Showing posts with label support. Show all posts
Showing posts with label support. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

No Trick Pony

The world of work, and leadership in particular, is an interesting place. So many experts, confident souls, and buried among them...real pros.

What I find most curious are those leaders who profess to be so good at everything they touch that they can do no wrong.


Good at Something
To be fair, we're typically good at 'something'...whether or not that happens to align with our jobs is a totally different matter. For the most part however, everyone brings something to the game.

Where I run into trouble myself; and, see others struggle, is when the belief that we are the smartest people in the room becomes our reality. That is dangerous territory, filled with over inflated egos, arrogance, and a lack of credibility.

I've been there from time-to-time...and I hate it. It's quite embarrassing actually. Fortunately those moments are the exception not the rule. For others is a way of life. 

How About You
What do you do about those leaders in your organization that are "just so darn smart" that they've alienated those around them? Do they realize they are not even a one-trick pony? How can we support them so they can be a legitimate member of the team going forward?

I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses.


Tuesday, July 16, 2019

The Power of Community in Your Success

I've been thinking a lot about the role "community" plays in my life. It's a term that gets thrown around so much that I wonder if anyone has internalized a definition for themselves and embraced it?

The deeper I've gone into my own communities, the more I see the profound role they play in my life. In fact, I can quickly identify six distinct communities that I actively participate in on a daily basis. Whoa!

This seems obvious, yet my focus isn't that I have a cool job and am able to do interesting things. It's all about the relationships and trust I've built that makes the difference.

All hail the power of social media. Yes, I'm serious. Some of my most important social relationships (and my Personal Board of Directors) were born out of my connections on various social media channels.

This is a huge part of my daily life, and I am absolutely grateful for it. Whether I'm leading small groups, or prepping for a big mission trip later this summer, my faith community has been tremendous.

Staying healthy and reasonably fit has been an important part of my life for a long time. Investing in a professional trainer last Fall has helped me take my game to the next level. Now, a new facebook accountability group around fitness and motivation helps keep me on track as well.

When my friend Michael Carty asked me to write about how I feel about "my" music, I was both humbled and a bit intimidated. But alas, my music is not only one of my greatest passions, it has also brought me to one of the most welcoming, nonjudgmental communities I have ever experienced. Here's the post if you're curious.

Last here...but certainly not on my list of priorities, is my amazing family and those close personal relationships that make all the noise of the world seem insignificant. To say I feel blessed would be a massive understatement.

How About You
What are the communities that mean the most to you? How do they make a difference in your life?

I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses.


Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Side Step Leadership

"I'm happy to do whatever you want me to do."

"Oh, I'm ready to jump in at anytime, just tell me what you need."

"I fully support this move, what would you like me to do?"  

Talk is Cheap
We've all heard these comments...often times from leaders in our organizations. Perhaps we've even said them ourselves. 

They appear to be well-intended expressions of support, right? Real team-players stepping up to help...right?

Not so fast.

Let's take a moment and think about the people in our companies that take action first versus offering to do "whatever." That feels different. 

Their impact is very different.

They make things happen. 
They not only connect with us on what needs to be done, but they actually take steps to get things done.

It's Always Action That Wins
Maybe I've become cynical? 

Maybe I've heard too many expressions of support to my face, only to learn that same 'support' is non-existent when it comes down to making decisions and taking a risk?

Or, maybe I have a new level of insight about people? 

They love being seen as helpful and popular, but are rarely strong enough to tackle big issues that involve risk.

Yes. I believe that is true.

How About You
Are you someone who not only offers support, but immediately jumps into the fire to get things done? Or, are you much more comfortable offering support all day long, and then heading home feeling good about yourself and your "support?"

I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses.


Wednesday, July 18, 2018

It's Time to Suffer

"I'm not good enough."

"I'm not going to get that new job."

"I really messed up that relationship."

"It's my own fault...I just can't handle all this pressure."

"I'll never have an opportunity to get ahead here."

Our Mind: Friend or Foe?
The often discussed - and even more frequently "heard" - minds of ours can be so powerful that we sometimes get lost, literally, in them.

I try to use my self-talk machine to help me stay positive, fired up for each new day, and to keep moving forward. I'm obsessed with constant motion.

However, that does not mean that those voices in my head don't do their best to derail me and turn me into a quivering mass of jello.

Self-talk is powerful. 

No, We Aren't Supposed to Suffer
For some reason when we stumble, the thought comes into our heads that we must be punished. Why is that?



It doesn't make any sense. Yet, I completely understand why someone might feel that way...because I have felt that way too.

