Showing posts with label employees. Show all posts
Showing posts with label employees. Show all posts

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Where Do We Go From Here

I let a milestone slip by quietly a month or so ago. It was the tenth anniversary of this blog (900 posts strong.) I know, not a big deal in the grand scheme of things. The world has gone absolutely crazy...pandemics have become politicized...and the United States is sadly divided to extremes.

Back to that milestone. I decided to step back from writing for a while. My last two posts about Black Lives Matter and Seeing Color seemed a fitting set of messages that represent how I feel. It didn't seem right to jump back into "the 3 best actions to take to be the leader of the year" type of posts.

Something felt different, and quite honestly I didn't want to say anything more, about any topic, at the time.

Now Things are Different

Historic change has since occurred. The impact on employers, regardless of your political leanings, will be dramatic at the very least. And, the need for leadership that does not include fake news, hoaxes, or outright lies is more important than ever.

Will we get that type of leadership from Washington? I highly doubt it. It's rarely been there before, and the last few years have shown that it has all but evaporated.

So, where do we go from here?

There are of course, several options to fill the massive leadership void. 

Families are a very important part of our communities, and hopefully create a safe place to share our fears, opinions, and outlook going forward.

Our faith also plays a massively important role, for those that have a faith perspective. For me, it brings a level of awareness, teaching, support, guidance, a
strong community, and bigger picture view that rises above the politicization of society.

A third group, and one I feel needs to play an ever more critical role is that of the employer. Providing information, sharing resources and creating opportunities for employees to have real dialogue, and ensure that open lines of communication are well utilized and understood by everyone is more important than ever before.

How About You

It's been ten years since I started my blogging journey. Candidly, if we ever needed leadership that held itself accountable, it is right now. Let's move forward with a fresh spirit of opportunity, excitement about the future, and support for one another. We're all going to need it, right?

I'd love to hear from you.

No excuses.


Monday, December 30, 2019

Expressions of Power

Power is an interesting concept. We chase it...we are fearful of it...we are quick to identify abuses of it...

...and then we chase it some more.

What's the Real Story
There is an allure to success, and the trappings that come along with it. Titles, money, respect, authority. Hmmm...authority. That component of power that offers the ability to guide others in the way you want them to go. 

That path can be something wonderful...creating a culture that brings the great minds of your team together to push through to new levels of success. A culture whereby everyone feels connected to the vision. 

Damn, that can be exciting.

Power for Power's Sake
There is, of course, a dark side to power. In times of war power is projected in the most overwhelming ways possible to demoralize the enemy. Perhaps the same can be said for those leaders who are solely focused on power as a personal issue.

They are the ones that feel threatened in every meeting. They are quick to challenge others so as to redirect the focus away from their shortcomings. They see an inclusive leadership approach as somehow diminishing their own status.

We've all seen them. Maybe you've been one at some point in your career?
We've all seen their behavior as well: the body language, the words they choose, the tone of their electronic messages.

How About You
Who do you know in your company that views power in such a disruptive way? How can you help them? As we look to the start of a new year, it might be time for you to pull them aside, provide the thoughtful coaching they need, and help them start 2020 in a very different way.

I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses.


Friday, February 15, 2019

Do You See Them?

This week is one of my favorites of the year. Why? It's the week of our annual meeting at Kinetix. We bring all of our employees together from across the country to our corporate office in Atlanta for training, team-building, and celebration of an incredibly successful year.

One of the best parts of the week each year is the series of individual moments I have with our team. Quiet sidebar conversations about work, life, career aspirations, or challenges happening right then.

It is a privilege to have these moments actually. They are important to the team members who are kind enough to value my opinion; and they are important to me because the team trusts me enough to be involved in what's happening in their world.

That's not just "work." That's trust, and respect, and how it should be.

Seeing Them
During our company photo shoot I was chatting with one of the other executives here, and they said to me...

"...just look at our group...we have an unbelievable team of people here now...I'm not just saying it...
they truly are incredible..."

That's powerful.

...and that's one of the things I love about being a member of the leadership team here at Kinetix. 

Our employees are not FTEs, or staff, or commodities. 

They are people, who work hard, have good values, and add to our culture far beyond their performance of 18% productivity growth. 

