Showing posts with label Thunderbirds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thunderbirds. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Happy Fourth of July! - The Air Force Version!

USAF ThunderbirdsIn a comment to my previous post with a picture of the Navy's Blue Angels, a reader took me to task by writing the following:
Pennywise sezs:
Shame on you, an Air Force brat, for posting a picture of the Blue Angels. Surely you could of found a picture of the Thunderbirds somewhere in your wanderings.
USAF ThunderbirdsTo that all I can say is "I'm sorry and you're right"! I had thought of it, really I had, but I had received the picture I used from a friend in an email and I took the lazy way out and used it rather than take the time to look for a picture of the United States Air Force Thunderbirds. As not only an Air Force brat but a former Sergeant in that same branch of service, I hang my head in shame.

USAF Thunderbirds
Hopefully these pictures will make up for my faux pas - sorry, John! - and Dad's ashes can stop swirling in their urn (I guess that's the cremated version of 'rolling in one's grave!).

Hope everyone had a safe and happy Fourth of July!

Pictures courtesy of the USAF Thunderbirds official website.