
Posted in Art, Artist Books / Monographs, photography, poetry on January 23rd, 2025
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Pictures of the moon, the ultimate topos in photography, have been given a new twist in Erik Steinbrecher’s MONDFOTOGRAFIE. The Swiss artist collects pictures of the moon and rephotographs them, placing a finger on the lens. In this way, images of the full moon are transformed into obscure crescents.

MONDFOTOGRAFIE is a dark and witty artist’s book that takes a subtle, yet illuminating approach not only to the discourse on the photographic image but also to the interpretation and reading of images in general.

Erik Steinbrecher (born 1963 in Basel, lives and works in Berlin) is known to a wide international audience particularly since his participation in documenta X (1997) as well as further major institutional presentations such as at Kunst-Werke in Berlin, MoMA PS1 in New York, the Kunsthalle Vienna, the Museum Haus Konstruktiv in Zurich or The Weserburg Museum of Modern Art in Bremen. His work as artist has developed in two main directions; the areas of sculpture and architecture as well as the realm of publication. Steinbrecher released numerous books and printed matters, which always expose a strong conceptual idea and function as independent artworks.

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LUO YANG catalogue

Posted in Artist Books / Monographs, Exhibition catalogue, photography on January 5th, 2025
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Luo Yang is considered the shooting star of the current Chinese photo scene. This catalogue combines examples from her main works since the beginning of her career, intertwining them as they were personal stories.

Since 2007 the extensive series “GIRLS” has been created, a very personal examination of the photographer with women of her generation. Whether against the backdrop of Chinese megacities or in intimate settings in the private environment, the young women present themselves confident and individual, but at the same time appearing vulnerable and fragile. Apart from traditional female role models and traditional clichés, they are looking for their way to a self-determined life in the modern, rapidly transforming China.

In the series “YOUTH”, Luo Yang has been working with young people of Generation Z since 2019, i.e. those born in the late 1990s and around 2000. Fluid gender assignments become just as apparent as the search for individual expression between creative staging and authentic body feeling. Luo Yang paints the sensitive picture of the urban Chinese youth in search of orientation and identity.

Migrant Bird Space is a Berlin & Beijing-based art foundation and gallery, providing a showcase for artists as well as art agency services in China & Europe. Working out of the gallery space at Koppenplatz in the heart of Berlin, the foundation offers a professional platform for cross-cultural communication between China and Europe with a focus on contemporary Chinese art. Promoting both established and emerging artists, Migrant Birds provides gallery spaces for exhibitions in Beijing and Berlin, an artist-in-residence program, regular talks and lectures, as well as support in liaising with Museums, universities, private institutions and more.

This catalogue is published on the occasion of Luo Yang’s exhibition organized by Migrant Bird Space Berlin and curated by Lu Mei.

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Posted in Artist Books / Monographs, Documentary, Monograph, photography on November 13th, 2024
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Truly Blessed tells a powerful visual story about a community’s response to discrimination, both racial and religious. Chris Suspect came upon this unusual community by chance. He met Bilal Ali after a taxi hit Ali on the streets of Georgetown in Washington, DC. Suspect photographed the accident and sent him the photos for his lawyer to use. A few months later, Bilal invited Suspect to photograph a private party at a non-descript restaurant in Dupont Circle. At the time, Suspect had no idea he would be introduced that night to an empowered community of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender African Americans.

“In my Father’s house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where l am. You know the way to the place where I am going.” John 14:1-4