They are people who we have the privilege to have on the team.

How About You
How do you see the members of your team? Are they replaceable, or maybe simply a seat that needs to be filled? Or, are they much more than that?

I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses.


Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Developing Internal Blogging Teams

So, you've finally decided to execute on a robust employer brand strategy. Your career site is actually a real site, not just a job list, you're pushing content several times a week and distributing it across multiple dedicated HR social channels.

Well done!

But you're still missing out on a great recruitment, retention and recognition opportunity.

Our People...Our Most Important Asset
So many leaders talk about how important their people are, yet I rarely see those same "important" people writing about their experiences at work. 

We tell stories about them, that is a cornerstone of any good plan. However, when was the last time you saw the actual employees telling their own story?

It's not as risky as you might think

Plan...then Execute
There are several basic steps that will serve as the foundation of your internal blogging team structure.

1 - Identify several employees who have an interest in building their brand, supporting the organization, and aren't shy! Align the team members with your organizational needs (recruitment, expansion, growth.)

How do you find them? Ask!

2 - Meet with the employees and describe your goals, do's and don'ts, and reinforce that they are not uploading content, formatting, or publishing. HR handles all of those pieces. They simply need to send an email "post" to you each month.

How do I support them? Stay connected, meet for coffee, and talk through their challenges!

3 - Make sure your bloggers have up to date LinkedIn profiles, twitter accounts, and hopefully, Instagram accounts as well. If you're going to be a need to be in the social media space!

How do I make sure this happens? Meet with them and get them set up on the spot!

How About You
I've had tremendous success using this strategy, and you can too! It doesn't matter if you're a blogger or not. The goal is to differentiate your organization from the competition. Additional benefits include helping you to create a culture that truly recognizes and showcases your employees! Now, what are you waiting for?

I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Senior Leaders, Cheap Talk, & Being Present

"Culture is to recruiting, as product is to marketing."
Hubspot's Culture Code

Culture, Culture, Culture
The word culture sure gets thrown around a lot, don't you think? For me, it's right up there with values. If I hear one more executive espouse their organization's values, without taking action to prove they matter, I think I might spit.

Every organization obviously has a culture. However, many organizations do not have the culture they claim, or they secretly know in their "heart" that theirs has unlimited room for improvement.

If we all know these things, claim our employees are our most valuable asset, and continue to preach our culture message over and over yet still have major gaps relative to reality, what is the missing piece?

All You Do To Me is Talk Talk
For many leaders, landing that big title or breaking into the executive ranks feels like the end of a long journey, when in fact, it is only the beginning. They often feel as if they can ramble on and on simply because they must be the smartest person in the room, just look at their title!

Think of leaders as the six players on a hockey team during a game. 

Six players, but twenty-thousand fans staring at them...watching every move...hoping for good decisions, and the effort to back up what they say when they are off the ice.

It's the same for us in leadership. There are only a few of us compared to all of the employees who work in our companies. 

They are watching every move...hoping for good decisions, and the effort to back up what we say during meeting after meeting after meeting.

Are you with me?

How About You
Words are incredibly powerful tools for leaders. They inspire, motivate, encourage, reward, hold accountable, recognize and fire up the people around them. But in the absence of action...or follow through...

...the words damage the credibility of that leader. 

It's time to back up the culture talk with culture ACTION!

I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses.


Thursday, December 14, 2017

Carved In Stone

Regardless of the size of the organization.

Let's agree they are all complex.


Many Parts




My eyes only see a fraction of the whole.

What part am I not seeing?

Which employee am I missing?

What issue is just beyond my line of sight?

Who is struggling that I can help, but I just don't notice them?

How About You
Am I inflexible and carved so deeply in stone that I'm missing...well... everything around me? 

What, or more importantly, who, might you be missing in your world?

I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses.


Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Give Me Your Soul

Loyal - "unswerving in allegiance"

There was a time when employees were thankful to have a good job, working for a good company, one that would 'take care' of them for the duration of their career. It seems to me however, there was an imbalance between the organization and the employees who worked hard for those companies to grow and prosper.

It's as if the popular mindset of employers as all-powerful beings that controlled one's entire future was real. Did those loyal employees actually feel that way; or, was it some sort of cultural power play that tricked employees into believing they had to feel loyal or some grave outcome would surely befall them?

