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Showing posts with label motorcycle club. Show all posts
Showing posts with label motorcycle club. Show all posts

Sunday, November 17, 2024

New Release: Vice and Void (The Savage Wolves Brotherhood Book 1) by Sadie Hewitt

Vice and Void (The Savage Wolves Brotherhood Book 1)
by Sadie Hewitt
November 19, 2024
Genre: Adult Fantasy/ Motorcycle Club Romance
Second chance romance
Vigilante motorcycle club
Stolen blood magic
Banished gods
Science vs. alchemy
Touch her and
He has her name tattooed on him

Dakota Montgomery knew she should have steered clear of The Savage Wolves Brotherhood. Now with a promising start to her career, the vow she made twelve years ago to keep her distance remains stronger than ever. But when her best friend suspiciously disappears, and her father dismisses her concerns, Dakota is forced to seek help from the vigilante motorcycle club and its second-in-command: her former flame, Callum Reynolds.

Callum Reynolds, still bearing the scars of nine wrongful years in prison, has his own reasons to assist Dakota Montgomery. A feud for territory with the club’s rival has caused a severe setback: the loss of their distillation warehouse. With Dakota’s Alchemist skills, there’s a chance to restore the stock before the Vanguard Syndicate comes to collect. In return, Callum pledges to use his network to investigate the disappearance of her best friend. However, any connection with Dakota or her Iron Guard father could jeopardize his hard-earned freedom.

The agreement with the Brotherhood thrusts Dakota into a treacherous underworld, where illicit alchemy and experimental magic fuels a dangerous game of depravity and addiction. Dakota must race against time to unravel the mystery of her best friend’s disappearance before it consumes her entirely–or worse, entangles her with Callum Reynolds and the Brotherhood for good.

Set in a modern-day world where the blood of extinct mythical creatures advances the creation of distillations, Sons of Anarchy meets occult science in this second-chance adult fantasy romance.


About the Author:

Sadie Hewitt loves to write in urban paranormal fantasy and fantasy romance. Her books will always include powerful women, morally gray men, found families, and a sprinkle (or pour) of magic and spice. She lives in Michigan with her husband and two feral dogs.

When she's not thinking of ways to crush her readers completely, you can find Sadie scaling mountains worldwide, catching up on her own TBR, and checking out the local coffee shops.

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Book Review: Recovery Road (Torpedo Ink) by Christine Feehan

Recovery Road (Torpedo Ink)
by Christine Feehan
January 24, 2023
A broken man finds a woman worth living for in the new novel in #1 New York Times bestselling author Christine Feehan’s Torpedo Ink motorcycle club series.

Kir “Master” Vasiliev doesn’t care whether he lives or dies. He’s a burnt-out shell with no one and nothing but his club. Whatever Torpedo Ink needs, Master will put himself in harm’s way time after time. If he doesn’t make it back, he’s certain everyone will move on just fine.
Investment banker Ambrielle Moore knows her own mind, and she’s not willing to settle for anyone. So when a second-rate gangster and his thugs try to coerce her into marriage—and giving up all of her family’s money—she’s having none of it. Until they turn to cold-blooded murder. 
Grieving and enraged, Ambrie is ready to go scorched earth on her captors when Master shows up anticipating a damsel in distress. But Ambrie is nothing like he expected, and everything he never knew he desired...

Kir "Master" is a Torpedo Ink member and feels burnt out after his last prison assignment. He doesn't want to go undercover in prison again, but he doesn't think the other team members will listen to him, so he feels really done.

Ambrielle "Ambrie" was held hostage and her parents were killed right in front of her. Now she's being forced to marry a mobster against her will for her money. She's sure that once her soon-to-be husband marries her and gets his hands on her money, he'll kill her.

When Master and the rest of Torpedo Ink discover what's going on with her, they decide to step in and save her. But in order to keep her from being kidnapped and forced to marry the mobster again, they tell her that she should marry Master so she's already married to someone, and they'll be able to keep her safe.