What is it about "not being perfect every time" that makes us think we need to experience emotional pain or stress? 

Have we set such unrealistic expectations of ourselves that each mistake or wrong decision must be punished?

Whoa! That is a lot of pressure!

How About You
How do you handle setbacks or disappointments, particularly when you have contributed to them? 

Does your mind kick in to overdrive and begin the attack; or, have you developed a way to sidestep that very human reaction, and follow a different path?

I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses.


Monday, February 5, 2018

There Aren't Any "HR Problems"

I can clearly remember the moments when the senior team was sitting around a conference room table, the tension was palpable, and the pressing issues were shared with the group.

"It's an Operations issue."

My gut reaction: thank God it's not HR.

So Wrong In So Many Ways
As I look back on that moment (of which there have been many over the years) I am...well...I am embarrassed.

How is it that I could be grateful that whatever challenge was facing my organization, was somehow made better for me simply because it wasn't based on my direct scope of responsibility?

Did I, in that moment, consider how my colleagues felt? Might they have appreciated a kind word, an offer to help, or even me stepping up to lead a team to help them solve their problem?

I didn't do any of those things. I stayed quiet, and went on with my day doing my "HR things."

One Company, No Departments
Over a period of time my view of "whose problem is it" changed quite dramatically. I engaged with my senior leader colleagues in a more deliberate way. 

I did offer to help, and not just empty-talk, but real roll-up-your-sleeves type of help.

It's far too easy to look down on someone who is struggling and be grateful that it's "not you" that time. 

Until it's you.

How About You
The change for me happened in my head. I decided that I had responsibility (to a greater or lesser degree) for the entire organization.

Every. Single. Part.

When everything matters, there are no more HR problems, or Operations problems, or Supply Chain problems. There are only "our" problems, right?

I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses.


Monday, April 25, 2016


I’m the luckiest person alive.

- I have an amazing family

- I have an incredible job working with very special people

- I have the ability to provide for those that I love

- I have many old friends that continue to “be there"

- I have so many new friends that I can’t wait to meet in real life

- I have survived despite many mistakes

- I have the ability to make a difference

- I have the privilege to speak to large groups of people about things that matter

- I can actually see the results of my work

- I have the courage to try new things

- I am no longer afraid

- I receive a huge amount of support

I’m the luckiest person alive because…

…I have you.

I bet you’re the luckiest person alive too.

I’d love to hear from you.

No Excuses.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

No Shame this Season

"When I look back upon my life,
it's always with a sense of shame.
I've always been the one to blame."

Happy Holidays?
One of the most exciting times of the year is kicking off right now...the hectic, joyous, family-oriented and festive stretch from Thanksgiving to New Year's Day. I love it...even though I know I can't see everyone that is important to me, it is still a great time of year. Plus, I will make sure I connect with those that are too far away for me to see in person.

But not everyone in our personal and professional networks will experience the holidays in this way. The burden of life's struggles, the challenge of broken relationships, the disappointment of a stalled career...can all build up to a very different view of "the best time of year."

We have an opportunity to make a difference in their lives.

Happier Holidays!
There is no simple solution to "help" our friends and colleagues. One thing is clear to me though, doing nothing adds no value. 

Here's a short, and admittedly woefully inadequate list of options available to us this year that might...if nothing else...bring a moment of caring front and center for those in need.

- call them
- connect via social media
- send a note (yes, an old school hand-written note)
- give a public shout out to let others know how special they are to you
- invite them to spend time with you
- encourage others to reach out to them
- purchase a small gift to show them you care

How About You
"So I look back upon my life,
forever with a sense of shame.
I've always been the one to blame."

Lets not have this be the mantra for those in our world this holidays season.

I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses.


Thursday, July 2, 2015


I've had an amazing week. Now before you think this post is about rainbows and joy just slow down for a minute. Yes, my week had some really high points...but life isn't only about the good stuff. Right?

It turns out my eventful week had much more in store for me than I expected.

Live Fast
I attended two important events in nuclear-blast-hot Las Vegas this week: SHRM's Global CHRO Summit, and the SHRM National Conference. It was my second year at both events, and this year I had the privilege to be a member of the #shrm15blogger team.

I've been moving at a pretty fast pace for the last six months. My kick ass new job keeps me running. Hard.

Add to that pace my weekly travel schedule which sometimes has me trying to juggle a few too many things at once. That hit full force as I arrived in the desert.

Short story: lots of issues going on in my a long flight...and no hotel room when I finally (and I mean finally) got to the hotel.

