Your Shop and Presentation For Your Online Storefront.
Welcome to LilacsNDreams everyone! Today we will lightly discuss your shop unity, and the presentation with your online shops, or storefronts.
When visitors come to your online shops, land on your blogs or websites, visit your pages they draw a first impression when they land there. Most people do not realize they are doing this analyzing of your shop. They like to consider if they can make sense of anything they see there. Does this style go with anything I own? Is anything catching my eye? Having an overall united presence will keep people interested longer. This is how you will pull customers in, and how they will then become a paying customer to you.
In some ways when customers buy from you they want something that will reflect their own styles that they have. Most times they are shopping personally for themselves, but they also will shop for others at various times too.
Many customers will roam through the internet by floating through different searches. Your pictures, keywords, titles, and etc will help catch the attention of the prospective buyer who will then visit your shop. They are intrigued with what they seen in search, and sometimes when they get to your shop they realize it is not completely the style they are looking for. They see nothing else that interests them. You then could lose business from this person.
It is important to realize that many people that will visit your online shop are looking for a proof of a style that will match their own.
Pinterest is a great place to see what styles, interest, and images would appeal to customers. Here is where you would pin pictures, quotes, and etc for items that appeal to you. Pin items that appeal to your brand. Not only can these people get to know you here, but you can also get a sense of understanding their style as well.
When a new pinner follows you an email is sent from Pinterest to you. In that email there will be a list of pins recently done. If it looks interesting to you that is when you can further visit, and check out their profile. If things look good you can then follow them back. Great way for you to connect with people, and their insights as well. Customers will often pin products, interests, websites, and so on. This in return can spark some new leads for you too.
Remember that your product is not for everybody. It is for a select few of people who share the same interest, taste, and who have an eye for the same quality products.
When visitors come to your online shop it's because you have a style that appeals to them. So, you want to make sure to showcase your products for appeal, to catch their eye, spark a desire with them, and make them want what you have to offer. Keep some of this in mind as you prepare your shops for people to view.
Remember to visit with Lisa at Market Your Creativity for more extensive discussions about building your business.
Thanks so much for sharing your time with LilacsNDreams! Until the next time I wish you all well, and hope to see you again soon. Toodles......