Master lets her know that she doesn't have to marry him, but if she does, they'll be no divorce because he and his crew marry for life. He thinks she's too good for him and wants one of the other guys to marry her, but she agrees to marry him because she feels safe around him, and when she gets to know him, she can see that he's not a bad guy. She sees that the other guys in Torpedo Ink are very nice to her, and so are their wives, even though the guys are a bit rough around the edges. She starts to see that things aren't always as they appear to be and that she can trust them all. So when they go after the people who killed her parents, there's a lot more going on there than they first suspected. And then their leader and his family are targeted by someone and they have no idea who it is or why they are being targeted. They have to figure that out and go after the people who killed Ambrielle's parents.

I love how they all work together really well; even the wives get in on the action. The pranks that are going on between Savage and the sheriff are hilarious and we get to see a completely different side of Savage. It was nice that this book was mostly Master and Ambrielle getting to know one another and there was no BDSM in this book unlike in some of the previous books. This was just a sweet romance between Master and Ambrielle although there is a lot of talk about how well-endowed Master is.

All of the Torpedo Ink members have horrible pasts and childhoods. We get to hear what happened to some of them but there weren't as many graphic details as in the previous books. For this reason and to get to know these characters better, I think it's a good idea to read this series in order.

I give this book 5 out of 5 sheep.

Mary Kirkland
Dark Thoughts Blog

About the Author:
I write every day and have done so since I was old enough to pick up a pen. (I spent a lot of time getting in trouble at school for writing instead of doing the things I was supposed to do.) Once I create my characters, I try very hard to have them react to situations as they really would. Sometimes I have preconceived ideas of what I would like them to do, but they don't mind me, because it would be out of character for them. They take on a life of their own. Sometimes when I throw difficult situations at them in the hopes I'll get a certain reaction and they don't do what I want, I complain bitterly to my husband and he laughs at me. Still, it is important to me to have them be real, not perfect people, so they make mistakes we lesser mortals might make.

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Excerpt: Shadow Touched (Death Riders MC Book 1) by Beth D. Carter + giveaway

Genre: MC Romance, Paranormal Romance
Publisher: Evernight Publishing
Cursed with the ability to see the shadow of death, Leia hides from the world and stays far away from people. Until the night she comes face to face with Brimstone Jandreau.

Brim is the president of the Death Riders MC, but he went nomad in an effort to heal from grief. The moment he spots Leia, he is drawn toward her. When she warns him of his impending death, he’s not sure if he believes her, but decides to take precautions.

He finds the would-be assassin. Then discovers it’s one of his own men.

Hit hard from the betrayal, he takes Leia with him back to his world. The more time they spend together, the deeper their bond grows. But death is waiting for Brim, and Leia will do anything to protect the man she’s fallen in love with.

“I hope my mother hasn’t been too stressful,” he said, nudging her knee with his own.

“Nah, she’s been enlightening.”

“Uh oh. What does that mean?”

“Wouldn’t you like to know?” she asked with a smirk.

“Don’t tell me she told you about what happened on my sixteenth birthday.”

“No, she hadn’t, but now that you have, tell me everything.” Leia rested her chin in her palm as she stared at him, waiting.

Brim slinked down to mimic her pose, but his big frame only looked ridiculous. “Not on your life.”
“That embarrassing?”
“That’s for me to know and for you to never find out.”

She narrowed her eyes. “That makes me want to know all the more.”

He smirked. “Good luck.”

They stared at one another, a challenge on each of their faces. Slowly, Leia stood up and while still holding his gaze called out.

“Oh, Marth-”

Quicker than she could finish, Brim jumped up, grabbed her hand, and tugged her away from the bonfire.

“Nope,” he said. “Come on.”

She laughed as he led her away from the revelry,

“Shouldn’t we stay?” Leia asked, pointing back toward the gathering.

“I want to show you something.” He led her further away, toward the line of trees. As they got farther from the fire, darkness gathered around them.

Leia blinked a few times to readjust her sight. Soon, they were all alone. “Should I be nervous?”

“Nah, you’re going to love this.”

Finally, they came to a clearing in the trees, and he pointed up. Leia tilted her head and saw a vast ocean of stars set against the inky black of space.

“Oh, wow,” she breathed, captivated. “It’s beautiful.”

“I thought you’d love it.”

