Border Wall or Black Death — Democrats prefer the latter.
“California can‘t handle the current situation, let alone allow tens of thousands of illegal immigrants with no health records to flood its major cities.” W e're now a nation of pandemics, thanks to the Democrat Sanctuary (for Third World diseases) Party. A veteran Los Angeles City Hall official is one of the latest victims of an epidemic of the infectious disease typhus that continues to worsen across LA County. For months, LA County public health officials have said typhus is mainly hitting the homeless population. But Deputy City Attorney Liz Greenwood, a veteran prosecutor, tells NBC4 she was diagnosed with typhus in November, after experiencing high fevers and excruciating headaches. "It felt like somebody was driving railroad stakes through my eyes and out the back of my neck," Greenwood told the I-Team. "Who gets typhus? It's a medieval disease that's caused by trash."
“America never had much of a history of typhus, but Mexico did. And our brief episodes of typhus invariably involved immigrants and migrants carrying the disease from Europe or Mexico.” Bad enough the Democramnesty Party wants to replace American citizens' votes they keep losing with "Undocumented Americans™"'s ones. Now it wants to physically get rid of us pesky non-Democrook voters by way of the medieval diseases it's welcoming with open arms (and absolutely no medical screenings) into our nation. It wasn't Trump's idea to build a wall against microscopic invaders. The Immigration and Nationality Act mandates medical screening exams for legal immigrants and refugees from around the world. The tests are performed by authorized physicians in either the applicants' countries of origin or in the United States. The process includes "a physical examination, mental health evaluation, syphilis serologic testing . . . and chest radiography followed by acid-fast bacillus smears and sputum cultures if the chest radiograph is consistent with tuberculosis (TB)." Legal immigrants and refugees must provide mandatory proof of vaccination for measles, mumps, rubella, polio, tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis, hepatitis A and B, rotavirus, meningococcus, chicken pox, pneumonia, and seasonal flu. Moreover, "most experts agree that testing for TB, hepatitis B, and HIV should be performed for most new arrivals to the United States," the Centers for Disease Control (not Fox News or the Trump White House or any other evil conservatives) reports. "Clinicians should also make a habit of ensuring that this screening has been done for every new non-US-born patient they see, regardless of time since the person's arrival." Actual public-health experts across the Southwest have noted rises in drug-resistant TB and dengue fever. In June, Australian public-health researchers reported that "scabies, long considered a disease of the past in the developed world, is making its way back." The scientists pointed to mass global migration as a leading factor, noting scabies outbreaks among refugees to the European Union and along America's southern border.
But we have to tolerate our getting wiped out by never-vaccinated, disease-carrying illegal aliens or we're bigots and "RACISTS!!!!1!!!" In 2020 and beyond, vote like your life depends on it. Because, in reality, it does. - Due to migration from northern Mexico into the southern US, imported cases of RMSF [Rocky Mountain spotted fever] have played an important role in recent years. RMSF infections among migrants were either not recognized by emergency room personnel or they were inadequately treated with (ineffective) broad-spectrum antibiotics. More than once has this resulted in fatal outcomes.
Labels: culture of death and destruction, Democrat War on Americans, lawless liberals (BIRM), liberalism is a mental disorder, Liberalism Kills, liberals are always extreme, Where's the Wall?
Dehumanizing and destroying the innocent for fun and profit.
M onsters and villains rely on deceit to further their self-serving aims. There are no obvious give-aways. They normally don't go around sporting horns or twirling their mustaches. Even if they did, they would by any means necessary distract you from ever noticing such. This is not the case for the government of the state of New York. Its lawmakers and officers have ditched all disguises: On Tuesday, coincidentally the 46th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the New York State Senate passed the Reproductive Health Act, and it was signed into law by Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo. The law, which is likely the most expansive abortion bill in the country, allows late-term abortion until the baby’s due date if it meets certain requirements. Not only is this kind of legal protection of late-term abortion an affront to the humanity of the unborn and the dignity of society, but New York celebrated it publicly, as if it had just won the Super Bowl. When the bill passed, video shows the assembly chamber erupting into cheers, with politicians and audience members applauding the bill as if it were a victorious symbol of strength.
