Showing posts with label minnesota. Show all posts
Showing posts with label minnesota. Show all posts

Monday, October 18, 2021

UCCofE - the thing I never knew I needed... till now

Masonry is a funny thing. We tell the new Master Mason that this is the highest degree and then, it's like that scene in Airplane! when Robert Stack is walking through the airport.

Thing is that while Masons pretend that the blue lodge is the end all, be all, we all know that this is never going to satisfy the brethren. We are seekers of further light. And since light diffuses so widely, it shouldn't surprise anyone that there are so many Masonic adjacent bodies. Case in point, the Universal Craftsman Council of Engineers, a body I am now proud to call myself a member. 

My day started like any other, it was a beautiful autumn day in Minnesota. Not to hot, not too cold. I was heading out to the meeting of my very first invitational body, Minnesota Council No. 34, Knight Masons. It was at this particular meeting that I was also elected as its presiding officer, Excellent Chief. It was just so exciting. We are back in person, the brothers excitedly meeting and seeing each other to confer the degrees. I am so thankful to them to entrust me with this position for the year. 

Because I attended the meeting with one of my really good friends, MW Bro. Joe G., who was kind enough to drive down with, I got to have great conversation and great fellowship. But since he was the driver, I stayed longer than I would have otherwise. We ate and Joe remembered he was a member of a group. 

"No problem, Joe, you go to your meeting. I can just hang out."

Little did I know that I was going to be a candidate. 

"Hey, Nick! Go over to the prep room!"

I had never heard of the Universal Craftsman Council of Engineers, which is usually abbreviated UCCofE. I was really happy that I was able to join this body.

To explain, UCCofE is a Masonic body founded in 1902 in the state of Ohio by Bros. Pomeroy and Dettleback, who were engineers in factories in the rust belt. This organization was founded to bring together other engineers who were also Master Masons. Because we, as Masons, love meeting together, this body grew and grew and became so popular that even non-engineer Master Masons who also were craftsmen (what we would think of as blue collar today) wanted to join. At first, the UCCofE encouraged those MMs to start their own councils aimed at their own crafts, e.g., electricians, but as is always the case, the first mover has the advantage and UCCofE ultimately started allowing non-craftsmen and laborers to join.

The ritual was fascinating because it is so different from what I recognize yet so similar. It was really fun to experience the role of candidate and to hear something different but familiar. The main reason I recognized the ritual is because it was similar to so many rituals used by unions throughout history. 

I am not a blue collar worker but I come from a long line of railroad workers and heavy machinery guys (my brother is the next in that long, long line of railroadcers). I've never been a factory worker, laborer, blue collar worker nor really had a job that would be considered that. However, I have spent many years researching the many rituals that unions used in their meetings because of the number of union members in my family. Union fraternal rituals are a subject that needs far more scholastic research than it currently does and I hope that whatever contributions I can make will be helpful.

Thank you to everyone in Minnesota Council No. 79, UCCofE for admitting me as a member of this august and fascinating body. I really look forward to all the many years of research and participation I hope to dedicate to the Council. 

If you are interested in joining, click the link.

Friday, May 26, 2017

Minnesota Masonic Unity Dinner - June 10th 2017

Minnesota will be hosting a very special event that unites the hearts of both regular grand lodges of Minnesota. Both Grand Masters will be present to give their remarks at the beautiful new Minnesota Masonic Heritage Center.

You can find the details below:

The Eventbrite link is here:

Please join us for this incredible event.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Minnesota Masonic Heritage Center Website Now Online

Something exciting is being erected on the campus of the Masonic Home in Bloomington. Soon, the Minnesota Masonic Heritage Center will be opened, shining light on the great history of our Fraternity. I was lucky to be one of the Grand Council Officers present at the cornerstone laying last year and have been excitedly watching it go up.

Now, Minnesota Masonic Charities has a new website and a new video to see the progress. Be sure to visit the website and watch the video. Exciting!

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Project 353: Sharpening Our Knives

Bro. Matt has written our followup post answering questions and concerns some brothers have. Let's maintain a dialogue as we continue moving forward. You can also like our Agape Lodge Facebook page here.


We've received a fantastic response to Agape Lodge from some very talented Minnesota Masons. We'll be announcing a planning meeting soon exclusively for those who have signed up, so if this is something you want to do, please fill out the survey HERE.

We've also received some confused, and even negative responses. This is okay. This is something new. Dare we say, this is even an *cue scary music* an innovation in Freemasonry!