About the Author
I began reading my mom’s Harlequin Presents in the fifth grade, and from the first story I knew I wanted to write romance novels. Love is the most powerful emtion we can experience, and I adore happy ever afters. I write about the very ordinary woman thrust into an extraordinary circumstance, so my heroines will probably never be lawyers, doctors or corporate highrollers. I try to write characters who aren't cookie cutters and push myself to write complicated situations that I have no idea how to resolve, forcing me to think outside the box. My characters are real, complex and full of flaws, heroes and heroines who find redemption through love.

a Rafflecopter giveaway 

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Excerpt: Beast (Salvation’s Bane, #2) by Marteeka Karland + giveaway

Beast (Salvation’s Bane, #2)
by Marteeka Karland
June 26th 2020
Genres: Contemporary, New Adult, Romance
Fleur: Never in a million years would I have expected a woman I considered a friend to betray me in the worst possible way. Yet it happened. Drugged and in the back room of a BDSM club, I was about to be used in a brutal way. Until he exploded to my rescue.

Beast: I’m Salvation’s Bane’s enforcer. My job is to protect. So when I notice something amiss in the BDSM club Bane owns, I’m there to shut that shit down. What I find is a woman who ignites passions inside me better left alone. What will she think when she finds out the lengths I’ll go to protect what’s mine? I come by my name honest. When it comes to protecting my club, or my woman, I’m the most ferocious beast you could ever imagine.

His own chuckle surprised Beast. He wasn’t the kind of man who laughed much. “The only rule you need to worry about is to do what I tell you. Beyond that, there aren’t many rules. Don’t betray the club. Don’t talk about anything you see here unless it’s with me. That’s it. The girls will probably test you, but that’s normal.”

“Test me?”

“Oh yeah. They got Vicious’s ol’ lady drunk at the first party she went to.”

“That doesn’t sound too bad.”

“Well, once her inhibitions were gone, she put on a show like no one had ever seen. And we own two strip clubs.”

“Wow. Was she pissed?”

He shrugged. “Don’t know what she said to Vicious in private, but I can tell you it backfired mightily on the girls. They all got laid, but every single man in the club had visions of Lucy in his head when they fucked, I can tell you that.”

She opened her mouth then closed it. Tried again. “I have no idea what to say to that.”

He snorted. “Not much to say. Everyone had a good time and Vicious learned a thing or two about his ol’ lady. Mainly that she’s an exhibitionist.”

“Holy shit!”

That got a chuckle out of him. Again, it startled him that the sound came so easily. It made his chest feel funny, too. OK, so it wasn’t the sound of his laughter that got him. It was the woman in front of him. She made him do it so easily. Almost casually. Every time he did it, he could see her lips twitch. Most of the time, her smile followed. And it was a glorious smile. Fucking glorious! Just like the sunshine he’d nicknamed her.

“Yeah. That’s what we said. They tend to not be discreet about fuckin’. Vicious has always been up for a good time, but I think he’s met his match in Lucy.”

“I think I better sleep on this. You know I’m probably not going to do anything like that while I’m here. Right?”

“Sunshine, no one expects you to. Join in the fun, watch, or don’t participate in any way. Stay for the food until you see it’s goin’ in a way you are uncomfortable with. No one judges.”

She yawned and stretched, pulling his shirt tight over her tits before she adjusted it absently. Thing nearly swallowed her whole, but she’d gotten tangled settling into bed. “What about you? You judging me for what happened in the club?”

That hit him like she’d slapped him. “Sunshine, none of that was your fault.”

“I didn’t have to walk in there. I could have said ‘no’ to Debbie. I willingly went into a BDSM club, knowing what went on there.” She shook her head slightly. “More precisely, I thought I knew what went on, but that’s not the point.”

“Then what is? ‘Cause, I gotta tell ya, I’m not likin’ where you’re goin’ with this.” Did she really think he’d take advantage of her just because she was in a place like that? “I work there, honey. I’m there every fuckin’ night it’s open. I’ve seen lots of women come and go. Literally. In all senses of the word. All different shapes, sizes, colors, and sexual orientation. They come there for even more different reasons. Some want to fuck anything moving anywhere they can. Others want to find a Dom who can care for their needs, not all of them sexual in nature. Then there are the ones who are just curious. They come in wanting to watch and fantasize. I think you fall into the latter category, though, I bet I could make you want to try at least some of the shit goin’ on in there.”

“In your dreams, big guy.” She yawned again. “That’s not me.”

“Whatever you say, Sunshine.”