Of course, they know good and well "more black babies are aborted than born alive in New York City." Likely a feature more than a bug. But what's a little genocide between fiends? The majority of Planned Parenthood’s facilities have been built in urban areas within walking distance of African-American and Hispanic neighborhoods. And that’s no coincidence. Already there are too many natural-born people they find difficult to coerce and control in this country. Those are the ones who keep voting against them every election. Liberty is inextricably ingrained in such voters' DNA. Plus, more and more are on the way, so to speak. Can't have that. So it's declare war on these voters and their progeny. However, reducing unfit and undesirable populations isn't the final part of the solution; and in the fashion of past totalitarians, one front is never enough. No, the master racists also find it necessary to replace them with foreign-born ones predisposed to feeling no loyalty except to them. And the more they can induce to invade the former's habitat via the second, southern front they've opened, the merrier. No matter that it may take more than one generation to accomplish their real aim. When it comes to their lust for absolute power over others, monsterous and villianous liberofascists(birm) consider patience to be the height of virtue and even morality.
Labels: culture of death and destruction, Democrat War on American Babies, fascist totalitarian liberals (BIRM), Liberalism Kills, liberals are always extreme, lying liberals (BIRM), socialist injustice
Postal abbreviation: OD
bamalign your police officers. Overcharge them with crimes every chance you get. Coddle and appease your Baracriminal Øbamasons' violent supporters. What could possibly go wrong? Blares "Mayor Rawlings-Blake Requests Federal Investigation of Baltimore Police Department." "Mayor, Health Commissioner deliver medication to customers affected by riots (and) the aftermath of 13 looted pharmacies." Boorack! Hoosein! Before and during the riots, these people demanded that the police go away. Now, they demand they come back, but police them selectively. Screw that. Officers are now being surrounded in their cars by 30 to 50 thugs when they stop. You think these officers don't fear for their own lives? And when they are not in physical jeopardy, they've got the Mayor and the DOJ, led by Al Sharpton, breathing down their necks and threatening them. Tell me how their paltry salaries are worth this? I wouldn't blame every damn one of them for walking away. Baltimore [Barackimore] can rot, most of it already has and the soaring murder spree continues.
Public slaves "Citizens" chose these Barace Øbaiters to be their masters "public servants." Now they're enjoying the fruits of their lubricious thUgtopia.
Labels: criminals' Bestest.Friends.Ever., culture of death and destruction, Democrat War on Law Enforcement, greedy and selfish liberals (BIRM), Liberalism Kills, liberals are always extreme, minionstream media
Thursday, August 22, 2013 |
Your Suicide Party
ussia gets it. Opposite-sex couples produce incomparably more children than same-sex ones. When your replacement rates are extremely low or negative, like in most of Europe, doing anything that promotes the latter is simply demographic suicide; and when anyøne tries to get you to do that very dangerous thing, you very reasonably perceive him as someone who clearly wants you dead — that is, your mortal enemy. Same with selfishly choosing to abort your unborn babies (or even your born ones, which State Senator Øbort'em supported). It may "liberate" you from all attendant familial responsibilities (or "punishment," as Øbort'em put it); but the only thing it breeds is smaller and smaller sized families, if any families at all. It's nothing less than lineal suicide. Same also with taking away urban minorities' guns. It lets the murderous thugs, who're always cowardly looking to prey on anyone they feel is weaker, declare open season on every law-abiding person in sight. As is happening in Detroit, Philadelphia, and Chicago, it amounts to municipal suicide. Just compare the nonimmigrant replacement rates of states that promote same-sex coupling, selfishly-chosen abortions, and urban-minority disarmament — that is, Suicidemocrat-run ones — with those of states that choose not to. Yes, you can see that conserving the moral and attitudinal underpinnings of healthy population growth is what keeps your society from dying by its members' own hands. For ours to survive, many more of us must be bigoted against anything that helps drive us to societal suicide. Yes, we can all clearly see now that a so-called liberal lifestyle, as malignantly promoted by Suicidemocrats, has been grossly misnamed. It's actually a deathstyle.
Labels: culture of death and destruction, liberals are always extreme, Obama's War on Americans, Separation of Common Sense and State, socialist injustice, Suicidemocrats, unpatriotic liberals (BIRM)
Once again, liberals owe every conservative and "privileged" white person a profuse and eternal apology.
