Showing posts with label Kendare Blake. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kendare Blake. Show all posts

Thursday, September 12, 2013


Title/Author: Antigoddess by Kendare Blake.  (ARC)

Genre: YA.

Publisher:  Tor Teen.

Source: BEA.

Favorite Quote:  "Two thousand years ago, the three of them had made theworldburn.  Now it seemed they would do it again." ~Athena.

Synopsis:  Old Gods never die…

Or so Athena thought. But then the feathers started sprouting beneath her skin, invading her lungs like a strange cancer, and Hermes showed up with a fever eating away his flesh. So much for living a quiet eternity in perpetual health.

Desperately seeking the cause of their slow, miserable deaths, Athena and Hermes travel the world, gathering allies and discovering enemies both new and old. Their search leads them to Cassandra—an ordinary girl who was once an extraordinary prophetess, protected and loved by a god. 

These days, Cassandra doesn’t involve herself in the business of gods—in fact, she doesn’t even know they exist. But she could be the key in a war that is only just beginning. 

Because Hera, the queen of the gods, has aligned herself with other of the ancient Olympians, who are killing off rivals in an attempt to prolong their own lives. But these anti-gods have become corrupted in their desperation to survive, horrific caricatures of their former glory. Athena will need every advantage she can get, because immortals don’t just flicker out. 
Every one of them dies in their own way. Some choke on feathers. Others become monsters. All of them rage against their last breath.

The Goddess War is about to begin. ~Goodreads.

My Thoughts:  When I was little I played Barbies with my best friend quite often.  One of the games we liked to play was Greek Gods and Goddesses.  Her Barbie was always Artemis.  Mine was Athena.  I loved her power, her wisdom, and her generosity.  I loooved that she had an owl.  I'm not sure if that was the beginning of my small obsession with them.

The apple.  That little fruit has caused so much mayhem.  (Remember Eve?  Snow White?) When Athena reflects on her behavior in this time of her life she is not so proud. Aphrodite won the beauty contest and as the Goddess of Love and Beauty, what were the other's thinking?  There is no competing with love.  And Paris, as judge, chose to have Helen of Troy and a war started.  Politics and jealousy - in humans and deities alike - drove this chapter in history.   Now, the chaos has started again.   It is Gods against Gods with humans caught in the crossfire.

Antigoddess features a modern day Athena who is trying to survive her demise.  All the ancient Gods and Goddesses it seems, are dying.  She and her brother Hermes are on a quest to stop it before it's too late. Athena does not want to die gracefully. She is fighting it tooth and nail. To make matters worse, certain members of her family are in direct conflict with her, working on their own immortality at the cost of hers.  Also featured is Cassandra, the doomed princess of Troy who had second sight that no one believed.  In this lifetime she also has second sight and is the key to helping the Gods and Goddesses recover their health.

I just love the insighfulness of Athena.  As a Goddess she is proud and arrogant.  Being in the human realm, she starts to experience regret, guilt, fear and even romantic feelings for her favorite hero the reincarnated Odyssyus. The main players in Antigoddess work well and pop off the page moving the story forward and creating twists and turns.

Told in multiple character's perspective, I didn't always want to hear from everyone.  I did enjoy Athena and Cassandra the most.  Also the last few chapters weren't as strong in my eyes.  The back and forth of one group trying to skip town and then go back and then perhaps leave again was a bit counterproductive.  However, this was an ARC so I don't know how the final product played out.

To wrap it up:  This is a book that I liked reading and didn't want to put down.  The characters are fresh and fun and the story moves at a pretty good pace with some surprises thrown in.  The ending broke my heart a little bit, but I'm hoping for a happy ending as this trilogy continues.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

BEA 2013 Coverage - Day 1

What: Book Expo America
Where: Jacob Javits Center, NYC
When: Thursday, May 30, 2013.

Kendare Blake!  Kendare Blake!  That's all I was thinking as I headed into the Javitz on Thursday morning. Sure I passed by some of the bigger booths and although I was right near the book drops, I just couldn't get to them. Yeah, people still jostle you and grab 3 books and before you know it, they are all gone. Oh well. It's just a book.
This blurry photo captures the book drop frenzy perfectly.

Anyway, I loved Anna Dressed in Blood so I really wanted Antigoddess. I gushed a little bit about the book when I met her and told her I adored Cas. She said he would love that because he's that kind of guy.
Then I headed over to the line for 3:59 by Gretchen McNeil who is soooo extremely nice.  Fangirled *again* and headed over to Kami Garcia's signing. 
I'm really looking forward to her solo effort, Unbreakable. She saw my nametag and said she wanted to use the word "midnight" in her title, but it didn't work.
Isn't her ring awesome?  I complimented her on it and she told me that she had it made and it is from her book.  How?  Well, we all have to read it to find out!
 I picked up Doon by Carey Corp (l) and Lori Langdon (r) which is a re-telling of Brigadoon.

Although I missed the autographed lithographs of the new Harry Potter cover, I snapped this picture of artist Kazu Kibuishi.  Some people are upset that they are changing the cover, but I feel that this series is so many things to so many people that everyone has their own vision anyway.  Also, there are already different cover versions for HP. 

Here are a few more pictures of signings I went to. 

These two staff members were trying to get me to do naughty things, which I thought was hysterical.

Veronica Roth signed posters to give out. 

Then I hung out with my cohort Karen from For What It's Worth as she waited on line for Eloisa James to sign.

Karen gets her book signed.

I love to get all my books by Jeri Smith-Ready signed.

Because Kate had kindly invited me as her "Plus 1" we headed over to the Penguin Bird Bash. There were fun punch drinks, organic and vegetarian hotdogs, desserts, AWESOME music and authors, other bloggers and a special appearance by "The" Penguin. Cindy from Cindy's Love of Books won an i-pad mini! It was the number between mine and Kate's - So close! But congratulations Cindy!

Kate (Midnight Book Girl) & Cindy (Cindy's Love of Books).

Sue Grafton made an appearance!

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