Showing posts with label team. Show all posts
Showing posts with label team. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

No Trick Pony

The world of work, and leadership in particular, is an interesting place. So many experts, confident souls, and buried among them...real pros.

What I find most curious are those leaders who profess to be so good at everything they touch that they can do no wrong.


Good at Something
To be fair, we're typically good at 'something'...whether or not that happens to align with our jobs is a totally different matter. For the most part however, everyone brings something to the game.

Where I run into trouble myself; and, see others struggle, is when the belief that we are the smartest people in the room becomes our reality. That is dangerous territory, filled with over inflated egos, arrogance, and a lack of credibility.

I've been there from time-to-time...and I hate it. It's quite embarrassing actually. Fortunately those moments are the exception not the rule. For others is a way of life. 

How About You
What do you do about those leaders in your organization that are "just so darn smart" that they've alienated those around them? Do they realize they are not even a one-trick pony? How can we support them so they can be a legitimate member of the team going forward?

I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses.


Tuesday, December 18, 2018

You Made My Day

I had something pretty cool happen recently. Someone told me that I "just made their day." Here's the coolest part... was a stranger involved public recognition
...and it leveraged his company's rewards program for the public to use

Wow! Right?

Practicing and Preaching
I've spent many years proclaiming the power of recognition. We all know it's an important tool for building relationships, trust, loyalty, and engagement. Sometimes I'm better at practicing it than preaching it, but I never lose sight of how impactful it can be.

The Story
Some of you may know that my professional life involves a heavy amount of travel; and with that, comes a familiarity with the staff of Southwest, the carrier I use. Well, one of the gate agents in Tampa is not only incredibly positive, but he is consistently positive every single day. 

Let's face it....gate agents don't get much glory. They don't sing you the safety instructions or bring you cans of water. They are stuck announcing flight delays or gate changes. 

Absolutely no glory whatsoever.

Well, Southwest has a rewards program whereby they send reward coupons to customers like me (think drink coupons, but targeted at recognizing their team members.) The coupons are personalized to me as a frequent customer, and allows me to recognize their team.

How good is that?

Which leads to his comment as I was walking by him to board the plane.

How About You
Are you doing more preaching than practicing when it comes to recognition in your organization? It's funny how it actually works out. His response made my day too.

I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses.


Thursday, December 6, 2018

Your Tops for 2018

For those of us who are devoted to Spotify we have just received our Top Songs list for 2018. It's not a big surprise to me that many of the songs near the top of the list are from bands I've seen this year. 

It's been a fantastic music I look back at it all.

Caught Up in the Moment
As I scanned through the long list of music I realized I had 'forgotten' some of the songs and bands. How could that happen so quickly? One day at the top of my playlist, and the next I don't even remember them?

How is that possible?

...and then I thought about all of the work my team has done this year...

One day I'm deep into an issue...and the next I don't even remember?

How is that possible?

Time to Reflect
As we stare down the end of another year, and before the blogosphere gets crowded with resolutions and fresh start messages, I thought my Spotify-moment was worth raising as a pathway to considering all of the work you and your team have accomplished this year.

If you're anything like me, the minute a big initiative is successfully completed I am going full speed into the next one...and now that I'm no longer, shall we say, young-ish, I don't always remember all of those successes.

I think something wonderfu is lost in the hustle to always launch the 'next big thing' as quickly as possible, don't you?

How About You

As you wrap things up for 2018, take some time to reflect with your team on the successes of the past year. Talk about those wins. Re-congratulate each other for quality work that made a difference. Savor those're part of a special group of people all working toward the same goals. 

That my friends is a blessing we should never take for granted.

I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Crash and Burn Leadership

Wait, what?

We're leaders. We don't have time for anything ever, let alone ourselves, right? 

We care for others!
We care for our teams!
We care for our CEOs!
We care for the employees!

We...crash and burn. That's what we do.

We crash. 

