Showing posts with label lapanchinahouse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lapanchinahouse. Show all posts

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Penang Trip

DATE: 1st July 2014

I spent my 2nd day of Ramadhan being away to Penang.. Having my bus trip after many years with attention to relocate LAPAN to 1st floor of China House together with other few brands. Quite a challenging to spend time working during Ramadhan especially to carry the products up and decorate meaning to move the furniture around.

But I had such a nice time focusing on what I am doing and totally ignore the hot weather. We had privilege to stay at one of straits quay collection residence for free. What a nice treat from Narelle… me and Sweii enjoying our stay while Lina need to go back to Ipoh at the same day.

What a joy…mission accomplished:)

Monday, February 10, 2014

Hello Busy Day

JANUARY 18, 2014
I had my first children workshop at Eco Park for their kid's club. Taught them a simple note book with silkscreen method apply on the cover. It was like going out from KL for half a day once a month to teach all this kid art & craft. 

I had such a wonderful moment looking at their face eagerly ready to learn and explore.
I like working with my client; easy, very supportive and trust on what I wanna teach.

My workshop not  going to be a typical drawing class, but I will teach a different modules every month, where I hope the kid will gain a skill and think out of the box.  Creativity to be applied on the functional art. 

I am grateful for the opportunity given:) Something that I am looking forward every month. Definitely going to have lots of fun too:)

JANUARY 22. 2014

Went up again to Penang to replenish more stuff, I am so happy to stock more of my products since I had so little stock on the earlier set up. I managed to create more books, notebook, keychain, bring more painting and dolls:) Took a train ride to Ipoh, and Lina will drive us all from there.

I almost being left when I reached KL Sentral right on the dot. Phewwww… I normally will use STAR to KL Sentral but hubby decided to sent me that day due to big luggage that I need to carry with me. Taking a STAR LRT ride with big luggage maybe not a good idea by looking at the peak hour and amount of people are heading to work.

Unfortunately the traffic was bad that day and hubby was driving like a FI driver. Phewww my heart never beat this fast before:) Real adrenaline rush:) But I managed to reach 2 minutes before the train took off, running quickly to platform with luggage in my hand seems so adventurous.

 We slept at Lina's home, had a nice lunch at Burps & Giggles in Ipoh,
nasi lemak and went back the next day

Baby Rey sayang:)
beautiful seed:)