Tuesday, September 2, 2014


As you look at your task list or calendar each day, what goes through your mind? What emotion hits first? Does your competitive side see a challenge; or, does your heart race as you realize it will be nearly impossible to accomplish all of those items in one day? 


Lately I've been wondering how that first rush of emotion impacts our mindset at work. Is it possible that our style leaves us susceptible to a first impression that will be a derailer on our outlook for two, six, or even twelve hours?

If so, what strategies do you use to counter this load of negativity? Banging your head against the wall may be tempting at this point, but I recommend head-banging for something very different. 


I have three approaches for dealing with work, personal, and often times in-my-head stress that can derail me and put me into a bit of a tailspin. These won't work for everyone, but in my world they have made all the difference.

1. Reach out to my network

This may feel a bit awkward, particularly if you're not calling to "talk shop." We can all slip into the "work is stressful can you believe what she said in the office" discussion. I'm talking about opening up...being vulnerable...and letting your network actually offer some perspective.

It's powerful. It's important. It works for me.

2. Workout like a beast

Okay, I realize not everyone is into getting fit. That's okay...life is about choices. For me I need to workout to stay sane. I'm not embellishing here. Exercise has become such an important part of my mental health that I can not go more than a day without it.

It's powerful. It's important. It works for me.

3. Find the music that brings me peace of mind and play it every day 

I don't know too many folks who do not enjoy music. Check out the #HRMusicshare hashtag and you'll find all sorts of people sharing the music that is helping them get through the day. My personal tastes are at the fast and heavy end of the musical spectrum. So what?

It's powerful. It's important. It works for me. 


How do you react when the day ahead looks like a train coming straight for you? Do you give up before you even get started...accepting failure as part of the routine? Or, do you make an intentional decision to do something that works for you?

Rock on friends!

I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses.


Monday, August 25, 2014

The Dog Ate My Homework...and My Personal Brand

"I don't have time for that...work is very busy right now."

"I don't see the value...what does it do again?"

"I think my recruiters are using it...plus, that's really for the Marketing department, right?"

I read a terrific blog post this weekend from James Ellis about the evolution of social media use in companies today. It was insightful, concise and direct. My disappoint with the piece was not the content, but rather my industry. I recently had the privilege to present at a conference of recruitment professionals. How many of these front line pros do you think were using social tools?

I counted less than twenty at a conference of over three-hundred. How is that possible? How is it that the healthcare industry, and the more specifically #HealthcareHR professionals are not paying attention to how the world has changed?

It used to be okay to say "my company won't let me have an official twitter account for work." That excuse doesn't cut it anymore. Does that same company stop employees from having a private twitter account?

Uh...no, they don't. 

No Brand, No Options
Using social tools to build your personal brand is not a "nice to do" strategy in the modern world. Candidly, it is a "must do." At an event for professionals in transition recently I was discussing the role social media can play not only in building your personal brand, but more importantly how that brand can differentiate you from the competition.

The room was engaged, enthusiastic, and excited to start doing just that!

Using the old and lame excuses at the opening of this post are what I've heard repeatedly from my colleagues in the industry. Yet, these same people lament the fact that it is difficult to find talent, that it's hard to stay current, and that it is so difficult to work with their Marketing colleagues to build a cohesive strategy.

Let me share some insight...if you don't lead the way you will not make any progress. I'll say it again...if YOU do not lead the way you will not make progress.

How About You
Do you want more out of your career? Do you want to be a contemporary leader? Do you want to differentiate yourself and your organization from all the rest? If so, you actually need to do something about it. I think today is a good day to get started...and I would love to help you get there!

I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses.


Wednesday, August 20, 2014

People Exactly Like Us

I spend a lot of time thinking about how people are treated. Sometimes it's the tragic news stories that dominate my twitter news list. Other times the pain is very local...an overheard racial slur, or a demeaning comment about a gay or lesbian person.

I have to tell you...I'm feeling sad today.

Now before you think I'm getting all soft and weepy, consider these questions:

- What have you done in your workplace, above and beyond what the law requires, to create a positive environment for all employees?

- What words do you use, even casually away from work? Do you have a "leadership" vocabulary for the office, and a "personal" one when you're with your friends?

- Do you support companies that have track records of discriminating against people simply because they are different?

- When you experience forms of discrimination, large or small, do you speak up or play it safe and remain silent?

People Are People
Thankfully my parents instilled in me from the moment I was old enough to interact with other human beings that everyone is equal. 

No group, viewpoint, or taken-out-of-context Bible verse justifies discriminating against anyone. (By the way, my Father was a very successful Pastor.)

The good news in all of the persistent chaos around us is that we do have laws that protect people, more and more states are recognizing the rights of people to love and marry whomever they chose, and companies like mine are offering benefits to all employees.

How About You
Do you make sure your organization accepts everyone? How exactly do you make that happen? It would be a shame if any of our organizations had a reputation for only hiring people who were just like us.

I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses. 


Monday, August 18, 2014

I Don't Feel...Anything

Something is different. You're not quite sure what it is, but things aren't what they used to be when you sit down at your desk. You just don't feel anything...the drive, the passion, the 'I'm-all-fired-up-to-make-a-difference' energy that was once part of your style. It seems like you're following the same patterns, connect with the same people, and tackle the same issues as if they were the seasons of the year circling back again.

Wait a minute...