New ideas get resistance. That's great. They should get resistance. You sharpen a knife against an
unyielding stone. I've written about this before on my own blog.

For those who are resistant to change, like our old pal, Brother George, we wanted to address some concerns that have come up.

Can a lodge move around? Don't they have to have a building?

Yes, a lodge can travel around. We have an extremely successful one in Minnesota already that operates in much the same way, Sir Winston Churchill Lodge. They mostly meet in brothers' homes.

Hmm...sounds clandy. Is it legit? 

Good question. Let's ask one of its members.

...seems legit.

Okay, but can you meet in restaurants? 

It's a hurdle, no doubt. There has always been resistance to meeting in public places, but we believe that a well-tyled lodge actually takes a little effort. If we can tyle a quarry, or a hotel ballroom each year, we can tyle a banquet room with one or two doors.

Will you be drinking during meetings?

We're not serving alcohol during meetings. We will adhere to all rules regarding alcohol set by the Minnesota Grand Lodge AF&AM.

So you don't think a building is important for Freemasons?

We don't think it's important for every Freemason, for sure. Both Nick and I love our temples, and having a hangout is important for masons, but what we're trying to do is normalize the option of having different types of lodges, because we don't believe in the one size fits all concept of freemasonry. We think that lodges could certainly meet downtown on people's lunch hours, in a meeting room. We think that lodges can meet in peoples' homes or bars.

My lodge needs dues from all two-hundred of our members to stay alive. How are you going to make it with just a few guys?

We think that lodges can exist that have purposely low membership. They can make easier, faster budget decisions, and essentially have the power and ability to be what the members want it to be, without having to worry about angering a hundred other brothers who don't show up, but whose dues you can't survive without.

I'm worried this lodge will fail and that will damage Minnesota Masonry.

We're in this for the long haul, but I can't hold your hand and promise that everything will last forever and ever. Lodges fail.

Right now, sadly, we have a situation in place where Masons feel shame for a lodge that shuts its doors, and that they have failed in some way. Brothers, a lodge only fails when its brothers fail to become better men, and that happens in some of the biggest, oldest lodges in the world. Why do we worry about this?

Our ancient brethren would travel to many places and receive a charter to organize for a specific purpose; for building a specific structure. When they were done, the charter was dissolved and they traveled to new lands, chartering new lodges. That's ok. That's actually how it's supposed to work.

We think lodges can be convened for specific, limited purposes. As long as they're doing the work of the craft, they're succeeding.

Will you meet in a different place every time, or will Agape meet in the same place or same places regularly?

Totally up in the air right now. This will necessarily be a group decision, which is why it's so important that you be part of the conversation.

Will you be initiating, passing, and raising new Masons?

It's definitely something we want to do. As we're going to mainly be an affiliate lodge, it's probably not going to come up a lot, though we may certainly be open to courtesy work for other lodges. Eventually, if successful, we may bring in new masons of our own who find this format appealing.

Can you do degree work at a dinner table. 


Hmmm...sounds clandy.

Then our Grand Lodge is clandestine, because they actually have a First Degree Table Lodge that your own lodge can perform any time it wants, and you can read all about it HERE.

This sounds elitist and stuffy. Is this going to look like something out of Downton Abbey?

You know, the state doesn't really have a dearth of scotch and cigar lodges. We're feasters. Some of that is going to include education on table manners, both modern and archaic, but it's probably mostly going to look like a good old family dinner or Thanksgiving. It should be pretty working class and on the level.

Ok, but if you're not like the other lodges, and don't have buildings to take care of, what could you possibly be doing in these meetings?

Like all lodges, of course we will have bills and general business. We'll just be discussing them over appetizers. But mainly, we educate! In our mother lodges both me and Nick are pretty proficient at leading group discussions, Socrates cafe style, about masonic issues. When we need a well-directed,
productive discussion about masonic symbolism, we'll be at work with the worshipful master leading the group. When we need a more vibrant back and forth, we'll be at refreshment where it's more of a free-for-all.

Why have a lodge at all then? Why not just have a supper club with a bunch of smart-talking masons? 

We want to form a lodge for the same reason that our ancient brethren formed lodges. Benjamin Franklin could have stuck with his Leather Apron Club, discussing news, science, and philosophy over a pint at the local tavern, but he decided to become a mason, because ritual and structure is important. And that's the thing. There are a lot of rituals that we can inject into our lives that remind us to be mindful, and we're going to be exploring those, and the rest of freemasonry, around a dinner table.

Why start a new lodge? If you think meetings are dry, horrible affairs, why not fix your old lodges?

