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Showing posts with label quilt along. Show all posts
Showing posts with label quilt along. Show all posts

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Classic Meets Modern Finale!

As hard as it is to believe, we've been quilting along on our Classic Meets Modern quilts for a full twelve months, and it's time to close this baby out.  If you've kept up, all of the blocks are finished and now they just have to be put together.  Easy peasy!

I just couldn't help myself.  I actually finished my quilt right after putting my filler blocks together back in November.  I'm so glad I did since I am still on doctor's orders to rest my neck.  I absolutely LOVE how this quilt turned out with the pretty Acreage fabric collection, so different from my original version in bold solids.

I quilted this one with an allover floral pattern with my favorite 50 wt. Aurifil White, and I think the motif works so well with these prints.  The sun was casting some major shadows during my photo session which really highlights the quilting texture.

The bundle of fabric I used was larger than I needed for the blocks and included lots of low volume fabrics.  A low volume backing is a bit of a different choice for me, but I simply couldn't bear to leave them out. These softer fabrics paired with a strip of bold scraps and solid gray work really well, and though it is a different kind of backing for me, I really like it a lot.

For the binding, I pulled this print from my stash. It's the perfect shade of teal.  It isn't from the Acreage collection, but it definitely looks right at home!

I think my favorite part of this quilt is how the prints give the pattern such a different look.  In fact, seeing the pattern interpreted in so many ways throughout the year has been my favorite part of hosting this QAL, and I can't wait to see everyone's quilt tops put together.  Remember, there are a few prizes up for grabs!

To be eligible for the prize drawings, you just have to have a completed quilt top before the linky closes, and because the holidays are SO busy, I'm going to keep it open until January 15th!  You can link from a blog, Flickr, or Instagram, or if you don't have any of those platforms, you can email a photo of your completed top to me, and I will add your photo to my post and enter for you.

Okay!  You've spent an entire year putting your quilt together, and it's finally time to show off your hard work!  Remember, this link up is only for sharing Classic Meets Modern quilts.  You can link up all of your other awesome finishes at the next Needle and Thread Thursday.

Linking from IG has been finicky lately, so check out a few quilts that have been emailed to me!  These entries are numbered in the order they were sent to me, and following the LinkyTools numbers.

If you want to have your quilt top included here but aren't finished in time for the prizes, that's okay.  I would still love to show it off.  Just use the Email Me button on the right to send me a photo!  :)

  6.  Jackie (j2watson on IG)-                                                7. Brenna (bgoode29 on IG)-

8.  Joanne- (joejodub on IG)-


                                                                Classic Meets Modern QAL

Monday, October 15, 2018

CMM October Blocks

We are in the home stretch, y'all!  After this month, I can't believe that we only have the snowball and flying geese filler blocks left, and then it will be time to put our quilt tops together.  With my love of all things scrappy, it is no wonder that the blocks for this month are two of my favorites in the entire quilt.

The Curved Log Cabin block is the first for this month.  The Log Cabin quilt block is one of the oldest traditional quilt blocks, and with lots of different layout options it can be used to create many different looks.  It is so much fun to see how just changing the measurements of one side of the block creates such a neat, curvy effect.

You actually have a couple of different options with this one.  I like the cross shape and thought the quilt needed some negative space in that spot, so I chose to sew my block using prints for the narrow strips; but this block could easily be changed to create a rounded bubble shape.  To do that, you would just need to flip your background and print fabric placement.  I've actually never made a quilt with the bubble shape curved log cabin, but you can see an example of one HERE if you want to give it a try.

The second block for this month is the String Diamond.  There are so many applications for string blocks, and putting them together to create half square triangles is a little twist that gives so much fun movement to the string pieces.  For this quilt, I opted to cut all of my scrappy strings a consistent 2" width, using seven strips in each set, but in my original CMM quilt, I used a variety of widths.  Either option works beautifully!

I packed as many prints into each of this month's blocks as possible (there are no repeats in either block!), and because these blocks are a great place to use up scraps, they are perfectly situated toward the end of the QAL.

I've added these two blocks to my digital layout sheet, and I LOVE the way the quilt is looking.  I can't wait to get my snowballs and geese done so I can get this baby put together!

Okay, ya'll!  It's time to share your October progress!

1.  If you're late to the party, it's okay!  You can still join in anytime.  You can get the Classic Meets Modern pattern in my Etsy or Craftsy shops (links on my right sidebar).  As long as you have a finished quilt top at the end of the QAL, you'll be eligible for the prizes.

2.  Remember, the link party opens on the 15th of each month, and will close at midnight CST on the last day of the month.  You can certainly link to the weekly NTT post if you like, but be sure to link your quilt along blocks to this party, so everyone is sure to see your progress.

