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Showing posts with label Marked. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marked. Show all posts

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Excerpt: Marked (Dark Kindred Spirits Book One) by Athena Floras + giveaway

Marked (Dark Kindred Spirits Book One) 
by Athena Floras
November 21st, 2020
Genre: Young Adult Paranormal Romance
Number of pages: 108
Word Count: 19 679
Cover Artist: Nicholas Mallet
When all hope is lost, love will find a way.

When there is darkness, seek the light…

Sebastian Falls has known his fair share of pain and sorrow in his life. His world is one filled with evil and danger. He’s learned to keep his emotions to himself and not let anyone get close. It’s the only way to not get hurt. But when he meets Ariel Olivier, the shy, awkward girl in his class, he wonders if he should continue to stay in the darkness. There’s something about Ariel that makes him want to let her in.

Ariel Olivier never knew when she got a tattoo on her eighteenth birthday that her whole world would change for the worse. From that moment on, her normal, mundane life turned into something sinister. An evil grows within her and it threatens to consume her and all those she cares for.

There is only one person who can help her vanquish what wants to destroy her, the alluring, mysterious Sebastian Falls. She can’t help but be drawn to him. He comes from the same evil world that is trying to kill her. Can she trust him and her growing feelings or let whatever dark power that is controlling her take over completely?

Ariel Olivier’s wandering mind never rested. It kept her occupied at the most inopportune times, like right now in her Humanities’ class. Mr. Brentwood’s monotone voice as he read a passage in the reference book on religion and its influence on politics was the driving force propelling her thoughts away from the subject matter. 

This was her least favorite class. She probably wouldn’t have chosen it if another Humanities subject was available in the same timeslot. But there hadn’t been, so she was stuck with this boring class and Mr. Brentwood’s unemotional and slow-paced teaching methods for the rest of the semester. 

The squirrel doing a balancing act on the powerline outside her window had her undivided attention at the moment. It seemed to stare at her, urging her to open the window to let it in. It was cold outside. The puissant wind blew the fur on its puffy tail, making it shiver. 

If she could do it undetected, she would have let it in. She hated to see it suffer. 

When the squirrel saw she wasn’t budging, it scurried farther down the powerline, searching for another opportunity to come into the building. 

She sighed, glancing down at her watch. There was only a few more minutes of class left and then her school day would be over. 

She couldn’t wait until she was out of the school. Throughout the entire day, she worried someone would realize it was her birthday and wish her best wishes. 

She hated drawing attention to herself. She was shy and reserved. She felt the most at ease when she could sit in class or in the library and not be seen or heard. Being invisible was what she thrived for, because it meant freedom without prejudice. No one could criticize her bad posture when she sat or how her hair curled untamed. Or how she wore only monotone colored clothes and hated patterns of any kind. 

She could be herself and not be judged for any quirks, odd habits, or preferences she might have. 

Mr. Brentwood flipped the massive textbook closed. The echoing noise it produced sliced into the silence drawing her out of her reverie. She blinked focusing on his words. 

“That’s the end of today’s lesson. I’d like you all to read the next chapter in the book and we’ll discuss it on Tuesday.” 

All of a sudden, he honed his gaze onto her and he smiled. “I almost forgot one very important thing to mention before you go.” 

She shifted her eyes and fidgeted in her chair. Somehow, she knew what he’d say next. She should have expected it. He always did it for all of his students. 

“It’s Ariel’s birthday today. She turned eighteen. Please wish her along with me a happy birthday.” 

All eyes turned to look in the direction Mr. Brentwood focused. Only a couple of the students knew immediately she was Ariel. The rest seemed to have noticed her for the first time, as if they never knew she existed before now. 

She felt her cheeks burning. She wanted to crawl under her desk and hide. 

* * * * 

Sebastian Falls witnessed the chaos from afar. He cringed noting the scene was stressing Ariel out. 

