

Liberal Utopia

What your world would be if everything liberals wanted, they got. Open the door at the bottom of its Elysium façade and take a glimpse of hell.

Fake Courts


Ridiculously so.

National security is unquestionably important to the public at large. Plaintiffs and the public, on the other hand, have a vested interest in the "free flow of travel, in avoiding separation of families, and in freedom from discrimination."


ake U.S. District Judge Derrick Watson, in short, doesn't want our nation's president to hurt anyone's precious little feelings. Better to open our borders wide and let everyone from any islamoterrorist-overrun, war-torn country waltz on in immediately without restriction, than somehow chance making followers of a manifestly violent, bigoted, hate-filled death-cult "religion" feel anywise put upon or uncomfortable.

President Trump's next executive order ought to direct that all those entering because of this fake judge's unilateral derailing of America's most needed national-security measures, will reside as close as possible to where the latter and his loved ones work, live, and go to school.

If Hawaii Hawai‘i and its fake-judge-shopping liberofascists want them, let them and their families indiscriminately have the Freest. Flow. Ever. of them.

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Stutterer-n-Thief without a teleprompter is an utter moron.

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Glenn Beck's Trumporary Insanity


STARSHIP CAPTAIN CHRISTOPHER PIKE: Back in my cage, it seemed for a couple of minutes that our keeper couldn't read my thoughts. Do emotions like hate — keeping hate in your mind — does that block off our mind from them?
SHIPWRECK SURVIVOR VINA: Yes. They can't read through primitive emotions, but you can't keep it up for long enough. I've tried. They keep at you and at you year after year, tricking and punishing, and they won. They own me. I know you must hate me for that.
PIKE: Oh, no. I don't hate you. I can guess what it was like.


aptain Pike did keep up his searing hate long enough to catch their keeper off guard and grab him, choking him and threatening to break his neck unless he stopped trying to trick them. When Pike pointed a hand laser at their keeper's big head and told him he'd fire, old balloon brain allowed them to leave their cage and return to the planet's surface. There, Pike still had to threaten mass suicide before the Yuugeheadsians declared them much more trouble than they're worth and that they were free to go.

Had another character from a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away been on hand, he might have warned those keepers, "The hate is strong with this one."

In the end, however, Pike returned willingly. Years later, after a terrible accident left him a physical vegetable, Pike knew his only chance for any kind of meaningful existence was with his former captors. This time, however, there would be neither pain nor torment. He would live out his life, fully restored, in a pleasant but carefully guided illusion of total freedom.

Only time may tell how much of this corresponds to Glenn and others' visceral, if not deranged hatred of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.

In the meanwhile, here's what should be the updated lyrics to Glenn's new theme song

Him I'll mock and slam!
Him I'll vilify!
Him to Hell I'll damn!
'Cause We! Hate! Trump!
Him I'll rip and scorn!
Him I'll crucify!
Curse the day he was born!
'Cause We! Hate! Trump!

Only the Establishmentardians and Demofascists, of course, will be the real beneficiaries of such hatred.

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RIP, Americans' Protected Religious Liberties


Four hundred years ago, Pilgrims had to flee England to escape this extreme type of persecution.


udge orders defiant Kentucky clerk to jail after she refuses to issue marriage licenses." It boils down to the Free Exercise of Religion, guaranteed by both the U.S. and Kentucky constitutions, versus a "right" fabricated by five black-robed liberofascist judges. Never mind that Kentucky's declares, "No human authority shall, in any case whatever, control or interfere with the rights of conscience." You defy the liberofascists and their Marxism-inspired plans for America's downfall, you go to jail.

Would to God that more state officers possessed the same courage and conviction Rowan County clerk Kim Davis and her fellow liberty-loving public servants consistently show! We'd have a chance then to doom liberofascism and defeat every one of its evil plans.

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'No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury...


"but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law"


nless a tyrannical fascistration wants to spend it unlawfully anyway)," Presidespot Øliar illegally scribbled on our Constitution above this provision.

Of course, he and his regime accomplices already feel they're way above having to obey any of that document's commands. After all, they "honestly know it was fatally flawed from the start" — despite their having allegedly sworn an oath to preserve, protect, and defend it. It's not written for the "country within a country" they're trying desperately to form. So as soon as they've finished "fundamentally transforming" the country they allegedly love, yes they can start using its pages as toilet paper not just figuratively but literally.

This violent offense is yet another of their crimes against constitutionality in the Demøfascist War on Americans.