While I have tremendous respect for those individuals who feel so deeply connected to the mission of their organizations that they couldn't imagine leaving, that is not what I see playing out in the contemporary world of work.

I think we've had our view of the employer / employee relationship completely backwards for years. 

Yes, bold leadership is absolutely essential if an organization is going to be successful. 

However, the burden on leadership is not only to be provide effective decision-making, but also to be equally as focused on their relationship with the people on the team.

When leadership believes they are always the smartest people in the room, that organization has begun a death spiral. 

Arrogance never plays well.


How About You
When we ask our employees to give us their souls, we sure as hell better be prepared to give them everything we have in return. That does not mean imparting our wisdom as if it is some sort of divine message.

Rather, it is a mandate that we stay connected, listen, respect, support and by all means ensure that our team feels valued. Absent that, we will be just another organization that had great potential, but the leadership team screwed it up.

I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses.


Tuesday, August 1, 2017

"Who" Is Your Recruitment Strategy

I hear lots of discussions that go something like this...

P1  "So, what is your recruitment strategy?"

P2  "What do you mean?"

P1  "You know, are you using LinkedIn more, or spending money on Indeed?"

P2  "Oh, yea, we're looking into that, and definitely use LinkedIn. Yes, we're obviously doing that. So, what are you doing?"

Me  Take me now, Lord.

All too often talent acquisition leaders get caught in the trap of narrowly defining their strategies as a series of "whats." Sure, we need a well thought out plan, but what is missed repeatedly is that the organization's employees are the heart of any contemporary approach.

What recruitment video is on our website? (as in only!)

What digital application process will we use? (and how can we force it to mirror our broken manual again!)

What steps can we take to get the Marketing Department to pay attention to us? (even though Marketing Departments do not understand employer brand...a fail hat trick!)

TA leaders have a unique opportunity to differentiate themselves from their competition if they use a "who" vs "what" filter as they develop their recruitment strategies. Consider for a moment the pride that you feel in your team, your company, and the difference you make. You have stories to tell! 

Stories are not "what" things...stories are based on people, the "who" making the magic happen each day.

When leaders focus on profiling their employees on videos and blogs, and distributing those stories across a variety of social channels guess what happens?

The competition has a heart attack, and you get the candidates you need!


...and only requires one thing...


How About You
Is it time to have a very different conversation about your strategic plan? I'd love to help. Oh, and don't worry, I have enough courage for the both of us.

I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses.


Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Death by 1,000 HR Policies

I've worked in human resources for a long time. So long in fact, that when I make pop culture references with our team, most of the group don't understand my jokes. I also discuss policies and procedures as tools to guide the culture of the workplace. I get the same blank stares on this too.

What Changed?
In my early hospital HR roles I held my policy book so close that you would think it was my version of a security blanket. It drove almost all of my decisions, helped ensure I was "following the rules" and never wavered! 

Um, that's not leadership by the way. I wish someone had told me that back in the '90s.

Those old school approaches to HR leadership don't mesh with the more sophisticated employees of today. Yes, I said sophisticated. Think about it, the world is dramatically different than it was when I was part of the "new generation of leaders" coming up through the ranks.

Now we have the most informed, most empowered, and most connected world ever. For those of us that have jumped on the wild ride of contemporary business strategies it is an exciting and wonderful period of time.

For my colleagues who still wish "being a yuppie" was a thing, you have sadly been left behind.

Relationships Rule, Policies Are (mostly) a Waste
The savvy leader today, regardless of age or experience, understands that their relationship with the team will define the organization's profitability and ultimate success.

How many of us have prioritized the experience our employees have working for us as our number one agenda item every day? Not the patients, not the customers, not the business partners...our employees, first.

Let that settle in. No one is more important in the universe than your employees. Now we should take that one step further:

- What would your corporate culture feel like if every employee felt maximum support from you?

- What would the turnover rate of your top talent be if they felt you would do anything for them?

- How hard would your team work if they knew they had miraculously found a job where leadership was completely focused on their success?

- What do you think your profits would look like with a super-charged team working hard for you every day?