o to hell, liberals. Damn you for praying to whatever soulless, demon cult-spirit "god" you blindly and fanatically worship, that the Boston Marathon bomber would be one of your political "enemies" — conservative, "government-hating" taxpayer, "bible-thumping" Christian, "right-wing extremist," or whoever else isn't "one of us." As it turns out, it was one of your own protected classes — your friends — that once more is behind another terrorist attack targeting any and all Americans. Thank you, liberals, for coddling and excusing the vile, murderous followers of the world's Death Movement (© 622-2013 mohamhead, PeeBUH) that's zealously trying to turn the whole planet into a savage islamo-nazi theocratic fascist dictatorship. Where's your unabashed scorn and ridicule for these clearly and presently dangerous animals? You always say you want to Save Teh Planet™. Well, how about starting here? These cruel, heartless beasts are the ones who hate and are doing everything yes they can to wipe completely off its face everyone living on it who doesn't fully and unquestioningly support their political views. Sound familiar? It should. You know deep in your cold, dead "hearts" that you would be doing the exact same things were no one who truly loves this country out here standing in your way and keeping you truly intolerant extremists from ultimately unleashing your own massacres that you wet-dream of unleashing against all conservatives, "government-hating" taxpayers, "bible-thumping" Christians, "right-wing extremists," etc., etc. If nazi cultists followers kept bombing and killing us, you wouldn't be saying, "Well, we can't condemn all Nazis for the actions of a very, very small number of them. The vast majority of Nazis are peaceful, patriotic residents whom you intolerant, bigoted right-wingnut teabaggers shouldn't be painting with some racist, anti-multicultural Broad Brush®." Come on. You know you wouldn't be saying that about nazis. Then why are you saying those very things about these undisputed heirs of The Nazi Way? It's absolutely clear why you are: You're all cowards. Conservatives, "government-hating" taxpayers, "bible-thumping" Christians, "right-wing extremists," etc., etc., aren't known for going around indiscriminately bombing and killing children and other innocent people. So, yes, you can broadly and lyingly ridicule and mock them mercilessly without having to incur any consequential threat to your own personal safety. But try that with an islamonazi, and there's a good chance you'll wind up brutally beheaded for "insulting islam." Hell, they teach their children it's morally okay to do just that. Cowardly liberals and murderous muslims. Wet moist water or burning fire, anyone? Both lead to the same final, end, resulting result: Death and destruction to us and our free and cherished way of life.
Labels: aided and comforted enemies, culture of death and destruction, liberals are always extreme, more liberal hypocrisy, multidhimmitudism, Religion of Decease, socialist injustice, treason, World War IV
Saturday, October 15, 2011 |
Old news that was no news even when it was new.ike Jihaddy al-Qarter, globalarmist propaganda minister pope Al-Görebbels, Alec "Bush Renditioned Me To France!" Baldwin, Øbacabanaboy-in-chief David BR(IN)Oøks, the Øfascist Regime and its spokesbøb, and the whole Mudpuddle Media, Chris Climate-Change Christie has endorsed fellow damnyankee RINØbamitt Carbon-Cap Øbomney.
Color us surprised.
Øbomney"Care" | vs. = | Øfascist"Care" |
With few exceptions, residents age 18 and older must carry health insurance that meets the minimum standards set by bureaucrats. This is known as the "Individual Mandate." | dittø | Adults who cannot afford a plan that meets the bureacrats' "standards" can apply to those same bureaucrats for a "waiver." | dittø | Those who do not get insurance or a waiver by the deadline will be punished. | dittø | If their religion does not allow them to carry health insurance, they can file a statement with their tax return. | dittø | To enforce the Individual Mandate, uninsured adults will be punished and fined by the Department of Revenue's tax collectors. | dittø |
Labels: culture of death and destruction, fascist totalitarian liberals (BIRM), Health Care Death Snare, liberals are always extreme, stinking RINOplasty, Willard Mitt Romney
Monday, February 07, 2011 |
Or FDA, for short...ening women's lives.eath panelist-in-chief Øfascist's unconstitutional Øbungler"Care" Better Off[ed] Taking Teh Painkiller™ "law" (emphases on offed and killer) is forcibly pulling the plug on every poor and minority grandma in America who gets breast cancer.
- More than 17,000 women with late-stage breast cancer rely on a drug called Avastin to extend and save their lives. But the drug may be taken away as a treatment option for most doctors and patients if the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has its way. Such a decision would bankrupt families, create a two-tier health care system in the United States, and literally kill women and seniors who are denied access to the drug....
[I]t is evident that the FDA's actions are based on one simple factor — cost.
That's because we live in the era of ObamaCare ["Care" M.A.], in which the government has been told it must "bend the cost curve" of health care downward. The government has one tool in its arsenal to accomplish that goal — rationing of care and treatments for the sick and elderly — and the FDA has taken up the crusade.
The danger of that precedent cannot be understated.