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Lawless Obama Open Borders: Spreading Superbug Tuberculosis in Your Children's Schools


Thanks, Øbola.


ake no mistake: The greatest threats to our public health and national security are you and your should-be-indicted co-conspirators still in Congress trying to smuggle hordes of illegal immigrants new voters across our Border In Name Only™. Clearly, that end justifies even the most deadly means for you.

Typhoid Øbamary, you're the first one who should've been involuntarily quarantined, as you're the most virulent vector of fast-spreading fatal diseases ever seen in this country. Do the American people all a favor. Stay in China. Let your communist comrades get a good, long look at your banality and the insipid "job" you're doing.

"The Obama Administration Øbola Fascistration has been working overtime to keep the reporting and narrative away from blaming the ongoing illegal and undocumented immigrant invasion into the country. Media reports show at least eight known deaths from EV-D68 in the U.S. in 2014."

Forget self-isolating yourself, Øbola. If you really cared about protecting American school children you'd self-impeach.

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130 Weeks Till Our Long National Nightmare Is Over


"If I hear any of you pushing back, making statements about Washington spends too much money, you'll hear from me." –Øtyrant to our nation's governors

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How the Grinch Stole Your Health Care Plan!


He's a foul øne.


his is where the similarity to Seuss' tale ends:

After stealing all your health care plans, he returns only a few of them to those he arbitrarily and unlawfully deems "hardship cases."

Cindy Lou Who whose health plan he stole? "Tough tots, toots!" pResident Grinch maniacally bellows.

You're a mean one, pRes. Grinch.
You really are a heel.
You're as cuddly as a cactus.
You're as charming as an eel, pRes. Grinch.
You're a bad banana, with a greasy black peel.

That was after he promised her she could keep her doctor and her health care plan. After he patted her on the head, gave her a drink of Kool-Aid®, and sent her back to bed — then proceeded to steal everything she had.

You're a monster, pRes. Grinch.
Your heart's an empty hole.
Your brain is full of spiders.
You've got garlic in your soul, pRes. Grinch.
I wouldn't touch you, with a thirty-nine-and-a-half foot pole.

But at the top of Mount Corrupt (and the bottom of the polls), he has a selective Change™ of "heart [sic]." To appease Whoever was still idiotically gullible or stupidly self-deluded enough to brainlessly believe his lies and suckerly support him, he illegally decides to discriminately give them exclusive exemptions.

Union Thug Who? "Hey! You're a hardship case. Have your plan back," he unilaterally decrees.

You're a vile one, pRes. Grinch.
You have termites in your smile.
You have all the tender sweetness of a seasick crocodile, pRes. Grinch.
Given the choice between the two of you, I'd take the seasick crocodile.

Congresswho Exempted Abovethelaw Freeloader Who? "Merry Christmas WinterFest™! Yes, you can keep your special subsidies that no other American can get," he corruptly proclaims with another of his arrogant smirks.

You're a foul one, pRes. Grinch.
You're a nasty, wasty skunk.
Your heart is full of unwashed socks.
Your soul is full of gunk, pRes. Grinch.
The three words that best describe you, are, and I quote: "Stink. Stank. Stunk."

Campaign Contributor Who? "Another hardship case here! Yes, you can get and keep my Lawless Exemption too," he despotically dictates.

You're a rotter, pRes. Grinch.
You're the king of sinful sots.
Your heart's a dead tomato splot, with moldy purple spots, pRes. Grinch.
Your soul is an appalling dump heap overflowing with the most disgraceful assortment of deplorable rubbish imaginable, mangled up in tangled up knots.

So, the New & Improved® Øbreakable Promise* is: "If you like your health care plan, you can keep it, unless I don't like it because I've tyrannically declared it 'substandard,' then you can't keep it, unless I'm tanking in the polls and have to pretend to be doing something about it, then I'll lawlessly delay the extreme, inevitable damage coming from this unaffordable Colossal Disaster me and my party exclusive built (i.e., nobody else made that happen) until after next year's elections."

Has the Lying Liar-n-Thief made himself absolutely clear?

You nauseate me, pRes. Grinch.
With a nauseous super-naus.
You're a crooked jerky jockey, and you drive a crooked horse, pRes. Grinch.
You're a three decker sauerkraut and toadstool sandwich with arsenic sauce.
* All this always subject to Change™ without any prior notice or statutory authorization.

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'Renewal' Means 'Yes, You Can Keep the Plan You Like. Period.'


