Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

How to make an elegant, beaded, ornament hangers from a paper clip


If you’ve got a container full of paper clips you have the start of easy beaded ornament hangers. You can use the large ones for heavy-weight ornaments and the regular ones for lighter-weight ornaments. The touch of beads adds an elegant touch and is super easy to make.

beaded ornament hangers




Paper clips, colors, silver, gold whichever you have on hand

Round nose pliers 

Clear and sparkle beads



beaded ornament hangers


First, straighten out the paper clip using the pliers.  Try and get it as straight as you can.

beaded ornament hangers


Next, using the pliers curl one end of the straightened paper clip.  Then, thread on three beads, and bend the wire to the right.

beaded ornament hangers

beaded ornament hangers


Now, curl the other end.  It is much easier with regular paper clips than the larger ones. Work on it till the curl looks right.

beaded ornament hangers

beaded ornament hangers


Attach your ornament to one curled end and then, hang it on the tree.  

beaded ornament hanger





Sunday, November 21, 2021

How to make a super easy dollar Christmas stocking extra special

Christmas stocking


I always fill stockings for my adult children. The problem is that when they go back to their homes, they take the Christmas stocking with them. So, the following year, I must come up with another generic stocking to fill.  Since, the cost of the contents is usually pricey, the stocking must be reasonable, but attractive.  I got this simple felt stocking for a dollar, but I wasn’t happy with the way they looked.  So, I created a felt mosaic buffalo plaid embellishment.  It is so easy that you could even do this with young children.




Inexpensive felt stockings

Red felt

Burgundy felt

Black felt

Fabric glue

Cardboard to insert into the stocking while you add your felt squares.



Gather your supplies.


First, cut a piece of cardboard the width of the stocking and insert it into it.  This will help with stability while you add the your felt squares to your Chiristmas stocking.


Now, cut ½” x ½” squares from the red, burgundy and black felt.  Next plan out how the squares will be positioned on your stocking.


Now begin to glue each square on the stocking working horizonally.



Row 1:  black, burgundy, black, continue this pattern to the end


Row 1: burgundy, red, burgundy, continue this pattern to the end.


Repeat row 1 and 1 till you have made your felt mosaic buffalo plaid as wide as you want on your stocking. Optionally add some extra trim to the top of the stocking.

Christmas stocking


Let dry completely.  You will have a faux felt mosaic buffalo plaid Christmas stocking.

Christmas stocking

Don't stop here though.  You could also glue different ribbons on the cuff of the stocking for a very attractive look.  Add trims, cabochons, beads, or bells for a myriad of variations.  

Thursday, October 7, 2021

How to make a sweet little reindeer candy holder party favor


Kids with a little help from mom or Dad can make these little reindeer candy holder party favors quickly and easily.  With just a few supplies (some of them recycled) they are created quickly.  Make one or a few for gifts.

reindeer candy holder party favor



  • Mini clothespins (2) 2”
  • Paper cardboard tube from an aluminum foil or paper towel roll cut to 2 ½” long
  • A thin strip of cork
  • Mini cork
  • Colored paper clip
  • Sheer white fabric bag (sold in multiples at craft stores)
  • Brown and black paint
  • Small paintbrush
  • Glue gun and glue sticks 
  • Small wiggle eyes
  • One small red pom-pm
  • Candy for filling
  • Scissors, wire cutters, Needle nosed pliers
  • X-acto for cutting paper towel roll
  • Small ribbon bow




First, cut your paper towel roll to the correct length. and take apart the mini clothespins.


Next, take apart the mini clothespins, and glue them onto the prepared paper towel roll piece so that it stands up. 

reindeer candy holder party favor


Working with the small cork (head.), cut a piece of thin cork in an ear shape and glue it to the back of the cork  (The thicker end) Now, glue the cork on the top of the paper roll with the shorter end facing out. 

reindeer candy holder party favor


Cut the paper clip in half and twist each piece into a pleasing antler shape. Use a nail or pin to make a pilot hole in the top of the head and attach each antler with a little glue.

reindeer candy holder party favor


Paint the entire reindeer with brown paint.  Paint the tips of each leg black for hoofs.  Let dry.

reindeer candy holder party favor


Fill the sheer fabric bag with candy or small treats and insert it into the reindeer's body.  Let the tied end show so it resembles a white tail.