He sat back in the chair he’d pulled near the bed and sprawled out. It wasn’t the most comfortable place in the world, but he didn’t want to leave her alone until Doc said it was OK. The longer he sat there, the more uncomfortable it got. And not because of the chair. Picturing Fleur at one of the club’s wild and rowdy parties was getting him hard. Maybe she’d participate, maybe she wouldn’t. But she’d watch. She’d be there. He’d just bet he could coax her behind a palm tree or something. If not, he’d still get to enjoy watching her watch others.


“Gideon?” That sleepy, sultry note to her voice was the nail in his coffin. His cock was sprung like a fucking teenager. Barely suppressing his frustrated groan, he sat up a little straighter.

“You all right, Sunshine?”

“Uh, yeah. I’m fine. I just… well, that chair can’t be comfortable. Why not go on to your room? I promise I won’t get up by myself. You’ve done enough for now.”

“This is my room. And I’m not leavin’ you by yourself. Just go back to sleep.”

There was another long silence. Then, “Beast.” Her tone brooked no nonsense, a bit of a dominant tone to it when he was certain that wasn’t her core personality. He also noticed she used his street name, not his given name. “Just get in the fucking bed, will you?”

“Snippy little thing, huh?”

“I’m not lying here while you’re in that stupid chair like a dumbass. There’s plenty of room in here for both of us.”

“Not afraid I’ll take advantage?”

“Oh, I’m sure you’ll take advantage. But I’m not in a position to be taken advantage of by you, and you’re not the kind of guy to push it.”

He stood and crossed to the bed. Instead of going around to the other side where there was more room and he wouldn’t crowd her, he slipped in close to her small body. “You sure about that?” He took her little hand, his big one wrapping completely around her wrist with room to spare, and pulled it to his crotch. “‘Cause I ain’t sure my own Goddamned self.”

Instead of pulling away, she wrapped those slim fingers around his cock through his jeans. “Absolutely,” she answered. Did she sound a little breathless? “If that was the kind of man you were, you wouldn’t have rescued me from those creeps in the first place.”

Beast let go of her wrist but covered her hand with his, pressing it against his dick so he could move a little and have at least some of the friction he wanted. “You’re gonna be the fuckin’ death of me, woman.”

About the Author:

Romance author by night, emergency room tech/clerk by day, Marteeka Karland works really hard to drive everyone in her life completely and totally nuts. She has been creating stories from her warped imagination since she was in the third grade. Her love of writing blossomed throughout her teenage years until it developed into the totally unorthodox and irreverent style her English teachers tried so hard to rid her of. Now, she breathes life into faeries, space hunters, werewolves, vampires, shapeshifters, and a few just plane ole ordinary people. She loves to see the awkward, self-conscious band geek get the captain of the football team and make him beg for it.

Blitz-wide giveaway (INT)
$10 Amazon gift card 

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Rebel Wayfarers MC Boxset Vol. 1-3 will be on sale for $.99

★•*❃*•★ SALE ★•*❃*•★

From August 22nd, for a limited time, the Rebel Wayfarers MC Boxset Vol. 1-3 will be on sale for 99c!

Not only that, Vol. 4-6 will be on sale at the discounted price of $5.98!

Pick up your copy today!

Mica, Vol 1 
Mica Scott escaped an abusive past, moving to a brand new city to start over. She moves in next to a motorcycle club president, Davis Mason, and he quickly becomes obsessed with her. Daniel Rupert is a local hockey hero who helps save her from an attack, and he also finds himself drawn to Mica. Events escalate and her very life hangs in the balance as old threats resurface and the men in her life scramble to keep her alive. 

Slate, Vol 2 

Andrew Jones sets off from Wyoming to find work, restlessly traveling from job to job, looking for something he cannot define. He meets Davis Mason, president of the Rebel Wayfarers MC in Chicago, and as Slate, he finds the brotherhood he’s longed for, the sense of connection and belonging. Then he finds his romantic match in a daughter of the club, working to gain her trust and affection. Ghosts from their previous lives threaten to ruin everything, and he struggles to save his woman and their love.