He didn’t know her personally. They’d been in the same Humanities class for the past month and had never spoken to one another. But from the frequent times he’d observed her from the back of the classroom, he could tell she was a lot like he was, an introvert who didn’t like talking in class. 

Too bad Mr. Brentwood hadn’t figured that out yet. The worst thing he could have done, he did. Drawing everyone’s attention to the fact it was Ariel’s birthday was freaking her out. 

Her cheeks turned beet red and she couldn’t keep eye contact with the students as they swarmed in and offered her happy birthday wishes. 

He even caught her eyeing the door. She obviously was contemplating running the hell out of there. If he were in her shoes, he probably would have been thinking the same thing, except his reason was different from hers. She was shy and awkward. He just hated crowds and wanted to be left alone. 

Grabbing his books, he made his way out, avoiding the traffic jam around her desk. It was getting too busy and too noisy for his liking. Peace and quiet were what he thrived for. He couldn’t get it at home, but he made damn sure to get it at school. 

He walked into the hallway and leaned on a random locker waiting for the perfect time to act. He had no idea how long he’d have to wait—a minute, ten minutes, or even half an hour. But he didn’t mind. It would all be worth it in the end if everything fell into place like he planned. 

About the Author:
Website-Amazon -Twitter
Athena Floras is a wife and proud mother of three who loves to read and write suspenseful and romantic stories. When she isn't busy being a mom, she spends her spare time in her den, totally immersing herself into the whimsical, fantastical world of fiction. She hopes the stories and characters she creates will bring readers as much pleasure and entertainment as they have her.

Tweet 1: 
Marked is the first novella in the YA paranormal series Dark Kindred Spirits. It delves into magic & that fine line between reality and the sublime. Evil often weighs on goodness and vice versa, but when that balance is disturbed, things will get deadly. 

Tweet 2: 
When an evil begins to grow in Ariel Olivier & threatens to consume her & everyone she cares for, it’s up to Sebastian Falls to figure out a way to stop it. Can he save the girl he’s falling for before it’s too late? #YA #ParanormalRomance #horror #Demons

Tour Giveaway 
$30 e-Gift Card 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Book Review: Marked (Alex Verus 9 Book) by Benedict Jacka

by Benedict Jacka
July 3, 2018
320 pages
Publisher: Ace
Mage Alex Verus is hanging on by a thread in the ninth urban fantasy novel from the national bestselling author of Burned.

When Mage Alex Verus ends up with a position on the Light Council, no one is happy, least of all him. But Alex is starting to realize that if he wants to protect his friends, he'll need to become a power player himself. His first order of business is to track down dangerous magical items unleashed into the world by Dark Mages.

But when the Council decides they need his help in negotiating with the perpetrators, Alex will have to use all his cunning and magic to strike a deal--and stop the rising tension between the Council, the Dark Mages, and the adept community from turning into a bloodbath.

*This will be as spoiler free as possible

Marked is the 9th book in the Alex Verus series, and Alex is still going strong. Alex is on the council of Light Mages, and it's still a difficult uphill climb dealing with the light mages, especially after the incident that happened at the end of Bound.

Alex is put in charge of gathering the artifacts that were stolen, and he is learning the old adage of "keep your friends close and your enemies closer" being stuck having to deal with Onyx and still trying to figure out what Drahk is pulling, and why he wanted the artifacts in the first place.

Along with dealing with a very polarized council, Alex is trying to figure out Morden’s game while being locked up.

Alex and Anne are the main focus of this book, along with dealing with the council and the artifacts, Alex is put in a situation where he needs to confront "Evil Anne" and help Anne realize that she needs her dark side to help balance her out, despite Anne locking "Evil Anne" away a long time ago. This is in a world were dark and light mages are both good and evil. The two main protagonists are in a world where their very survival is at stake.

