Showing posts with label make an impact. Show all posts
Showing posts with label make an impact. Show all posts

Friday, January 1, 2016

There's no such thing as 'just' a teacher...

You all know that child who doesn't have someone advocating for them. As a teacher, you are in a position to advocate for and fight for what is best for that child. Wow... what an awesome responsibility.

Where else in the world do you get to work with so many different personalities, egos, and varied life experiences all in the course of one day. If as a teacher you can't find something to learn from your students, then you aren't looking hard enough.

In what other profession can you literally witness the growth and development of a child on a daily basis? You are in a position to see first-hand the progress and growth that takes place every single day in classrooms around the world. You are able to take a student who possibly knows very little about his/her interests, and then help them discover and explore those interests while simultaneously watching them change before your eyes.
How many other professions can say they are a punching bag for the media and the sole reason for all the problems in society (joking here)? Educators seem to be getting all the attention... how cool is that to always be in the limelight! On a serious note, if what you were doing wasn't important, then people wouldn't notice and people wouldn't care.

Some of your students will get to know you better than anyone else in their lives. You will spend more time with some of your students than even their own family members. You will get to experience all the highs and the lows right alongside your students. Being this much a part of the lives of your students definitely makes this an awesome job.

In what other profession can you continue to learn and grow in the areas you are passionate about and say that it's a part of your job. Then on top of that, you get to share your passion and interests with others while getting paid to do it. Sounds like a win-win to me!

Research is quite clear in that a great teacher has a tremendous impact on the life of a child. This is not just related to academic achievement, but to all facets of their life. When you think something you might do or might not do doesn't matter, remember this research and keep it fresh in your mind.

You get to be an entertainer, actor/actress, and a Gumby-like person almost every day! I know the 'edutainment' mindset is not the most popular at times, but aren't you first trying to sell yourself? If the kids aren't buying into 'you,' then they will never buy into what you are trying to accomplish in the classroom. Take full advantage of this wonderful opportunity!

So, please remember, there's no such thing as 'just' a teacher...

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Our kids only have one chance...

For many of us, another school year is underway or will be very soon.

Perhaps we are teaching the same content or grade level or are in the same role as the prior year.

Perhaps we are planning to try some new things or approach a few things differently, but for the most part we are looking forward to tackling another year.

But for many of us, another school year is just that, another school year.

But here's the thing, it's not just another year for our students.

Our students may not recognize it or realize at the time, but us adults know better. We've seen it happen and we know the possible implications.

Young people experience so much growth in such a short time frame, so the time we spend with our students is of the utmost importance.

Though it might seem irrelevant in the big scheme of things, each and every day we have the opportunity to work with our students is a chance to positively impact their lives.

Each and every interaction we have with our students is an opportunity to influence another's life. The neat thing about influencing a life is that it creates a ripple effect that goes far beyond what any one individual can imagine.

Our kids are hoping we try something new that will create a more relevant and purposeful learning experience.

Our kids are hoping they get the opportunity to be a part of something that will positively impact the world.

Our kids only have one chance with this part of their lives and they are looking to us to make it magical and worthy of remembering.

If that's not power and influence then I don't know what is...

Our kids only have one chance... let's not let them down.