"Cancellation" means "No, you can't legally keep it anymore, but from now on must pay extremely high premiums and deductibles covering your pregnancies (even if you're a man), birth control (even if you're a senior citizen), drug rehabilitation (even if you're a non-addict), and all the other things you neither want nor need but have no choice but to have covered in your 'better [sic] plan' that, yes, lying-liar Øtyrant and his fubareaucrats can now dictate you buy or else pay a fine new tax that increases every year, on top of the many other forms of tax increases you'll be paying either way, all thanks to Democrooks and their Øtyrant'Care' Pay More For Less Care Act ...because 'Afforwardable!' 'Morethanjustajokeofawebsite!' 'Yeswecanrolloutmajorscrewups!' 'Iwasnotinformeddirectly!'(?) 'Sorryyoufellformylies!'..."


iberals very rarely say what they mean, much less mean what they say. It's only when they're talking to each other and believe the microphones are off do they dare say out loud what they're really up to.

Of course, they do it inadvertently every time they slander others. Among those who professionally study diseased minds, it's the textbook case of projection.

Even so, liberals "think" feel they possess this magical lexicon wand they can furiously wave at us any time they need to change normal people's definition of a word that otherwise keeps getting them into trouble. Take the word "wrong," for example. The insanely unworkable plans and other liberal-caused disasters of the past, such as public housing high-rises, aren't proof that liberals are always more wrong than a broken clock. It's just that "circumstances have changed."

Now we have this word "cancellation" that's proving once again how extremely wrong liberals and their mindlessly unrealistic or make-believe worldview are. No one's having their cancelled health insurance policies "renewed" by anything except the most unfair and unjust burdens that could ever be forced on supposedly free people at the point of a government thug's gun.

When Øtyrant and other extremist Demofascists(birm) say their oppressive law dictatorial decrees are forcing us to buy "better plans," they actually mean "the worst plans anybody can possibly imagine."

Why else would such proven liars and screw-ups be scrambling so desperately now to unlawfully delay their plans' full harmful impacts on us until after next year's federal elections? Do they really "think" feel yes we can be as utterly incapable of learning from past mistakes as they are? If we can't remember between now and then all the harm we're suffering because of those lying liars and the lies they tell us, we'll be condemned to repeat it and much worse.

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If you still don't believe we're living under one, you're a willfully blind fool.


yranny isn't lurking just around the corner. It's got its jackboot stomping on your throat.

Lying Baracrook Øliar and his whole insufferably evil fascistration aren't merely drunk with power. They're stumbling down dark allies falling flat on their faces, passed out in their own vomit with it.

Thinking Feeling he doesn't need Congress's approval for anything anymore, Ødespot has once again unilaterally changed his and his fellow Demøfascists' own "settled law of the land." (That Constitution Thingy™? well, it can just go jump itself!)

The Presityrant dictated that private health insurance companies are no longer allowed to faithfully follow the law as Congress passed it — which he signed — but must strictly obey this latest whim of his which changes all the rules in the middle of the game. Just so yes he and his Demøfascist Party can have some hope they won't be held accountable next year to us justifiably angry voters who keep losing our health care plans we like all because of them.

Republicans in Congress don't have to lead constitutional efforts to repeal the DemØfascists' unprecedented disaster of a "law." The extremely dishonest and untrustworthy Dictator-in-Chief is repealing it left and right — piecemeal — all by himself, unconstitutionally. Members of Congress need not apply "their" legislative powers.

In every modern dictionary the most appropriate picture that could be placed next to the word "arbitrary" is one of Queen Stompy Foot the Liar's arrogantly smug, unholy ugly shitfaced mug.

American Democracy is dead.

Long live Might Makes Right and The Ends Justify The Means!

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"I did not have grammatical relations with that punctuation mark – Ms. 'Period.' I never told anybody to lie [or to tell the truth, either, for that matter]. Not a single time. Never. Period— oops, I mean Asterisk."


f course, none of these egregious lies lying Øliar keeps telling you is ever allowed to adversely affect any insurance plan he and your other "servants" in Washington, D.C. may personally like and keep. They think feel they're better than you. So they're not about to screw themselves like they're screwing you.

Fool us once, shame on him. Fool us twice...

"Let me be asteriskly clear: If you like your current health insurance plan, you can keep your plan...


* "Until I make it illegal for your insurer to continue you on that plan you like. Period. (While Members of Congress, their staffs, and I always get to keep our plans, thanks to you suckers taxpayers subsidizing our Better Plans™.)"