Die Quickly, Sick Americans. ® The Deathøcrat's comurderer-in-chief BaracKevorkian Øfascist has literally put a price on your heads scalps. Thanks again, Filthy2'ers, for putting this murderous madman in the White Slaughter House.
Labels: culture of death and destruction, death of Freedom, lethal liberalism (BIRM), Liberalism Kills, Obama's War Against the People, Obama's War on America, Obamabuse of Power, socialist injustice
"Behead Those Who Insult Islam Liberalism"™ore violent fascist liberals(birm) promoting the Dangerous Party's culture of death and destruction:
- Now, I realize you play to a mostly liberal audience in Missoula and so, I am sure, felt comfortable in your calling for the beheading of Sarah Palin. I am painfully aware that most in the audience tittered with laughter and clapped because "no one would miss her"....
So, here we are in a lovely play with beautiful voices serenading us and we have to hear that it is okay to call for the killing of Sarah Palin because we don't like her and no one would miss her....
I would like to see an apology from you not because I want to hinder free-speech but for the hypocrisy this so clearly shows.
Terrorists and "progressives." The only difference is that one thinks feels there's a "constitutional right" to rape goats, the other thinks feels there's a "constitutional right" to "marry" them.
Labels: culture of death and destruction, desperate liberals (BIRM), Liberalism Kills, liberalism: THE ideology of hate, neither Hope nor Change, socialist injustice, violent Democrats (BIRM)
Thursday, August 19, 2010 |
His racist regime unilaterally declared that his fellow brownshirt violent terrorists are never going to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.acist al-New Black Panther KKKlanther terrorists who're just itching to kill white babies, if they haven't already, are free to continue wreaking terror on the American people with total impunity.
That's the "rule of law" the racist terrorist-aiding Øfascist regime has discriminately decreed.
If you're a black racist terrorist, Baracrook Øbigot has effectively granted you a blanket pardon for all your violent crimes.
No, justice can't be sought by any of the victims of his violent racist brownshirt terrorists. Not now. Not ever.
No, peace can't either.
The Discriminator-in-Chief's fascist racist regime has now thrown every law-abiding citizen under the bus in order to criminally harbor his fellow violent terrorist racists.
Hope he'll change his "mind"?
Hope again, citizen subject.
Labels: culture of death and destruction, Impeach.Obama.Now., lawbreaking liberals (BIRM), liberal racism, liberalism: THE ideology of hate, Obama Administracism, Obamabuse of Power, socialist injustice
Literally.emember, if Baracrook Øfascist hadn't granted any safety waivers to the BP oil rig before it exploded, its operations wouldn't have been so lax and — yes, you can be certain — that explosion never would've happened.
- Doomsday: How BP Gulf disaster may have triggered a 'world-killing' event
BP's Deepwater Horizon drilling operation may have triggered an irreversible, cascading geological Apocalypse that will culminate with the first mass extinction of life on Earth in many millions of years....
The media has been kept away from the emergency salvage measures being taken to forestall the biggest catastrophe in human history. The federal government has warned them away from the epicenter of operations with the threat of a $40,000 fine for each infraction and the possibility of felony arrests....
[B]efore the news blackout fully descended the EPA released data that benzene levels in New Orleans had rocketed to 3,000 parts per billion. [10 ppb is unsafe.]
Benzene is extremely toxic and even short term exposure can cause agonizing death from cancerous lesions years later.
The people of Louisiana have been exposed for more than two months — and the benzene levels may be much higher now. The EPA measurement was taken in early May.
Hitler's socialists murdered only tens of millions of people. Communists murdered over a hundred million.
But if B. Insane Øbraindead's mammoth incompetence and blinding greed also lead to the global Øbaman-caused disaster described above, he and his maladministration — along with every liberal in and out of media who aided and abetted this criminal fraud's rise to power — will be the vicious cold-blooded murderers of billions of people.
The accomplices to this genocide will be all the 52'ers Filthy-'Tarders who based their votes for him on pure emotion, with not a single iota of common sense or reason, and thus willingly allowed themselves to be so easily manipulated by Herr HopeyChange and his flimflamming-media flunkies. The ironic thing is it's very likely that an ungodly portion of them are going to most justifiably wind up being accessories before the fact to their own murders.
Guess that B. Hoodlum Øbamassmurderer found "whose a** to kick" after all.