Let's be clear on this point. We find no flaws with our lodges (Braden Lodge and Corinthian Lodge). They are vibrant centers of ritual, education and fellowship. We have everything we need there. We want more of it. Sorry. I guess we're greedy. We want more great freemasonry.

Do you have other questions or concerns? Please ask them! Interested? Come and be a part of it.

Memento Mordere

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Project 353: Agape Lodge

This is a guest post from my good friend and brother, Bro. Matt Gallagher of Braden Lodge No. 168. He also blogs at Stones 'n Bones. This post is about the lodge he and I are putting together and need your help. Yes, you.

Freemasonry adapts. Before our warehouse/office complex masonic centers, before our once lush, now crumbling masonic temples, brothers would gather where they could, settling themselves on pickle barrels on the second floor of a Five and Dime, educating and bettering themselves. And before that, the tavern lodge, where brothers would meet in a well-tyled tavern or public house. These were as much social gatherings as stated meetings, and education continued well past the rap of the Master's gavel, into the late, late evening over dinner, drinks, and strong black coffee.

It is in the spirit of this tradition, perhaps not "traditional observance" in its modern usage, but in its colonial one, that we're launching an expedition to explore newer, more flexible, and more self-sustaining lodges.

Project 353: Agape Lodge

Agape is a concept lodge exploring the ritual of feasting. Meeting monthly, likely on a Saturday night, nine months out of the year (we'll be dark January, July, and August). The winter and summer feasts of St. John will be our mid and end-season finales. 

How is this different than my current lodge?

First, at this stage Agape should be a mason's affiliate lodge. While we would like to reserve the right to perform table lodge degrees, a fully armed and operational masonic lodge, as you probably think of it, is not something we can initially, or even want to be. So if you get a lot out of your current lodge, think of us as premium bonus. 

Second, all the work will happen around the dinner table. We're not the first in Minnesota to do this, but we hope to be the best. The lodge will open, do business, call to refreshment, eat, call again to labor, have education, and close, all around the table, and not necessarily in that order, all in compliance with Minnesota Grand Lodge requirements.

Third, this lodge will be small and flexible. We may choose a single location meet, or move around. We haven't decided yet, but that's the point. We don't need to put anything in stone, and we don't need to be tied to expensive buildings or restrictive leases. We will be serious and elegant, but everything we need should be able to fit in the back of a minivan.

How is this the same as my lodge? 

It's pretty much the same thing, just more personal and flexible. We'll have lodge furnishings and regalia, but adapted to our use. We'll have committees, and business to attend to. And we'll have education in the oldest classroom on Earth: the supper table. The master of the lodge will not just conduct rituals and degrees, he will conduct exciting and on-point conversations about the Craft. 

You have questions. Ask them. But what we need, in order to explore the best answers, are interested parties. Dues are expected to be easily manageable, and ideally all-inclusive. Easy-going conversationalists are a must!

If you are interested, please fill out this brief survey: PROJECT 353: AGAPE LODGE

We hope you can join us, and if you can't, we at least hope you can support us. Freemasonry isn't the building, it's the brothers, and the work we do.

Memento Mordere... Remember to chew!

I don't normally do this with guest articles but seeing as how I'm also extremely involved in this very cool project, I just wanted to drop a note. Agape Lodge is one lodge in a series of lodges that we (a certain unnamed Mason and I) are calling Lightweight or Micro Lodges. The goal is to think smaller and grow smarter. An article describing the principles and tenets of lightweight lodges will be forthcoming but please be patient. The specifics are still being designed and worked out.

Comments? Post them below.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Samuel Colt Lodge

Samuel Colt with 1851 Navy Revolver
Minnesota, being an incredibly dynamic and interesting place to practice Masonry, has a new lodge forming, Samuel Colt Lodge. The Lodge will meet at the Osseo Gun Club, which is located in Osseo, MN.

The lodge will support the Shriners Hospital. $20 from each member going to buying gifts for the kids at the Minneapolis Shriners Hospital, which is just awesome. They currently have 19 signatories and need at least 25. If you are interested and you are a Minnesota Mason, I can get you in contact with the brothers organizing this new lodge venture. Best wishes and I'm glad to see another lodge forming in Minnesota.

Leave a comment below.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Newest Court of the Order of Athelstan Consecrated in Minneapolis

On November 22, 2014 at 3:00pm, the newest court of the Masonic Order of Athelstan in England, Wales and its Provinces Overseas was officially consecrated in Minneapolis, MN. This new Court, Noble Stone Court No. 104, will meet at the Minneapolis Valley of Scottish Rite Temple. It's always exciting to see new Masonic bodies formed. Congrats, brothers, and I hope you all have an excellent time in a new Masonic endeavor.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

The Shriners Are In Town!