Even lying Øliar's lies come with an asterisk now.**

** He*** repeatedly "misspoke."

*** While reading his teleprompter.

Yes, you can find this Big Øbadwolf Eats Grandfather Clause clause in his Unaffordable & Unavailable Care Act.****

**** "Oh, my, Grandfather! What a big nose you have!"

"The better to make even Pinocchio feel Proboscis Envy, my dear."

"But, Grandfather! What a big asterisk you have!"

"The better to insult your intelligence with, my dear."

"But, Grandfather! What a big Insurance Cancellation Notice I have!"

"The better to eat up your family income with, my dear!"

"Help! Wolf!...."

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Freedom Security and Affordable Arms Act


Unlike health care, access to arms is a universal right.


hanks to the U.S. Supreme Court, yes Congress can order the Internal Revenue Service to fine tax you if you refuse to purchase any good or service it thinks feels you must have. (Ain't dictatorial powers grand?)

Thus, under FSA2AA — nicknamed "UninfringedArms" — you either go to Firearms.gov or call 1-800-E1ATMOI and buy a government-approved bronze, silver, gold, or platinum plated gun through your state's firearms exchange. The bronze plated one is the cheapest. But it has a high, 5,500 rounds deductible. The platinum plated gun has a smaller ammunition deductible. But it's the most expensive.

If you cannot prove to the IRS that you had a firearm for at least 10 months in any given calendar year, yes you can and will be taxed. However, if your income is below four times the federal poverty level, you'll receive a means-tested subsidy when you buy a firearm.

On the off chance you still have a job in this alleged recovery, your employer must supply you with an adequate gun or else pay a hefty fine/tax/whatever. When you visit a gun shop (or gun show) for your firearms needs, the law requires the owner (or organizer) to follow certain guidelines, such as not providing you a scope if the government thinks feels you're not worthy enough to receive it. (Gotta bend that cost curve down, you know.)

Heady from the resounding success of these laws — collectivistly know as the Submit Else Relinquish Fearsome Doses Of Money (SERFDOM) Acts — Congress, in its infinite and infallible wisdom, thinks feels it has to pass even more of them... so that you can find out what is in them, or something. For examples,

Patriotism Protection and Affordable Flag Act
Buy an American-made American flag or pay a tax
Postal Protection and Affordable Mailbox Act
Buy a government-approved one or pay a tax
Disaster Preparedness and Affordable Stockpile Act
Buy a half-year's supply of food or pay a tax
Fashion Enhancement and Affordable Clothes Act
Buy designer clothing or pay a tax
Travel Encouragement and Affordable Vacation Act
Book a cruise or pay a tax
Salad Promotion and Affordable Arugula Act
Prove to the IRS you regularly eat it or pay a tax
Body Modification and Affordable Tattoo Act
Show the IRS your ink or pay a tax
Humankind Perpetuation and Affordable Children Act
Be a biological parent or pay a tax

Isn't it great to be living in an everything's free country? Thank Congress we're going to have so much affordable stuff now!

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Obama'care' Not Settled At All


Not when Legislator-in-Chief™ Baracrook Øbamboozler keeps changing the law's provisions without the approval of real lawmakers.


dictator is someØne who not only executes the law but makes it up as he goes along. It's just too inconvenient for him to go through any democratic process that might fail to automatically rubberstamp everything he does. That's not how totalitarians roll. Besides, he finds it's a whole lot less messy that way.

Who cares anymore that his country's written constitution vests the legislative, executive, and judicial powers in three separate but equal branches of government, respectively, each acting as a check on every other against abuse? That's so eighteenth century.

Also, the DemØcorrupt misleader of the House, Ninny Peliari, as usual was clearly lying when she infamously lied that "we (DemØcrooks only) have to pass the (extremely controversial Øfascist'Care') bill so that you can find out what is in it." Well, it's been passed, but the Ødictator Glitchestration isn't allowing taxpayers to find out what is actually in it for them, in terms of the law's extremely high cost. Whenever career lying liars politicians pass a bill they've titled "Affordable" you know it's going to wind up being exactly the opposite.

No, DemØfascists can't truthfully say their alleged law of the land is settled. They won't even let it apply to themselves. So why are we letting these extremists apply it to the rest of us? What makes them so exclusively special? In a land where fairness and equality rule supreme, there's nothing more unsettling!

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'More and more government in health care has proven to make it worse, not better!'


