Showing posts with label easter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label easter. Show all posts

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Easter 2018

We spent our Easter morning on the golf course.

It was a wonderful day for golf.  The weather was breezy but nice and the sun was shining bright!

The Easter bunny delivered eggs to our backyard.

I'm so obsessed with our backyard view.  If this isn't God's work!!  

Gorgeous clouds on an Easter evening!

We enjoyed a relaxing afternoon on the back porch.  Layla drew pictures, Hayden played with his lizard friend and Gary and I just enjoyed the warm April sunshine!

I played the worst round of golf ever.  I actually quit.  I had high hopes for my Easter golf game, but it was less than pleasant.  It's been awhile since I failed so terribly at golf.  You win some and you lose some.

Happy Easter y'all!!

Monday, April 10, 2017

Easter egg hunt on Palm Sunday

These two were mortified that I made them take a picture with the Easter bunny!

They did not hesitate to hunt eggs though.  They may think they're too big for a picture, but they aren't too big for Easter candy!


Sunday, March 27, 2016

a quiet Easter Sunday

After church and lunch I got out my Canon camera on this Easter Sunday.  I was so excited to capture some photos of all four of us with the auto timer, but they were awful.  I'm thankful for the pictures I did capture of all four of my babies.  I think Gary and I are emotionally drained from the events of the weekend and upcoming funeral for his mom tomorrow.  Sometimes its fun to lose myself in the camera and I have some really awesome subjects to focus on!

Lily was happy to give her best side smile.

Daisy wasn't feeling dainty today.  She decided to get a huge mouthful of grass and I managed to snap a shot of it falling out of her mouth.

Then she rolled over and I got a nostril shot!  She's a mess y'all.  

Lily wouldn't leave her rawhide alone the rest of the day.  She and Daisy fought over it and played chase though the yard.  Every single day we fall move and more in love with our new backyard here in Texas.  I can't wait to see what blooms pop up.  I see so many fun leaves greening up!  I know I will have several rose bushes and many many irises.  Did I spell it right?  Iris? More than one iris?  Anyway, I'll post my backyard pictures this spring!  I'm excited.

Happy Easter!!

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Happy Easter and baby bird eggs

We had a fun Easter!

Since we just got back from Ohio and didn't want to go grocery shopping we decided to eat our Easter lunch at our favorite Mexican food restaurant.  

One of my favorite things as a child was eating fried fish on Easter Sunday.  We'd always have a fish fry with hush puppies and the works!  So, I felt I should have fish tacos for lunch.  They never disappoint and I love the flavor of the corn tortillas.

Layla ordered table side guacamole, and it was delicious!

We always switch who sits by who when we dine out.  Does your family fight over who sits by who like ours does?  

Silly little egg face!

The birds hatched!  They are starving!  We watched all day as the mom and daddy birds monitored the nest and fed the babies!  It's such a wonderful learning experience for the kiddos!!

Happy Easter!  I hope your day was great!!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

broken bunny

I saw this cute bunny centerpiece idea on pinterest and decided I could do that!  It was pretty easy and inexpensive.  I was like a little kid (in a candy store...har har) and kinda proud of my sweet little bunny.

As you know yesterday was April first and well, that means people mess with people.  The kids were dying to eat my bunny and all the jelly beans in the bottom, but I just knew they wouldn't ruin my cute little creation.  But someone did??!!?  And it was my husband.  He bit the ear off of my bunny sometime during the day yesterday and I finally saw it this morning.

He broke my sweet bunny.  Heeeheee!  Payback.  He'll be paid back with a prank from me when he least expects it! 

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter Weekend 2013

Friday we decided to pack up and visit our cousins in Chicago.  The kids were excited to get to see family members they have heard so much about, but never met.  They were also excited to add two more states to their "been to" status.  Before our move to Ohio they had each only been to a few states.  Now they are national travelers!

The drive to Chicago was pretty uneventful and blah.  Layla and Hayden were great travelers and Gary and I are so proud of them.  I know sitting in a car for hours isn't fun, but they made the best of it!  The kids were shocked by all the wind turbines in Indiana.  Other than that Indiana was pretty gray for March.  I'm sure the state would have been prettier in the spring.  Once we got into Illinois the kids were starting to get really excited to be close to our destination.  We were all so happy to be out of the car!

I was thrilled Saturday morning to get to go to Target for the first time since November.  That's crazy huh?  I have been having some serious Target withdrawal.  I wanted to go hog wild, but I tried to behave myself and not wreck our checkbook.  I did score tons of Easter goodies, if you know what I mean!   

Saturday afternoon the kids were thrilled to actually participate in an egg hunt at church.  Remember last time we tried an egg was over before we got there.  Well, this egg hunt was 'the best ever', and those were words right out of Hayden's mouth!

After the egg hunt we all went out to a delicious family lunch and then we hung out all afternoon and then grilled some good food for dinner.  Our kids had so much fun with their cousins and it was almost as if we all have been together once a month for years instead of just meeting.  You know?!?  Our families got along so well together.  We all have great kiddos!

Sunday morning the kids all woke up and the Easter bunny visited!

I love all their sleepy faces!  It was a very special and fun Easter weekend!

We just got home a little bit ago after making the road trip home.  We had a fun Easter dinner (including strawberry cheesecake) as a family of four at a steakhouse near Cleveland.  We are all super sleepy and thankful we are home safe.  We can't wait to sleep in tomorrow morning and go get our puppies from their mini vacation.

Happy Easter!  
We are so thankful for Jesus all the blessing in our lives!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Easter egg hunt fail

Gary and I decided to take the kids to a last minute Easter egg hunt we heard about this morning.  It started at noon and I guess they mean exactly at noon because we got there are 12:03 and the whole thing was over.  As we were walking up the all the kids were done and opening their eggs.  Ooops.  I felt terrible about showing up late.  The kids were so excited to go.  I mean dang who starts an egg hunt on time anyway?!?

Awww...they look so cute on the walk to the hunt that never happened....

Layla didn't mind missing the egg hunt.  She's such a good sport.  She knew we had Reece's eggs and Twix eggs at home.  She loves the good stuff!  

Hayden was a little more annoyed.  The look on his face was so sad, but really they were both great sports about missing the whole thing.

Honestly, I was struggling a little bit about the kids hunting eggs in coats and boots.  We're used to sundresses, shorts and flip-flops.  Also...this can be a life lesson for them.  Now they realize the importance of being on time. heeehee!  We ended up having a really fun day anyway and I'm loving the picture of the kids with the bunny!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Our Easter Sunday

Saturday when we got home from camping Hayden was feeling super crummy.  Bless his heart.  He was wheezing and coughing.  He couldn't even talk or walk without having a coughing fit.  

We gave him several breathing treatments, but nothing helped.  

At midnight I was so worried and couldn't handle it any longer.  I loaded him up and took him to the ER.  I'm thankful I did.  He was a sick little man.

We finally got home and into bed and got a few hours of sleep.


Hayden, Daisy and I took a nap while Daddy and Layla got Hayden's prescriptions filled.

Hayden had multiple breathing treatments.

We had a fun Easter lunch just the four of us.

Layla set the table and decorated everything.

We had steaks, mashed potatoes, steamed broccoli and of course deviled eggs. 

We dined in our pj's and had a fun time talking about our camping trip.

Hayden seems to be on the mend.  I know he will be 100% soon.
Breathing problems aren't anything to play around about.  I'm thankful my Momma instinct made me take him in.  I think this is the day we were supposed to have.  We had other plans for our Easter Sunday, but clearly -- home getting rest is where we all needed to be.

I hope you had a happy Easter!