Showing posts with label Easter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Easter. Show all posts

Friday, April 3, 2020

Five super simple upcycled crafts to turn trash into treasure

5 simple upcycled crafts

Since the coronavirus has a lot of people self-quarantined many are looking for things to do.  If you didn’t have time to go to the craft store to stock up on supplies, don’t worry.  You can create upcycled crafts with just ordinary stuff you find around the house and turn trash into treasure.

Just be creative.  If something calls for felt, substitute construction paper.  It’s all relative.  There are so many options.  

Most of these projects are great to make with bored kids.  Great for family time while we are all staying inside and safe. 

1.     Recycle advertising magnets into magnetic pets.  You can really have fun with these magnets.  Try using photos of friends and relatives in addition to pets.  If you don’t have double-stick tape, substitute some school or tacky glue spread thinly.

5 simple upcycled crafts

2.      Paint chip photo frame.  You might have some paint chip samples leftover from a painting project.  If you do, the color chips are super cut up and applied onto a frame. You can use a paper shredder to cut the strips or just cut them with scissors to vary the sizes.  Don’t have a frame, use some corrugated cardboard cut in a frame shape and apply the strips to that.

5 simple upcycled crafts

3.     Plastic bag friendship bracelets.  If you get the newspaper delivered many times during rain they come enclosed in plastic bags.  Don’t toss those bags, use them to make cool friendship bracelets.  This one uses a rattail ribbon, but you can easily substitute extra shoelaces, ribbon, strips of fabric.  Be creative.  It’s fun and easy and kids love them!

5 simple upcycled crafts

5 simple upcycled crafts

4.     Shrink an egg carton to make charms.  Remember shrinky dinks?  Well, did you know that any plastic container that has a #6 on it you can shrink to 1/3 of its size and the thickness of about a nickel.  A lot of egg cartons are listed number 6 so if you have one of these follow the tutorial and create all sorts of charms you can use for key chains, backpack charms, hair clips and more.  Remember only number 6 will work. 

5 simple upcycled crafts

5.     Cut up an old DVD and make a shiny mosaic Easter egg.  You can use paper mache eggs, plastic eggs, even Styrofoam eggs.  The trick is for this craft is that DVD’s have two layers, when you separate the layers they super easy to cut into pieces.  The pieces can then be glued onto an egg or other surface.  

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

How to easily make a cheerful spring daffodil headband

Spring daffodil headband

Now that is spring, soon all the daffodils will be popping up.  In fact, mine have been trying to pop up for a couple days now.  So to liven up your moods this Easter in lieu of an Easter bonnet why not wear a cheerful spring daffodil headband instead?

This little daffodil flower is super easy to make and the spring daffodil headband would look great on a baby as well. 

So lets get started!


1 ½” wide yellow wired ribbon
1” wide dark green grosgrain ribbon
White sparkle tulle cut to 1 ½” wide about 8 inches long
Yellow yarn
Headband in a spring color
Pinking shears (paper shape cutters will not work on the ribbon)
Clear nail polish (or lighter)


1.     Gather all your supplies.

2.     Prepare all your ribbon pieces.  Cut three pieces of green grosgrain ribbon 5 inches long.  Fold and cut in the opposite way you make a dovetail to make a point on each end.  Set aside.  Seal the ends with a lighter or clear nail polish.

spring daffodil headband

3.     Next, cut three pieces of yellow wired ribbon 5 ½” long.  Using scissors cut around each end to make a curved shape.  Brush the ends with some clear nail polish to seal.  Set aside.

4.     Now, cut 2 more pieces of the 1 ½”yellow wired ribbon 3 inches long.  Curve the ends with pinking shears.  Use clear nail polish to seal the ends.

spring daffodil headband

5.     Cut a piece of sparkle tulle 1 ½” wide x 8 inches long.

6.     Cut a piece of yellow yarn, fold in half and insert into the Mini Bowdabra.  You will have a loop on one side and two loose ends on the other, which will be your slipknot.  Tuck the ends under to keep out of the way while you make your daffodil.

