Showing posts with label lottery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lottery. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Tea & Tickets

I had to run to the convenience store today to pick up milk and tea as we were out of both and Amanda and I have both had nasty sore throats for the better part of a week for which tea is an absolute necessity. I didn't realize that we were out and normally that's something that I would rather buy at a regular grocery store because prices at convenience stores are none too convenient! There was nothing for it today but to suck it up and buy it at the local Cumberland Farms as there was no way I was traipsing all the way to a regular grocery store just for that as with the current cost of gas ($3.09 a gallon), I would have spent more money driving there than I would have saved on the box of tea.

So, I spent $3.15 on a gallon of milk, $3.49 on a box of 48 tea bags, $3.00 on a "Win for Life" scratch game lottery ticket, $1.00 on a Classic Lotto ticket, and even shelled out $1.00 for a Powerball ticket. I figure it's hard to have all these dreams of luxury homes when I don't even buy a ticket for a chance to win the millions I'd need to afford one!

Sadly I did not "Win for Life" and I doubt that my chances of either of the other two tickets I bought being a winner are very high but in the big scheme of things, I guess $1.00 or two isn't going to make a big difference one way or the other. And as the Lottery Commission likes to say, "You can't win if you don't play". Right ...

Monday, April 23, 2007

What would you do if your numbers came up?

We here in New England were finally treated to a picture-perfect Spring weekend after what seemed like a very long "winter of our discontent". Last Monday we were lucky if it was 40 degrees with tons of rain and the wind blowing like a banshee - this Monday it was a gorgeous 80+ degrees with blue skies and gentle breezes. Absolutely beautiful weather and definitely welcome!

Even though I had to work yesterday, I got to enjoy some of the beautiful weather afterwards when I drove up to my mother's neck of the woods to pick Amanda up after her fantastic weekend in Boston. Because it was a beautiful Sunday afternoon, I rolled the windows down, opened the sunroof, and took the scenic route up to Canterbury while driving at a leisurely pace listening to some of my favorite music and just enjoying the countryside.

While driving I let my mind wander and found myself contemplating life if I ever won the lottery. Now granted, I don't play the lottery that often but when I do buy the occasional ticket, I like to fantasize a bit about what I would do if I were to check my ticket the day after the drawing and realize that I was no longer going to have to wonder how long I could go without having to actually buy groceries! I'm sure it's something we all do from time to time because even though it's been said that money can't buy happiness, I think it would be fun to find that out first-hand!

After paying off what bills I have, first on my list would be a house but I'm not sure what kind of house or even where I would want that house to be. The one thing I know for sure is that it would have to have a front porch with comfortable rocking chairs and an assortment of wind-chimes. It would also have to have a kitchen with all of the modern amenities and preferably a live-in cook! Other than that, I am open to suggestions and, if money were no object, it could be quite fun to go house-hunting. As I drove along yesterday I looked at all sorts of houses and picked out things I did and didn't like about them trying to imagine the "perfect" house.

Next on my list would be providing for my family and friends the things that I have always wanted to be able to do but have not had the financial where-with-all to do more than dream about. I think that good fortune should be spread around and if I had enough money to pay off a friend's mortgage, send them on their dream vacation, buy them that bass boat they've been drooling over, or help them with their own business those are things that I would love to be able to do just to see the smiles on their faces and for no other reason whatsoever.

After that - I don't know. I think I'd keep my job as I like it in spite of the stress and frustration but you can dang well bet your bottom dollar that I wouldn't be working any more overtime! Oh, and I would definitely go on a vacation - maybe a cruise as I hear so many wonderful things about them or perhaps I'd really splurge and take a ride on the Orient Express.

But, of course, those things are all just dreams within a dream and nice to think about during a Sunday afternoon drive. Reality being what it is, I only managed to match ONE number on the recent lottery drawing. Guess I'll just have to settle for being beautiful rather than rich!

What about you? If you won the lottery, what would be the first thing you'd do? Other than do a happy dance, that is? Quit your job? Travel? Build that dream house? Send some to me?