Showing posts with label springfever. Show all posts
Showing posts with label springfever. Show all posts

Thursday, February 26, 2015

snow day turned snow days

This is our third snow day this week and we got tons of snow for Georgia!

The snow flakes were so stinkin' big!  I can't remember ever seeing flakes that large in Ohio.

Gary was home from work due to the terrible roads, so you know it must be bad.

He had fun playing with the kids and even caught a few flakes.

My fleece hat and jacket were covered in snowflakes.  I couldn't believe how fast the snow was coming down!!

We had a fun day playing in the snow and it was really pretty, but I'll be happy when it melts and spring has sprung!

Sunday, February 8, 2015

spring fever and barefeet

When we lived in Texas I would get spring fever towards the end of February.

I would be ready for March to bring in warm and spring like temps.  This year after having lived in Ohio for the past two years, I am ready for Georgia to show me an amazing spring right now, not at the end of the month.  I want warm sunlight streaming through my kitchen window as soon as possible.  I saw the forecast though and it's going to be cold again this weekend and next week. :( 

We got a glimpse of AMAZING weather this weekend.  

I moved to Georgia with high hopes of warmth, but so far it's been cold.  Nothing like the Ohio cold, but still cold.  I keep reminding myself if I were in Texas it is cold there also.  It's cold all over the US right now.  That doesn't change the fact that  I can't wait to sweat again.  I got in the swimming pool 2 times when we lived in Ohio, because to me it never got hot enough to swim.  

I hope Georgia doesn't disappoint.  I have some high expectations.  Hahahaha!

Saturday we walked to the park to play.
{street walker selfie}

The kids were so excited to be outside running and cart-wheeling.

Look at those bare feet!  


Today we walked to the end of our street and down a nature path to the lake.  Yes, I said lake.  We are near lakes again.  In Ohio we were surrounded by rivers.  Now we have a lake really close to us.  I had no idea about this fun path until my neighbor told me about it.  It's amazing!

Right now the water level is very low, but soon they will open the gates and we will have water to splash and play in.  Lake access so close to home is a fun thing!

Hayden loved throwing rocks and sticks into the creek.  
We followed the creek all the way to the lake area.

All this area will be covered in water.  How cool!!

After our nature hike to the lake we decided to head to the park again.  We had hopes of kicking around the soccer ball, but the kids just wanted to run and stick their toes into the playground sand again like they did yesterday.  I can't blame them.  Soccer will be in full swing in a couple of weeks.  I'm happy they just want to relax.  

Dad and I enjoyed watching them play a fun game of tag!  We loved having the warm sun baking our skin.  I think this little bit of sunshine is enough to remind us of what is to come when spring has finally sprung here in our new state!

Friday, January 30, 2015

a puppy dog coach of sorts.

I have been taking advantage of my free time when the kids are at school.  I've enjoyed having a basement with carpet.   I love working out every morning after I drop the kids off at school.  Working out is my time to think and reflect and wonder.  It's my free therapy.   I am ready for the weather to get warmer so I can run and walk outside with the wind in my face.  I've only done a run/walk  a few times since moving to Georgia. 

 I still can't believe we live in GA.  It seems like just yesterday I was doing Zumba/Boot Camp in Ohio with a group of fun girls,  Funny how life changes so fast.  I never would have thought looking back three years ago that today I'd be structuring my own basement workouts.  We didn't have basements in Texas.  We also didn't have our Lily Jack.  I'm thankful for our sweet Ohio dog I call my fitness coach.  She's always by my side while I'm working out!  She sometimes sleeps on the job, but there are many times when she is running up and down the basement stairs with me.  She's been known to lick the sweat from my arm.  She barks at the jump rope and watches when I ride the stationary bike.  She's my little coach and I love her to death.  I'm thankful for our Ohio adventure because we got to adopt this sweet pup! 

