Shifter17: Re___ing

Posted in illustration, magazines, Uncategorized, writing on April 30th, 2011

Shifter17: Re___ing

Re___ing, exists both within Rethinking Marxism’s upcoming issue (Vol. 23 No. 2) as well as a new issue of Shifter. This folding of one identity into another, a re within a Re and the resultant destabilization of both frames of reference, is precisely the nature of Re___ing.

Here, contributors engage a variety of gestures tied to reproducing by deploying palimpsestic archives culled from historical documents, proposing morphological relations as historic fact and ultimately forcing procedures of mimicry, translation and interpretation to their limit. This limit or threshold in many instances is defined here through the body and its traces, actions, delusions and dreams which may often remain utterly irreproducible.

Editors: Sreshta Rit Premnath, Matthew Metzger

Contributors: Thom Donovan, Tamar Guimarães, Patricia Esquivias, Susan Jahoda, Erik Wenzel, Patrizio Di Massimo, Alicja Kwade, Adrian Williams, Mike Schuh, Lisa Zaher, Zachary Cahill, Arnold Kemp, Jean Marc Superville Sovak, Corinna Kirsch

98 Pages

D 12€


Available for distribution

Erik Steinbrecher Trilogy

Posted in Motto Berlin store, painting, photography, Zines on April 30th, 2011
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Erik Steinbrecher Trilogy from left; Ital Thai Chinese and Paint, Möhren In Athen, Halli Galli

Erik Steinbrecher Zine Set contains:

Ital Thai Chinese and Paint, Erik Steinbrecher & Zuni Halpern

Ital Thai Chinese and Paint is a compilation of the first collaborative work by Zuni Halpern and Erik Steinbrecher. The booklet shows montages of photographs and paintings. All the photographed advertisings are collected in the streets. The paintings on paper are studio works. Both materials, views of fusion food and plates of abstract designs are melted. These “painted meals” can be considered as ornaments in the urban context of fast gastronomy and catering.

Möhren In Athen, Erik Steinbrecher

For his show Wind in Athens/Möhren in Athen Erik Steinbrecher left Berlin for Athens, his suitcase packed with carrots. The artist’s art odyssee began. His chosen site for an intervention was the National Archaeological Museum. During his visit in the collection Steinbrecher installed single carrots in the exposition spaces; close to sculptures and artfacts, on bases and behind walls. For this publication Steinbrecher overworked these documents making up the images with cancarrots.

Halli Galli, Erik Steinbrecher

After work artist Erik Steinbrecher every now and then takes a stroll around town. For this project he explored Zurich´s red-light district around Langstrasse with his camera in his pocket. He took photos of the advertising vitrines around the erotic-dance scene located there. A selection of these photographs of artistic dancers were then printed out and overworked by Steinbrecher.

Published by Nieves

D 16€

Piktogram #15

Posted in magazines, photography, Uncategorized, writing on April 29th, 2011

Piktogram #15

D 12€


Available for distribution

The Documents Of Suspicious Non-Events, Anna Szaflarski

Posted in photography on April 28th, 2011
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Peripheral Incidents From The Documents of Suspicious Non-Events, A.M. Szaflarski

A narrative account on the investigation of the Secret of Poplar Island; an abandoned industrial island with a complicated history. Documents collected from three experiments: Climbing, System for Searching and Dropping.

Paperback, 70 pages, colour, 18 x 23 cm
2nd Edition (2010): edition of 75

D 20 €

Kultur & Gespenster Nr. 12, Frühling 2011

Posted in literature, magazines on April 28th, 2011
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Kultur & Gespenster – Ausgabe 12, Frühling 2011

Die 12. Ausgabe des Magazins Kultur & Gespenster ist fast ein bisschen zu schön geworden und widmet sich ausschließlich der Märchensammlung von Karl Müllenhoff, welche er 1845 veröffentlichte.

Kultur & Gespenster bringt einen Teil der Sagen, Märchen und Lieder der Herzogtümer Schleswig, Holstein und Lauenburg, ergänzt um ein Gespräch zwischen dem Mediävisten und Literaturwissenschaftler Hartmut Freytag und dem Künstler Alexander Rischer, welcher im Herbst vergangenen Jahres etliche Fahrradtouren durchs Holsteinische unternahm, um die Originalschauplätze der Märchen für dieses Heft zu fotografieren.