Bear, Vol 3 
Rob Crew had purpose in his life. He was a devoted husband, doting father, and committed Navy man…then his life changed forever. Cast adrift, he finds friendships in the Rebel Wayfarers Motorcycle Club and fulfillment as he transitions into the role of loyal and supportive club member. He becomes Bear, a man who fills an important position in this brotherhood of bikers. A caregiver by nature, Eddie’s chosen career focuses on helping the most vulnerable – advocating for those with special needs. Surrounded by loving friends and well away from her controlling family, she is content with what she considers her full and satisfying life…until she meets Bear, an enforcer for the local MC. Can Eddie convince Bear that it is okay to move past his pain and love again? Will he give in to his desire for her in time?

Jase, Vol 4
Meet Jase Spencer. Just your everyday kinda guy, a hard-partying, hard-living professional hockey player. Nothin’ special. Good-looking and ripped, the man has moves, on and off the ice. Then he met HER. Now, he’s about to turn his life upside down because of HER. Jase is on a mission to show her what they have together is worth fighting for, to convince her to take a chance on him. His attempts will bring him squarely into the path of a motorcycle club, earning him the attention of Mason, president of the Rebel Wayfarers MC. Jase says, “Bring it on.” 

Gunny, Vol. 5 
Shattered following a devastating betrayal, Lane Robinson finds himself in Fort Wayne, Indiana, a world away from his previous life as a Marine. Robinson meets a member of the Rebel Wayfarers motorcycle club, and with an introduction into the biker’s circle of friends, finds that elusive sense of home that has been missing from his life for too long. Into this meticulously constructed life dances Sharon Elkins, the first person who sees beyond his surface façade, the first he’s let get close in so long…but can he trust the emotions she stirs in his soul?

Mason, Vol. 6
Davis Mason grew up dirt-floor poor in the rolling hills of rural Kentucky, escaping that life only to find himself adrift on the hard streets of Chicago in his teens. Introduced to what seemed a perfect brotherhood within a motorcycle club, Mason slowly works his way up the ranks to gain control of the club, and he’s resolved to make it better…stronger, able to withstand any challenge. Flirting with happiness time and again, just when Mason believes it’s finally within his grasp, he’s torn between what he wants…and what he knows he should do. He finally has the security and family he’s always wanted, but will Mason ever find the love and passion he craves?

About the Author:
Website FB-Twitter 
Raised in the south, MariaLisa learned about the magic of books at an early age. Every summer, she would spend hours in the local library, devouring books of every genre. Self-described as a book-a-holic, she says “I’ve always loved to read, but then I discovered writing, and found I adored that, too. For reading … if nothing else is available, I’ve been known to read the back of the cereal box.”

A hockey fan, hiker, gamer, and single mom of a special needs son, she embraces her inner geek and has been working in the tech field for a publishing company for a couple decades.

Music is a driving passion, and she says, “I love music of nearly any genre — jazz, country, rock, alt rock, metal, classical, bluegrass, rap, hip hop … you name it, I listen to it. I can often be seen dancing through the house in the early mornings. But I really, REALLY love live music. My favorite thing with music is seeing bands in small, dive bars [read: small, intimate venues]. If said bar [venue] has a good selection of premium tequila, then that’s a plus!”

Hosted by

Friday, November 23, 2018

Christmas at the Clubhouse Anthology - All proceeds go to Toys for Tots

Join 12 of your favorite MC authors bring you an inside look at how Christmas is done at their Clubhouse. ALL proceeds from this release will benefit Toys for Tots. 

November 23, 2018

Badger's Christmas Chance by Aden Lowe
Badger considers life outside the Hell Raiders MC, but to get the woman he's always wanted, plus pecan pie, can he stay put?

Silver Belles by Avelyn Paige
The big day has finally arrived for Raze and Darcy. Everything is finally falling into place, but just before the wedding bells can ring, disaster strikes. Now, Darcy is between a rock and a hard place. She must choose between pure wedding bliss or no wedding at all.

A Sinner's Christmas by Colbie Kay
Bam Bam thought this Christmas would be like every other year at the clubhouse until the door opens and the woman he could never have is pushed into his arms.

Santa...Nope The Grimm Wolves by D.M. Earl
When one of their own needs help will the club be able to pull together in time or will their efforts be too late?

