Showing posts with label employee survey. Show all posts
Showing posts with label employee survey. Show all posts

Monday, April 17, 2023

New Leaders: To Ask or Not to Ask

New leaders regardless of their age of often fall victim to the perception that asking questions is a sign of weakness and incompetence. I suffered from this same affliction early in my career as well.

While I understand where this thinking comes from, I now know that it is not real. In fact, as I transitioned from middle manager to executive I was always impressed with new leaders that were willing to ask questions. Why? Because it showed me that not only did they want to learn, it also demonstrated their willingness to take the risk of “looking bad” in my eyes so they could be more impactful.

That’s the good stuff.

My message however is not targeted at new leaders to somehow find the courage to ask questions. The pressure is on us, as seasoned leaders to create an environment where these new leaders feel comfortable…perhaps are even required…to ask questions.

Too provocative? Of course not.

What specific steps do you take to create a questioning culture with your new leaders?

Thanks for being here.


Monday, August 10, 2015

Still Echoes

I'm willing to bet you spend so much time dealing with the pressure of your job and feeding the ravenous executive corporate culture machine, that you don't spend much time with the front line staff.

You remember them, right? They're the ones you pass in the hall while your hustling to your next meeting to join the same group of leaders who were in your last meeting. 

People First
A year before I left my last organization I decided to try a different approach to connecting with the front line team. I scheduled an hour each month (not a lot of time) to shadow someone. I didn't want the department manager in tow, and I didn't want to sit in a conference room hearing a presentation about the work that was done. 

I've worked in hospitals for twenty years, I'm very comfortable on the units, being around patients, and certainly connecting with the staff.

At first the employees were a little skeptical. I think they either thought I was on some sort of secret monitoring mission; or I was about to pull out a powerpoint presentation and help them understand what they should think, feel, say and do.

You Second
It was new...I was the only non-clinical leader doing any sort of rounding like this...and it was spectacular. Once the concept sunk in that I was simply there to learn, the change in the employee's demeanor was obvious. Now they had the power. They could 'show off' what they knew, and I was full of questions. Genuine questions.

Suddenly the lens I saw the organization through did not include me. It didn't include my meetings, my email, task list, or the political minefields that plague every company.

I only had to do two things: listen and learn.

How About You
Do these phrases sound familiar: open door policy, management by walking around, employee engagement, blah, blah, blah. Words matter...if you back them up with action. If they're just tossed out into the universe they quickly become a distant echo.

When was the last time you turned words into action?

I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses.


Monday, February 27, 2012

Engagement Doesn't Mean I Love You

I like to think (read here => convince myself) that I’m contributing to my organization somehow; and that the employees feel more connected to the company as their years of service grow. One of the ways many companies try to quantify this issue (after all, shouldn't everything in life be reduced to a number?!) to use an employee engagement survey. We try in vain to identify how the employees feel, take a snapshot of those feelings, and then quickly move on. Or at least that's how it's been done using most survey tools.

Need to Go Deeper
Getting beyond the snapshot mentality is paramount to really understanding employee engagement and being able to make work better. As leaders, this is our primary responsibility => make work better. So the next generation of survey tools must be able to grab the snapshot and turn it into something more than just a kick-0ff to "better communication" at the department or unit level. 

"It's almost unfair that we survey employees for a moment in time and then expect our front line leaders to turn that into a fully engaged and satisfied workforce."

We're All Individuals
So how should an organization go about truly understanding their workforce, and then making changes based on that workforce? Well, it starts with moving away from the tired and ineffective strategy of putting employees in categories.

Each employee is unique, is motivated by different issues, and is struggling with their own special set of circumstances in their personal life. To think that so many different people can walk through the front door of a company and suddenly morph into one cohesive group that thinks alike, speaks alike, is motivated by the same set of drivers, and should be held accountable in the same way sounds absurd. Yet that's exactly what happens all too often.

How About You
Employee engagement is not about loving, or even liking everyone on the payroll. It is about understanding each member of your (and my) team, so we can provide them with the resources, support, and opportunities to be make work better. How do you handle engagement? Please don't tell me you get down on one knee.

I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses.

pic courtesy of benefitscanada

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Yes! It's Employee Survey Time!

Not everyone gets pumped up about employee surveys.  But I do.  Many people think they are a waste of time, that no one will be honest, and that action will never be taken.  But I don't feel that way.  Employee surveys are terrific for one thing...pushing communication.  Survey results start conversations, they don't end them.

Get Started
I've been involved with the employee survey process for years (and years and years).  The best results I've ever experienced have nothing to do with the survey questions.  They come from the commitment of the leaders in the organization to continue the conversation with their employees that the survey helps to start.  It is through the ongoing dialogue that real progress is made; not in reading a report that says everything is fine, now let's move on to something else.  That doesn't even make sense does it? 

Organizations today are busier than ever, with more pressure than ever, and often times with limited resources to get the work done.  So how can a report that only reflects a snapshot in time serve as a meaningful indicator of how the organization's employees feel?  Simple answer => it can't.

What Are You Afraid Of?
There isn't anything to fear with an employee survey, unless you don't plan on following up.  Not sharing results, placing blame on employees, or simply ignoring that the survey was conducted are recipes for disaster.  Don't be afraid.  Take advantage of the opportunity to honestly engage your employees in conversation about the workplace.  It won't kill you, and the results will be something I like to call...progress!  

How About You
Are you rolling your eyes at this point; or, are you willing to actually sit down with your team and talk about the front line real world issues that need to be addressed.  Just imagine how much more respect they'll have for you if you'll simply do that?

I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses.

pic courtesy of buildinggurus