“Sometimes it is only through photographs that we can see the sacred in the secular, or the secular in the sacred. This collection, Truly Blessed, uses photography to forge a conversation between the sacred black church and secular sexual/erotic spaces, capturing sites where the body, mind, and spirit converge. Suspect’s attention to the subtlety of the performances of everyday people-engaging in rituals of their own choosing-illustrates the diverse and dynamic realities of being black and queer in America.
I was fortunate to be a founding minister at The Community Church of Washington, DC (UCC), the church that is so well-defined in this text.
I had left the DC metropolitan area by the time of this chronicling of sacred-secular aspects of black queer life. However, while in the ministry at the “Community Church,” I always felt conflicted to literally dance in the sanctuary, after a night of dancing and sweating in the streets. My queer peers and I were taught early the separation of the church and the street, the necessary division of the secular and the sacred. In many ways, being in a church where all were welcomed-where queer met straight, trans met bi, and men met women, we were already in a cultural world far different than what we had historically been given within larger and more mainstream black churches. Dare I say, while we may have sometimes felt a degree of shame or conflict—in mixing our sacred and seculars—we all felt the harmony between the spiritual and sexual, as both energies were charged by bodily need, passion, and improvisation. Every now and then the riffs at the DJ booth inside the Bachelor’s Mill would parallel the scratch of the drums behind the pulpit. Indeed, as Suspect shares images of folks engaged in a spiritual worship experience sometimes in the midst of giving devotion to a higher power, sitting in a pew, caring for children, hugging tightly, or speaking from the pulpit-we are offered a look into a word that may be familiar to some and foreign to others.
Likewise, as we move into the clubs and homes, we are presented with bodies who speak sexuality and desire in many ways some standing and watching, some moving, some in drag, some in masturbatory bliss, some posed in a moment of intimate dance, and some ready for the camera while others are unaware of its presence. The way that these scenes of sacred-spiritual and secular-sexual expression still exude the plurality and porousness of community, allows this work to color Black queerness in all its shades.” – Jeffrey Q. McCune, Forward

Author: Chris Suspect

Publisher: King Koala Press

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Сhris Suspect / Truly Blessed Presentation

Posted in Art, Artist Books / Monographs, Events, Exhibition catalogue, Motto Berlin, photography on November 12th, 2024
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Join us with King Koala Press in Berlin on Tuesday, Nov 12, from 7-9 PM for a presentation of ‘Truly Blessed’, a compelling visual narrative exploring community responses to racial and religious discrimination.

Published by King Koala Press, this book features a foreword by Jeffrey Q. McCune, PhD, and includes an extensive interview with Chris Suspect by Ibarionex Perello, host of The Candid Frame. With a testimonial from Guggenheim Fellow Maggie Steber, ‘Truly Blessed’ uses photography to bridge the sacred Black church and secular erotic spaces, highlighting the convergence of body, mind, and spirit. This work acknowledges the complexities of the “sacred” while celebrating the unapologetic existence of the sexual-secular-sacred trinity in the Black queer community.

Meet and greet, book signing and photo exhibition.

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body to book, INDEX

Posted in Art, Editions, Exhibition catalogue, Exhibitions, Gender, history, performance, photography on November 10th, 2024
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“Body to book” is an upcycling project that explores the relationship between the human body and books. It comprises six sculptures assembled from coat fragments and books, each covering a naked body. This arrangement invites explorations of sensuality and intimacy and encourages direct interaction with the subject. Through calling us to examine the subtle interactions between the body and the books, it offers new perspectives for artistic, philosophical and personal reflection on matter, media and the human condition.

Author: Bernhard Cella

Publisher: Salon Für Kunstbuch

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Found Serendipity

Posted in Artist Books / Monographs, photography on April 13th, 2024
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While walking, one captures the fleeting and ordinary objects encountered in the form of images. These captured images are then reassembled to ponder the impermanence of these objects, encouraging a renewed perspective on the everyday items that surround us. Since 2015, she has been photographing objects on the street, collecting and studying images on site STREETOBJET. Found Serendipity juxtaposes images of common objects found by chance on the streets with exhibition-style captions, inviting the viewer to linger between the lines, appreciate, and imagine the essence of these object images. Each book cover is uniquely stamped, creating a serendipitous arrangement.

Author: Hong, Ji-Sun

Publisher: Plate

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Table de Presse n°7 – Changement de Décor

Posted in photography, Zines on March 20th, 2024
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This edition comes packed in a plastic cover with the “L.A. Lawless” game, 2 silkscreen printed posters, “Table de presse n°5” and “HORS SERIE n°1”

La version papier de TDP N°7 – AVRIL 2020 – CHANGEMENT DE DÉCOR est parue ! Elle est disponible en 50 exemplaires dans une pochette plastique avec le jeu «L.A Lawless», deux affiches sérigraphiées et notre premier hors série : Table de presse n°5 — fevrier 2020 HORS SERIE n°1.

La ville, pour nous, a toujours été le décor de batailles politiques et poétiques entre le sérieux technocratique du béton et du verre et le charme désuet d’un coin de rue devenu archipel d’émancipation. Interroger la ville alors que nous sommes contraints de la déserter, lutter en proposant d’autres manières de la parcourir, et le jour de nos retrouvailles, reprendre la rue.