Labels: culture of death and destruction, dangerously incompetent liberals (BIRM), heartless liberals (BIRM), lethal liberalism (BIRM), Liberalism Kills, Obama destroys environment, socialist injustice
Liberal Utopia Officially Commemorates Everybody Draw Mohamhead Day:Remember, this... was done in his name. ny offense taken at the conduct of those responsible for the first image is nothing compared to the eternal offense taken at the past and ongoing conduct of those responsible for the subsequent images and more.
Labels: culture of death and destruction, good versus evil, Religion of Decease, World War IV
Must be. Were he a registered Republican the Øfascistream Media™ would invariably call him "Registeredrepublicanfaisal...."nother violent extremist Democrat(birm) wanting to seriously injure, maim, and kill people.
What a total surprise.
Democrat — the real Violent Party®.
Labels: anti-America liberals (BIRM), culture of death and destruction, islamofascist terrorist attacks on American soil (blame Obama), lethal liberalism (BIRM), liberalism: THE ideology of hate
Thursday, August 27, 2009 |
The same ones you'll be "allowed" by Edrunkard Manslaughter al-Qennedy's fellow Demøfascists which he allowed her forty years ago.S. 70765 A Bill Be it enacted by the [Demøfascist] Senate and House of Representatives [sic] of the United States... Union of Nazional Socialist Statists of Amerika in al-Qongress dissembling, Section 1. Short Title; Table of Titles and Subtitles. (a) Short Title.—This Act may be cited as the “Mary Jo Kopechne Health Choices Act of 2009”. (b) Table of Titles and Subtitles.—This Act is divided into titles and subtitles as follows: Title I—NeckbracesSubtitle A—Wearing of Certain Medical Devices During Inquiries into Alcohol-Related Accidents; Mitigation of Adverse Evidence Subtitle B—Estate Tax Credit for Persons Who Have Ever Exited A Submerged Vehicle Title II—Retroactive Reinstatement of Expired Drivers LicencesTitle III—Air PocketsSubtitle A—Running Out of Air Ruled A Drowning in All Cases inside Coastal Areas Subtitle B—Scuba Diving Equipment Option Subtitle C—Individual Responsibility to Exit Submerged Automobiles Title IV—Establishing Two O'Clock A.M. Alibis Permitted in Drowning CasesTitle V—Automatic Suspension of Mandatory Jail Sentences for Leaving Scene of AccidentTitle VI—Certain State Drunk Driving Laws RevokedSubtitle A—Manslaughter Investigations, Arrests, or Convictions in FY 1969 Involving Elected Officials While on or near Narrow Bridges Declared Unconstitutional Subtitle B— Edward M. Kennedy [Edrunkard Manslaughter al-Qennedy] Postmortem Presidential Pardon Title VII—July 26 Proclaimed “Health Choices Day”Title VIII—Autopsies of Victims of [Demøfascist] Members of Congress ProhibitedTitle IX—Mandatory Swimming LessonsSubtitle A—Members of Congress Exempted Subtitle B—Driving While Intoxicated Charges Dropped If Automobile Plunges into Body of Water Subtitle C—Paid Proxy Spanish-Class Test Takers Excluded from Mandate Subtitle D—Wearing of Pants Option Title X—Hybrid Waterproof AutomobilesSubtitle A—Sea-Green Jobs and Technologies Subtitle B—Submobile Research Grants Subtitle C—Individual Option to Report Accidents Involving Non-Waterproof Automobiles Before Conferring with Legal Counsel; 10-Hour Time Limit Title XI—TreasonSubtitle A— Private Pacts with Former Soviet Union Retroactively Authorized Subtitle B—Estate Tax Credit for Attempting to Make Private Pacts with Former Soviet Union Subtitle C—Alliance with Former Soviet Union Retroactively in Effect from Noon, January 20, 1981, to Noon, January 20, 1989Subtitle D—Special Agreement Between United States and Russian Federation to Permanently Expunge Records of Certain Private Communications Subtitle E—Inscription on Operation Iraqi Freedom Memorial and Urinal: “This was made up in Texas, announced in January (2003) to the Republican leadership that war was going to take place and was going to be good politically. This whole thing was a fraud.” Title XII—Estate Tax Reduction for Residents of Hell
Labels: culture of death and destruction, fascist totalitarian liberals (BIRM), Liberalism Kills, lying liberals (BIRM), miserably failing liberals (BIRM), thieving liberals (BIRM), treason
Roe v. Wade — our generation's Dred Scott v. Sandford.We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created [not "pushed/pulled out the uterus"] equal, that they are endowed by their Creator [not "Constitution," not "government," not "womb-equipped parental unit"] with certain unalienable Rights [not "constitutional Rights," not "Rights dependent on the state's generosity or supreme court's opinion respecting whether they should be bestowed"], that among these are Life.... | – Declaration of Independence |
mancipating all created human beings from the liberal tyranny that consigns them, under allegedly "settled law," a mere part of someone else's body and allows that other person the absolute and arbitrary "right to choose" whether he or she even gets the chance to live, much less any to enjoy liberty or pursue happiness, is the cause of every true Progressive.