Give Give Give
What is it about being a dedicated leader that makes us all feel like we're supposed to work ourselves into oblivion? I mean, seriously...sometimes over the years I've pushed myself beyond what would be a reasonable limit.

And for what? How many of us were recognized for arriving at 6:00am everyday? I know the answer.

None of us.

But, wait a minute. Those early hours, late nights, and weekends diving into that task list paid off for us! We were on top of our workload...connected with everybody...and executed on time, every time.

But at what cost?

Self Care is Beast Mode
For those of you that believe self-care is a soft cop out I have news for you.

"There is no glory in pushing yourself so hard 
chasing an imagined super-hero image 
that you have nothing left to give. 
You've simply failed."

The real "A-players" of leadership focus on a lot more than their Inbox and task list. Here are a few things that make it to the top of their priority list:
- spending time listening to the employees
- exercising
- intentionally slowing down
- reading
- eating (reasonably) healthy
- meditating or praying
- networking for the sake of connecting, not for pure professional gain
- reading (a real book or a digital one)
- taking time off

...and you can continue to add to the list...

How About You
Do you matter enough to your organization, your team, your family and to yourself to go all beasty with your own self-care? It's not going's actually stepping up in a profound and impactful way.

I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses.


Monday, March 5, 2018

I Walked Alone Into a Fight

Community - a unified body of individuals

Team - a group of people with a full set of complimentary skills

Network - an association of individuals with common interests providing mutual assistance

Friends - one attached to another by affection or esteem

Colleagues - a fellow worker or professional

Family - all the descendants of a common ancestor

So Much, But...
We have lots of words that represent the resources available to us in life, and these resources come in various forms. 

Ranging from close family relationships, to our loosely defined networks (think 3rd level on LinkedIn) it would appear that we have an endless amount of support just waiting to be tapped when times get tough.


While we do have extensive connections across many places, platforms and people; we fail to appreciate one of the most obvious facts of our journeys. 

We ultimately travel alone.

Not Bad News...
Now before you click out of this post and move on, consider the following...

...there is a reason communities, teams, networks, friends, colleagues and families are in our lives

...there is a reason, that despite feeling alone, we actually are not alone at all

Are you with me?

When you feel the pressure of your corporate life dragging you down.
When you feel like your career has stalled.
When you feel like the personal stress and strain are too much to bear.
When you fee like it is all just...too much.

Remember that although we technically travel alone, we have been provided with an amazing group of fellow travelers to share our journey.

What do you think?

I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses. 


Wednesday, January 31, 2018

I Know Everything

"They'll have to recognize my success this year. I've been the most effective member of the team!"

"I don't need them. It's better if I do it myself anyway!"

"I'm the life of the party. Just look at how charming I can be!"

"Those ideas are so stupid. Why would I even waste my time listening to that point of view?"

"Fortunately I am usually right. I don't need to worry about making big mistakes any longer. I'm at the top of my game!"

"There's really no need to say I'm sorry. I haven't done anything wrong!"

"Wow, what is wrong with them? They don't seem to fit in at all!"
How About You
Sometimes we get caught up in our own stuff, right? Maybe today is the best day to step back, look at those around us, and put them first. It's not always "about us."

I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Screaming Soul

I yelled today.*

It was loud.

It was aggressive.

It was on point.

I'm not one to raise my voice very often. But there are times when it is necessary to break through the malaise of the world of work and cut to the heart of an issue. 

How many times have you watched something fail...knowing it would fail...but you stood by watching it fall apart anyway?

It's not easy to get that fired up and still (hopefully) have the respect of your colleagues. 

It's not easy knowing that the space you're venturing into with your words and energy is going to go beyond "disruption."

But leadership isn't about watching things fail and praising how wonderful the organization is because it is so skilled at failure. I hate that BS excuse.

Leadership is about going hard (and often solo) in order to avoid disaster.