A Bastard for Christmas by Emily Minton and Shelley Springfield
Mistletoe, presents, and decorations, it's Christmas time again. Let's gather around the tree and sing some carols. Screw that. We're doing this biker style. Whiskey, women, and weed. It's time to celebrate like a Bastard.

A Korrupted Christmas by Geri Glenn
Tease hates the holidays, but most of all Christmas. And now, with his club dealing with yet another catastrophe, he could do without it entirely. But that isn't going to fly with Laynie. She's determined to give her man a festive dose of Christmas spirit, whether he likes it or not.

A Forsaken Mistlehoe by JC Emery 
Tomorrow is Christmas, but I'm unwrapping my present tonight. Zander Strand is MC royalty and the love of my life. So what if he doesn't know I exist? He doesn't need my name to make this angel's bells ring. I just hope he can get it in and I can get out before anybody realizes who I really am.

Savage Christmas by Kathleen Kelly
Can Dane find Kat the 'perfect' Christmas present? Or will all his efforts be in vain as his club, his kids and those closest to him foil all his hard work?

Steeling Christmas By K E Osborn 
When a club girl vanishes, Steel and his brothers will do all they can to get her back, even delving into the life he thought he'd left behind. Can Steel keep his life in order or will he lose it all... just in time for Christmas?

Merry F'n Christmas by Kerri Ann
Christmas hasn't been a pleasant event in my life or the club. Oubliette--the tinsel terrorist--is trying to make Christmas great here in the Broken Bows. Will it kill me?

Most Rikki-Tik by MariaLisa DeMora
Kirby Westbrook came home from overseas with a mission, to resurrect his grandfather's MC.

Cover Designed Donated by The Final Wrap
Formatting by Ashley Wheels

Monday, October 29, 2018

Cover Reveal: Patched Over A #TNTNYC19 Exclusive Anthology


Cover Designer: FuriousFotog

Models: Joe Adams 
Photographer: FuriousFotog

Eight authors from the Tempted and Tantalizing Author Event are joining together to bring you this paperback, which is exclusive to #TNTNYC19 and includes eight short stories. Some feature crossovers between existing clubs, others may introduce new clubs—all, however, have been patched over.

Saddle up and let the MC authors of TNTNYC take you on a ride you’ll never forget!

Event website: 

.•´✶Patched Over Breakfast Panel Event.•´✶
Pass these Ol’ ladies a Bloody Mary and spend the morning with the authors of the #TNTNYC19 Patched Over Anthology. Get to know the women behind the badass characters and put them in the hot seat. No question is off limits—in fact, the more daring, the more fun had by all.
Featured Authors Include: 
Ambere Sabo, Cecile Tellier, Elizabeth Knox, Janine Infante Bosco, Khloe Wren, Linny Lawless, M. Merin & MariaLisa Demora….

But, this being TNT and all, you never know just who else might pop in.

Remember, “Patched Over” is exclusive to #TNTNYC19 and will not be in print anywhere else. You can preorder your copy and few will be available at the event along with other “Patch Over” merchandise.

Ticket includes breakfast and admission into this two-hour event.

There are LIMITED seats available and none will be added.


You can preorder your copy of Patched Over here:

.•´✶Tempted and Tantalizing Event information.•´✶


Facebook Author only group for announcements:

Facebook Attendee group for authors to post pre-orders, giveaway, promos for their books etc.

Event Facebook page for authors and attendees:

Event website: 

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Book Review: Judgment Road (Torpedo Ink #1) by Christine Feehan

Judgment Road (Torpedo Ink #1)
by Christine Feehan
January 23, 2018

462 pages
Berkley Publishing
An outlaw motorcycle club sets up shop next door to Sea Haven in the dangerously sexy new series from #1 New York Times bestselling author Christine Feehan.

A brutal education in a Russian training facility for assassins has taught this group of men one thing:

It's a long road to redemption.


As the enforcer of the Torpedo Ink motorcycle club, Reaper lives for riding and fighting. He's a stone-cold killer who turns his wrath on those who deserve it. Feelings are a weakness he can't afford--until a gorgeous bartender gets under his skin...

Near Sea Haven, the small town of Caspar has given Anya Rafferty a new lease on life. And she's desperate to hold on to her job at the biker bar, even if the scariest member of the club seems to have it out for her. But Reaper's imposing presence and smoldering looks just ratchet up the heat. 