I've seen a lot of fezzes downtown. I hope to make it out to the Convention Center tomorrow for the shop.

Monday, November 5, 2012

A Relief Request for the Victims of Hurricane Sandy

I have received word that a brother from Minnesota has started collecting supplies for those in need of relief following the tremendously powerful and devastating Hurricane Sandy.

Dear Brother,
My name is Steve Willett, a Master Mason with Lake Harriet Lodge No. 277 and 32° Scottish Rite member in Minneapolis.
I have spoken to the New Jersey Grand Master, Glenn Trautmann. He stated that anything we can send would be appreciated. The food shelves are dry, people are in serious shape; besides being homeless, there is no food or drinking water.
We need to make this happen. They are setting up lodges to help with the distribution. I am also talking to Hormel foods  Cabela’s and Kenny Anderson (owner of Barrel of Fun and Kenny’s Candies) about contributions.
Buzzy Olson and I started this Friday at noon. I already have 10 pallets of bottled drinking water donated. We need food, clothing, tents, eating utensils, can openers, sleeping bags, diapers and blankets. We will also gladly accept monetary donations for fuel to deliver the donations.
We sincerely appreciate any and all help anyone can provide. Buzzy Olson and I will personally be going to New Jersey to help with the relief.
Steve Willett
Minnesota Freemason

Contributions can be sent to the Grand Lodge office, 11501 Masonic Home Drive, Bloomington, MN 55437-3699.

This is not the only response that will be coming from the state of Minnesota. I have also received word that the Grand Lodge will likely be contributing as well to the Masonic Service Association's efforts. Donations sent to the Masonic Service Association for disaster relief are used 100% for that purpose, no administration fees or other expenses are taken from the donations. I will let everyone know about that as well.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Cornerstone Laying for Newest Masonic Building in Minnesota

I have received a message from Rich Hervieux, the current Master of Minnesota River Valley No. 6, concerning a very rare event in the state of Minnesota. Minnesota River Valley will be moving to a new building. As we are a society of builders, there will be a cornerstone laying ceremony to kick off the renovation. Here's the message from Rich:

Attention all Minnesota Masonic Lodges, Scottish Rite, York Rite, Jobs Daughters and other Masonic bodies and friends.
I am proud to announce a cornerstone ceremony for Minnesota River Valley Lodge # 6 A.F.& A.M. it is being held on October 27th at 11:00 am at the new building, directly beside the American Legion Post on 124th St. between Princeton and Ottawa Ave's. in Savage Minnesota
All are encouraged to attend. This is a historic event as we do not get to build new masonic lodges very often. Your presence will be most appreciated.
Please share this message with all of your masonic friends and lodges here.
Rich Hervieux, Master
MNRV #6 A.F.& A.M
From what WM Rich told me, the cornerstone laying will be performed by the Grand Master and Grand Lodge Officers. There will also be a time capsule. Local media outlets will likely be there as well. As Rich says in the announcement, this is not a common occurrence. Please attend if you can.

Monday, February 27, 2012

GL of MN 2012 Membership Seminar

I've been invited to be one of the speakers at this year's membership seminar on this Saturday, March 3rd at the Scottish Rite Temple in Minneapolis. The focus of the talk is on the Millennial generation. The seminar will begin at 10 am with a 9 am check in time.

From the January-February 2012 issue of the Minnesota Mason:

The Grand Lodge of Minnesota is pleased to announce the 3rd Annual Membership Seminar, March 3, 2012, from 10 a.m.–4 p.m. at the Scottish Rite Temple in Minneapolis. Doors open at 9 a.m. for check in.
The 2012 seminar will feature nationallyrecognized Masonic speakers and provide attendees with tools they can take back to their lodges to aid in membership. This year one of the main topics will be Freemasonry’s Growing Appeal to the Millennial Generation. The 2012 event promises to build on the success of the past two highly-rated membership seminars.
Space is limited, and RSVPs are required by February 15th. Cost is only $10 per person (lunch included). 
Please delegate two members from your lodge to take part in this event (additional members may attend if they wish). Payment can be made by either sending a check to the Grand Lodge office (c/o Grand Lodge Membership Committee) or at the door on March 3rd. 
Additional information will be sent to your lodge secretary shortly or on Facebook at “MN Grand Lodge Membership Committee.”