To our collective shame, our nation has had devalued and unwanted human beings before — not wanting them to be recognized as human beings, not wanting them to have rights, not wanting them in any way afforded the equal protection of the laws — because we once held they are really, in every significant respect, inferior to us.
No State shall ... deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. – Constitution of the United States Although no one can reasonably deny that a created person has a body with heart, fingers, eyes, and brain that dreams and registers pain, it is by virtue of his temporary uterine residence that Democrats foist on him, as they did every "member of the Negro race," a "degenerating 'nobodiness.'" That is, Democrats deem him effectually a nonentity around whose head, yes, they can literally clamp their tortuously sterilized law in order to pull apart, reduce, and scrape out the very essence of his personhood as if he were some malignant lump of cancerous tissue.
So Democrats won't use words like "person" or "human being" to honor him, but words that only degrade and dehumanize him and, under their "settled law," make him nothing more than a possession of someone whom that inhumane law allows to further devalue in the extreme by choosing for him a cruel and calculated death. "Yes, we can empower ourselves to kill a person created in the Creator's image fetus. And if we could, we'd kill the Creator Himself every 'god' that would deny us such self-serving power."
"Fetus"? Democrats today use it as their direct predecessors did the word "nigger." A subhuman neither entitled to nor worthy of any civil rights.
No doubt, were a baby "fetus" medically able to leap out of the womb and escape from his or her mistress, today's pro-enslavement Democrats(birm) would be demanding a universal Fugitive Fetus Act that commands "apprehension and return of that fetus for and to its rightful owner." Who cares if the returned "fetus" she subsequently chooses to abort could've been, had he lived, the next Booker T. Washington?
As it did in its Dred Scott decision, the supreme court in Roe summarily dismissed the personhood of the human being which the petitioner had humbly appealed to that court to protect, declaring instead that under "undisputed" "settled" law he and all persons like him were and are merely the private property of their respective owners.
The supreme court justices appointed by effectively pro-enslavement Democrat presidents(birm) held that a slaveholder's "right to choose" what will happen to any "three-fifths" person belonging to and thus devalued by him is a constitutional one, and that it would violate his fundamental privacy rights to hold otherwise. (Dred Scott knew he was sunk when he saw them all wearing on their robes the official Democrat Party campaign button that said, "My slave, my choice.")
Theirs was no different from their anti-Progressive successors' opinion a hundred years later that a women's "right to choose" what will happen to any zero-fifths person belonging to and thus devalued by her is equally constitutional.
Except the right to choose what happens to a created life ends with the choice to be an instrument in the creation of that life. The rest are responsibilities. The only right that applies afterwards is the always overarching one of self-defense. Although a "fetus" is mortally the most unselfish human being there is — if he dies while attached to a woman he normally won't threaten her life, but if she's the one who dies she'll likely take him with her — there are rare instances in which he may leave her no choice but to defend herself by whatever means then at her disposal, in order to prevent her imminent injury or death. However, the right to choose whether to defend oneself in such instances cannot be exercised by anyone else. Also, anyone who caused her to have no choice but to either be instrumental in that life's creation or risk being so, is guilty of both rape and the crime of an actual or attempted desecration even more heinous, since the violator knows or should know it forces her to make the most unspeakable of choices and forever debases the remainder of her life and all of the child's she may try or be unable to keep; and what she chooses will happen to any life so created, whether a scheduled death or confined for life by shame, should be the sentence imposed on the violator as well.
To recap:
Democrats vigorously supported the supreme court's Dred Scott decision and vigorously opposed the emancipation of any slaves. Republicans vigorously opposed the supreme court's Dred Scott decision and vigorously supported the emancipation of all slaves.
Which political party was on the side of liberty and represented the progress of freedom?
Even after the Civil War (started by Democrats, by the way), Democrats continually sought and succeeded to oppress the natural and unalienable liberties of all citizens: Where one person can be unjustly denied freedom, all can be denied it.