The way this left off, there really needs to be a 10th book.

review: Cursed (Alex Verus #2)

review: Choosen (Alex Verus #4)
review: Hidden (Alex Verus #5)
review: Veiled (Alex Verus #6)
Review: Burned (Alex Verus #7)
Review: Bound (Alex Verus #8)

Danielle D

About the Author:
Benedict Jacka became a writer almost by accident, when at nineteen he sat in his school library and started a story in the back of an exercise book. Since then he's studied philosophy at Cambridge, lived in China, and worked as everything from civil servant to bouncer to teacher before returning to London to take up law.

Monday, December 22, 2014

Book Review: Marked (Dark Protectors #7) by Rebecca Zanetti

Marked (Dark Protectors #7)
by Rebecca Zanetti

December 22nd 2014
by Lyrical Press
Janie Kayrs has known Zane almost her whole life. He was her friend in the dream world. She trusted him. But that was before he kidnapped her, spiriting her away to an isolated cabin to learn what her dreams never told her. Like how dangerous he looks. How he got on the wrong side of the negotiating table. And how much sexier he is in real life…

Zane is a battle-hardened warrior, used to command and solitude. But Janie has drawn him from the minute they met. His need for her could destroy everything he’s worked for, but the risk is too sweet not to take it. They call her the Chosen One. But when it comes down to the questions of peace or war, life or death, safety or passion, it will be Janie who makes the choice.

Just when it seems like peace is within reach for the Karys family, an age old prophecy shakes them up again.

Janet Isabella Karys has had visions of the future her entire life. At a young age she was adopted by the Karys family and treated as one of her own. Now as an adult she carries a huge weight on her shoulders. In order for there to be peace between the warring vampires, demons, shifters and various other creatures, she just might have to sacrifice herself. Her journeys into the dream world lately haven’t shown her any outcome to the upcoming peace talks but as a child she found solace in Zane, a half vampire who became her best friend and confidant. Never having met in person, “Janie Bell” is surprised and hurt to see Zane at the peace talks with none other than the demons who tortured her uncle.

Zane has kept secrets his entire life but keeping them from Janie was the hardest. Now he has to do everything in his power to save her from the enemies that want her dead to prevent a prophecy. They both have a lot to lose but also a lot to gain if they can manage to trust each other long enough to stay alive.

Marked is the final book in the Dark Protectors series by Rebecca Zanetti and while I’ve only read one other book in the series I still find myself saddened. All events in previous books have been leading up to this: Zane and Janie’s story and how their relationship will make or break the world they live in.

It’s clear from the very first page that author Rebecca Zanetti took her time building and growing Zane and Janie. They have such a complex history that didn’t just start at the beginning of Marked, it’s been in the making for quite some time and it added to the present relationship these two had. It also made the fierce attraction between them quite believable. It was impossible to deny that these two were made for one another.

In the Dark Protectors series, I noticed that it’s easy for any human to get lost among all the amazing paranormal creatures in each story so in order for someone like Janie to stand out among all of them, she had to be given something extraordinary, something that would make her different and valuable to certain creatures and a threat to others. What better way than to have her be able to enter a dream world and have visions of the future? Janie is a powerful person but at the same time she’s vulnerable because she’s still 100% human. That combination really worked for me as a reader. I love a powerful heroine but I don’t want an invincible one.

There’s so much action and adventure going on with Marked that it could easily lose a reader who isn’t used to the Zanetti’s style. My advice is to take it slow and if you have to reread scenes do so because you don’t want to miss a single detail.

My only issue with Marked was the rushed “What are They up to Now” at the end where it seems like every single character from the series got some kind of epilogue. While those who read the series from the beginning might enjoy it, that’s where I got lost. I didn’t know these characters well so to me it was confusing. It was also a bit drawn out for my tastes but since it was at the end of the book it didn’t bother me too much.