7.     Now, insert the green grosgrain ribbon pieces, pinching to a mountain up fold as you insert them. 

spring daffodil headband

8.     Then insert the longer pieces of yellow ribbon into the Mini Bowdabra.  Next, insert the smaller pinked edged pieces of yellow ribbon into the Mini Bowdabra.

spring daffodil headband

9.     Finally, insert the tulle from the top like an accordion.  Scrunch down with the Bowdabra wand.  Insert the two loose pieces of yarn through the loop and pull tight while the daffodil is still in the Bowdabra. Remove from the Bowdabra, separate the ends, turn to the back and tie a knot.

spring daffodil headband

spring daffodil headband

10. Now shape your daffodil.  Fan out the petals and cut the center around the tulle.  Since the petals are wired it is very easy to shape. 

spring daffodil headband

spring daffodil headband

11. Use the excess yarn to tie to a headband.  If this is for an infant the yarn is gentle on the babies head.  

Monday, March 26, 2018

How to easily make a coffee lover happy this Easter

Updated March, 2018
Who doesn't love an Easter basket?  You can make a favorite coffee lover happy this Easter with this different take on an Easter basket. After you've picked up some coffee from the local convenience store rinse and dry the cup.  They are pretty sturdy so they can be reused, or you could just ask the clerk if you could have a new one.  Then get a corrugated sleeve you put on the cup so it won't burn your hand and you will have the makings of a great Easter basket for a coffee lover!

Follow the tutorial to decorate your basket, then add some Easter grass and small candies or mini bags of coffee or even some K-cups.  While should all the Easter fun be just for the kiddies?  


Paper corrugated coffee cup sleeve 

Paper coffee cup, rinsed and dried

Spring printed felt

Easter felt rabbit or egg shapes (available at any craft store)

Tacky craft glue




Two clothespins (for holding the sleeve while the glue dries)

1.     Before taking apart the sleeve make a line with a marker on the inside where the two ends meet.  (This will help with reassembly)  Note which side is on top.

2.     Carefully take apart the sleeve and lay it on top of a piece of spring print felt.  Use the pencil to trace around the sleeve on the unprinted side of the felt making sure that the printed side will fit correctly on the outside of the sleeve. Add a ¼” extra felt on the end that will be glued to the top of the sleeve.  

 Leave 1/4" extra on the end that will be on top

3.     Cut out the felt piece.  Add a generous amount of glue on the outside of the sleeve and attach the felt piece, leaving the extra ¼” unglued.  Let dry.

4.     Use some tacky glue to add the seasonal felt shapes to the felt making sure you do not place any on any fold lines.  Let dry.

5.     Use the inside guideline to reattach the sleeve with some tacky glue.  Glue down the ¼” extra felt to cover the seam.  Use two clothespins to hold the sleeve until it is completely dry.

6.     Put the decorated coffee sleeve on the recycled coffee cup and fill with Easter grass. Add some small coffee packs or K-cups on top and maybe even a few coffee flavored jellybeans or candies if desired. It's fun to make more than one.

Visit Make it easy crafts again for more crafty DIY's, recipes, and tips!

Monday, March 5, 2018

How to make an adorable little pompom bunny

You can make this cute little pompom bunny in just about any color yarn you may have.  I made mine in gray yarn but he would look equally adorable in pink, white or any pastel color. 

Make your pompom quick and easy using the Bowdabra bow maker tool, or any pompom maker you may have on hand.  Then, use a few little extra touches to bring your pompom bunny to life!

Let’s get started…


Yarn your choice of color
Felt in white and pink
Chenille stem
Two 12 mm white pompoms
1 5mm pink pompom
Two pink wiggle eyes or any color you want
Hot glue gun and hot glue sticks

Pompom bunny

1.     Make your pompom.  To make a pompom with the Bowdabra, cut a piece of bow wire and insert into the Bowdabra horizontally. Next, begin to wrap the yarn around the towers of the Bowmaker.  (See photo)

Pompom bunny

Pompom bunny

2.     Continue wrapping the yarn around 60 times.

Pompom bunny

Pompom bunny

3.     Now, tie the bow wire tightly around the wrapped yarn. 

Pompom bunny

4.     Remove from the Bowdabra and tie a few more knots as tightly as possible.

Pompom bunny

5.     Cut all the loops.  Trim and shape up the pompom.

Pompom bunny

Pompom bunny

6.     Next, cut long teardrop shape from the white felt.  Curt another one using the first one as a guide. (Ears) Now, cut a smaller teardrop shape from pink felt to fit on the inside of the ear, repeat for a second one as you did the first. 

Pompom bunny

7.     Cut a small piece of chenille stem and glue to the white felt ear.  Then, glue the pink interior of the ear over the top of the chenille stem.  This will allow you to bend and shape the ear.  Repeat for the second ear.
Pompom bunny

8.     Move the yarn pieces to make a space to insert the ears.  Add a dab of glue on the end of each ear and insert into the pompom. 
Pompom bunny

9.     Glue two wiggle eyes under the ears.

10. To finish, glue two 12mm pompoms together on the front of your bunny. (Muzzle) Then, glue the 5mm pompom in the center (nose) Enjoy your pompom bunny!

pompom bunny