"America needs to go the other way, trusting our people and our doctors to work out a system that's best for healthcare, not marching to the senseless beat of some far off government drum." –Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli, Republican Candidate for Governor

“Everywhere you look, there’s more evidence that ObamaCare was fundamentally broken even before it started. And while our citizens bear the brunt of the law, it seems like big corporations and special interests have gotten exempted. Even Members of Congress are getting preferential treatment, yet everyday Virginians, of whom I am privileged to count myself, are paying the costs and experiencing diminished freedoms.

“President Obama’s ideas are deeply flawed and the implementation of this law has been a national embarrassment. Let me be plain, the law that carries the President’s name is the hallmark of a reckless federal government that has lost its way.

“As Attorney General of a Commonwealth which was one of our nation’s first 13 colonies, and the birthplace of American democracy, I’ll never stand by and watch as our hard fought freedoms are taken away.

“We can do better. We need to provide flexibility and choice within our health care system. Our citizens shouldn’t be forced to choose insurance providers and doctors who’ve been preselected by government bureaucrats. We need to open up the insurance market and allow cross state purchase of insurance to drive competition and lower premiums.

“Physicians are fleeing Medicaid because they’re paid so little and have to spend more time completing regulatory paperwork, time they would rather spend treating their patients. Our citizens should be able to choose the health care providers who they believe will provide the best care for their needs, and we shouldn’t have to make our healthcare decisions with 16,000 IRS agents looming as the ObamaCare enforcers.

“Most importantly, we need to reverse the perverse incentives that have raised the cost of insurance premiums and have forced employers to drop health care benefits and full-time jobs in order to stay in business.

“Our health care system should be transparent at all levels and provide pricing to inform and empower American families.

“We should support market based solutions for health care reform and empower patients free of government control.”

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Bunker Hill 2013


"A few more such victories would have shortly put an end to RINØcrat Washington Establishment dominion in America."


ven before defecting to the Reid Coats for good — his own good, that is — Johnedict McCainold repeatedly denounced and undermined "his" side's committed effort to manly stand up and fight for the American people and their freedoms against the present forces of tyranny marching out to crush them. "I've expressed my deep distress throughout this process," he whimpered. "I've said from the beginning that I knew how this was going to end. We weren't going to defeat so major and obvious A Crime Against human dignity, equality, and liberty." It was a shame, really, because the heroic deeds he performed years ago in service to his country will be overshadowed, forevermore, by his unforgivable treachery.

Patriot soldiers, meanwhile, took positions atop a hill overlooking the enemy-occupied Capitol. Even so, they proposed compromise after reasonable compromise in attempts to end the showdown peacefully. However, each time they did the Reid Coats absolutely refused to negotiate with their leaders, calling them "anarchists," "hostage takers," "arsonists," "terrorists," and other outrageously improper names. As the enemy had hoped, Johnedict McCainold and his summer soldiers and sunshine patriots, easily overpowered by deathly fear of the latest public opinion poll, were cowered by those false labels and, losing heart, deserted; which left the defenders of American liberty even more outnumbered. Yet those who remained carried on the fight undaunted, each of their hearts quickened by overpowering love of freedom.

Wave upon wave of Reid Coats marched up the hill. But their extremely rigid company fronts made them exceptionally vulnerable to the true aim and withering fire of the Patriot soldiers. Also, the more casualties they suffered the more vindictive they became. Except they could not take out their frustrations on the defenders of Liberty facing them. The Reid Coats had to instead exact their revenge on a civilian population they were already treating as expendable pawns, trapped behind their lines and always at their nonexistent mercy. There, after tossing aside every convention of civilized warfare, they committed the cruelest atrocities.

Among the untold number of innocents the Reid Coats had singled out and subjected to the most viscous assaults were the grieving families of fallen Soldiers, elderly Veterans confined to wheelchairs, and even children stricken with cancer. The populous was horrified and became rightly enraged. Not a few of the less heartless Reid Coats were themselves disgusted by the barbarism of their superiors' clearly unjust orders. Now the Reid Coats were facing disapproval and opposition from both the front and the rear. But by that time they had frightened or enticed enough spineless lowlifes into defecting to their side — including one very high-ranking treasonous coward they outright bought off — that they could finally launch a successful attack against the freedom fighters' hilltop position. So, with their newfound loyalists in tow, the Reid Coats marched.

A few hours later it was all over. The Reid Coats had seized the top of the blood drenched hill. They declared victory and returned to occupy the Capitol. While Patriot soldiers were regrouping, the Reid Coats increasingly brutalized the recalcitrant citizenry.

