Jean-Luc Moulène. Centre Pompidou. Editions Dilecta

Posted in Jean-Luc Moulene, sculpture on May 18th, 2017 by admin
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Jean-Luc Moulène / Centre Pompidou / Editions Dilecta

This work allows us to grasp, through these unpublished works, the richness and complexity of the artist’s abstract and corporeal universe. Jean-Luc Moulène seeks to “objectify” the world through a variety of practices, forms and subjects, by anchoring his reflection in mathematics, and especially in set theory, which can be a metaphor for social space. Using 3D design techniques, he explores operations such as intersection, laterality and cutting in a tension between body and object. His works question the common space, the form that this space takes, its intersection with the individual space.

“The looker: someone who looks, yes, I work for him. If you talk to me about a public or a spectator, I do not know who it is. Perhaps a marketing tool? So, let’s say that “the viewer” is the one to whom one passes the work, because that is what it is, in the background. An artist produces an object and at some point he separates from it, and someone else looks at it. And it is at this moment that the life of the work begins …. It is also for this reason that the work must be closed. Because it does not communicate the results of an experiment, it allows the experiment. And to this end, it is necessary to provide the viewer with a perfectly closed or expired object so that it is he who opens it or inspires it.” »Jean-Luc Moulène

240 pages
21,5 x 28 cm
French / English

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