It wasn't until the Republicans in Congress — who as a party, unlike Democrats, always supported those liberties — had enough votes to defeat the Democrats' majority opposition to all civil rights bills, that these Democrat Party-caused injustices finally came to an end.
No wonder Democrats feel so guilty about acts of racism. It's because they're the ones who committed and even legalized those acts!
Thus, it's neither a wonder that Democrats have continually sought and succeeded to oppress the natural and unalienable liberties of all created human life.
Republicans want to end these Democrat Party-caused injustices as well. Republicans, not Democrats by any stretch, represent the progress of freedom. Again Republicans, unlike Democrats, are on the side of liberty.
If one were able to channel the great pro-life, -liberty, and -pursuit of happiness Progressive Frederick Douglass, no doubt he'd see and oppose the similar stain of inhumanity which marks us all.
I hear the mournful wail of millions.... if I do not remember those bleeding children of sorrow this day, "may my right hand forget her cunning, and may my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth!" Whether we turn to the declarations of the past, or to the professions of the present, the conduct of the nation seems equally hideous and revolting. America is false to the past, false to the present, and solemnly binds herself to be false to the future. Standing with God and the crushed and bleeding killed Innocent Human Being on this occasion, I will, in the name of humanity, which is outraged, in the name of liberty, which is fettered, in the name of the Constitution and the Bible, which are disregarded and trampled upon, dare to call in question and to denounce, with all the emphasis I can command, everything that serves to perpetuate the killing of Innocent Human Beings — the great sin and shame of America! "I will not equivocate — I will not excuse." I will use the severest language I can command, and yet not one word shall escape me that any man or woman, whose judgment is not blinded by prejudice, or who is not at heart a killer of Innocent Human Beings, shall not confess to be right and just.
But I fancy I hear some of my audience say it is just in this circumstance that you and your brother Progressivists fail to make a favorable impression on the public mind. Would you argue more and denounce less, would you persuade more and rebuke less, your cause would be much more likely to succeed. But, I submit, where all is plain there is nothing to be argued. What point in the anti-killing of Innocent Human Beings creed would you have me argue? On what branch of the subject do the people of this country need light? Must I undertake to prove that the killed Innocent Human Being was an Innocent Human Being? [It wasn't an "Innocent Giraffe" or an "Innocent Fungus"] That point is conceded already. Nobody doubts it. The killers of Innocent Human Beings themselves acknowledge it in the enactment of laws for their government. They acknowledge it when they punish inconvenience on the part of the summarily killed Innocent Human Being.
Labels: 'all men are CREATED equal...', culture of death and destruction, godless liberals (BIRM), good versus evil, Liberalism Kills, liberalism: THE ideology of hate, more liberal intolerance
Forced to Buy v. Right to Choosehis isn't auto insurance. There's nothing in our laws that says I must drive. So I can avoid buying such insurance by choosing to walk, ride bicycles, or even roller-blade everywhere.
But the government Demoqrat Regime holding a gun to my head and forcing me to buy "health insurance" simply because I must breathe, constitutes under color of law the clearest definition and application of slavery or involuntary servitude.
Essentially an unconstitutional federal Head Tax, complete with regressively penalizing Bills of Attainder, this usurpation of our powers also violates the Fourth Amendment's prohibition against unreasonable seizures as well as the people's Right to Privacy — their Right to Be Left Alone, free of unwarranted public intrusion into and jurisdiction and control over their individual lives and most strictly personal decisions.
Moreover, a conscious person's Right to Refuse Any Medically-Related Assistance, regardless the manner or form, is so sacrosanct that violations of it would breach every health professional's oath.
When such violations are demanded by the people's own government, they further breach the most fundamental of all compacts between it and them: that governments' just powers cannot be derived except from the Consent of the Governed.
However they're viewed, there is no due process in these deprivals of our lives, liberties, and property; nor any just compensation with the attendant takings of our private property for so-called public use when that use promises only unreasonably increasing costs, unduly decreasing freedoms, unprecedented mountains of unconscionably harmful debt, and unavoidable rationing that egregiously risks both life and limb.
But since we're talking about what the Demofascist Party's führer and its other misleaders want to do for to us, all of this is irrelevant.
Rights, choice, due process, freedoms, just compensation, just powers, consent.
None of these is in any Dictatorat's private vocabulary.
Absolute, unquestioned power is both sole means and sole end to his very existence as an allegedly human being, not merely as an actually tyrannical commissar or functionary in some fascist utopia created of, by, and for him and his accessories before, during, and after the fact, where every philosophical difference or uninhibited exercise of any personal freedom is or ought to be an infamous crime, if not a capital offense.
