I went to Beck-Aid this morning. I gotta say, I was pretty surprised at how many people there were. Armed with my trusty video phone, I asked a few rally goers some questions. These were the responses I received, I'm posting them here...unedited. I didn't try to argue with anyone or grill them, or pin them down on any particular topic. I just asked them a question, and posted their answer. I was a little bit drunk and just didn't feel up to my usual shit-stirring self. I will say, the atmosphere was quite peaceful, in my opinion. Nobody tried to beat me up, skin me, hog-tie me, baptize me, or cut my hair. Thank God. Or maybe Thank Glenn Beck.
OB Planning Board Meets Tonight — to Begin Election Cycle — Tuesday, Feb.4
[image: OB Planning Board Meets Tonight — to Begin Election Cycle —
Tuesday, Feb.4]
2 hours ago
My first question was "What does the Tea Party stand for?" and nobody wanted to answer that. Most told me they weren't tea partiers. hmmm. no gotcha footage, sorry guys...
Actually, the more i watch these, the more I feel like a schmuck. Fumbling with your words must be contagious. And politeness doesn't really mesh well with gonzo journalism. I was in the heart of the monster, and I snuck out quietly...
and don't sleep America. these guys could actually win something
"Actually, the more i watch these, the more I feel like a schmuck."
Which you should because these people came together peacefully, were polite, (with the exemption of the man in the first video, but you asked for it) and even when they knew what you were up-to they remained calm, and courteous. I'd feel like a schmuck too if I went around trying to piss people off on camera.
I do like the guys from Illinois, the more I watch this, the more I try to imagine your inner monologue of "Crap, they're not racists! They looked like wife beating Nascar fans, and now I'm stuck here!"
I do have you applaud you for uploading these, and demonstrating that the blogosphere does have a spine. Thank you for being at the very least, humble..
sure, these people were peaceful today at a staged rally that exploited african americans for the sole purpose of raising money for the gop... but make no mistake my zombie friend, the gop is the junk drawer of homophobia, bigotry, ignorance, and hate - and the teaparty is the tip of the spear.
pvr - great vids man.
you threaded the needle - you didn't demonize anybody (although that would have been pretty easy to do) and you didn't get your ass kicked (also easy to do).
it also looks like you picked out fairly rational people to talk to instead of looking for the fatigue-wearing abortion-doctor-killing rifle-mongers... smart move.
thanks for getting these videos and posting them so quickly.
@ Tom
These people also had either no answers or answers which were totally BS.
I do like the guys from Illinois, the more I watch this, the more I try to imagine your inner monologue of "Crap, they're not racists! They looked like wife beating Nascar fans, and now I'm stuck here!"
No, they're just easily fooled idiots who are lead around by other idiots like Beck and Palin. America lost its honor because of some bill that Obama voted against in committee as a state legislator which was a backdoor attempt to attack Roe v Wade. There was nothing about "putting babies in a room to die" or anything like that. There were only far out accusations by a far out anti-choice zealot (Jill Staneck), which were investigated and determined to have no merit.
This is why America has "lost its honor"? Because a state legislator at one point voted against a cynical attack on a constitutionally protected right? This is why they came all the way from Illinois to listen to Beck and Palin speak? Give me a freaking break.
Saw this on crooksandliars.com. Well, one of the videos, anyway(specifically, the one containing the guy who said that Obama passed a bill that would allow for infanticide...what a nut).
If that's the best the average supporter of a snake-oil salesman (who admits he is a snake-oil salesman) and a total dropkick have-not political failure can come up with, then I've seen enough. I'm pro-choice 100% and while it sucks that potential babies get aborted for various reasons, it's the choice of the birthing mother.
I'd like to give a sarcastic "thanks" to the guy who talked about infanticide, and that nut Jill Stanek who produced imagery of just-born babies being killed in a most cruel manner. Definitely does something good for the pro-life argument...
technically he's right... you can't just kill nine month old babies and act like you're the messiah for the world. you just can't. and anybody that is doing that should stop immediately. not cool.
Just from reading around your blog, reading the comments, and seeing the links, I pretty much know where you guys are at. You are still stuck in the phony Hegelian right vs. left bread and circus show. Its all fake. As for the videos shown, I've got to tell you there are no more idiots or illiterates on one side or the other. I;'ve always leaned left just b/c growing up I felt the left was more humane and less war-mongerers than the rightwing. But then if you look at the Republicans before WW2, there were a lot of Ron Paul types who believed in country first. Democrats have been beholden to jewish bankers and AIPAC for much longer than Republicans.
The point I am trying to make is that both sides are equally as screwed and are beholden to the banks, the CFR, Bilderberg Group, RIAA, ADL, AIPAC, etc.They put their needs before ours. All through our economic downfall, Israel still gets &70 million a day! And thats not even counting the $3 billiion a year in free weapons they're supposed to pay back but havent in 40 years. We are paying for them to slaughter Palestinians, steal or destroy their homes, while our bridges are crumbling and our hospitals are closing. I paid for Kaiser insurance for 22 yrs and then last April out of the blue they cancel me after discovering 3 yrs ago that I have a terminal illnes.
So quit wasting time with the left vs. right red herring. Third parties are the only thing that will work short of another American Revolution that would be horrible with all the smart weaponry they have now.
One other question.... Why is it that Muslims can't build a mosque? The only other time in history that this type of thing happened was during the Bolshevik Revolution that brought us Communism for almost 80 yrs. Who started that? The same people running Israel and the USA. Zionist jews. You've probably seen 50 Holocaust movies where 6 million died conveniently leaving out that 9 million German civilians died and 80 million allies. Or the 66 million Russian Christians massacred by the Bolsheviks and every church destroyed? All except synagogues of course.
The left and right have to join together and boycott the media and vote 3rd party. That is the only way that will work non-violently.
I'm very sorry to hear about your illness. But you are an arrogant prick and a stark raving anti-Semite.
That's a lot of fat white trash! Thanks for the videos. It is truly horrifying to see so many be so sure of themselves when they know so little.
I don't think I have ever seen so many fat people in place.
I heard it referred to a "Whitestock."
hey shaw - i hope you don't mind that i linked your beck post. good stuff.
Good job. You were even and fair, and most of them were to you. But you could tell that they were all on edge about explaining their beliefs (except for that last guy who said it started with Wilson). But don't answer your own question. Explain that it's your blog and you have all day to talk about what you believe, but that you are there to let them speak for themselves.
If America does ever lose its honor, it will be when schmucks like Beck convince enough people to vote and rally for policies and procedures that exclude any particular subset of people. The rally that MLK spoke at was about including all Americans when legislating rights and privileges in this country. Beck would like to see anyone that doesn't see things his way disenfranchised.
This country will lose its honor if the right to change things if ever we don't like it is taken away from any of its citizens. Beck's followers would refuse some the right of civil disobedience, and don't understand that is what makes this country great.
After looking at your videos I think I must proclaim Glenn Beck the Great White Whale Whisperer.
I assume you were not the only one there that wasn't a rube. Did you see many fellow travelers out there?
Reclaiming civil rights--for white people.
Jeezis on toast this is a messed up country.
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