Pour notre septième table de presse, nous nous sommes interrogés sur notre façon d’habiter la ville. Face aux mesures exceptionnelles prises en réponse au coronavirus, notamment le confinement en France, nous avons été contraints à l’unité nationale. Est-ce que le confinement total était la seule réponse possible à la COVID-19 ? Cette crise offre la possibilité de questionner nos actions, artistiques ou autres. a été créé il y a 11 mois pour remettre en question nos “manières de faire et de montrer de l’art”. L’autonomie que nous avons cherché à instaurer est devenue essentielle aujourd’hui. Il est urgent d’introduire l’économie du don et la culture de l’open source dans la production artistique pour éviter la monopolisation par les grandes entreprises du numérique.

La ville, pour nous, a toujours été le décor de batailles politiques et poétiques entre le sérieux technocratique et le charme désuet d’un coin de rue devenu archipel d’émancipation.

Le 20 Mars 2020,

un bidonville de plusieurs familles d’une communauté de voyageurs a été expulsé de la rue de l’Acacia à Montreuil. La quasi totalité des maisons contruites ont été détruites. Le lieu qui s’apparente à une décharge depuis la destruction de leurs habitations est surveillé 7sur7 24sur24 par plusieurs agents de sécurité.

Je me suis rendu à plusieurs reprises dans ces lieux où j’ai photographié les cabanes encore en place, les tags inscrits sur les murs et les quelques traces restantes de celles et ceux qui ont vécu là plusieurs années.

fanzine imprimé au Sbis quai saint-vincent, à Lyon le 20 février 2020

Table De Presse et Studio Arpentage

C’est à la lueur d’un feu fait de résidus trouvés en route que nous nous réunissons. Une poussière grisâtre tombe du ciel et enveloppe le décor d’un épais manteau sec. Le banquet est court, le temps nous est compté.

Joyeux et incertains, nous traînons nos corps le long de la rive. Autour de nous, tout a changé de visage. Chacun porte à sa main un flambeau et je vois dans la lueur des flammes la complexité de leurs traits. Nous marchons côte à côte et à mesure que nos corps se frôlent, on a l’impression de déjà un peu mieux se connaître. De grimage en grimace je perçois la folie furieuse qui anime quelques un.e.s. On s’amuse de la situation; ça aurait pu être pire. L’odeur de la cendre n’est pas si âpre, la chaleur du sol pas tant brûlante.

L’une glisse le long de la colline derrière nous, elle s’est confectionnée une luge en laquelle elle a confiance et j’en- tends ses éclats de rire qui raisonnent dans cet espace im- mense. Nous avançons à pas de loup dans le brouillard épais, le temps est lourd mais les retrouvailles joyeuses.

Author: Table de Presse

Publisher: Table de Presse

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Borderline (Signed Copy)

Posted in photography on March 12th, 2024
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Borderline, Charles Paulicevich.
(Signed Copy)
Ceci est un essai, a collection run by François Bouchara.
Graphism Colin Junius.
Engraving and manufacture Gérard Issert.

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Playful subversion. Beni Bischof

Posted in photography on March 9th, 2024
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Playful Subversion from Swiss artist Beni Bischof is a wild journey through 945 black-and-white images taken from every available web portal in a crash of cultures, identity, humor and political comment a riotous paranoia about the world we live in and the billion of images that assault our senses every single day. It reads like an oversized flipbook except you will need one hell of a pocket to tuck this fat little monster into your coat pocket. Produced for his first Austrian solo exhibition at Fotohof Salzburg, it does exactly as the title suggests. A highly entertaining vade mecum, it blends together the great icons of the culture industry in a high-contrast panorama of our postmodern media culture. The contrast of black-and-white reproductions not only deconstructs and profanes the odd hero or two but also generates a subversive maelstrom, the pull of which is difficult to escape.

Author: Beni Bischof

Publisher: Fotohof edition and Laser Magazin

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veiled_eyes. Maryna Russo.

Posted in photography, writing on March 8th, 2024
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Veiled Eyes was founded in 2015, originally as an art project against Instagram and its hashtag culture. Having to adapt to the fast-growing social media and marketing platform, Veiled Eyes was born. The concept was to hide (or veil) the subject’s eyes and show no locations. At the time the project began, users were unable to have more than one account per registered email. Over time, after updates and several iPhones later, I was blocked and locked out of the Veiled Eyes account. After many attempts to regain access, I simply gave up. In collaboration with dtan Studio, I transformed the original concept into the analog form you currently hold in your hand.

Maryna Russo

edition of 58

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