Showing posts with label Peace Globes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Peace Globes. Show all posts

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Dona Nobis Pacem - Blog Blast for Peace 2010

Peace Globe November 2010
Across the Blogosphere today, hundreds of bloggers are united in asking for the world to just give peace a chance. 
 We've tried everything else it seems so what would it hurt?

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Sculptures of Peace and Joy in Rhode Island

This piece of artwork is called "Dancing on the Waves" and is located in a small park in front of the town beach at Narragansett, Rhode Island. The sculpture is created by Anne Mimi Sammis, "whose passion for love and peace, embody the joy, the dance of love between ourselves and others."

From what I can determine, Ms. Sammis is a resident of Narragansett but her artwork can be found in quite a few other states in this country as well as overseas in England and the Netherlands. She has a second sculpture located in the same park called "Dance of Peace" -

Jamie not included!

Sometimes I just don't 'get' modern art but I thought these sculptures were rather pretty and I can appreciate their meaning and the thought behind them. As a matter of fact, I think that our own Queen Mimi, founder of the Peace Globe Movement, would really hit it off with this other Mimi who also strives for peace through her artwork - one of which bears a striking resemblance to a globe! Maybe it's the name?

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Dona Nobis Pacem

Plushies for Peace Globe
In honor of today's Blog Blast for Peace, I wanted to share some of my favorite peace quotes by some of my favorite Americans as there are people who have said it so much better than I ever could. Funny how we've been talking about peace for so many years and yet it still seems to be so out of reach. May peace be with you and yours not just today but always!
I like to believe that people in the long run are going to do more to promote peace than our governments. Indeed, I think that people want peace so much that one of these days governments had better get out of the way and let them have it. - Dwight D. Eisenhower

There was never a good war or a bad peace. - Benjamin Franklin

But peace does not rest in the charters and covenants alone. It lies in the hearts and minds of all people. So let us not rest all our hopes on parchment and on paper, let us strive to build peace, a desire for peace, a willingness to work for peace in the hearts and minds of all of our people. I believe that we can. I believe the problems of human destiny are not beyond the reach of human beings. - John F. Kennedy

One day we must come to see that peace is not merely a distant goal that we seek, but that it is a means by which we arrive at that goal. We must pursue peaceful ends through peaceful means. - Martin Luther King, Jr.

The structure of world peace cannot be the work of one man or one party or one nation. It must be a peace which rests on the cooperative effort of the whole world. - Franklin D. Roosevelt
With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation's wounds; to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow and his orphan - to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace, among ourselves, and with all nations. - Abraham Lincoln

Thursday, November 1, 2007

What the Fashionable Peace Glober is Wearing

Look what I got from Mimi for submitting my new Peace Globe to her for next Wednesday's Blog Blast for Peace! Isn't it just the cutest thing ever? You've still got time to get one of your own - just click on the link below and join myself and hundreds of others across the Blogosphere on November 7th in giving peace a chance. Are you in??

Click to get yours

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Plushies for Peace

Take a look at your calendar and you'll see that November 7th is coming up and it's coming up fast. If you don't know what's so special about November 7th then you obviously haven't been over to visit Mimi Lenox - Queen of Memes and founder of the Peace Globe Movement and the Blog Blast for Peace. The next Blog Blast is taking place on November 7th when bloggers all over the Blogosphere will proudly display their Peace Globes and blog about peace.

The last Blog Blast for Peace took place on Wednesday, June 6th, and it was a beautiful thing with Peace Globes being displayed on hundreds and hundreds of blogs, myself included with a Peace Globe that Amanda did the artwork for. You can check it out here or on my sidebar if you're so inclined.

This time around I really wasn't sure what I wanted to do with my Peace Globe but then it occurred to me that with all the work that Amanda and I had just done on the plushie dolls for My Chemical Romance, a band that was started due to the events on September 11th, 2001 in an effort to make a difference in the world, that perhaps the plushies might want to step forward and be spokesmen (spokesdolls?) for peace.

So, to that end, I present to you my Peace Globe for November 7th's Blog Blast for Peace -

I'd like to think that the boys in the band might be rather flattered that they are, vicariously through stuffed images, taking part in something as important as the quest for world peace.

Do you have your peace globe yet?? If not, click here to get your very own Peace Globe and join this list of bloggers across the globe who are participating in the Blog Blast for Peace on November 7th. My friend Mimi will thank you, I will thank you, and the world will thank you, too!

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Saturday Photo Scavenger Hunt - "Art"


This week's theme for the Saturday Photo Scavenger Hunt is something near and dear to oldest daughter's heart as it is ART. It also made it pretty easy for me to find pictures as she has most of her artwork posted over on her DeviantArt account so all I had to do was copy and paste. For once I didn't have to go scrambling around trying to find something!

First, meet the artist: this is Amanda in one of her "Revenge" modes. "Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge" was the second album by her favorite band, My Chemical Romance (of which no doubt regular readers of this blog are more than familiar!). Apparently Amanda is not alone in liking to dress up like the lead singer of the band as I have come across many, many "Gerards" on the Internet. Ah well, as they say, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and I'm sure that Gerard is quite flattered by all the attention lavished on him by adoring fans.