How About You
The next time you see well intended actions headed for a major miss, and the warning signs are ignored, make sure you do something about it. Not only are you getting paid to do the right thing, but others are watching to see if you have the courage to stand tall when it matters most.

I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses.


*Happened a long time ago

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Your Delivery, Though

You're smart, successful, and have a whole bunch of authority. You've arrived. It's your time, and you are going to make sure you prove to everyone that you deserve to be in your job.

...and right now...this one of the riskiest of your career...

Slow Down
One of the pitfalls new leaders face is their own enthusiasm. They are so fired up to make an impact (good thing) that they don't invest the time to learn the culture, skills of the team, and organizational norms before they roar down their own path (very bad thing.)

The challenge can quickly move past simple enthusiasm and impatience to losing credibility if not addressed in a timely manner. So, while the new leader's style can transition from a positive to a negative, it is also incumbent on the other members of the leadership team to support the new leader with the appropriate coaching right from the start.

Listening Is Not Optional
If only life was as easy as I described above. An over zealous leader, some timely coaching, and all is right with the world.

However, sometimes very talented and driven professionals need extra support. This does not mean they are a bad fit for your organization; or that they can not recover from a few well-intended stumbles.

It does require direct and sustained feedback (think --> bordering on confrontational) to ensure the message gets through.

Again, most leaders want to do a great job. They want to add value. 

But some struggle to understand that the leadership style that may have served them well in the past no longer applies in their new organization.

Instead of considering their approach as a failure, the real opportunity is to leverage their skills to pivot, embrace the new culture, and channel their expertise and energy in full alignment with their new team.

How About You
Who do you know that is fired up, but could use a helping hand to complete their transition to their new role? It is easy to criticize, but the real professional inside each of us needs to provide the help our cultures would indicate should come automatically, right?

I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses.

Monday, July 18, 2016

Master of Puppets

“There are those whose primary ability is to spin wheels of manipulation. It is their second skin and without these spinning wheels, they simply do not know how to function. They are like toys on wheels of manipulation and control. If you remove one of the wheels, they'll never be able to feel secure, be whole.” 
C. Joybell C.

Leadership Facade
It's sad when you think about it. The negative energy that so many put into chasing personal glory instead of collaborating with the team-driven modern world of work, often results in damaged relationships and poor outcomes.

They may hide behind the label of leader, but in fact they are not even close.

Seriously, are there any roles left in our organizations that are truly at the individual contributor level anymore?

Hidden Agenda
What is their real agenda? Is it a passion for the mission of the organization? Is it the pressure of bringing people together to ensure deadlines are met? Or, is it a self-absorbed path that only serves to fuel their own misguided career aspirations?

Sadly, their agendas are hidden to no one but themselves. The negative impact of their behavior, their lack of personal accountability, and their almost laughable attempt to position themselves as a dynamic leader drives a wedge between themselves and their colleagues.

How About You
Who is it in your workplace that tries to play the role of puppet master? Maybe it's time someone told them the only thing they are manipulating is their own credibility.

I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses.


Wednesday, June 15, 2016

There's Something About Power

It seems to me there is a direct correlation between the amount of power one has and their ability to think clearly. 

Yes, I said it. The more power we have, the less tuned in to reality we are. You can't argue, because quite frankly your primary rationale for arguing is to justify your continued level of power.

Mmmmm....power. It feels good.

Why is that when someone moves into a formal position of authority they equate that with their own brilliance? Quite the opposite is actually occurring. Good leaders are the ones that recognize the enormity of the responsibility before them, and quickly build the most effective team of bright minds around them. 

"I don't need to come up with the best ideas. I need to implement the best ideas."
- Jay Kuhns
I fear for those organizations that have leaders who believe they are the smartest people on the team. How many new and innovative opportunities to grow the company, build the culture, and achieve breakthrough performance are lost simply because an arrogant leader believes he or she "has it all figured out?"