Anya's touch is everything Reaper doesn't want--and it brands him to the bone. But when her secrets catch up to her, Reaper will have to choose between Anya and his club--his heart and his soul.

Torpedo Ink is the brand-new bad-ass motorcycle club series by paranormal romance author extraordinaire Christine Feehan. Judgment Road, the first installment in the series, is the tale of Reaper and Anya; he’s the club’s deadly enforcer, she’s the mysterious new bartender something to hide. Their attraction is undeniable and completely combustible but when both parties have more than their fair share of baggage, a harmonious union is next to impossible. Therein lay the delicious drama of Judgment Road.

Readers familiar with Feehan’s work will be well-acquainted with her off the charts sexy style, so it should come as no surprise that Judgment Road—a story about dangerous outlaw bikers —is a deliciously dirty good time. You’ve been warned, or lured, whatever suits your reading preference. Personally, I loved Judgement Road. The damaged bad boy motif never seems to get old for me. While the basic plot isn’t overly original, Judgment Road is some fine storytelling to kick off what will likely be a fan-fave series. While I find some aspects of Feehan’s biker club construct to be problematic, I was able to suspend my feminist outrage and enjoy the ride; a few eye-rolls notwithstanding.

The paranormal aspects of the Torpedo Ink club are subtle so far. Members of the club are highly trained assassins, each member possessing ‘gifts’ that make them dangerously indispensable to the group. These gifts seem to have been honed rather than inherited. Through extreme duress, club members learned to use their minds to survive. I cannot wait for the rest of this series to roll out. With a complete cast of varied members, I look forward to reading the next member’s story. I especially look forward to reading the stories of the female members of Torpedo Ink.

Four Sheep

Bianca Greenwood

About the Author:
I write every day and have done so since I was old enough to pick up a pen. (I spent a lot of time getting in trouble at school for writing instead of doing the things I was supposed to do.) Once I create my characters, I try very hard to have them react to situations as they really would. Sometimes I have preconceived ideas of what I would like them to do, but they don't mind me, because it would be out of character for them. They take on a life of their own. Sometimes when I throw difficult situations at them in the hopes I'll get a certain reaction and they don't do what I want, I complain bitterly to my husband and he laughs at me. Still, it is important to me to have them be real, not perfect people, so they make mistakes we lesser mortals might make.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Book Review: Blood Bound (Blood Ravagers Book One) by Traci Douglass + giveaway/excerpt

Blood Bound (Blood Ravagers Book One)
by Traci Douglass
October 10, 2016
ISBN: 978-1-945879-17-3
Anna Frost had a bad feeling when her twin sister, Liz, told her she’d run off with a member of the notorious Otherworld biker gang, the Blood Ravagers. And her unease skyrockets when her sister subsequently vanishes. The police have no authority and little interest, so Anna decides to take matters into her own hands by infiltrating the group to discover for herself what happened to Liz, where she meets….

Dante, half demon, half human. A mix of two worlds, accepted by neither, he’s had no choice but to learn the hard way how to play whatever side of the fence kept him alive during his nearly 500 years of existence. Now, as second-in-command of the Blood Ravagers biker gang, his survival depends on keeping his humanity a secret. Dante’s ultimate goal is to fulfill the vows he made over two centuries ago to create a world where half-breeds can live in safety and equality.

But when sheltered schoolteacher Anna finds unexpected, white-hot passion in the arms of Dante, will her quest for the truth cost him more than he ever bargained for? Or will they find a way to save Liz – and their love – together?

