Showing posts with label Pisstakers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pisstakers. Show all posts

Sunday, April 8, 2007

The Weekend Wrap-Up

Welcome to the start of another week (or the end of the last one depending on how you look at it!); I hope that everyone had a happy Easter filled with jelly beans, egg hunts, chocolate bunnies, and renewals and, despite the lingering Winter weather, you're ready to hop into Spring.

I had to work today but it was pretty relaxed for a change and even though I had no Cadbury Mini-Eggs or chocolate bunnies, one of the paramedics on duty brought me an Easter bagel (blueberry with strawberry cream cheese - yum!). When I got home I gave Amanda her Easter basket but because I had waited until the last minute, I'm afraid she didn't get any Mini-Eggs or a chocolate bunny either. In the zoo that was Wal-Mart yesterday I could only find a white chocolate pig (name of Pigglesworth to be exact) so that's what she got. I was going to take a picture to show off on my blog but I'm afraid Amanda ate Pigglesworth's face off before I could get to the camera! Never underestimate the power of a chocolate animal!

In other news, my blog was the recipient of a mini-review over at The Pisstakers, a blog that totes itself as "daily satire at its best". I stumbled upon the blog via Polliwog's Pond when I read her post about winning an entire pound of gummi bears - and a full blog review - through a contest at The Pisstakers. Well, as you might well imagine from my recent M&M posts, I am all about free candy so this week I'm going to strive to win some gummi bears myself. In order to do that, I need as many of you as possible to sign up at MyBlogLog (if you haven't already) and then pop over to The Pisstakers from any of the three links I have conveniently left for you in this paragraph! And if you're one of the last ten bloggers in the sidebar widget when Ed starts blogging next Sunday you'll get a mini-review and a chance to win the gummi bears, too! Who doesn't love a contest? Who doesn't love free candy? Who doesn't love helping a fellow blogger out?

And last but not least for this Sunday evening; I fear that Amanda has become quite obsessed with her favorite band, My Chemical Romance, as she decided that we absolutely, positively had to bake a cake for lead singer Gerard Way's birthday tomorrow. Gerard will never know that we had a very nice fudge swirl cake with chocolate icing and red and white custom-designed decoration to celebrate his 30th birthday but I will be more than happy to scarf some down in his honor! And you never know where a picture may pop up!

Have a great week everyone and don't forget to make a suggestion for the saying on my M&Ms in the sticky post above! And to visit The Pisstakers (one more link in case you missed the first three!).