Real Power
There is an old, and incredibly accurate phrase that basically says...the more power that you give away...the more power you receive.

I can personally attest to this being true. I can also tell you it used to be extremely difficult for me to give away any power. I knew what needed to be done! I could do it myself very quickly! I knew my path to the endpoint was the best path!

Until I realized I really did work with a bunch of bright people who had different (and better!) ideas on how we could reach our shared goals.

It is a very good thing indeed that I have an appetite for humble pie.

How About You
How do you navigate your personal power trip? Does everyone on your team know that you are the boss with the best ideas? Or, are you the leader that everyone wants to work for?

I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

You I Need

I think it's fascinating how some leaders make their lives so difficult. Those same leaders typically make the lives of those around them equally as difficult, yet they can't see how disruptive they are. SMH.

I Need You (in the mirror)
There is a simple reality to getting work done these days in my opinion. You have to do the heavy lifting. Unless you understand what is happening and invest the time to help build work plans, you are not leading. We can talk about delegating work all day long, but I've personally seen many executives fail because they believed they no longer needed to learn anything, and that delegating was actually leading.

Um, no. 

I've had to learn over and over again throughout my career in order to both grow my career and to understand what it actually takes to lead at a high level. (I'm still learning by the way...that's the fun part!) 

Beware the leader that says  they are an expert or have figured it all out. The world is moving so fast, I'm not sure anyone is an expert any longer. 

You may be damn good...but be careful with the self-appointed labels.

What does need to manifest itself however is the inner drive that the best leaders demonstrate each day. They have vision, they build plans, make decisions, and have stopped running scared of the political noise that can dominate an organization but provides zero value.

I Need You (everyone on the team)
Newsflash: real leaders are not individual contributors. Honing your communication skills, understanding that different members of your team need different levels of attention and guidance, and appreciating that without the team's efforts you will fail are all hallmarks of the best of the best.

Let me say it will fail without them. Now, how do you think you should treat your team?

How About You
Trust yourself first. Trust your team second. "You" need them.

I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses.


Monday, April 13, 2015

Also Am I

"There are some places in life where you can only go alone. Embrace the beauty of your solo journey."
Mandy Hale

We've all experienced the twists and turns of personal and professional life. Sometimes we have people in our lives who we can rely on, and at others we have to power through on our own. Both scenarios can be quite difficult.

If you're fortunate enough to have someone who connects with you...understands the pressure you're under...and consistently supports you, consider yourself truly blessed.

The Search
The struggle many leaders fall victim to is what I call the "search trap." They are forever looking for the one person who they believe will save them. Maybe it is a new assistant, or project manager, or leader on their team. Whatever the role may be, it's as if that one mythical person has the power to completely transform the challenges of the day.

Where is that special person to be found?

The Realization
The reality of our search is person can make a huge difference. But...not the whole difference.

One leader can move things forward. One energized leader can bring a fresh perspective and sense of urgency to achieve real progress.

The right person can do all those things as long as they have one important attribute...

...they understand that it is their hard work and leadership, not the mere fact that they have walked into the room, that makes all the difference...

How About You
Are you looking for someone to save you? I am too. It turns out you only need to look in one place to find them...the mirror. Then remember that your leadership will achieve more than you could possible realize.

I think you are something to believe in.

I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses.


Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Lonely Is The Word

"A true leader has the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs of others. They don't set out to be a leader, but become one by the quality of their actions and the integrity of their intent. In the end, leaders are much like eagles...they do not flock; you find them one at a time." 
- Unknown

What words do you chose to say to your team? How do you behave when you know others are watching? Are you confident, even when you're unsure on the inside? 

What happens when you have to answer for a problem...are you quick to blame others and frantically attempt to deflect any ownership? 

Or, do you own the challenges in front of you, and in so doing demonstrate a level of leadership that your peers can not match?

Which leader are you...the one who plays it safe in the crowd...or the one who leads the crowd?

