Aye: what, or at the end of a sentence to signal agreement, or to express disbelief, Aye?
banger: sausage
Batch: holiday home
Biro: pen
Bolshy: uncooperative, deliberately difficult
Bonnet: car hood
Boot: car trunk
Box of birds: happy
Boy racer: driving a fast car with loud music
Box of fluffy ducks: very happy
Blowing a Hooley: strong wind
Brassed off: annoyed
Brekkie: breakfast
Bro: friend
Brolly: umbrella
Bugger off: piss off
Bum: butt
Choice: good
Carked it: died Chur: thanks,cool,sweet
Couldn't organize a piss-up in a brewery, they are very bad at organizing things
Crickey Dick: Holy S***. Wow!
Crook: sick
Crumbly: old, frail
Cuppa: hot cup of tea or coffee
Cuffed: pleased, happy
Cuz or Cuzzy: friend
Chips: fries
Crisps: chips
Dag: hard case joker
Dairy: convenience store
Ditch: the ditch is the Tasman sea between New Zealand and Australia
Dog's breakfast: a complete mess
Doing the ton: speeding (ton 100 Kilometers)
Dunny: toilet
Fagged: worn out
Fortnight: two weeks
Fring: bangs
Fanny: female genitalia, not the same as bottom in NZ
Feed: a meal
Fill your boots: get as much as you can
Fizzy: soda pop
Flash: really good looking
Gap it: leave, take off
Ga Day: good day
Gobsmacked: shocked
Good as gold: good job, not a problem
Good on ya: well done
Go or turn to Custard: plans that don't work out
Grotty: unpleasant,poor condition
Haka: Maori chant performed by men
Hangi: Maori traditional cuisine cooked on hot rocks
Heaps: alot
Happy as Larry: very happy
Huckery: poor quality, shabby, ugly
Jandels: sandals, flip flops
Judder bar: speed bump
Kia Ora: Hi, good luck, (Maori,be well)
Kiwi: New Zealander
Knackerd: stuffed, fagged out, rooted
Lolly; candy
L&P: Lemon & Paeroa lemon flavored soda water. From the spring waters of Paeroa
Mainland: South Island
Manky: worthless,inferior,dirty,unpleasant
Mana: great character and prestige
Matey Patatey: real good friend
Mint: cool or awesome
Murder a brown snake: have a B
Nappy: diaper
Nana: grandma
Netball: basket ball without the dribble
Grotty: unpleasant,poor condition
Haka: Maori chant performed by men
Hangi: Maori traditional cuisine cooked on hot rocks
Heaps: alot
Happy as Larry: very happy
Huckery: poor quality, shabby, ugly
Jandels: sandals, flip flops
Judder bar: speed bump
Kia Ora: Hi, good luck, (Maori,be well)
Kiwi: New Zealander
Knackerd: stuffed, fagged out, rooted
Lolly; candy
L&P: Lemon & Paeroa lemon flavored soda water. From the spring waters of Paeroa
Mainland: South Island
Manky: worthless,inferior,dirty,unpleasant
Mana: great character and prestige
Matey Patatey: real good friend
Mint: cool or awesome
Murder a brown snake: have a B
Nappy: diaper
Nana: grandma
Netball: basket ball without the dribble
Niggle: irritation
No worries: she'll be right
OTP: on the piss (drinking)
Pakeha: non-Maori
Piss: beer
Pissed: drunk
Take the Piss out of: Joke or Kid
Piss off: go away
Piss-up: drinking party
POME: Prisoner of Mother England (slang for someone from England)
Pop my clogs: died
Porkie Pies: LIES
PÅwhiri: Maori welcome ceremony
Pram: baby carriage
Prang: motor vehicle accident
Pulling a swifty: a fast one, deceive you
Pull a sickey: mental health day
Puffed: short of breath
Puffing like Billyoh: very short of breath
Rattle your dags: hurry up
Reckon: to believe
Right said fred: OK, well said
Rooted: feeling tired, knackered
Root: to have sex
Rug up: bundle up
Serviette: napkin
Shagged: tired
Shag Pile: private office
She'll be right: it will be OK
She's Jake: she's OK, good
Shonky: no good,dodgey
Shoot the gap: leave, to go
Shout: buying a round of drinks or a meal
Skiting: showing off
Skive off: avoid going to work or school
Skux: stud, lady's man, beyond awesome
Sparrows fart: up very early in the morning
Spit the dummy: throw a tantrum
Sprog: a child
Spunk: good looks
Stroppy: agitated, easily provoked
Stuffed Up: made a mistake
Sunnies: sunglasses
Suck the kumara: die, fall on hard times
Suss: to take care of a task that needs sorting out
Sweet-as: cool, awesome
Take-away: take out
No worries: she'll be right
OTP: on the piss (drinking)
Pakeha: non-Maori
Piss: beer
Pissed: drunk
Take the Piss out of: Joke or Kid
Piss off: go away
Piss-up: drinking party
POME: Prisoner of Mother England (slang for someone from England)
Pop my clogs: died
Porkie Pies: LIES
PÅwhiri: Maori welcome ceremony
Pram: baby carriage
Prang: motor vehicle accident
Pulling a swifty: a fast one, deceive you
Pull a sickey: mental health day
Puffed: short of breath
Puffing like Billyoh: very short of breath
Rattle your dags: hurry up
Reckon: to believe
Right said fred: OK, well said
Rooted: feeling tired, knackered
Root: to have sex
Rug up: bundle up
Serviette: napkin
Shagged: tired
Shag Pile: private office
She'll be right: it will be OK
She's Jake: she's OK, good
Shonky: no good,dodgey
Shoot the gap: leave, to go
Shout: buying a round of drinks or a meal
Skiting: showing off
Skive off: avoid going to work or school
Skux: stud, lady's man, beyond awesome
Sparrows fart: up very early in the morning
Spit the dummy: throw a tantrum
Sprog: a child
Spunk: good looks
Stroppy: agitated, easily provoked
Stuffed Up: made a mistake
Sunnies: sunglasses
Suck the kumara: die, fall on hard times
Suss: to take care of a task that needs sorting out
Sweet-as: cool, awesome
Take-away: take out
Tea: Dinner
Tell a porkie: tell a lie
Tight as: stingy
Toey: unfriendly
Togs: swimsuit
Tramping: hiking
Torch: flashlight
Twig: did not realize
Wag off or wagging: skip work, school
Wellies: gumboots
Wop-wopps: wilderness
Wee bit: little bit
Wee cracker of a day: great day
Went down for a 6: fell down,over ,cricket for home run
Wee Yarn: a little chat
Yarn: chat
Yonks: longtime, forever
Zed: Z
Tell a porkie: tell a lie
Tight as: stingy
Toey: unfriendly
Togs: swimsuit
Tramping: hiking
Torch: flashlight
Twig: did not realize
Wag off or wagging: skip work, school
Wellies: gumboots
Wop-wopps: wilderness
Wee bit: little bit
Wee cracker of a day: great day
Went down for a 6: fell down,over ,cricket for home run
Wee Yarn: a little chat
Yarn: chat
Yonks: longtime, forever
Zed: Z
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