To finish, glue on two eyes, a red pompom for a nose, and add a small bow under the chin.  Your reindeer candy holder party favor is ready to bring smiles and sweetness to your guests.

reindeer candy holder party favor


Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Five cool ornaments to make this year 


2020 has been a crazy year. With all the restrictions and stay-at-home orders, what’s a girl to do but craft and stream?  So, I’ve compiled this shortlist of quick and easy cool ornaments you may want to make. These DIY tutorials are courtesy of the Bowdabra blog.

You have to laugh at the craziness of people hoarding toilet paper, especially since toilet paper wasn’t invented in the west until 1857 and people survived. The optional methods sans TP may be the reason many decided to hoard. 

While I am on the subject of toilet paper, I would like to pose a question.  Which way do you hang your toilet paper over or under?  Personally, I wouldn’t start a fight about it, but in my house, my husband likes it under, and I prefer it over. So, whoever replaces the roll in my house gets their way. 70% prefer over.  Not that I am always right but... 


5 cool ornaments:

2020 toilet paper ornament


Pom Pom elf ornament

Ribbon candy ornament

Cork pine cone ornament

Christmas bell ornament

Well, have fun creating and be sure and leave a comment!  Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.  Please follow us on Facebook 

Monday, November 2, 2020

How to use a holiday napkin to make amazing seasonal glass décor

 Did you know that ModPodge comes in a dishwasher safe formula?  And did you also know that you can use a holiday napkin to make amazing seasonal glass décor?  All sorts of holiday napkins are readily available at craft and party stores throughout the holiday seasons.  I found the most beautiful fall leaves accented with gold that is perfect for Thanksgiving.  


You can also use Christmas, New Year’s, Patriotic, Easter, and more napkins when they are available.  And if you use ModPodge dishwasher safe you can put your glassware on the top shelf of the dishwasher or hand wash as needed.  


Note: please be advised that Plaid Enterprises, Inc. has compensated Make it easy crafts by furnishing Plaid product at no charge in connection with this post.

Seasonal decor




Glassware, plates, wine or beverage glasses, canning jars, etc.

Napkins in desired prints

Gold leaf pen


ModPodge dishwasher safe formula

Small paintbrush




First, choose your napkin.  Then, separate the layers of the napkin so that you are only using the printed piece. 

Seasonal decor

Seasonal decor

Next, choose your clear glass item.  For plates and dishes make sure the right side of the napkin is showing through the glass, so you will have to apply the ModPodge to the wrong side of the napkin.  If using beverage or wine glasses, apply the napkin right side up on the outside of the glass, but about an inch or so from the rim so that your lips will only touch the glass when using.

Seasonal decor


Now, measure and cut the right size for the area you are covering with the napkin.  Then, using the small paintbrush, liberally apply some ModPodge to the surface.  Immediately place the prepared napkin piece.


Next, brush a coat of ModPodge on the napkin.  Wrinkles are fine and give the piece added texture. Let it dry for a couple hours and then apply two more coats of the ModPodge as necessary.  Let dry completely.  It will be dishwasher safe or you can hand wash after it cures for about 28 days.

Seasonal decor

Seasonal decor


Friday, August 21, 2020

How to upcycle a subscription box with decoupage

upcycle a subscription box

How to upcycle a subscription box with decoupage


Many people are enjoying internet subscription boxes whether it is for makeup, supplies, just about anything.  A lot of these subscriptions arrive in sturdy two-piece boxes that would be a shame to toss.  What can you do with them?  Well, they make wonderful gift boxes and decorative storage for small items in your home.  


Using a printed paper napkin of your choice and some ModPodge decoupage medium you can transform these boxes into amazing gift boxes and more for almost zero dollars!  Christmas is right around the corner and these would be a perfect no-wrap addition to your holiday gift-giving.

Note: Please be advised that Plaid Enterprises, Inc. has compensated Make it easy crafts by furnishing Plaid product at no charge in connection with this post.




A subscription box with cover

Gesso or white paint


ModPodge decoupage medium

Printed napkin

Ruler, scissors


Hot glue gun and hot glue




First, gather all your supplies.  Next, cover your work surface.  Then, use the paintbrush and some Gesso or white paint to cover the writing or advertising print on the top and sides of the box.  You may want to paint the entire box top and bottom.  Set aside and let dry completely.

upcycle a subscription box


Choose your napkin and then, remove the extra layer.  You may have to cut a piece to see where it can come apart.  Most napkins have a print layer and a solid layer.  Discard the solid layer.