I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses.

Monday, February 9, 2015

The Power of Unexamined Thoughts

Meetings are a double-edged sword. They are a powerful tool to bring team members together to think, plan, and ultimately execute on organizational strategy. Yes, meetings are supposed to do that.

But sometimes meetings hit a wall. It could be that the team is losing momentum, it could be they are not able to see the larger vision, or it could be that some members are simply not up to the task at hand.

Whatever the reason, meetings require two important elements to be successful...

Leadership and momentum.

One of the hallmarks of effective leadership is presence. It's much more than a job title or physical presence in the room. In the meeting context, it is taking charge and driving things forward. Sometimes that requires pushing ideas out to the group that are new.

These 'unexamined thoughts' are not brainstorming; rather, they are an example of the leader keeping the reality of where the team needs to be front and center. The best leaders use this approach in a way that reconnects the group to a global vision aligned with where the organization is headed, not just to the task-at-hand-focus of the people in the room.

That is leadership presence.
The true power of unexamined thoughts comes in the output of the work. Driving change through a stalled meeting is one thing, developing great work product as a result is entirely different. 

Without leadership intervention to maintain the momentum of the group...sometimes moving past where the group is able to go as a necessary to achieve the ultimate goal of great work.

Just so we're clear, the best leaders know that the only thing that ultimately matters is great work product.

How About You
Do you use unexamined thoughts when the teams you're leading start to fade? Or, do you pack it up for the day and ask everyone to "come back with good ideas next time?" I think it's time to step up...push through...and lead the way.

I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

I'm Always Right

"...and above all, stay humble because just when you think you have all the answers, is the moment when some bitter twist of fate in the universe will remind you that you very much don't...” 
- Tom Hiddleston 

Have you figured it all out? Have you convinced yourself that your view of the world is the "right" one?

Have you ever considered that what you believe to be true and right; may, in fact, be off-base?

I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses.


Monday, July 14, 2014

The Whole World Turned Away

"The day your team members stop bringing you their problems is the day you have stopped leading them. They have either lost confidence that you can help them or concluded that you do not care. Either case is a failure of leadership."
Colin Powell

Being part of a team can be wonderful. The connection between team members, the trust and support of each other, and the knowledge that everyone is working toward the same goal can be an amazing experience.

What happens when everyone isn't as focused on the team as in the past? What if the appearance of support wasn't as sincere as the team believed? The impact of these changes can not only create divisions within the team, but has the potential to rip the team apart.

How could this happen?

Changes in life are not uncommon, in fact change is the most exciting part of life! Living a routine, same-old-schedule day in and day out would just about kill me. Learning, growing, and maximizing what you can become is the definition of living a full and meaningful life.

So how does all of the goodness that is wrapped up in change, end up pulling the team apart?

Team Agenda vs. Personal Agenda
As leaders...and as team members...we have to ensure that goals and priorities are clear. Every member has to know what is important, why it is important, and what needs to happen to achieve those goals. In the absence of knowledge, people will start filling in their own interpretation of reality. That is a slippery slope.

One of the worst things that can happen to a team is that one member or a small group of members decide that their wishes supersede those of all others. When this happens the team suffers. It is our job as leaders to make sure we keep the team informed, fired up about the future, and fully aware of what needs to happen, even if what needs to happen isn't the most popular option.

No one ever said leadership is easy.

How About You
When your team raises issues and concerns with you the next time, instead of feeling like you have another headache to deal with, be thankful. They are reaching out to you. They feel it is important that you know what is going on so you can do something about it. They believe in you...and that's a pretty special feeling.

I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses.


Monday, July 7, 2014

Achievement and Gratitude

“In normal life we hardly realize how much more we receive than we give, and life cannot be rich without such gratitude. It is so easy to overestimate the importance of our own achievements compared with what we owe to the help of others.” 