4 sheep

Adria Reyes
Adria's Romance Reviews
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About the Author:
USA Today Bestselling Author Rebecca Zanetti has worked as an art curator, Senate aide, lawyer, college professor, and a hearing examiner - only to culminate it all in stories about Alpha males and the women who claim them. She writes dark paranormals, romantic suspense, and sexy contemporary romances.

Growing up amid the glorious backdrops and winter wonderlands of the Pacific Northwest has given Rebecca fantastic scenery and adventures to weave into her stories. She resides in the wild north with her husband, children, and extended family who inspire her every day--or at the very least give her plenty of characters to write about.
series order

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Character Confessions:Zane Kyllwood (Marked by Rebecca Zanetti)

REBECCA: Hi Sharon! Thanks so much for having me over to play and celebrate the release of Marked. I hope it’s okay, but Zane Kyllwood, the hero, pretty much insisted about showing up. He’s part vampire, and if you know vampires, they don’t exactly take no for an answer when it comes to being somewhere they really want to be.

ZANE: I believe I asked nicely.

REBECCA: You most certainly did not. Okay, well you did, but when I said no, then you weren’t nice.

ZANE: I was still nice, just insistent. And it all worked out just fine, didn’t it?

REBECCA: Whatever.

ZANE: Anyway, I figured this would be a nice place to chat and get some things straight.

REBECCA: I’m not saying a thing. And for those of you who haven’t met Zane, he’s a six and a half foot tall soldier, black hair, green eyes, with a pretty great nickname I’m not sharing. He’s rugged and sexy…and has a very intriguing scar along his jawline.

ZANE: You make me sound like a beefcake on a calendar.

REBECCA: Works for me.

ZANE: Knock it off. We had a brief disagreement, I won, and now I’m here. So let’s talk. Why the hell haven’t you had a scene from my point of view since the very early books of the Dark Protectors? I’d really like to get my viewpoint out there, and waiting until MARKED, the 10th story, seems very late.

REBECCA: Well, hmm. Okay. Here’s the deal, Zane. I know you’re all Alpha and have quite the burden of responsibility, but the series, I mean the entire series, is really Janie’s story. She’s the heroine in Marked. And Janie didn’t know who you were, or rather what you were other than a vampire, because you wouldn’t tell her…so we couldn’t be in your head, or the reader would know before Janie, and that’s just not cool.

ZANE: You are using way too many words.

REBECCA: I’m a writer. And for the record, bite me.

ZANE: You should be careful saying that to a vampire.

REBECCA: Half vampire.

ZANE: I already told you to knock it off. Back to secrets – you know I couldn’t tell Janie what I am besides a vampire.

REBECCA: I know. So you just answered your own question.

ZANE: Would you like to see my fangs?

REBECCA: You don’t scare me.

ZANE: Then why are your lips trembling?

REBECCA: I’m rewriting your dialogue in my head when you talk. You should try to be more interesting.

ZANE: I’m rapidly losing my patience here, but I am seeing why Janie Belle is such a complete smart-ass. She gets it from you. What I very much would like to know is who survives Marked. More importantly, I must know, does Janie survive? That’s the most important issue, you know.

REBECCA: You’re gonna have to read Marked to find out.

ZANE: I can’t. I have to live it first.

REBECCA: Then you really should get going, because once you start, you don’t get to take a breath until you finish whatever fate holds for you.

ZANE: Ah, that’s the rub, isn’t it? Fate doesn’t scare me, and I’ll forge my own path. As will Janie Belle.

REBECCA: I wish you all the luck with that. You’re gonna need it. :)

Marked (Dark Protectors #7)
by Rebecca Zanetti

December 22nd 2014
by Lyrical Press

Janie Kayrs has known Zane almost her whole life. He was her friend in the dream world. She trusted him. But that was before he kidnapped her, spiriting her away to an isolated cabin to learn what her dreams never told her. Like how dangerous he looks. How he got on the wrong side of the negotiating table. And how much sexier he is in real life…

Zane is a battle-hardened warrior, used to command and solitude. But Janie has drawn him from the minute they met. His need for her could destroy everything he’s worked for, but the risk is too sweet not to take it. They call her the Chosen One. But when it comes down to the questions of peace or war, life or death, safety or passion, it will be Janie who makes the choice.