3.  You don't have to have a blog to join in!  You can link to an Instagram post, or even a Flickr account.  Use the hashtag #classicmeetsmodernbomqal on Instagram!  If you do have a blog, grab a button to let everyone know you're participating!  You can get the button on my right sidebar.

Sunday, July 15, 2018

CMM July Blocks

We're officially halfway through the month of July friends, and that means it's time to link up your Classic Meets Modern blocks.  The two blocks for this month are ones that are extremely well known, and versions of them have been used over and over again for decades.

The first is the Bowtie block, and it is one of my favorites.  If you look at my quilt designs, you'll notice that I love quilts and blocks that have a curvy look without actually sewing curves, and the Bowtie block accomplishes this beautifully.  When the blocks are all put together in a quilt, they create a gorgeous, rounded lattice pattern.  I chose a gray background for my block, and the softer colors in the prints really stand out against it.

The second block for this month is the Weathervane.  I love the shape of this block, and they make a beautiful secondary pattern when put together as well.  I decided to use one of the larger prints in the Acreage collection for the larger pieces in the block.  I didn't fussy cut because I needed the green to be the predominant color in the block, but I like that the large blooms in the print are peeking out just enough.

By the way, if you have fallen behind and catch up on your blocks in a single month, just add those blocks to your current post so we can see them.  It's okay if your July post includes blocks from previous months.  There's no QAL police here.  Let's link up!

1.  If you're a little late to the party, it's okay!  You can still join in anytime.  This is a Block of the Month Quilt Along, so we will only be completing two blocks each month.  The pace is leisurely and it will be easy to catch up.  You can get the Classic Meets Modern pattern in my Etsy or Craftsy shops (links on my right sidebar).  As long as you have a finished quilt top at the end of the year, you'll be eligible for the prizes.

2.  Remember, the link party opens on the 15th of each month, and will close at midnight CST on the last day of the month.  You can certainly link to the weekly NTT post if you like, but be sure to link your quilt along blocks to this party, so everyone is sure to see your progress.

3.  You don't have to have a blog to join in!  You can link to an Instagram post, or even a Flickr account.  Use the hashtag #classicmeetsmodernbomqal on Instagram!  If you do have a blog, grab a button to let everyone know you're participating!  You can get the button on my right sidebar.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

CMM May Blocks

Yesterday, I posted the Fire Pit quilt, the latest quilt from Stash Statement, so if you missed it, be sure to head over HERE to check it out.  But of course today is the 15th of the month, which means it's time for another set of Classic Meets Modern blocks. We're five months into the QAL, and my stack of blocks is getting pretty thick.  I couldn't resist taking them all out and playing a little.

This month's blocks included the Crossroads blocks, which are the last six inch blocks in the lineup.  It seems that tiny sewing is kind of the rage right now, but if I'm being honest, I really don't prefer it; and I do realize that while it is on the small side, a six inch block isn't actually that tiny at all.  It's probably why I don't make very many mini quilts.  Give me big blocks any day.  That being said, I must admit that these little Crossroads blocks are super cute, and the sprinkling of small blocks really makes the quilt interesting, so it's all worth it in the end.

The other block for this month is the Double Arrow.  For this one, I decided to use a Kona Ash background, and the teal and yellow almost glow against it.  I think these little pops of gray throughout the quilt will really make it more interesting than a solid white background.

I'm so happy with the way my blocks are coming along.  They already look amazing together and I can't wait to get more finished!  How about you?  Have you taken all of your blocks out to admire them like I have?  I can't wait to see your blocks for the month.  Let's link them up!

1.  If you're a little late to the party, it's okay!  You can still join in anytime.  This is a Block of the Month Quilt Along, so we will only be completing two blocks each month.  The pace is leisurely and it will be easy to catch up.  You can get the Classic Meets Modern pattern in my Etsy or Craftsy shops (links on my right sidebar).

2.  Remember, the link party opens on the 15th of each month, and will close at midnight CST on the last day of the month.  You can certainly link to my weekly NTT post if you like, but be sure to link your quilt along blocks to this party, so everyone is sure to see your progress.

3.  You don't have to have a blog to join in!  You can link to an Instagram post, or even a Flickr account.  Use the hashtag #classicmeetsmodernbomqal on Instagram!  If you do have a blog, grab a button to let everyone know you're participating!  You can get the button on my right sidebar.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

CMM February Blocks

It's officially the middle of the month, and that means that it's time to link up your Classic Meets Modern blocks for February.  This month's blocks included the Nested Churn Dash, which is the only other 24" block (finished size) in the quilt.