How About You
The old world of finding safe harbor in your policy book is gone. Don't destroy your credibility and try to go down that path. 

No one...including me...will think that you're paying attention to the modern world. 

Employees come first. Employees drive our success. Policies are just (too many) words on a page. Which one will you focus on?

I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses.


Monday, November 21, 2016

Bleeding Orange

Why do some people stay with their organizations for years, and others seem to bounce from place to place? Do some companies have a secret that magically plays out inside their walls? Or, do they simply market their culture so effectively that despite their normal challenges they continue to attract top talent?

I've worked in organizations that were good places, and I've worked in organizations that I left because they were obsessed with earnings and didn't care about patient, physician or employee engagement.

I felt like I was bleeding all over the place...yet my passion and enthusiasm for my work didn't mean a thing. It was a sad place to be, and ultimately it required a resignation and fresh start.

In those companies...bleeding was bad.

I now find myself at a point in my career where I am again bleeding all over the place. My energy, passion and commitment are very different this time though. So, what has changed?

Are the people better? 
- No, but something feels different when we work together.

Is the work dramatically different? 
- No, but something feels different when we do our work.

Is the culture really that different from other companies?


We aren't obsessed with organizational charts. We don't wonder who is talking to who about who after every meeting. We search for ways to recognize each other. 

We ask each other to offer suggestions. We take risks and try new things. We bake our employment assessment tool into every day life. Yes we do. Every. Day. Life.

Are we perfect? Thankfully, no.

We think differently. We act differently. We "get it" here...when most other companies just don't.

How About You
This is a week to be thankful for many things. I've never felt this much support in my life. I've never felt this much energy with a team as I do now. It's flat out awesome.

What color do you bleed?

We bleed orange.

I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses.


Tuesday, November 1, 2016

That Time I Didn't Speak Up

Ah, if it were only one time. Maybe then I wouldn't feel bad...or, at least not as bad. But over the years I've had multiple examples of staying quiet.

Sometimes it was an executive far senior to me. I couldn't challenge them, right?

Sometimes it was my colleagues, and I guess I wanted to somehow fit in. Did my silence achieve that goal?

Sometimes it was a family friend. Although they never stayed friends once I finally got in their face.

Sometimes it was a classmate, and I'm sure I didn't want to be targeted since I was part of the "in crowd."

Every Time
Things are different now. I don't worry about losing friends any longer. When the crude jokes, sexist comments, bigotry or hate rises up, it's open season on them. The reality is that those people are showing their true colors and don't deserve my friendship...or even a connection.

So I'm at a point in my life (and have been for some time) for those that choose to be mean, should expect to be called out publicly. I don't care if it hurts their feelings. I don't care it if makes a situation very awkward. I don't care if it is not politically safe to do so. I don't care what they think of me.

The people I work with are watching me. The organizations I serve are watching me. My children are watching me. I don't plan on disappointing any of them.

How About You
When the sinister elements in our world show themselves, what do you do? Is it a personal affront to you and your legacy; or, is it "just their personality" and you've learned to live with it?

Remember who's watching.

I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses.


Wednesday, October 26, 2016

You Can't Ignore the Warning Signs

"You have to understand, we're special here."
"Our culture is different than other organizations."
"Our values drive 100% of our decisions."
"Innovation is one of our core strategies."
"Our employees are our most valuable asset."

For the love of all things good and holy, 
please stop saying these phrases. 

You don't back them up. You aren't going to back them up. Oh, and your employees stopped believing your empty "culture" talk a long time ago.

Words + Action = Leadership
Words matter. They can be inspirational, threatening, filled with empty promises or so energizing that entire organizations follow you.

But for those of us that have interacted with (or been a part of) senior leadership teams we've not only heard those opening phrases...we've used them!


Newsflash! Your organization is only special when you combine the fancy language in your mission and values statements with action. 

If your behavior does not match your rhetoric, you have failed.


The Front Line
Action happens in every organization on the front line. You remember the front line, it's where all of the employees are located. Not in the fancy board room, or the executive meetings where the head nodding in agreement is so prevalent I've often thought I was head-banging at a metal show. (see inspirational song reference)

The opportunity to engage, challenge the leadership status quo (who is often only interested in protecting their position at all costs), and make a meaningful difference is right in front of you.