About the Author:
USA Today Bestselling Author Rebecca Zanetti has worked as an art curator, Senate aide, lawyer, college professor, and a hearing examiner - only to culminate it all in stories about Alpha males and the women who claim them. She writes dark paranormals, romantic suspense, and sexy contemporary romances.

Growing up amid the glorious backdrops and winter wonderlands of the Pacific Northwest has given Rebecca fantastic scenery and adventures to weave into her stories. She resides in the wild north with her husband, children, and extended family who inspire her every day--or at the very least give her plenty of characters to write about.
series order

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Must Haves for My Apocalyptic Bunker by Alex Hughes (Marked book tour + giveaway)

Must Haves for My Apocalyptic Bunker
By: Alex Hughes

One of my favorite things about stopping by I Smell Sheep is the incredible guest post topic ideas that Sharon gives out like candy. This topic, another Sharon classic, got my creative juices going immediately.

If the world fell apart, naturally I would have a bunker already set up and ready to go. The absolutely critical items would be:

1. A robot butler. Who can cook gourmet dishes from practically anything, especially canned and dried food. Bonus points if he can play a proper game of chess.

2. A yoga mat and tapes. Hey, what? I get twitchy in small spaces. An exercise form that keeps me calm and centered (and strong) would be awesome.

3. A rifle with extra ammo. Just in case the door doesn’t hold.

4. A set of Kindles pre-loaded with most of the world’s books, and a charger that doesn’t run out. Or: a charger powered by a hand crank, so it literally can’t go out.

5. The hubbie.

6. Lots of paper and pencils.

7. Nice cheerful sunlight-spectrum lamps. Because I like my sunlight, ‘kay?

Optional bonuses (if there’s room):

1. A heating blanket. The ultimate in comfort, especially if it comes with a generator to keep all the other gadgets going.

2. My laptop with Scrivener pre-loaded. Because even if the world is ending, I’ve got deadlines, you know? Plus the other bunker-bound folks are going to want reading material and I don’t want to disappoint.

3. Access to the Internet. So I can watch the desperation and world-ending from my safe armchair, you know, just in case I wanted to.

4. Several friends & family members in adjoining bunkers for dinner parties with the robot butler.

5. A mammoth stockpile of food, not something minor, you understand, but a fort of cans, an herb garden, balsalmic vinegar, salt and pepper and sundried tomatoes and all the other comforts of home. Plus, you know, a hydroponic garden to keep us in oxygen and yummies. We have the sunlight-spectrum lamps already, am I right?

6. A cat. Because if the world is ending, I’m getting a cat, dang it. And cat food, a litter box, etc. etc. to keep her in style.

What about you guys? Do you also require your robot butlers to cook, or are you more flexible in hiring?

Marked (Mindspace Investigation #3)
by Alex Hughes
Kindle Edition, 352 pages
Expected publication: April 1st 2014 by Roc
Freelancing for the Atlanta PD isn’t exactly a secure career; my job’s been on the line almost as much as my life. But it’s a paycheck, and it keeps me from falling back into the drug habit. Plus, things are looking up with my sometimes-partner, Cherabino, even if she is still simmering over the telepathic Link I created by accident.

When my ex, Kara, shows up begging for my help, I find myself heading to the last place I ever expected to set foot in again—Guild headquarters—to investigate the death of her uncle. Joining that group was a bad idea the first time. Going back when I’m unwanted is downright dangerous.