Forced into having no choice at all means that, no, none can see any prospect of hope or change he may need in the future.
Thanks once again, oh, so much, 52'ers Filthy-Tubers.
You've made G. Pavlov Soro$ and his D.C. cabana boys and girls marionettes very, very happy.
Labels: consumer rights, culture of death and destruction, dangerously incompetent liberals (BIRM), Don't blame me - I wrote in Ashcroft, fascist totalitarian liberals (BIRM), lethal liberalism (BIRM)
Only the healthy get good care. All others don't because, if they did, it'd be "too costly" or "an inefficient use of very limited resources."yramid schemes work only so long as the schemers keep finding a new batch of willing suckers whom, yes, they can suck dry to pay off the last batch — after they skim a large portion off the top, of course.
The schemers we call elected officials Democrooks have seen how well and how long that's worked for them with Social(ized) Security® and the money and power that, yes, they can skim from it. So no one should be surprised they're trying extremely hard to set up another — which this time they're calling Socialized Medicine "Universal Healthcare®."
In this case "Universal," like its namesake, means so big and mysterious no one can really understand it, other than to know it's mostly vacuum and full of dark matter and contains many black holes from which nothing — not even light &mdash can escape before being totally gobbled up and crushed. Except that the crushees are mainly your taxed dollars and your right to choose your own doctors, medical treatment, etc.
So far, so bad.
It's worse when you consider these schemers' "reform" plan would literally take one-sixth of "our" nation's already sagging economy and, like GM ØM, place it under Doctor B. Frankenstein Øfascist's dangerously shaking, incompetent hand and his blunt, rusty scalpel and jarloads of ravenous leeches. There aren't enough sutures in the world universe to stem the constant bleeding our economic wealth and our personal health would be literally forced to endure under his "care."
Now if you're so healthy you never need any of this Socialized Medicine Universal Healthcare®, you'll have very little to worry about. Starting with the money, if any, left in your wallet after Demøfascists impose this latest scheme of theirs on you and your family.
Well, that Living Thing™ is so overrated. Plus the pyramid schemers Demobandits would rather you drop dead anyway in order to "save costs."
After all, the more they have to spend on you, the less Hope™ they have of taking enough skim off the top to expand those already extensive powers of, by, and for themselves.
You should really think of someone else for a Change®, you know.
Labels: culture of death and destruction, fascist totalitarian liberals (BIRM), spread the misery around, thieving liberals (BIRM), Union of Soviet-style Socialist States of America
B. Hooverian Øfascist, in Screecher Peloseri's words, is "oblivious, in denial, dangerous,... an incompetent leader. In fact, he's not a leader. He's a person who has no judgment, no experience and no knowledge of the subjects that he has to decide upon.... The emperor has no clothes. When are people going to face the reality? Pull this curtain back.... His activities, his decisions, the results of his actions are what undermines his leadership, not my statement. My statements are just a statement of fact."olitical hacks in the Øfascist regime have, in mere months, turned a once thriving private industry capable of recovering on it own, into a miserably failing bankrupted mess left with absolutely no hope.
Who in his right mind would even consider letting those hacks take over and do the same thing to our health care industry?
Given the Øfascist Democrook Party's miserable record, their bankrupting that private industry too while they destroy the quality and quantity of services it provides is not only inevitable but bound to egregiously harm every American man, woman, and child.
So when Øbureaucrats tell you your mother has to die because giving her any life-saving medicines and treatment is "too costly," or you have to wait five years for your next mammogram because it's a "change we need," or you're going to see your job's health benefits taxed exorbitantly because "we're out of money," or your child must be injected with a rushed-approved dangerous cocktail of experimental drugs because some well connected, bailed out Big Pharmaceutical company is due a payback for its huge contributions to Former Senator Øfascist's reelection campaign, or you have to pay ever and ever higher medical bills and insurance premiums because "Present" Øfascist made it much, much easier for his fellow lawyers to sue doctors and hospitals for even the most frivolous "causes," just try to take comfort in the fact that he's spreading all this misery around to everybody.
GM Health "Care"®. Coming soon to a fascist totalitarian state near you.™
Labels: culture of death and destruction, dangerously incompetent liberals (BIRM), fascist totalitarian liberals (BIRM), Liberalism Kills, miserably failing liberals (BIRM), neither Hope nor Change
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