However, the warning signs of inaction, group-think, and a clear disconnect from the reality of your corporate culture must not be ignored.

How About You
Don't be the talented leader who is tossed aside when a new CEO arrives and quickly picks up on your history of inaction and fear. Start earning your money today. Start challenging your colleagues when they need it. And above all else, get the hell out of your office and start building real relationships with the front line.

I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses.

pic inspiration

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Find the Good

Life is hard. Work is hard. Competing is hard. Winning is really hard.

So why in the world do we spend so much time focusing on the negatives when being successful requires so much energy?

You're Surrounded
One of the wonderful things about how we choose to see the world is that we don't have to be stuck in a cesspool of defeat and fatalism if we don't want to. We have a choice. We can make the conscious decision to view the world with unlimited possibilities.

Just think about your team for a moment. Does your mind quickly go to which one is "struggling" or having a "hard time?" Why do we do that? 

Consider instead all of the incredible strengths your team members have that you might be overlooking. Instead of "building a case" against them, perhaps we should build a plan that aligns their strengths with our business needs? Maybe, just maybe, if we allow them to do what they do best...and focus that effort on what needs to be done...we might achieve our goals.

We are literally surrounded with people who are good at some things, but not all things. Yet, we still try to have everyone fit into a specific job description that has an unspoken expectation that each person will be interchangeable with the next.

Does this really make sense in 2016?

What happens when we try to force the square peg into the round hole?
- lost time
- lost productivity
- massive amounts of frustration for everyone on the team, including you

You Too
This philosophy also applies to you and me. We shouldn't try to be everything in every situation...why? 

- we can't know everything
- we need to play to our strengths too
- and we shouldn't be afraid to bring people onto our teams who are stronger in areas we are not

Our job is to get results...not to embarrass ourselves trying to be Superwoman or Superman.

How About You
When you hit a roadblock in a project, or as part of the execution of your corporate strategy don't throw your hands up in frustration. Look for the strengths on your team to work through, around, or over your problem. If you find the good in your team and in yourself you will be amazed at the results.

I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses.


Thursday, September 8, 2016

The Most Important Thing

There are probably a long list of items that you and I could argue about that are very important Things like...

- a good education
- a strong career
- a stellar reputation
- a great family
- a big paycheck
- a fancy title
- a handsome face
- a great sense of humor
- a strong skill set
- a lot of connections, or followers, or friends
- a lot of attention everywhere we go
- a sense of peace

But as leaders, there is really one thing that is most important. Leaders talk about this topic all the time, but sadly so few back it up with behavior that matches their words.

I wonder if you've ever your number one priority in your job...on the most important thing? It comes in all shapes, sizes, colors, and backgrounds. It is as varied as one can possibly imagine, yet it is absolutely essential in every facet of our work.

The answer, obviously, is people.

The people on your team matter the most. Your direct reports matter the most. Your new hires matter the most. Your most tenured employees matter the most.

Our egos do not all.

How About You
As you review your task list today, does it show "people" anywhere? Or, have they all been taken for granted so you can focus on the real work?

I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

It's Not Business...It's Personal

There is a never ending amount of pressure to deliver results in the world. Whether we work for a large company, a small firm, our church, coach a sports team, or have taken the plunge and work for ourselves, results are the endgame that connects us all.

I’ve seen many leaders (including me) who attempt to separate the business decisions we must make, from the feelings we have as part of that decision-making process.

Let’s call it…corporate justification for not caring about our team members.

Did that hit a little too close to home?

Business Is Important
One of my pet peeves is that leaders do not execute. I write about it a lot because I've collected so many examples of it over the years. 

"Many leaders are so afraid to fail, that they would rather focus their energies on saving their own butt, instead of making a real difference for their organizations or people."

Here's the core problem: under such pressure many leaders treat their employees with a cold indifference all in the name of "business."

Everything Is Personal
Now for a moment of self-disclosure. I put a lot of time, energy, and yes, passion into my work.

If things go poorly, I feel terrible.
If I am criticized for doing an ineffective job, I feel terrible.
If the team's work falls short of a goal, I feel terrible.

I take it all personally. 

All of it.

