Showing posts with label Easter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Easter. Show all posts

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Greetings

It's still not very Spring-like here in Connecticut so for today's picture I dug into my archives for a shot of last year's azaleas. Unfortunately, this plant stayed with the old house but I'm sure whoever lives there now will enjoy them just as much as I did.

Whether you celebrate the holiday or not, may you have a wonderful day filled with family, friends, and fun!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Welcome Spring and Happy Easter!

Apparently in spite of the continued cold temperatures that we've been getting here in Connecticut, Spring really has sprung as evidenced by the crocuses that have popped up in my front yard. Yay! It looks like my daffodils and tulips are making a valiant effort also so hopefully before long I'll have a yard filled with some beautiful color. Come on, Spring!

Speaking of beautiful ...

Isn't that a lovely Easter basket filled with all sorts of Easter goodies? I think it is and it's mine! I can't even remember the last time I got an Easter basket, especially one that was done up in my favorite color purple, so I was really happy to get this one from my friend Amy last night. Woo-hoo! I got an Easter basket! A purple Easter basket!!

Amanda and I went over to Jason & Amy's house last night for a belated St. Patrick's Day dinner of some of the best corned beef I have ever had. Amy cooks it all day in a crockpot with Guinness and other seasonings and it's so tender that you can cut it with a fork. Yummy! I knew that she was planning on giving Amanda an Easter basket but I had no idea she was going to give one to me, too. What a lovely surprise and it's so pretty, I don't want to eat any of it! Amanda, of course, has already devoured most of hers but she'd best stay away from mine if she knows what's good for her! Of course, I'll probably have to lock it away before I go to work this afternoon ...

I hope everyone has a very Happy Easter and that Spring will be arriving on your doorstep soon!