The largest churn dash is a great place to show off a big print, and I am in love with these orange roses.  The different shades of orange are so lush, and the photo doesn't quite capture it properly.  Given the size of this block, it goes together pretty quickly, and I even managed to keep all of my triangle points intact!

The other block this month was the Greek Cross, and because they are only six inches (finished), there are two of them.  If you've made lots of quilts, you probably already know this, but for those who are a little less experienced, I want to point out that the construction for the Greek Cross and Churn Dash blocks is exactly the same, and why I put these two together in the QAL.  Both have HST on the corners with strip sets between, and a solid square in the center of the block.  The only difference is color placement!  It's cool how a single construction method can yield two blocks that look so different.

I'm loving how my quilt is coming together so far, and I can't wait to see your progress.  Did you use your coloring sheet to plan your color placement, or are you winging it?  If you've colored your planning sheet, I would love to see a photo of it in your post, and if not, of course that's great too.  I am a fan of winging it.  ;)

Before we link up, I want to mention a couple of important points.

1.  If you're a little late to the party, it's okay!  You can still join in anytime.  This is a Block of the Month Quilt Along, so we will only be completing two blocks each month.  The pace is leisurely and it will be easy to catch up.  You can get the Classic Meets Modern pattern in my Etsy or Craftsy shops.

2.  Remember, the link party opens on the 15th of each month, and will close at midnight CST on the last day of the month.  You can certainly link to my weekly NTT post if you like, but be sure to link your quilt along blocks to this party, so everyone is sure to see your progress.

3.  You don't have to have a blog to join in!  You can link to an Instagram post, or even a Flickr account.  Use the hashtag #classicmeetsmodernbomqal on Instagram!  If you do have a blog, grab a button for your sidebar to let everyone know you're participating!

Classic Meets Modern QAL

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src=" " border="0" alt="Classic Meets Modern QAL" /> </a>

4.  Finally, don't forget about the prizes!  Several goodies will be up for grabs at the end of the year for anyone who links up a finished quilt top!

Okay, quilt along friends.  Time to link up your February blocks!

Monday, January 15, 2018

CMM January Blocks

It's time to link up your January blocks for the Classic Meets Modern BOM Quilt Along!  When I was deciding on the block order for this quilt along, I made the choice to go ahead and put one of the most time consuming blocks at the very beginning.  The piecing is basic, but any 24 inch block is bound to take a little more time to put together.  That being said, the Star of Bethlehem block has real wow factor.

Because this block uses some larger pieces, I thought it was perfect for the largest print in my bundle, and I love how well it shows off the pretty blooms.

After piecing the Star of Bethlehem block, I thought we could all use an easy peasy second block this month.  Even though its construction is simple, there's something about the Antique Tile block that is classically appealing.

Before sewing my January blocks, I took a few minutes to plan the color distribution for my quilt.  I was able to color mine digitally (and I wish I could share that capability with you), but a blank planning sheet has been added to the pattern for you, and a few colored pencils will work just as well.  Once I had my planning sheet filled in, I taped it to one of the blank pages in the back of my Quilter's Planner.  I'm going to be referring to it all year long, so I wanted it in an easily accessible place.

Now that I see all of the colors planned out, I am even more excited about this quilt along, and I didn't think that was possible!  If you're thinking of participating with us, you still have time!  With just two blocks per month, it will be easy to catch up.  If you're just joining in, you can check out the kickoff post HERE for all of the information you'll need (including links to the pattern in my Etsy and Craftsy shops).

A few notes about the link party before we get to it, since several people have emailed me and asked-

*You do NOT need a blog to participate in this quilt along.  You can link your blocks to an Instagram page, or even a Flickr or Photobucket account.  When you add your link, just use the web address to the specific post.  If you have trouble, just shoot me an email, and I'll walk you through it as best I can.

*Remember, the party for each month will post on the 15th of the month, but you don't have your blocks finished by then, don't stress!  The link party will remain open through the last day of the month.  And, even if you have a crazy busy month and can't sew your blocks, just catch up later on.  There's no quilt police here!  As long as you have a finished quilt top by our final link party at the end of the quilt along, you'll be eligible for the prizes.

*Finally, don't forget to grab a button for your sidebar, and add a link to your post so others can join in the fun, and use the hashtag #classicmeetsmodernbomqal on Instagram!

Classic Meets Modern QAL

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src=" " border="0" alt="Classic Meets Modern QAL" /> </a>

Okay, friends!  I can't wait to see your Star of Bethlehem and Antique Tile blocks.  Time to link them up!

Monday, January 8, 2018

Classic Meets Modern Kickoff!

I've been looking forward to this day for weeks and weeks, and I'm thrilled that it's finally here!  It's time to kick off the Classic Meets Modern BOM Quilt Along.  I hope you're as excited as I am to get underway.

