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Showing posts with label Christmas Food. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christmas Food. Show all posts


I'm almost ready to show you our Reindeer Party,
but first, here's a quick, reindeer snack for the kids.

Crazy Cracker Reindeer Treats

You really can make anything look like a reindeer if you add eyes, nose and antlers!

Nut Cups (Dollar store)
Minis Club Crackers
Pocky Sticks (found in the Asian section of the grocery store.)
Edible eyes
Red colored candies (we used Sixlets.)
White Decorating Icing

Fill nut cups with crackers and
2 Pocky sticks sticking up like antlers.

Using a dab of icing, stick on 2 edible eyes and 1 red candy nose for each nut cup.

Stick the nose cracker in the front of the cup.
Place the eye crackers in the back of the cup.
They look a little crazy, don't they?
(By the way, these were gone in a flash...have refills ready!)

More reindeer posts:



Linking up to: TheDIYers, TheFrugalGirls, WeekendBloggyReading,

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Need a cute activity for the kids? 

How about some marshmallow reindeer creating?
Gather up the supplies:
-stick and twisty pretzels
-licorice ropes (Twizzlers Pull and Peel)
-red hot candies, mini chocolate chips, Sixlets, etc.
-decorating icing

Use toothpicks to make reindeer bodies.
If toothpick is too long, trim down with a pair of scissors.

Stick pretzels make great reindeer legs.
Twisty pretzels are perfect for antlers.
Break apart and stick them in the marshmallow.

Use decorating icing as glue.
(Our local grocery store sells the icing or find at craft stores.)

'Glue' on the eyes and nose.

Mini candies work best!

Sixlets and Red Hots Candies make great noses.
Licorice ropes can make great scarf.
Let the creativity soar.
Of course you could make marshmallow snowmen, instead....
but this was a reindeer party.
Plus, those 12 and 13 year olds have to be challenged, right?

One reminder...
do expect that more candy will be eaten, instead of crafted with.
Have fun!
More reindeer posts:



Linking up to: TimeToSparkle, TheFrugalGirls,
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Oh Deer! 
The soda bottle reindeer are ready to make their appearance at my daughter's
'Oh Deer! She's 13!' Party. 


I'm sure you've seen these reindeer bottles before,
but have you ever made them?

It's quite easy to whip these little 'deeries' up...
and of course, color coordinate them to match your table décor!

Use any soda bottle (glass or plastic), in any size.


-soda bottles (we used mini plastic ones)
-brown pipe cleaners (for antlers)

-mini poms (for noses)
-googly eyes
-paper straws


Shape the antlers, first.

1.  Use one pipe cleaner, centered on the bottle.
Twist it twice to secure.
2. Curl the ends up.
3.  Cut 2 (1 inch) pieces of pipe cleaner. 
Twist each little piece around the curled piece.
4.  Trim pieces if desired.

Adhere the noses.
Use hot glue or glue dots.


 Adhere the eyes.
Place these features up high on the neck of the bottle.

Tie on a ribbon that color coordinates with your party.
Slip in a matching straw.  Quick and easy.

Quite the addition to any table.

Click here for the deer bottles I made for Valentine's Day last year.

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Oh Deer!
What do you get when you combine Bugle Corn Chips with
sour straw candies and chocolate?

Reindeer-- of course?!

Supplies used: 
Bugles Corn Chips
Scooby-Doo Sour Straws (found at Dollar Store)
Mini Chocolate Chips
Mini M&M's

 Use the Bugle chips that have a wide opening.
 Trim two sour straw candies to fit inside the bugle chip, as 'antlers'.
I cut on the diagonal (near the end) to get the candies to fit.
Melt a few chocolate chips and place into a Ziploc.
Snip the end to pipe on the chocolate 'glue'.
Two dots of chocolate hold the mini chocolate chips in place.
One large dot of chocolate holds the mini M&M in place.
The sour straw candies are wedged in tightly and don't need any chocolate to hold them.
We made all of our reindeer 'Rudolphs'...
but you could easily substitute the red noses for brown ones.
Stay tuned for even more deer cuteness as we get ready for my daughter's  Oh Deer!  She's 13!  Birthday Party.

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