I've had an amazing week. Now before you think this post
is about rainbows and joy just slow down for a minute. Yes, my week had some
really high points...but life isn't only about the good stuff. Right?
It turns out my eventful week had much more in store for
me than I expected.
Live Fast
I attended two important events in nuclear-blast-hot Las Vegas this week: SHRM's Global CHRO Summit, and the SHRM National
Conference. It was my second year at both events, and this year I had
the privilege to be a member of the #shrm15blogger team.
I've been moving at a pretty fast pace for the last six
months. My kick ass new job keeps me running. Hard.
Add to that pace my weekly travel schedule which sometimes has me trying to
juggle a few too many things at once. That hit full force as I arrived in the
Short story: lots of issues going on in my world...plus a
long flight...and no hotel room when I finally (and I mean finally) got to the
In that moment I
was ready to accept that I was getting a sign from above. I must be pushing too
hard...moving too fast...trying to be everything for everyone all the
time...and I probably needed to do a re-set.
Except I'm so competitive the thought of slowing down made me angry. So I strategized with the incredibly gracious team at the Encore Hotel...took a few deep breaths...figured it out...and got my game-face back on.
On High
The twenty-four hour CHRO session was terrific, capped
off with a tour of the Zappos campus. Candidly, I'm not quite sure what to think
about them....they have developed something very special at their
company. I'll leave it at that for now.
Joining the big conference was also great. I attended
some fantastic presentations (and live tweeted like a champ throughout). Here's
the part that blew me away this week. Many of my friends were there and
genuinely had an interest in how I was doing since I've made a series of big
changes in my life.
I'm not talking about the casual 'hey, how's it going'
banter. I mean a 'deep-I-care-about-you-as-my-friend' type of discussion.
And it happened again, and again, and again.
I'm not sure I even responded appropriately in those
moments. The amount of support I felt...and continue to feel...is nothing short
of incredible.
How About You
Coming in to this week I had a very short list of people I could share my
'stuff' with in an open and trusting way. They are absolutely amazing and know
who they are.
Now, instead of feeling like I have done something wrong or tried to do too much; I know I have an all-star team beside me as I focus on taking my "live fast, on
high" mindset to a whole new level.
Saying thank you seems to fall so far short of how I
feel. But, thank you friends.
I'd love to hear from you.
No Excuses.