In that moment I was ready to accept that I was getting a sign from above. I must be pushing too hard...moving too fast...trying to be everything for everyone all the time...and I probably needed to do a re-set.

Except I'm so competitive the thought of slowing down made me angry. So I strategized with the incredibly gracious team at the Encore Hotel...took a few deep breaths...figured it out...and got my game-face back on.

On High
The twenty-four hour CHRO session was terrific, capped off with a tour of the Zappos campus. Candidly, I'm not quite sure what to think about them....they have developed something very special at their company. I'll leave it at that for now.

Joining the big conference was also great. I attended some fantastic presentations (and live tweeted like a champ throughout). Here's the part that blew me away this week. Many of my friends were there and genuinely had an interest in how I was doing since I've made a series of big changes in my life.

I'm not talking about the casual 'hey, how's it going' banter. I mean a 'deep-I-care-about-you-as-my-friend' type of discussion.

And it happened again, and again, and again.

I'm not sure I even responded appropriately in those moments. The amount of support I felt...and continue to nothing short of incredible.

How About You
Coming in to this week I had a very short list of people I could share my 'stuff' with in an open and trusting way. They are absolutely amazing and know who they are.

Now, instead of feeling like I have done something wrong or tried to do too much; I know I have an all-star team beside me as I focus on taking my "live fast, on high" mindset to a whole new level.

Saying thank you seems to fall so far short of how I feel. But, thank you friends.

I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Also Am I

"There are some places in life where you can only go alone. Embrace the beauty of your solo journey."
Mandy Hale

We've all experienced the twists and turns of personal and professional life. Sometimes we have people in our lives who we can rely on, and at others we have to power through on our own. Both scenarios can be quite difficult.

If you're fortunate enough to have someone who connects with you...understands the pressure you're under...and consistently supports you, consider yourself truly blessed.

The Search
The struggle many leaders fall victim to is what I call the "search trap." They are forever looking for the one person who they believe will save them. Maybe it is a new assistant, or project manager, or leader on their team. Whatever the role may be, it's as if that one mythical person has the power to completely transform the challenges of the day.

Where is that special person to be found?

The Realization
The reality of our search is person can make a huge difference. But...not the whole difference.

One leader can move things forward. One energized leader can bring a fresh perspective and sense of urgency to achieve real progress.

The right person can do all those things as long as they have one important attribute...

...they understand that it is their hard work and leadership, not the mere fact that they have walked into the room, that makes all the difference...

How About You
Are you looking for someone to save you? I am too. It turns out you only need to look in one place to find them...the mirror. Then remember that your leadership will achieve more than you could possible realize.

I think you are something to believe in.

I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses.


Monday, January 26, 2015

Creeping Death

Some people are not afraid to try new "go for it" both in their work and personal lives. They are the ones everyone else typically watches in wonder as they make bold moves, take risks...and shockingly...make a difference.

I'm Too Busy To Try New Things
How many times have you heard the word "busy" in the last week? Heck, how many times have I said it? Answer --> too many! Effective immediately, let's drop that word from our vocabulary. "Busy" becomes our crutch...and that instills a negative mindset for us all.

Too often we allow ourselves, our colleagues, and our corporate cultures to become complacent. We accept work, and effort, and ideas that used to be pretty good. But in reality they simply are no longer effective or current. 

A creeping culture death moves into our world. We may not even realize that it is happening until we see someone else making a difference. Then we wonder....why am I still stuck in this place? 

Stop living in the's time for something more.

Life is about being great. Are you with me?

I'm Scared To Look Dumb If I Try New Things
I'm going to let you in on a little secret. No one looks dumb trying new things. No one looks foolish putting forth effort. The truth is that those that are too scared to try are secretly jealous of those that step up and go for it.

You can go for it too.

Challenge yourself, and those around you to fight the creeping death. Consider the team of people around you each day. All of that experience, energy, and commitment is not being fully realized. You have an opportunity to inspire them to elevate their game. 

How About You
It's time to find your voice. Speak out, and do not allow the creeping death to find a home in your organization. You are the one that will make the difference. That's why you're there.

I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses.


Wednesday, November 12, 2014

The Expert In You

As it turns out, I wasn't born with experience. In anything

I made my way through high school and college...still no experience. I stumbled in to the world of work and tried to find my way. I didn't have any experience at that point either. So I jumped in to graduate school...clinging to a little tiny speck of real life.

I did have one important thing...lots of confidence. It's not that I wasn't intimidated by those around me with years and years of experience. They offered perspectives on issues that I didn't even realize existed.

But I listened...and learned...and wanted more.