This quilt is fun from start to finish!  As the name suggests, each of the blocks in this quilt is a classic block in the public domain, but the modern sizing and layout give it a fresh twist.

I know I've covered some of these things in previous posts, but I want to be sure that all of the pertinent information is all in one place to make it easy on everyone.  So let me give a quick overview of the way the quilt along will be structured.

This will be a Block of the Month (BOM) Quilt Along with just two blocks each month, making it simple to stay on track.  I'll post my own finished blocks and open the link-up on the 15th of each month, and leave it open through the end of the month so you can link up your progress, and so you can have fun browsing other quilters' fabrics as well!

The entire final month of the quilt along will be reserved for putting the quilt top together, so this quilt along is designed to be stress-free from beginning to end.  And if you need a little extra incentive to push you over the finish line, everyone with a completed quilt top will be eligible to win some fantastic prizes!

Want to participate, but don't have a blog?  No worries!  You can link to an Instagram post, or even to Flickr or Photobucket.  Even if you're a little late to the party, feel free to get your pattern and join in the fun.  You can find the pattern in my Etsy shop HERE or my Craftsy shop HERE!

Here is the lineup of blocks for each month.  Remember, the link party will be live on the 15th of each month, and remain open until the end of the month!

January- Star of Bethlehem, Antique Tile
February- Nested Churn Dash, Greek Cross (2)
March- Propeller, Sawtooth Star (2)
April- Rolling Stone, Susannah
May- Double Arrow, Crossroads (2)
June- X-Plus, Ribbon Star
July- Bowtie, Weathervane
August- Dutch Pinwheel, Chevron Diamonds
September- Squash Blossom, Eccentric Star
October- String Diamond, Log Cabin
November- Flying Geese, Snowballs
December- FINALE!! layout and quilt top assembly

If you're a serious planner and want to be absolutely sure the color distribution in your finished quilt is just right, you're in luck!  I've added a handy coloring sheet to the digital pattern.  Print it out, and all of you who are just a little bit OCD can plan every block perfectly.

So that you don't have to search for each month's post, I'll be sure to link them up to this page as well, so be sure to grab a button for your sidebar.  You'll be able to stay up to date with the latest blocks easily, and help spread the word in case others want to join in along the way.

Classic Meets Modern QAL

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src=" " border="0" alt="Classic Meets Modern QAL" /> </a>

So, let's get started with a kickoff link party so you can share your fabric choices.  I can't wait to see your vision for this fun quilt!  I know that's an extra blog/Instagram post, so if you're crunched for time and would rather just join in on the 15th, that's great too!  I'm making my second version with the Acreage collection.  I've had this collection set aside for a few months, and I can't wait to cut into them!

Happy New Year, and happy quilting along!

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Classic Meets Modern QAL!

My, oh my!  Where has the year gone?  It seems that the weeks around the holidays zoom by so quickly, which means that before we know it, it will be 2018.  Of course, the start of 2018 also means the start of the Classic Meets Modern Block of the Month Quilt Along.  It's time to get your fabrics picked out, because we will be kicking off in January.  Read on for more specifics, friends!

This pattern combines 22 classic quilt blocks in different sizes with a fun, modern layout to create a quilt that is a showstopper.  All of the blocks are constructed with basic piecing techniques, making it fun for beginners and experienced quilters alike!

Not a fan of all solids?  This quilt is super fun made with prints as well!  My good friend, Janet from Simply Pieced, made this quilt with her prized collection of Denyse Schmidt fabrics and slightly alternated the block placement, and it gives the quilt a completely different feel.  I love how it turned out!

If you're apprehensive about starting another project, don't worry!  This Block of the Month QAL is going to be easy and stress-free!  The pattern includes full-color illustrations for each, and we will complete just two blocks per month for 11 months. The final month, we'll layout and complete the quilt top!  Of course, we will have fun link-ups each month to share progress.  With this pace, it will be no trouble at all to keep up!

If you need even more incentive to jump on this bandwagon, consider the fact that when we link up our finished quilt tops, you'll be in the running for a few giveaways from my fabulous sponsors!

So, what do you need to get started?  Well, first you'll need the pattern, which is now available in my Etsy and Craftsy shops.  And you'll need to decide on your fabrics.  Check out the full listing of fabric requirements here-

If you want to make the quilt in the exact solids I used, you'll need Kona White, Steel, Royal, Turquoise, Pool, Berry, and Parrot.  This time around though, I'm using Moda's Acreage collection, and I can't wait to make a version in prints for myself.  These sweet beauties are going to make such lovely quilt.

Soooo... who's in?  Leave a comment to let me know, and get those patterns and fabrics ready!

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