She is a huge blessing just like each and every friend and adventure we experienced in Ohio.   Some days I really miss the people there and other days I really miss Texas.  Honestly I'm so excited about what Georgia has in store for us.  I'm so filled with excitement about our new life here in Georgia.   We are all anxiously awaiting spring weather in our new house and new yard.  I can't wait to see spring at our new lakes!  I think we're all stoked about beginning soccer in a few weeks.  

All six of us are ready to be outside playing and getting our fitness on.  I honestly don't think I sweat in Ohio and I'm ready for some sunshine and flushed cheeks!

Saturday, March 22, 2014

it's up! it's up!

I can't count the times I complained about moving the trampoline from Texas to Ohio.  And then we moved it from one house to another once in our new state.  

Well,  today Gary assembled it and we've been jumping like crazy!  I am thankful we moved it!

  It's so fun and knowing the springlike weather is on it's way makes it even more fun!
Even us adults love it.  You can't help but giggle when jumping!

Friday, March 2, 2012

sand in their toes

The kids declared yesterday as the 'best day ever'!


Because Gary bought new sand for the sand boxes!

There is nothing like fresh clean sand!

Gary is on a mission to get his yard back.  Our grass and landscaping minus my flower beds are his pride and joy.  He has always done our yard himself and I think he does a wonderful job!  I mowed it once and I am banned from ever doing it again.  I somehow butchered it!  

The grass suffered so bad during this past summers drought.  We have patches of no grass, dead grass and super green weeds.  It is such a sad sight. Gary has been treating the yard and planning a way to make the yard get its 'pretty' back.  I think he will be super close to Home Depot this spring getting all the things he needs.  Since Gary was heading to Home Depot this afternoon I asked for a new shower head and the kids asked for new sand.  

We are all happy campers today!  My new shower head is amazing.  
Hopefully I'll be able to post pictures of our yard soon in it's repaired glory.

Have a great Friday!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Sunday, February 6, 2011

I got my learn on

Nine things I have learned from being snowed in:

1. Sports bras are not flattering. I have been alternating the four sports bras I own the last few days.  Gary took a picture of me playing checkers with Layla. It was quickly deleted. Yuck. I had a uni-boob.  Lucky for you guys you can't see the uni-boob in the picture below....just the deep look of concentration on my face.

2. It is so hard to potty train a puppy when it is 8 degrees outside. Before the cold snap we had him trained to go to the door and wait for us to let him out.  Who wants to be let outside in the coldest weather ever? Not him. Let's just say my new steam cleaner got lots of use. Stinkin' puppy will go on the edge of a pee pad. Why can't you aim your rear end at the middle of the thing dude?

3. When I am bored I like to cook and eat. I look for reasons to eat, I feel I need to try a new recipe, or sample/taste this or that.   I would cook dinner early to snack on it, and then eat again at dinner time. Every day while snowed in this business went on. Hello extra pounds.  We all ate with reckless abandon the entire time we were snowed in as if it would keep us warmer.

4. The first trip to the grocery store after a storm is chaos. The grocery store was packed. The checkout lines were 5 shopping carts deep.  There were no eggs in sight, and good luck getting a loaf of bread. It was bad. Not to mention I was shopping with my stomach and eyes. I bought things we don't normally keep in this house. Processed junk....Little Debbie snacks, Doritos, peanut M&M's.  I let this foolishness happen.  Now I am going to have to find some self control.

5.  I learned that I let my kids win sometimes.  While playing games I would let Layla win.  I hate to get beat, especially by a 5 year old.  She talks trash, but if she loses she will want to play again and again and again.  There are only so many games of checkers you can stand to play in one day. 

6. Hayden's feet never get cold.  I would insist he keep socks or slippers on when is was below freezing outside.  He is so wild and crazy the socks/slippers fall off.  I spent half my time putting them right back on.  Each time I would re apply is socks his feet were hot.  So,I just gave up.  Little Mr. Hot Feet. I wish that were the case for me. My feet are always ICE cold.