Newsflash! All of your employees take it personally too. They care about the work they're doing. They care about being successful. They care about getting ahead.

Newsflash #2! Your employees do not wake up each day trying to scam you. Get the hell over yourself and your pompous view of your team.

How About You
Maybe it's time we retire the phrase "it's not's business." What do you think? It seems to have worked as well as the old command and control behaviors that have destroyed the credibility of so many "leaders" our there. 

I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses.


Monday, September 21, 2015

The Social Leader

I talk a lot about the power of social media in the business world. It has become a primary communication, marketing, recruiting, networking and branding channel to reach more people better and faster than at any time in history. It doesn’t really matter if I wanted the world to become a digital place…or if I was hoping the world of work would be completely dominated by these tools. It wasn’t up to me…or you. But I decided to embrace it instead of resisting.

I consider myself a social leader.

Social has taken over…and I pity the leaders who still believe resisting is actually an option. They look old…they look out of touch…and candidly I would never work for someone that far behind. Ever.
(hint…no one else under the age of 35 will either…)

Think for a moment about the tools patients use every day to gather information. They use the web…they use social media…they read blogs.

If you’re a healthcare leader and you’re not using these tools how in the world are you supposed to connect with your patients?

Think for a moment about how people look for jobs? They use the web…they use social media…they read blogs.

If you're leading an organization that is trying to hire talented people to help you execute your strategic plans (think —> every hospital everywhere) how in the world are you supposed to connect with applicants and differentiate yourself from your competitors?

Sometimes people label me as the social media guy, and fail to see the link between my acceptance of the world as a digital place and my skills and experience. It’s as if being a social leader negates all of the work I’d done prior to the last few years. 

It makes me laugh sometimes. And it also makes me feel bad for those leaders that are intimidated by social media. They’re just as qualified as I am to be a social leader in their discipline. The difference is they don’t have the courage to try.

That’s right. Courage solves it. In fact, courage solves just about everything, don’t you think?

How About You
Do you want to be a social leader? What’s holding you back? I have the same amount of time each day that you do. Is it that your “organization doesn’t allow the use of social media?” Well your patients, employees, and candidates are using it every day.

It’s time to go for it. I’ll help, because sometimes it can be scary at first. Hmmm…I guess courage really does sum it all up after all.

I’d love to hear from you.

No Excuses. 

Monday, March 23, 2015

The Last 10%

I have a serious bias when it comes to the world of work. My friend and colleague Joe Gerstandt does a terrific job of helping us "see" the hidden biases we all have (yes, you have them too.) Some of them are not so hidden however. They are front and center for us, and candidly that is where they are going to stay whether we want them to or not.

So here's one that I've put at the top of my list: making it safe for every employee in the company to feel safe coming to talk to me. About any topic.

Including me.

Job Titles Are Scary
I've been fortunate ( and continue to be) to serve in senior leadership roles for several organizations. The downside of that role is that the darn job title gets in the way sometimes. Here's what I'm talking about...

...employee wants to raise an issue or concern...starts to worry that raising that issue with a "VP" might make them look bad at best, or be career-limiting at worst...

The job title blocks getting to the real issue. That's not good. But there is a clear solution. Can you guess who is responsible for executing that solution every day?

Job Titles Are Also Opportunities
We've all heard the phrase that "talk is cheap." Well I disagree. I think words are powerful. I think words move people to action. I think words can make all the difference...

...words can do all these things when they are combined with action.

That fancy job title that gets people flustered opens the door for you to make it safe...literally...for your team members to come to you with any issue. 

It's not easy. You have to start fresh every day. Forget that you built a strong rapport with the team last month, last week, or even yesterday.

Make it safe again today. Never stop reinforcing that you are available and will not over react, or for God's sake punish them for stepping forward.

This may sound very simple to you...but when was the last time you intentionally thought about making your workplace safe for every employee to come forward.? I'm not talking about your peers, or those in "higher level roles." I mean everyone.

How About You
I hear many leaders lament that they don't know the "real story" of what is going on in their organizations. Well here's a tip...when leaders make it safe for everyone to come forward and share the last 10% of the story (which is always where the real issues are hiding) the truth will come out. It is entirely up to you to make it happen.

I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses.