy in the spring with outdoor gardening, several of my houseplants stretch for light in the summer.  As the shade tree casts dimmer light in my living room, I sometimes forget to turn the plant and it winds up growing off to one side. Chop sticks are fabulous for that extra prop.

2. Stems and branches from pruning shrubs and trees:

A pony tail support of sorts, this grass took a beating one night from a nasty thunderstorm.  The grass was smothering the begonias beneath and they needed rescuing. In a few weeks the undergrowth will hide the binding. I used birch stems from a recent dead birch take down (you probably have some from your old winter planter creations, no?), they are great supports. Better than bamboo sticks. IMO anyway.

Tucked in behind, they do the trick!  You can use dogwood, pussy willow stems and any that are sturdy enough to bear the brunt of some wind. Tie them into a teepee formation. It will work great with sisal or raffia bindings.

3. Coat Hangers:

Now that my amaryllis has flowered, I patiently wait until leaves start to yellow and whither, to start the whole process again.

With a simple cut and twist, this ?-shaped plant support is soooo handy. From holding up cactus, to divisions, to orchids - it's been used a LOT. So easy to make.

4. Dead evergreens: ie Taxus (Yew)

Unfortunately, a large Taxus Yew lived here. To dig out yews, well - the retaining wall around it may have been damaged since the roots are really deep. So instead of cutting it from the base, we placed some pots around it and have grown Morning Glory's that are nicely covering and give visual interest.

I've seen dead trees miraculously transformed by Ivy, Clematis and Creepers. Bringing new life to what was dead is pretty cool.

5. Plastic Utensils: I added this one to just prove a point (you can use ANYTHING!)

Having removed baby plantlets from below, and repotted, this Haworthia needed a little propping up for a month or  so. A plastic fork works great!

What do you use?

Friday, November 16, 2012

Outdoor Christmas Urn Container - Natural

Here I made a pair of urns with natural items.

These urns span about 2 and 1/2 feet apart. A little more than 3 feet tall from the pot rim.
I used:

Have a look at some other designs here
  • 3 birch stems
  • 7 stems of dogwood
  • white pine
  • douglas fir
  • western red cedar
  • boxwood
  • magnolia stems
  • sumac seed pods
  • seeded eucalyptus
  • strobus (white pine) cones
  • dried belani seed pods
  • bronze vine balls
  • dried bell cups
  • 13" fibre liner
  • sand to fill pot

Another pair:
These accents may look all natural, but the pomegranates are artificial.  Pretty good for artificial though. No squirrels will try to take these away! 

One of the funnest aspects of my job.
 In the above, I used:
  • pomergranates
  • strobus cones (with snow flakes)
  • magnolia
  • birch stems
  • dogwood stems
  • white pine boughs
  • western red cedar boughs
  • Ontario hemlock boughs
  • burgundy seed pods
  • oregonia

Materials all from Plant World Ltd. These urns are also available there. 
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