Now measure and cut strips and pieces to fit on all sides of the box.  Cut pieces for the top, bottom, sides, etc.  Work on one section at a time taking care not to touch the wet areas with your fingers, only use the brush for placement. 


Using the ModPodge brush a thin layer of medium on each area attach the corresponding napkin pieces and then immediately brush a layer on top. Work all around the box adding pieces of the napkin.  Let dry

upcycle a subscription box

upcycle a subscription box


When the entire piece is dry, brush a thin layer of ModPodge over every area and let dry completely.


Draw a bead of hot glue over the top of the box sides and attach a strip of decorative ribbon all around.  The subscription box is now ready to enjoy anew!

upcycle a subscription box

upcycle a subscription box

Check out all the other decoupage and various craft tutorials on Make It Easy Crafts today!



Friday, December 21, 2018

The continuing adventures of Chicky loves christmas

I hope you are enjoying the adventures of Chicky the sweetest sweet potato.  In a world where every time you hear the news it makes you sad. Chicky is so sweet (Of course, she is a sweet potato) that she makes you smile.  She is kind; she loves everyone, and most of all Chicky loves Christmas.  

Chicky loves to bake Christmas cookies.  Sometimes they don’t always come out the way she wants them to, but she smiles and keeps on baking!

chicky loves Christmas

Chicky always thinks about those less fortunate.  She gives to charities and because of her kindness sometimes the phone doesn’t stop ringing.  Chicky doesn’t mind if she can help someone.

chicky loves Christmas

Chicky adores the simple things in life.  Whether it is a cup of cocoa, a snow globe, family gatherings, or music, Chicky loves it all.  We all would do well to copy Chicky and learn to appreciate what others may overlook.

chicky loves Christmas

Chicky loves everyone. She doesn’t care what they look like or how much money they have. 

chicky loves Christmas

And of course, Chicky always loves a party!

Chicky and George Bailey both believe that it is a wonderful life. And you can never have too many angels.  So ring those bells!

So the big day is almost here and Chicky has so much more to do before then.  So keep coming back and remember Chicky loves comment love too!

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Welcome to the adventures of Chicky the sweetest sweet potato

Chicky sweet potato

So this Thanksgiving when preparing my family’s dinner, I met Chicky.  This little sweet potato stood out from the crowd.  She looked just like a little bird and with a little crafting magic she almost chirped.  

So Chicky became a member of the family.  And, Chicky Love’s Christmas!  Pretty soon Chicky was all over the place getting ready for her favorite holiday.  

First, Chicky went shopping on black Friday and lo and behold she got plenty of gifts for everyone on her list!  When she went to wrap her presents, the scissors kept disappearing!  

chicky sweet potato

chicky sweet potato

The very next day she got to ride in the Christmas parade! 

chicky sweet potato

While Chicky was at the mall she got to see Santa and told Santa all she wanted for Christmas was peace. I sure hope Chicky gets her gift.

chicky sweet potato

Then, just to get in the right mood she came home and binge-watched Christmas movies one after the other. The sappier the better!

chicky sweet potato

Chicky loves all things Christmas and she loves to read.  One of her favorite books is “A Christmas Carol.”  There is no “Bah, humbug, “ for this chick!

chicky sweet potato

“All aboard!”  Yup, Chicky got to ride the polar express and of course, she got a bell to bring home.  She doesn’t have any problem believing.

chicky sweet potato

When Chicky got home she found a gift in her mail.  She’d won a major award!  Hmmm, what could it be?

chicky sweet potato

So she sat down and wrote out her Christmas cards.  She doesn’t forget anyone not even Charlie Brown.  

chicky sweet potato

Next, Chicky thought she would check out the Christmas lights before she put them on the tree. Wouldn’t you know it!  One bulb, one tiny little bulb was blown out and now all the others were dark.  Chicky, who is a very amiable sweet potato most of the time got in a very un-Christmassy mood!

chicky sweet potato

It started to snow, however, and cheered her up a lot so she decided to build a snowman and go sledding!

chicky sweet potato

chicky sweet potato

And Chicky is not done yet. There are still 9 days left till Christmas so come back and see more of Chicky the sweetest potato’s adventures.