Luckily, the Guild needs me more than they’re willing to admit. Kara’s uncle was acting strange before he died—crazy strange. In fact, his madness seems to be slowly spreading through the Guild. And when an army of powerful telepaths loses their marbles, suddenly it’s a game of life or death.…

About the Author:
Alex Hughes, the author of the award-winning Mindspace Investigations series from Roc, has lived in the Atlanta area since the age of eight. She is a graduate of the prestigious Odyssey Writing Workshop, and a Semi-Finalist in the Amazon Breakthrough Novels 2011. Her short fiction has been published in several markets including EveryDay Fiction, Thunder on the Battlefield and White Cat Magazine. She is an avid cook and foodie, a trivia buff, and a science geek, and loves to talk about neuroscience, the Food Network, and writing craft—but not necessarily at the same time!

**Bonus: Short story “Rabbit Trick” in the Mindspace Investigations world - amazon

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Book Review (ARC): Marked (Mindspace Investigation #3) by Alex Hughes

Marked (Mindspace Investigation #3)
By: Alex Hughes
Paperback, 352 pages
Expected publication: April 1st 2014 by Roc
ISBN13: 9780451466938

Freelancing for the Atlanta PD isn’t exactly a secure career; my job’s been on the line almost as much as my life. But it’s a paycheck, and it keeps me from falling back into the drug habit. Plus, things are looking up with my sometimes-partner, Cherabino, even if she is still simmering over the telepathic Link I created by accident.

When my ex, Kara, shows up begging for my help, I find myself heading to the last place I ever expected to set foot in again—Guild headquarters—to investigate the death of her uncle. Joining that group was a bad idea the first time. Going back when I’m unwanted is downright dangerous.

Luckily, the Guild needs me more than they’re willing to admit. Kara’s uncle was acting strange before he died—crazy strange. In fact, his madness seems to be slowly spreading through the Guild. And when an army of powerful telepaths loses their marbles, suddenly it’s a game of life or death.

This is the third book in the Mindspace Investigation series, Adam is still freelancing as an interrogator for the Atlanta PD, he still has a very strained relationship with Cherabino.

While in the middle of an interview at the Atlanta PD, Adam is pulled away by Chearbino to investigate a murder scene. On the way out Adam is handed a scrap of paper with a note saying he needs to call his ex Kara right away. Adam finds out that Kara's uncle is dead, and it's being looked at as a suicide, Kara knowing her uncle would never kill himself, begs Adam to look into the death and prove that it was in fact a murder and not a suicide.

Despite the anger Adam has towards the Guild and their politics, and his conflicted feelings he has towards his ex, he agrees to help Kara. Adam is stonewalled at pretty much every step of the investigation by both Guild members and members of Kara's family. When no one is willing to help with the investigation, not even Kara, Adam begins to think the Guild is looking for a scapegoat and throw him under the bus. By making an example of him it would show the power the Guild has over everyone.

The relationship between Adam and Cherabino is getting somewhat confusing, I'm not sure if this was done on purpose or not. One minute Cherabino is mad as hell at Adam for the telepathic link created between them, the next minute when the link has "worn out" Cherabino is ready to jump Adam's bones which could recreate the link that she wanted gone so badly.

I enjoyed this book as much as the first two. I'm hoping there will be future books that focus on the outside events that took place between Sharp and Marked. Watching Adam struggle with his personal demons and his feelings towards others that are a part of his life, even if he doesn't want them there, is a great story.

4 Sheep


About the Author:
Alex Hughes, the author of the award-winning Mindspace Investigations series from Roc, has lived in the Atlanta area since the age of eight. She is a graduate of the prestigious Odyssey Writing Workshop, and a Semi-Finalist in the Amazon Breakthrough Novels 2011. Her short fiction has been published in several markets including EveryDay Fiction, Thunder on the Battlefield and White Cat Magazine. She is an avid cook and foodie, a trivia buff, and a science geek, and loves to talk about neuroscience, the Food Network, and writing craft—but not necessarily at the same time!

**Bonus: Short story “Rabbit Trick” in the Mindspace Investigations world - amazon