From what I've heard, the two keynote speakers will be PGM Robert Conley of the GL of MI and Jon Burgess. This seminar has grown in popularity over the last two or three years and has been extremely helpful with improving constituent lodge membership committees. All lodges in the state should send delegates because the information is that good.

If you're wanting to attend, you better let the Grand Secretary know now as space will be extremely tight.

I hope to see you at the SR Temple in Minneapolis on Saturday.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Atlantic Brotherhood Summit


I would like to encourage any of you who will be in the state of Minnesota during the week of June 3, to attend a very special program. The brothers of Sir Winston Churchill Lodge No. 351 have joined with the brothers of Internet Lodge No. 9659 in a week filled with fun and activities. These events culminate in the exemplification of the Master Mason degree using the Emulation Rite and English Style Festive Board.

As most of my readers know, most American jurisdictions do not allow any other work to be done in a constituent lodge other than that work which has approval of the Grand Jurisdiction. To have the Emulation Rite to be exemplified in Minnesota is huge.

Here are details from Churchill's website:

Sat 6/4 – British Emulation Master Mason Degree and Discussion at the Minneapolis Scottish Rite Temple: For the first time in Minnesota history, witness a performance of the Emulation Work by the officers of Internet Lodge #9659. The Scottish Rite Temple is the most beautiful Masonic building in the state, and well worth exploring by a guided tour. There is no charge for this event and the Q&A session immediately following, but guests are encouraged to purchase for $12US a pair of souvenir white gloves, specially created for this occasion. Funds will go to defray the costs of bringing this unique event to the Masons of Minnesota. White gloves, dues card, aprons (provided) and appropriate dress will be required.

Sat 6/4 – British Festive Board at the Minneapolis Club: Sir Winston Churchill Lodge will host a formal dinner in this superb setting, complete with the 7 toasts, delightful good cheer and their own unique tribute to Winston Churchill and the Sceptered Isle. Seating is limited to the first 110 guests, ladies welcome. Cost - $75US/pp

If you would like to attend the degree, you must have gloves. To help defray the costs of this exciting event, Churchill Lodge is selling $12 gloves which you can preorder here. There are many other events as well for brothers. This is huge. Let's fill the Scottish Rite Temple.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Faribault Installation in Local Paper

The Faribault Daily News has published a story on Faribault Lodge No. 9's officer installation. Worshipful Master Jimmy has been installed as Master for this year and Worshipful Brother David has been installed as LEO. The Most Worshipful Grand Master of Masons in Minnesota, Most Worshipful Brother John Cook, was the installing Master which is a great honor for any Master.

If you have never met Worshipful Master Jimmy, you need to meet him. He is one of the hardest working brothers in the state and his wife and he are extremely involved in Job's Daughters in the state of Minnesota serving on the Grand Guardian Council.

If you have never been to Faribault Lodge No. 9, you need to make a trip down there. The brothers are quite gracious and very knowledgeable on Masonic subjects. I remember my last trip there very well as we came to claim the Faribault sword. It was an honor to have sat in the East with Worshipful Brother David at that communication. These brothers are bringing Masonic light back to Faribault. Faribault No. 9 meets the 2nd Monday of each month, except June, July, and August.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Past Grand Master Tom McCarthy's Farewell Address

This is the farewell address from our immediate Past Grand Master Tom McCarthy, a brother who has shown great leadership for Minnesota Masonry. Thank you, Most Worshipful Brother Tom and you are welcome in Farmington anytime.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Member of the Philalethes Society

I'm proud to say that I have recently received my membership letter and dues card for the Philalethes Society. I'm very excited to see what I can expect from one of the premier Masonic research groups in the world.

The Philalethes Society includes amongst its ranks some of the brightest minds in Freemasonry today. Included in the membership is a subscription to the Philalethes Magazine. This magazine publishs influential and well-researched pieces about the subject of Masonry including the writings of WB Ed Halpaus, the Grand Lodge Education Officer of Minnesota.

Minnesota is very lucky this year. This year, MWB Terry Tilton is the current president and Minnesota will be hosting the 82nd Annual Feast and Forum. Included on the program is MWB Tom Jackson, who will be discussing how we fail with college men and what we can do to win. I am very interested to attend this event.