7.  I learned that I love my family.  We always have so much fun together.  I love the option of getting out of the house though.  Knowing we were stuck and couldn't leave was hard.  Gary works from home and I stay home with the kids.  Any chance we get, we go out as a family.  Whether it be to grocery shop, go to the park, or out to eat at a restaurant.  We like getting out as a family.  We realized that we really like each other, but we like each other more when we can get a good mix of at home time, and out and about time. Make sense?

8.  My husband is a big kid.  He had just as much fun, if not more than the kids...playing in the snow.  See him sliding in the snow as if he were sliding into home base.  He taught the kids how to make perfect snow balls.

9.  I don't want to wish away or speed up any season of my life, but I AM READY FOR SPRING.  That is the most important thing I learned.

Happy Super Bowl Sunday :)

Friday, January 28, 2011

Friday morning ramblings

Let me just start the random flow of nonsense with this: I am done with winter germs.  I am ready for spring days filled with playing in the backyard.  I need this khaki grass filling my front and backyard to be green again.  I need to plant some flowers and hear the water sprinkler watering the lawn.

I feel like I can't keep the germs away.  No matter how hard I try.  We do take vitamins, but I honestly don't think it matters. I am a super stickler about hand washing.  But we still get more boogers after clearing up boogers. Sheesh!

I do love the sun.  And quite honestly I miss it, but I spent a great deal of time on Tuesday cleaning my house.  Right now as I type this the sun is streaming in the window and making my house appear dusty.  I think I need to close the blind.

I was 9 years old in fourth grade 25 years ago when the Challenger took off and then exploded.  I will never forget that day.  We only got to watch TV in our classrooms for a few minutes in the morning.  Remember Channel 1?  If not-- it was a brief educational program that played for about 5 minutes. We generally watched it to start our school day.  This day 25 years ago the TV was on all day long.  We couldn't believe what was happening as we sat glued to the news coverage.

Gary just informed me that he stayed home from school that day.  He had a broken arm and missed school.  He told me he laid on the couch watching the coverage. At first he thought it was a movie.

And now we are having a debate about Channel 1.  He doesn't think Channel 1 was around back in 1986.  I honestly thought we watched it every day back then. But my brain could be failing me.

Layla is too big for a night light in my opinion.  But I still let her have one. She used to have a "Twilight" ladybug.  It is broken.  It is one of the best things ever.  It has a timer, so it turns off during the night. It is perfect. But broken. So we have been trying out various night lights.  The one we tried last night put a shadow on her desk chair. She said she didn't like the made her feel like she was in jail. Huh? Cause you know all about jail at 5 years old.

Hayden set up his train set bright and early this morning while watching {surprise} Toy Story II. He was having a fun time until Bogey ran into the room and snatched up a piece of train track and ran off.  I finally found him under my bed with splinters of the wooden track on the floor.  While cleaning the mess I got a splinter in my pinkie finger.   I bet he has splinters in his little puppy gums.

I love Chic-fil-a.  I can't get enough of it.  I like my chicken sandwich with extra pickles, mayo and ketchup. [just in case you want to grab one for me] The sandwich is so good.  I wish I could eat that 410 calorie sandwich every day, but you know...our household budget and my calorie counter wouldn't like that...boooo!

Today for now we are all feeling good and it is supposed to be 70 degrees this afternoon.  We need this high temperature day!!!  I can't wait to play outside.  Friday after school seems to be so hard for Layla after a long week.  She is always so tired. Hopefully the fresh air will invigorate all of us.

In other far I am loving the new little green steamer I posted about earlier this week.  It is handy dandy!! It does a swell job.

This morning while checking my twitter feed I saw a tweet saying "if you need something to be grateful for check your pulse."  I thought it was a great quote for today.  I told Gary about it.  He said, "I did check my pulse and it is too high, I'm about to have a stroke. I should make a doctor appointment." Well allrighty then. See what I have to put up with y'all! 

BTW...his pulse is fine.  I wonder why are children are so sarcastic sometimes.  Gary and I are both a bit over the top in the sarcasm department.  And yes I do realize the pictures I posted really don't go with the things I'm saying.  I'm feeling random. :)

Happy Friday!