So, I figured that if it was going to take me a lifetime of learning to become an "expert" I might as well dive in and try my best right out of the gate. So I did. I tried new things. I took risks. I used tools that other people thought were a waste of time in meetings (remember when PowerPoint was new and cool?)

My confidence never wavered, even if the those around me thought I was wasting my time.

One of the unexpected outcomes of being both confident and willing to take risks is that good things happen. For me those good things meant new jobs with expanded responsibilities. 

Even when I took a risk on an operations role that was eliminated a year later, I knew I had made the right decision to go for it. How many HR leaders have actually spent any time in an operations role? 

I've continued to take risks...BIG ones! But each was worth it. Even when others simply didn't see the value because they had not allowed themselves to open their minds to the modern world of work. 

It's okay. We all get there eventually...maybe I'm cursed being on a different schedule than others.

How About You
Do you have the potent combination of confidence and risk inside of you? I think so. It creates opportunities for those of us willing to see them. It opens doors that a few years ago we might not even have seen right in front of us. It can make all the difference.

I'm no expert...but I do know that life is too short to hold back. Take a closer look at your world...and go for it.

I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses. 


Tuesday, September 2, 2014


As you look at your task list or calendar each day, what goes through your mind? What emotion hits first? Does your competitive side see a challenge; or, does your heart race as you realize it will be nearly impossible to accomplish all of those items in one day? 


Lately I've been wondering how that first rush of emotion impacts our mindset at work. Is it possible that our style leaves us susceptible to a first impression that will be a derailer on our outlook for two, six, or even twelve hours?

If so, what strategies do you use to counter this load of negativity? Banging your head against the wall may be tempting at this point, but I recommend head-banging for something very different. 


I have three approaches for dealing with work, personal, and often times in-my-head stress that can derail me and put me into a bit of a tailspin. These won't work for everyone, but in my world they have made all the difference.

1. Reach out to my network

This may feel a bit awkward, particularly if you're not calling to "talk shop." We can all slip into the "work is stressful can you believe what she said in the office" discussion. I'm talking about opening up...being vulnerable...and letting your network actually offer some perspective.

It's powerful. It's important. It works for me.

2. Workout like a beast

Okay, I realize not everyone is into getting fit. That's is about choices. For me I need to workout to stay sane. I'm not embellishing here. Exercise has become such an important part of my mental health that I can not go more than a day without it.

It's powerful. It's important. It works for me.

3. Find the music that brings me peace of mind and play it every day 

I don't know too many folks who do not enjoy music. Check out the #HRMusicshare hashtag and you'll find all sorts of people sharing the music that is helping them get through the day. My personal tastes are at the fast and heavy end of the musical spectrum. So what?

It's powerful. It's important. It works for me. 


How do you react when the day ahead looks like a train coming straight for you? Do you give up before you even get started...accepting failure as part of the routine? Or, do you make an intentional decision to do something that works for you?

Rock on friends!

I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses.


Monday, December 2, 2013

Left for Dead

If only the world of work was free from drama, false accusations, unnecessary stress, and energy being spent dealing with people intent on tearing others down in pursuit of their own agenda. When I think about the time I've spent addressing issues that were exclusively intended to be hurtful and were untrue, versus helping others achieve breakthrough performance, it makes me sad.

Maybe that is the role of the human resources practitioner today; maybe it is the result of an accountability-based leadership style; or perhaps it is simply the result of working with other human beings. Whatever the reason, there is an overlooked group in all of the noise that swirls around us, and they deserve to be looked after. 

Rock Solid

We all have team members who we rely on to deliver quality work. They are the ones who are on board with our ideas, strategies, and changes. We look to them to deliver time and time again and they represent the brand better than most. We rely on their track record of success and count on them to keep pushing the organization forward.

These are people we've learned to trust because they've earned it over a period of years.


So what happens when that team member is the target of an attack? What happens when someone else decides their own agenda is more important than the truth and they go after that team member?

Do we jump? Do we overreact? Do we blindly believe the accusations without understanding the dynamics involved? 

Of course we don't.

We're professionals, and we invest the time necessary to make sure all sides are heard so we can cut through the personal agendas and get to the truth.

But what about that strong performer who is now stuck in the middle of a mess? Particularly when all indications point to someone else's self-serving agenda? Do you reach out to support that team member; or, are they alone in a very unfamiliar place? 

How About You

When you're working on a difficult situation, do you reach out to support everyone involved? Or, do you shun the one in the middle of the storm? Is that fair? Don't you think those strong members of your team deserve better?

I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses.