Wunderbarerweise waren fast alle Orte zu finden: Heidnische Kultstätten, Quellen, Bäume, Kirchen, Glocken, Plätze für Mirakel und Rechtshändel, auch versunkene Orte und solche, an denen der Teufel den Übermut strafte. Gespenster, Irrlichter, Zauberer, Werwölfe, Teufelspferde, Drachen, Zwerge und weiße Frauen gehörten zum Alltag. Nicht zu sprechen von den Seuchen, Vorzeichen und Weissagungen, den versunkenen Schlössern, Grabhügeln, schlafenden Helden und Heeren, verhängnisvollen Bäumen und natürlich den überall vergrabenen Schätzen.

D 12€

Versuch No. 1: Notes and Projects

Posted in literature, Motto Berlin store, writing on April 28th, 2011

Versuch No. 1: Notes and Projects

Edited by Gil Leung, Notes and Projects is about making something because you love something else. In light of this, the first chapter of Versuch is on forms of notation that use preexisting things, for example quotes or other objects, to try to articulate, or just share, that indeterminate quality that can make something so important to us.

Contributors include:
Jesse Ash, Ed Atkins, Andrea Büttner, David Raymond Conroy, Jesse Aron Green, Pablo Lafuente, Liang & Liang, Bevis Martin & Charlie Youle, Charlotte Moth, Francesco Pedraglio, Colin Perry, Heather Phillipson, Paul Pieroni, Hannah Rickards, Alexandre Singh, Luke Skrebowski, Alexis Marguerite Teplin, Jesper List Thomsen

Published by VERSUCH, London in 2011
Designed by Bev Weaner
109 pages

D 12€


Again, A Time Machine – A Book Works Touring Exhibition in Five Parts

Posted in Events, Exhibitions, Motto Berlin event on April 27th, 2011
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Again, A Time Machine – A Book Works touring exhibition in five parts

Part two
Book Works archive in collaboration with Archive Books and Sternberg Press,
Simon Fujiwara, Maria Fusco, Stewart Home, Jonathan Monk, Katrina Palmer, Markus Weisbeck and Fons Hickmann

6 May to 2 June 2011 at Motto Berlin/Chert

Performance event
With Simon Fujiwara, Maria Fusco, Stewart Home, Jonathan Monk, Katrina Palmer, Markus Weisbeck and Fons Hickmann
Friday 13 May, start 6.30

music by: “Nat-Ala-Mat “

The Showroom, London
14 June 2011 to 19 May 2012

Spike Island, Bristol
16 September to 9 October 2011

White Columns, New York
23 October to 19 November 2011

Fotograf #16, Photography and Painting

Posted in Motto Berlin store, painting, photography on April 26th, 2011
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Fotograf #16 Photography and Painting

This issue of Fotograf broaches subject photography and painting, asking questions such as what is the actual bond between photographs and paintings, and how does photography differ from its much older partner?
With an introduction by Zdena Kolečková and Michal Koleček, and profiles and reviews of over 20 artists. Edited by Pavel Baňka.

D 16€


Mutující Médium / Mutating Medium, Exhibition Catalogue, Galerie Rudolfinum

Posted in Exhibition catalogue, Motto Berlin store, Motto Zürich store, photography, writing on April 26th, 2011
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Mutující médium/Mutating Medium Exhibition Catalogue

In co-operation with Galerie Rudolfinum and Fotograf magazine

Exhibition catalogue
Czech with English resume
149 pages

Author of the texts / exhibition curator: Pavel Vančát
Graphic design: Markéta Kinterová
Editor: Pavel Baňka

D 28€


Oops Wrong Planet by Anouk De Clercq. Published by MER, Paper Kunsthalle

Posted in Motto Berlin store, video on April 25th, 2011

Artist book Oops Wrong Planet by Anouk De Clercq, published by MER, Paper Kunsthalle in 2009.

Edited by Edwin Carels, Anouk De Clercq, Jan Knops, Landschip.
Bookdesign by Boy Vereecken and Kasia Korczak.

In English, French and Dutch.

D 20€