Same routine...again?

Routines Are Good
I have to admit I rely heavily on my routines. It's as if I put myself on autopilot, particularly when I'm getting ready for work, flowing through my day, or even doing my workouts. I know what to do, which helps me avoid making mistakes, forgetting things, or doing anything that will disrupt my life.

Routines often bring confidence, play to our strengths, and keep us securely in our comfort zones. For the most part, that is a pretty good way to think about routines. 

Routines Are Brutal
Here's the problem...routines are lethal.  Not in a sniper-like attack sort of way; but rather, a slow insidious erosion sort of way. We become complacent in our "normal flow." 

We allow complacency to replace our drive to be the best. (Being the best takes extra effort, right?) The negative talk that creeps into our conversations is a product of routine and complacency. 

Yes, routines can be brutal.

New Routines Are Glorious
So how do we transition out of the rut of "bad" routines and get ourselves and our career back on track? Simple...

Commit to changing.

It will take hard work to change your routine. So what? 
It will force you to do new things that you're not ready for. So what?
It will make you nervous and you'll make a mistake or two. So what?

You don't really want to be the long-term cynical employee that everyone smirks about behind your back, do you?

How About You
What's it going to be? Are you going to force yourself, as painful as that sounds, to modify part of your safe routine to be a real leader? Or, is just easier to be the source of the water cooler jokes from the ones who will be leading the way for your company in the future?
I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses.


Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Adversity and Strengths

"Look at adversity as an opportunity to discover your strengths because there are opportunities galore out there. Thomas Edison said it well - If you did all the things in life you were truly capable of, you would astound yourself."

Nadja Piatka

Look around you today...your task list...your emails...your team members...your busy calendar...

Is it all adversity in your eyes? 

Or, are all of those things the key to discovering your true strengths? Just imagine what you'll be able to accomplish.

I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses.


Monday, August 11, 2014

Faster Than A Bullet

For most of 2013 I used a certain phrase almost daily: "just keeping it real." I like that phrase a lot. Looking back I realize I used it intentionally, and publicly, as a tool to let others know that I was going to address issues that seem to be happening right in front of me, but that for some reason others chose to ignore.

Outcomes Aren't Everything
So much of the work I'm responsible for, and maybe for you too, is based on outcomes. Did we meet the goal? Have the numbers improved? Are we able to measure our progress? These questions are essential parts of moving our organizations forward; however, there is a missing piece of the leadership equation that dramatically impacts credibility and is not typically measured.
"A lack of realism today costs credibility tomorrow."
- John C. Maxwell

Unless you're a politician making empty promises on the campaign trail, your vision for the future is rarely reexamined once time has passed. We can get excited about where we believe the company is headed, but a scorecard is not often used to compare our vision with what everyone knows is true right now.

Let me restate that...the people around you are keenly aware of reality. Too many grand statements about the future can sound like empty promises if they are not linked to the reality of how your organization operates today.

Real Is Good
Like all of you, I want to help my organization continue to improve both for the customers we serve (in my case patients), as well as for the employees who work here. As I think about the words I say, the vision I have for moving both HR and the company forward, and the responsibility I have as a leader, it seems to me that the more I "keep things real" the greater degree of credibility I will have in the eyes of those around me.

Sometimes real may not be positive, or trendy, or fun. But real is honest; and I would much rather be honest with the employees in my company than get all caught up in my own rambling stories about how things will be...someday.

How About You
If you're not keeping it real, your credibility is disappearing faster than a bullet. What words do you use in the workplace? Are you forever talking about the future, your vision, and how things will be? Or, have you decided to get real, and build that grand future from where your employees are actually experiencing life in your company?

I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses.


Tuesday, August 5, 2014

500 Miles An Hour

"Direction is more important than speed. We are so busy looking at our speedometers that we forget the milestones."

- Author Unknown

This is the 500th post on NoExcusesHR. I can hardly believe it. I can still feel the moment when I published my first post...a combination of excitement and fear. I wasn't a writer (that is still true today) but I knew I had a passion for leadership that had to find a release. This blog seemed to be the perfect outlet. I still feel that way four years later.
Staying True
As I revisited some of my early posts I realized the same passion, energy, and focus on leadership accountability that I had back then is stronger than ever now. 

While this site is never going to be anything extra special, it has become for me, a safe place to share my feelings with you. 

That may sound odd that a public website feels safe, but you have made me feel that way...

...and I am grateful...

Taking A Stand
Over the years my confidence has grown. Not so much in my ability to write, but rather what I feel I need to write about. Issues around human rights, discrimination and racism are evident throughout my posts. 

At first it seemed a bit awkward to address some of these issues, but those feelings quickly dissipated as I recognized the need for a leadership voice in my role to take a stand publicly.

For me, taking a stand is a requirement of leadership, not a preference.

500 More 
As I think about the next 500 posts I don't feel intimidated or worried; in fact I'm quite energized! Consider this...has the leadership void been filled? Are all employees being treated fairly? Is the scourge of bigotry wiped clean off the Earth?

Alas, no...so I'm guessing that between my constant failings, and the struggles of those around us all, I will be able to find the proper inspiration going forward.

How About You
When you reach your next "milestone" whatever that may mean for you, think about what it really represents. Is it just another candle on a cake or turn of the page on the calendar? Or, do milestones represent something much more powerful in our lives?

I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses.