Dietrich Bonhoeffer 

Take one minute today and consider how far you've come in life. Look at the team of people you work with...and think about all the hard work they do and how that work directly impacts you. I'm blessed with an incredible team of professionals who put in long hours under sometimes very stressful circumstances.
...and I'm grateful for their dedication to their profession...and to our organization...

How About You
How does it look in your world of work today? Despite the challenges we all face, I'm guessing you have a pretty terrific group of people around you too. 

Take one minute today and think about where you would be without them.

I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses.


Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Lots of Moving Parts

We have lots of moving parts.

I hear this phrase almost daily. It didn't used to be that way of course, but the pace of work seems to have picked up each year. The use of technology in our lives (which I've completely adopted!) combined with an ever increasing workload means we have more projects and strategies simultaneously demanding our attention like never before.

Badge of Honor
For those in leadership positions the demands of the hyper-connected and "always on" world of work means we are constantly busy. Some people embrace that pressure in an almost martyr-like way proclaiming how busy they are at every available opportunity.

I'm not sure that's a good idea though. I worry it inadvertently sends a negative message to those around us. Is the "I'm so busy message" actually sending a signal that you are not approachable? Are you subconsciously trying to avoid new projects or responsibilities?

Being busy is a good thing! Complaining about it...well...that's not so good, even if you have convinced yourself that you're simply acknowledging that you're running at maximum capacity.

Parts Are Not The Whole
A different way to think about so many priorities in our lives is to appreciate that they are just that...lots of little parts. Small pieces can be managed, fixed, improved, reinvented, and delegated. Think about that for a minute. You do not have to do everything on every task at every minute.

Too often leaders fall into the trap of thinking they have to manage every little piece of the work on their own. Nothing could be further from the truth. 

We have talented professionals on our teams. We have young people with tremendous potential who simply want the opportunity to do more. 

We do not have enough time to play super-hero...but we do have time to think strategically and manage all of those moving parts.

How About You
Have you used the phrase "lots of moving parts?" If so, what are you doing about it? Simply saying that over and over will yield exactly zero progress. However, if you slow down for a minute, think strategically, and tap into your team you'll watch those parts eventually turn into a well oiled machine.

I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses.


Monday, May 19, 2014

Line of Fire

I remember the first time I realized that not everyone was excited about moving into leadership. I was a very green young manager and my hospital had a number of management vacancies. I couldn't believe that we didn't have any internal applicants. In fact, it would be safe to say I was stunned! How could this be? No one wanted a "great" management job?

I Get It Now
As it turns out leadership is difficult. In fact, leading in a mediocre way is tough, let alone trying to actually be effective. I spend a lot of time on this blog pushing for effective leadership behavior, but I know it's a heck of a lot easier to write about it than it is to do it.

But that doesn't mean I'm not going to keep trying to get better every day.

The Firing Squad
One of the ways I've found to be effective in my role as a leader is to step in front of the proverbial firing squad on behalf of my team. As we all know, Human Resources lives in a fishbowl. All of the hiring managers, employees, and executives can see our every move. They all expect results, and candidly they deserve them. That is the opportunity of working in HR, not the burden!

The problem is that sometimes the team around us can become an easy target (read here --> scapegoat) for operational problems. It is in those moments that I believe HR leaders need to intervene. Simply letting our staff take all the heat (often it isn't even justified) while we hide in our offices is just lame.
I hate being lame.

Let me be clear...I'm not suggesting our team members cannot handle criticism, complaints, or areas that need to be addressed. What I am saying is that when you know the "noise" you're hearing about your team is inaccurate, you better get your butt out of your chair and stand up for them. 

How About You
It's no fun being in the line of fire as leaders. Imagine what our team members are going through? What must that feel like? More importantly do they know you care? Show them you are behind them 100%, and take a few bullets for them. Sometimes they won't even know you're doing it....but you'll know...and that's pretty important too.

I"d love to hear from you.

No Excuses.