Showing posts with label Quotations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Quotations. Show all posts

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Inspirational quotation for today and every day

Inspirational quotation for today and every day

Who hasn’t wrestled with problems in their lives and grown from them?  This inspirational quotation is one that I try and live by every day of my life.  The negatives in our lives don’t have to be negative.  Just like photo negatives the most beautiful pictures develop from dark and not very attractive strips. 

Although many of us do not use film cameras anymore and it’s like most things these days…instant gratification.  In photography as in life, there are benefits to waiting for things to develop.

I hope you enjoy my photo and quotation, and it will help you to see what might be just around the corner.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Inspirational quote for the New Year

Inspirational quote for the New Year

The New Year is in full swing.  It's a clean slate and no matter what trials and tribulations you have faced in the past this is your chance to move forward.  I've noticed many are saying that the New Year is a new 365 page book... so write a good one.

I really love quotations, especially from those in the past.  This one by Harriet Beecher Stowe spoke to me in a very positive way.  You see last year my husband fell off the roof taking Christmas decorations down.  He shattered his wrist on one hand, broke his thumb on the other, suffered a hematoma in his leg and had a concussion.  Through operations (From a great doctor) and occupational therapy he is as good as new today.  Even with all the pain he suffered he and I both know he is one lucky man!

If you would like to learn more about Harriet Beecher Stowe, the author of this quote and more than 30 books visit the Harriet Beecher Stowe center.

I hope you enjoy this and other quotes I will be posting on this blog from time to time.  Feel free to use this quote with my photo on all your social media and if you like include a link back.

Happy and prosperous New Year's wishes

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Welcome September

It's still warm in many parts of the country but September is here and soon there will be crisp days and cool nights.  In 21 short days, September 23 it will herald the first day of fall.

I'm ready right now.  I'm ready for pumpkin spice everything from coffees to beers.  I'm ready for apple festivals and pies.  I'm ready for heirloom apples that you can't buy in the local grocery store.

I'm ready for the leaves to turn the beautiful magentas, reds, oranges and golds.  I'm ready for majestic blue ridge mountains to frame these colors with the backdrop mountain pines.

I'm ready for tailgating, football and warm and spicy, hot and bubbly chili.  Craft and Renaissance fairs.  I'm looking forward to apple butter in big outdoor pots and kettle corn made fresh.  I'm ready for weather that begs for warm cozy sweaters and fires in the fireplace.

You know how makeup companies sometimes categorize complexions into seasons.  Even if they label me a winter I guess you could say I'm an really an autumn at heart.

What season are you?

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Father's Day free printable

Print out this free printable on card stock.  Fold the sides in and stand up at the breakfast table for a nice little surprise for Dad on his special day.

Did you know That Father's Day was started by a woman named Sonora Smart Dodd who was one of six children raised by a widower in Washington State? Although she met with a lot of resistance to the holiday, her perseverance paid off on July 19, 1910 in Spokane, Washington but it was still a ways off from becoming a national holiday.

It wasn't until 1972 when President Richard Nixon signed it into law!

Happy Father's Day

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Free Printable inspirational quote

I remember way back when I was a kid my mother always had the book "The Power of Positive thinking" by Norman Vincent Peale sitting on her bedside table.  She’d read it often and many times quote passages.  

This past weekend I was feeling the pressures of daily life and mulling over those ever-present to-do lists. Tiredness finally caught up with me and I had to catch myself. As I lay wide awake in bed mulling over my tomorrows I remembered a quote my mother often repeated from her favorite book.  "Don't take tomorrow to bed with you."  In other words, live for the day.  Funny but it is just as relevant today as when it was way back then. Enjoy this printable and when you have a rough patch at work, life or health you will have some words to remind you not to worry about tomorrow and just enjoy the day.