Speaking of Gerard, this first piece of artwork is a pen and ink drawing of the man himself, also in "Revenge" mode. The lyrics are from the song "To the End" which is based on the short story "A Rose for Emily" by William Faulkner.

This next picture is one of Amanda's crayon drawings entitled "Once Upon a Toaster" and is of Gerard's brother, Mikey, bass player for My Chem. Apparently Mikey has somehow become associated with toasters (I remain happily clueless as to why) so Amanda thought she would draw him sitting on top of a toaster holding one of his beloved cups of coffee.

This is another crayon drawing, entitled "The Patient". It is drawn in Chibi style which originated in Japan but has become very popular in Western fandom. Found mostly in anime and manga, chibi are typically known to be super-cute, have large puppy-dog eyes, and often a mischievous personality. This one definitely fits those parameters!

Another crayon drawing done in chibi style of Snoh, a character that Amanda created on her own and one of which she has drawings in several other styles and poses in her DeviantArt gallery. Snoh is carrying Kappu (Japanese for cup and another character that Amanda uses frequently) filled with coffee - one of Amanda's very favorite beverages, especially if it's iced!

One more crayon chibi is of Amanda's alter-ego in the DeviantArt world known as Art Munkey or Mandy. You'll notice she's also holding the requisite cup of coffee and looking quite happy about it! I believe I've seen this very look on her face many times!

Last but not least is a drawing of Bob Bryar, drummer of MCR, which was done using a computer mouse. This drawing became the basis of my Peace Globe that you see over on my sidebar and which will be flying prominently this coming Wednesday as my entry for my Wordless Wednesday post.

Wednesday, June 6th, will be the second Blog Blast for Peace when bloggers across the globe will be displaying their Peace Globes as well as blogging about the theme Dona Nobis Pacem - Latin for Give Us Peace. It's not too late to make plans to join us and if you don't have a Peace Globe yet, just click here where Mimi Lenox explains how easy it is to design and post one of your own.

It might just be the most important piece (peace?) of art you create all year!

If you've got the time while you're here please visit my weekly "I've Got a Question, You've Got an Answer" post below this one!

Saturday Photo Scavenger Hunt Participants
1. Melli
2. Gabrielle
3. sassy mom
4. Samantah & Tigger
5. Rach
6. And Miles To Go...
7. Crazy Working Mom
8. Lisa Renee
9. jmb
10. letha
11. Suwan
12. Callie Ann
13. maiylah
14. hanneng
15. pat
16. Amazing Gracie
17. jenn in holland
18. Lynn
19. Pastormac\'s Ann
20. superkimbo
21. eija
22. Mousey
23. radioactive
24. night owl
25. Gewels
26. empress bee (of the high sea)
27. Write From Karen
28. Hootin\' Anni
29. Carol
30. Jenny A.
31. A.
32. Vash
33. Dragonheart
34. The Simple Times In Life
35. tray
36. Hummie
37. Mitey Mite
38. SargeCharlie
39. dirkey
40. Drew
41. lissa
42. Patricia
43. crookedeyebrow
44. amy
45. JHS
46. Gran (Angela)
47. Barbara H.
48. Socccer Mom in Denial
49. incog & nito
50. Chen
51. Teena in Toronto
52. YTSL
53. Liz
54. fruit basket

Get the code and join the Blogroll here!

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Saturday, March 31, 2007

The Peace Globe Movement

"All we are saying is give peace a chance ... "

Mimi Lenox of Mimi Writes sent out an email awhile ago about the latest Peace Globe Movement in the Blogosphere that is due to take place on June 6, 2007. In her email she invited anyone and everyone, regardless of political or religious beliefs, to sign a Peace Globe and add it to the ever growing number that have already been signed and posted on many, many blogs of all types and topics. I have visited many blogs that sport a Peace Globe on their sidebars and am sure that there will be many more to follow.

Ex-military though I may be, I do support World Peace and oftentimes wonder why, in the words of Rodney King, "can't we all just get along?" Why does someone always want what someone else has?, why does someone who is a bully and tyrant always want to be in charge?, why does there seem to be so much hate? Sometimes I just don't get it.

I decided that I definitely wanted to participate when, as Mimi put it, "We will storm Blogland again with Peace Globes and identical post titles on June 6, 2007. The goal is to get as many blog owners as possible blogging about world peace on the same day and displaying their signed globes from all parts of the world saying the same thing in the title - Dona Nobis Pacem - translated from Latin to English "Grant Us Peace."

To do that all I had to do was get a Peace Globe, put my name and/or a message on it, ship it off to Mimi, and then post it on my blog. Easy enough, right? Well - not quite. I have the artistic talents of a rutabaga so I asked my very artistic daughter to help me out with this as she has PhotoShopping skills second to none. However, trying to get her to take the time out from doing her own designs and drawings was akin to trying to pull my own teeth! Finally after much nagging (as she put it) and cajoling, she was able to fit me into her busy schedule and came up with the below Peace Globe:

I shall proudly display this on my sidebar and on June 6th will place it in a post with other bloggers all across the globe when "voices" all across the Blogosphere will cry out with the same message at the same time - Dona Nobis Pacem - Grant Us Peace! Maybe if enough people at the same time say the same thing the rest of the world will listen and something good will come of it!

Please join us if you haven't already!