Although America was in store for further suffering at the beastly hands of the spiteful Ried Coats, in the end the Patriots would have their Dorchester Heights and, yes, their Yorktown.

Even up against the twin evils of tyranny and injustice, an America of, by, and for all Americans, by the grace of God, always overcomes and prevails.

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Patriots v. POS


Veterans are helping us tear down the Øfascist tyranny, one Barry-cade at a time.

"Rebellion to Tyrants is Obedience to God."
Lord, please bless all our wounded Troops and Veterans and their families and loved ones.

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Obama to Endangered Children: 'Screw You!'


The Two-Year-Old-in-Chief and his SSenate Gestapocrats not only are still refusing to allow any funding for medical research that yes can save the lives of children who have cancer, but their cold-hearted, mean-spirited, spite-filled "winning" plan to keep safe roads closed is forcing buses full of school children to take very dangerous routes.


verybody's asking each of them now, "But if you could help one child whose lives your extremist position is endangering, why wouldn't you do it?"

Their response still is, "Why would we want to do that? We're winning!"

All because those murderous psychos would rather kill us all economically as well as literally — themselves self-excepted, of course — with their extremely unaffordable and dangerous des gesetz des vaterlandes Øfascist"Care", than ever save the life of even one child.

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Congress Takes Laws Off the Books All the Time


No law is sacrosanct.


f all the lame excuses proffered by the Øfascist regime during the alleged "Shutdown!" — including why Øbonkers "had" to close the World War II memorial, because only park policemen know CPR but they've been furloughed, but yes local 911 calls can still be made, and yes local ambulances are still only minutes away, and... oh, never mind — this one about Øfascist"Care" being Teh Law Of Teh Land So There!, outlames them all. That's such an extremely desperate reach, even the fascist totalitarians making it should be completely embarrassed. Although, it should come as no surprise, they're also too cluelessly idiotic not to be.

Øfascist"Care" itself obliterated numerous laws inside its 2,700 pages. That's why practically every other provision of it says, "Section so-and-so of Title such-and-such is hereby amended by replacing it entirely with the following...." Out with the old law, in with the new.

This is what Congress does. If it finds that a law is unworkable, unaffordable, unfair, uncaring, unprotective, unhelpful, or just plain un-American — in Øfascist"Care"'s case, replace that last "or" with "and" — Congress has the power, thanks to our Constitution, to take it forever off the books effective immediately.

But let's look at this Ø Holy Tehlawoftehlandsothere! so blindly and fanatically worshiped solely by Demøcrooks, mindless liberals, tinhorn dictators, and fascist totalitarians(birm). If it's so good and wonderful, why are they busily exempting themselves from its major requirements? Because it's clear they're extremely godawful — both Demøcrooks and those requirements — that's why. Demøfascist members of Congress and their staffs know if they don't exempt themselves, their paychecks will suffer such tremendous blows they'll each have to quit or retire "spend more time with my family." Of course, they grant none of us mere peasants the same special privilege. How could they? We're the suckers ones they've been waiting for to pay all the changed taxes they need so yes they can fund all their luxurious exemptions. Yes the rest of us can just each cake.

On top of their interminable McJobsful "recovery," Demøfascists' exalted Law Without End Amen™ is also destroying good-paying full-time jobs. So badly in fact, Demøcorrupt pResident Øfascist resorted to repealing and replacing, without Congress's approval, the very Holy Dates on which its Inviolable Provisions are required to take effect. He ignored his own Teh Law Of Teh Land So There! and pushed back those Unchangeable Dates past next year's congressional elections, when it'll be too late for you to take back any ballots you unwisely cast for Demøfascist senators and congressmøbsters whose unworkable, unaffordable Teh Law Of Teh Land So There! had left your employer no choice but to make you a part-time worker or fire you. How convenient for them.

Of course, yes you can look førward to the convenience of having even less money to personally keep track of after their Teh Law Of Teh Land So There! forces you to pay shockingly higher health insurance premiums. But Øjobskiller will always let you eat more cake.

As yes you can clearly see, if ever a law of the land needed killing, it's Øfascist"Care".

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Way down upon the
Suwannee River...

For The People

Gab @LiberalUtopia

Gettr @LiberalUtopia

Parler @LiberalUtopia

TruthSocial @LiberalUtopia

Tw*tter @LiberalUtopia


G o o g l e
b o m b s
miserable failure
culture of corruption
sus barbatus
wicked witch of the east
great president