Excerpt 2:
“Do you know why they call this place Seven?”
“It’s the magic number?”
His expression remained flat.
Anna cleared her throat, doing her best to hide the fact her knees were quaking. “Something to do with poker, maybe?”
The man released her arm and stepped closer. For each step he took, she retreated, until the cold stone wall pressed against her back, preventing escape. He stopped several inches in front of her, the intense heat of him searing her front. Close enough for her to smell his scent—cloves and smoke and clean, aroused male. Once upon a time, he would’ve been exactly the kind of guy she would’ve gone for—all dark and erotic and alpha sexy. The kind of man who filled her dark fantasies, who would take control and appease her secret cravings for pain while giving her the ultimate pleasure in return.
She gasped and shrank away. 
No one knew about her fetishes. Those she kept private and locked away.
They were far too dangerous.
Just like her past, her talents, her true essence.
“Seven is indeed a magic number. But not in the way you think.” Frowning, he reached out and toyed with a lock of hair from her wig, then traced a fingertip down her cheek. The crimson flames flared hotter in his eyes before vanishing once more—tempting, elusive, hypnotic. “Are you familiar with the Nine Circles of Hell?”
“The Inferno, you mean?” Yeah, she’d read it. Back in high school or maybe college, she couldn’t remember. Couldn’t seem to concentrate on anything except his fingertip on her skin—stroking, stroking, stroking.
“Yes.” He smiled again, slowly, his voice emerging as little more than a purr. Thick, hot lust pooled low in her abdomen at the sensual promise in his tone. Anna shouldn’t want this, shouldn’t want him, but she did. “Pleasure and pain.”
“To experience extreme pleasure, one must first endure pain.”
It was as if her soul had been laid bare before him. She’d never told anyone about the cutting, had hidden her scars for years. Never told anyone about her overwhelming desire to submit, to have someone else take charge for a while, take away her burden of responsibility—if only for a few blissful hours—and just allow her to feel, to be, to live. Live like she had before tragedy had struck and she’d set aside her wants and needs for the greater good… 
The more he talked the more her traitorous body fell under his spell. Moisture gathered between her legs and her nipples hardened against the soft cotton of her shirt. Anna couldn’t remember ever being this turned on. 
Thankfully, he walked away before she climaxed on the spot. 
“What does this bar have to do with the circles of hell?” she asked, once she could breathe.
“Number seven.”
“What?” She glanced toward the window again, considered jumping then decided breaking both of her legs probably wouldn’t help her escape. 
A loud crack snapped through the room. 
Oh, Lord. 
The man had a whip. Her tingling knees threatened to buckle. 
“The seventh circle of hell.”  He wrapped the leather fall around his hand. “Violence. This club. Seven. It is home to all the most interesting sinners.”
Okay. Yeah. She had to escape Mr. Tall, Dark, and Dominant before she was kneeling at his feet, begging him for mercy. “Maybe I should leave now?”

“Yes.” He stood a good foot taller than her five-foot-three-inch height and his shoulder-length black curls all but begged her to tousle them, begged her to fist them tight in her hands while he beat her then fucked her silly. Her fingers twitched as he leaned closer, his breath ghosting across her cheek as he whispered, “Yes, perhaps you should, tu effapyfs.”

Searching for her missing twin sister, Anna Frost bravely rolls into the frontier town of Salvation. Seven, the outlaw bar in Salvation, is a haven for paranormal activity and Anna’s destination. Within the unsavory barroom of Seven, Anna hopes to find a lead on Liz’s whereabouts. But in her search for clues Anna gets more than she bargained for in Dante, the resident pain demon. Dante is second in command in the Blood Ravagers, the paranormal outlaw motorcycle gang reigning in Salvation, and he has his own secrets. He has answers for Anna, but they’re not necessarily the answers she wants.

Blood Bound has something for every paranormal romance reader: tough alpha bikers, BDSM and "vanilla" sex, demonic intrigue, secret oracles, even a vampire cowboy. However, in covering such vast territory, the challenge becomes meaningful coverage in any area of the story. Blood Bound’s strengths are in its erotic elements. The romance is immediate, frequent, and highly charged. The characters are fairly well developed, but I can’t say I’m attached to any. Rev, the mysterious vampire cowboy has certainly caught my attention and I’m interested in what Douglass has in stored for him for future installment in this series.

Paranormal aspects of this story are well explored and integrated into the biker genre. I liked the joining of the two elements. The plot, however, is rather confused with character and plot inconsistencies. The book also abounds with clichés common to the genre. Overall, however, it’s an entertaining, quick read.

Three Sheep

Bianca Greenwood

About the Author:
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Traci is a USA Today Bestselling Author of Contemporary and Paranormal Romance. Her stories feature sizzling heroes full of dark humor, quick wits and major attitudes and heroines who are smart, tenacious, and always give as good as they get. She holds an MFA in Writing Popular Fiction from Seton Hill University and she loves animals, chocolate, coffee, hot British actors, and sarcasm—not necessarily in that order.

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