Monday, September 21, 2009

Happy Birthday to Lois!

I'm back to work early this morning so no time for a full post but I couldn't let the day go by without taking the time to wish happy birthday to one of the most fun and nicest ladies I've had the chance to meet in a long time - Lois Grebowski!

Lois and her fantastically funny hubby Hank are back on the road again in their trella and heading home to Nashville for a little while before heading back out again in to Michigan before too long. That woman sure is one travelin' fool but she does it so well while she gets to spread her own brand of sunshine to so many people in so many places. Honestly, our government would do well to make her an official ambassador!

So, Lois - wherever you are and whoever's day you're brightening - may you have a wonderful birthday and a fantastic year. Oh, and I put a little something for you in the mail as you can see from the following video -

personalized greetings


  1. Anonymous6:32 AM EDT

    Happy Birthday, Lois!

    I sure hope the cake you're getting isn't THAT one! =:-0

  2. Anonymous7:09 AM EDT

    many many happy returns of the day...

  3. Anonymous7:09 AM EDT

    many many happy returns of the day...

  4. Happy, happy day, Lois! Big hugs...

  5. Happy Birthday to you
    Happy Birthday to you
    Happy Birthday Dear Lois,
    Happy Birthday to you.

    Have a terrific day Linda. :)

  6. wow it's a cake, an uncake, and a cake again. magic i tell you...

    happy birthday lois!

    smiles, bee

  7. Happy birthday to Lois.

    Hope you had a good day at work Linda. :)

  8. Have a great birthday, Lois!

  9. Anonymous4:44 PM EDT

    Bwahahahahahahahahahaha.... Cake!

  10. okay...the video almost made me throw up....I gonna forward to my kids...ha!

    I'll go wish her a happy day.

  11. gee, if THAT'S how you treat a friend...I may not even tell you when MY birthday is!!!


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