All in all, I'm very excited to be a member of the Philalethes Society. If you're interested in joining, visit

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Zuhrah Shrine to Sell Harrington Mansion

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On November 24th, 2009, the members of Zuhrah Shrine voted to sell the stunning Harrington Mansion, the Minneapolis Shrine Center and its parking lot at 2540 Park Avenue in Minneapolis. The Shriners of Minneapolis have occupied the building since 1929, when it was purchased for $25,000. According to Zuhrah's website, this is less than half the amount of the property taxes paid on the building (date unknown). Not sure what the future holds for Zuhrah Shrine's housing options nor the options of one of its tenants, the extremely successful Minneapolis Lodge #19, but whatever happens is completely undesirable.

This is a sad day not only for the Shrine but Minnesota Masonry in general. I pray that some relief will come to our various non-profit groups, not just the Masons. I just hate seeing beautiful buildings disappear to be used by some land developer with little care for its' sacred or historical significance. This loss will be felt throughout Minnesota and I wish there was a solution to avoid these problems. Masons have built this state but sadly, we are still treated as a forgotten relic, an organization from days gone by. It's not membership, it's not dues, it's not anything but a lack of consciousness by the public at large of what we do and its willingness to let us go.

Perhaps the Fraternity is changing. Perhaps land ownership will not be a part of what makes a Lodge special or important in the community. Maybe Grandma Gilmore is right when she says "a house is just a house", but it would be a real shame if we continued to allow the loss of these buildings when they have been a part of heritage for so long. Solutions need to found to prevent the loss of these great houses dedicated to our Craft.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Cornerstone Laying at Amplatz Children's Hospital

Today, the Grand Lodge of Minnesota, A.F. & A.M., performed a cornerstone laying at the University of Minnesota Amplatz Children's Hospital. Amplatz Children's Hospital will be a state-of-the-art facility replacing a much less satisfactory situation. The original setup involved the Children's Hospital being located within the adult hospital. This new building will have over 200 beds to provide top care for children and mothers. The hospital will be eco-friendly and will provide many ways for families to stay comfortable while their children are there including overnight rooms. The children will even have control over the lighting and color in their rooms, which has been shown to improve healing.

The purpose of the hospital is to help children and their families overcome extremely challenging times. We were told by the administrator of the hospital that the staff at Amplatz won't just deliver innovations in pediatric care but create them. To understand more about, you can fan them on Facebook or follow them on Twitter. It is a blessing that this state continues to push ahead medical research with the number of teaching hospitals, medical device producers and world class health systems based here. A wonderful video has been produced and can be viewed below:

This is a very proud day in University of Minnesota history. The ceremony was well attended by the brethren of Minnesota and the ceremony was well done,

including a very moving speech delivered by the Grand Orator and a great friend, Bill Callister.

It is no surprise that the Grand Lodge of Minnesota laid the cornerstone for this great work as Minnesota Masonry and the University of Minnesota has a great tradition of cooperation.

The Masonic Cancer Center Fund was originally founded in 1955 to help raise $1 million dollars for a center for terminally ill patients. The goal of the Masonic Cancer Center has changed dramatically from helping terminal patients at the end of life to finding a cure for cancer. The Masons of Minnesota, in 2008, gave the single largest gift to the University of Minnesota with $65 million.

The University of Minnesota is an important center for research and intellectual growth in the state of Minnesota. I'm very proud that our brothers have dedicated their time and money to continue advances in life changing medical research. Masons are pillars of our communities, supporting all those around.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Corinthian Lodge #67 Rededicates Lodge Building

On Saturday, October 10th, my Lodge, Corinthian Lodge #67 of Farmington Minnesota, will be rededicating our Lodge building. The local paper, the Farmington Independent, has published an article about this event. Worshipful Brother Paul Hardt, the current Master of the Lodge, is quoted in the article:

We want to invite the entire community to attend this wonderful celebration. With all the interest people have shown in Masons and Freemasonry, through Dan Brown’s books, and the ‘National Treasure’ movies, we wanted everyone to see just what Masons do and what we are all about.
Corinthian Lodge is one of the oldest Lodges in the state of Minnesota. It was originally founded by returning Civil War soldiers in 1867. It initially met in various locations including the Odd Fellows Lodge building until Corinthian could afford our own building. Sadly, that building burned down in the Great Fire of Farmington (thankfully, the charter survived). The Lodge would not have a building of its own until 1914, the same building that we continue to meet in to this day.

Some of the invited guests include the Grand Master of Masons in Minnesota as well as the rest of the Grand Line. If you are in the area and would like to see the new refurbished Lodge hall as well as to see just what we do, come out to downtown Farmington. The event will begin at 4 pm. I will also post a map below to find Farmington Masonic Temple. We hope to see you there!

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