Showing posts with label Wine cork crafts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wine cork crafts. Show all posts

Monday, February 5, 2018

How to make the sweetest little recycled wine cork Mardi Gras bear

Wine cork mardi gras bear

Make this sweet little wine cork Mardi gras bear.  He looks so adorable just sitting on a shelf, or if you desire you can add a wire loop for hanging. 

The upcycled cork wine cork Mardi gras bear joins other creations like the Wine cork Easter bunny.  It’s so easy and so much fun to make.  So let’s get started.


3 wine corks
1 champagne cork
1/8” thick cork sheet available at craft stores
Small awl or pointed nail
X-acto or craft knife
Scrap of white felt
Tiny brown pompom
Black dimensional fabric paint
Small amount of 20-gauge wire
Wire cutters
220 fine sandpaper
Piece of corrugated cardboard to cut on
Hot glue and hot glue sticks
Small cork stopper
Tacky craft glue
Purple and gold glitter
Tiny seed beads, beading needle and thread

Mardi Gras wine cork bear

1.    Protect your work surface with one or two pieces of heavy corrugated cardboard. Using two matching wine corks and the X-acto knife, slice thinly down each cork.  Rub on the fine sandpaper to smooth.  This will allow the corks to be stable. Run a bead of hot glue down the side of one cork and attach them together.  These are the legs and base of your bear.

2.    Next, add a generous amount of hot glue on the bottom of the champagne cork (Body) focusing on the areas where it attaches to the legs. Center the body on the legs and attach. (See photo)

3.    Measure and mark a line halfway across the third wine cork.  Use the X-acto knife to cut the cork in half.  Rub the cut end of one half on the sandpaper to smooth.  Turn the half cork on its end and mark in half and cut vertically.  You will have two arm pieces.  (Save the other half for another bear or discard)  Cut a small piece of wire and insert into the arm pieces.  Use a nail or all to make a hole in the side of the bear body, add some glue to the wire and insert into the bear.  Repeat for other arm.

4.    Trace and cut two ears (half moon shapes) on the flat 1/8” thick cork and use the X-acto to cut out.  Cork cuts easily but at that thickness it is simpler to cut them out using short strokes with the pointed end of the X-acto.  If there are any rough areas lightly rub against the sandpaper.  Trim to fit the head if necessary. Add some glue to the edges of the ears and attach to each side of the head.

5.    Cut the muzzle into a circle shape on a scrap of white felt. Glue to the front of the bear face. Glue a tiny brown pom pom to the muzzle for a nose. Add some dots of dimensional black fabric paint for the eyes and let dry.

6.    Now using the pattern, from a piece of cardstock cut the mask and hat brim. Attach the small cork stopper to the brim with some tacky glue.  Place the hat and the mask on a piece of cardboard; coat each piece with some thinned tacky glue and sprinkle with the glitter.  Let dry completely. 

7.    Next, add some glue to the top of the bear’s head in between the ears and attach the hat.  Add a small sparkle pompom on top of the hat with some more glue.  Poke a hole on each side of the mask with a nail or pin and insert the thin elastic, knotting on each side. For a finishing touch use some tacky glue to add tiny seed beads all around the mask. (Mask made)

8.    Finally make the beads.  Using bead thread and the seed beads make as many necklaces and in any colors as you want.  Hang some from his hands or place around the bear’s neck.

Monday, January 15, 2018

How to easily paint a fun light bulb icon pull chain

light bulb icon pull chain

You’ve had it happen before.  You enter a room and want to turn on the ceiling fan light but instead of pulling the right cord for the light you turn the fan on full blast.  Not a fun experience right.  Well if you paint a simple but fun light bulb icon pull chain you will never pull the wrong cord by mistake again! 

It’s so easy to paint this light bulb icon pull chain in just minutes.  Then, attach it to your ceiling fan.  Using a piece of recycled champagne or wine cork you simply paint the light bulb with acrylic paint, so it basically costs nothing!  How is that for solving this common household problem?  So lets get started


Ultra fine line sharpie marker
White acrylic paint
Silver acrylic paint
Yellow acrylic paint
Clear acrylic finish
Small paintbrush
Champagne or wine cork
Ball chain
X-acto or craft knife
Small awl or drill
Tacky craft glue
Corrugated cardboard or self-healing plastic mat
Fine sandpaper

1.     Working on the cardboard or self-healing mat use the craft knife to slice about ¾” off the top of a wine cork or champagne cork.  A Champagne cork is larger so that is what I used, but you can substitute a wine cork and your light bulb will be smaller.

2.     Use the sandpaper to file down any writing on the top of the cork and to make a smooth surface and remove any writing.

3.     Next, use the awl or drill to make a hole in the cork.  You only need to drill halfway down.  Then, add a dab of tacky craft glue and push the ball chain into the hole and let dry.  You are ready to add your image.

4.     Using the fine line marker draw a light bulb shape on the flat side of the cork.  (Pear shaped, see photo)  Next fill in the bulb with white paint.  Then, add the silver paint for the top of the bulb. 

5.     Finally outline the entire outside area of the bulb with yellow paint and let dry completely.

light bulb icon pull chain

6.     When the paint has dried, with the marker, draw some highlight lines around the bulb.  Then coat the entire piece with clear finish. Let dry and attach to your ceiling fan light.

light bulb icon pull chain

light bulb icon pull chain

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light bulb icon pull chain

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Make it easy craft's five best posts of 2017

Make it easy crafts five best posts of 2017

I figured what better way to start 2018 than to put up a list of Make it easy craft's five best posts of 2017.  This past year recycled wine cork crafts were very popular as were painted rocks.  The best of which are listed in order of popularity.  

It’s a New Year and a new chance to start anew.  While I don’t buy into the resolution thing, I do feel that every year gives everyone a refreshed chance to get it right. Whether you need to work on yourself or on how you relate to others it never hurts to try to be the best you can be.

With that said I must apologize for being a bit lax with posts of late.  The Holidays, this year, were even more busy than they have been in the past and the time seems to fly by.

So instead of a resolution that will just fall by the wayside in a couple weeks, I will focus on one thing for 365 days.  I will focus on one positive word each month.  The word for January is kindness. 

So with no further adieu, I will list the five most popular posts of 2017 and wishing you the best as we dive into 2018. 

1.  Loveable wine cork Valentine bear

Thanks for a great year and hope your New Year will be the best ever!!!