Tuesday, 24 February 2015

World's Powerful Brands

Most parents know the value of the Lego brand. It’s the toy of choice to give children and keeps them happily amused for hours, with only the occasional interruption as an unhappy child asks you to help her take apart something that was put together wrongly or intepret the pictorial instructions. It was therefore great to see that the London-based company BrandFinance have now identified the Lego brand as one of the most powerful in the word - apparently overtaking Ferrari.

Powerful is, however, not the same as valuable, the report by BrandFinance concludes that Apple’s valuable trade mark is apparently worth USD 128 billion. The authors of the report (available here) note that Apples ability to monetize its intellectual property really sets the company apart.

Anyone wishing to review the full table of brand values can find it here.

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