Piano Chords - the Full Story
Home » Piano ChordsWelcome to the Chord Piano Section. This page is devoted for all of us who wish to start learning to play the piano by chords. With these beginning piano lessons we'll be learning to play the play piano by playing different chords by ear and then check out if we got them right based on some theoretical knowledge we're going to acquire together in these chord piano lessons.
Some like to imitate what they see on a video but you can learn how to form all possible amazing piano chords and learn to play an enormous amount of different styles like Pop, Rock, Blues, Jazz and more while playing popular songs by artists like the Beatles, Adele, Bruno Mars, Leonard Cohen and more. Check out our complete "Piano by chords" course where you'll go through a journey that combines both piano lessons and piano tutorials the will make play the piano like a PRO! Click here to check out the Piano by Chords Learning Kit Now! |
These chord lessons offer you everything you need in order to learn to play chords. We will start with the basic and before you know it, you'll be able to play your favourite song whether it's pop, rock, funk or anything else that comes to mind.
Chord Lessons - Beginning Chord Piano Lessons
What's a Chord, What's Harmony... |
Intervals in a Major Chord, |
Piano Chord Chart of All Major Chords... |
How to Invert Chords, What are Chord Inversions for... |
Minor Chords, A Minor Chord, |
A Free Piano Chord Chart of all Minor Chords... |
What's a Slash Chord, A Song with Slash Chords... |
C Diminished, Intervals in Diminished Chords... |
C Augmented, Intervals in Augmented Chords, Chord Chard of Diminished Chords... |
These next piano chord lessons focus on piano chord theory. We will learn how to analyse chord functions and then use it in order to start playing harmonies by ear, re-harmonize and transpose.
Chord Theory
Scale Degrees in Major and Minor Scales, Theory Exercises... |
Tonic, Subdominant, Dominant Chord... |
Dominant Chords, Major 7th Chords... |
Three Chord Songs List, Three Chord Songs for Christmas... |
Turn Around, Supertonic, Submediant... |
Major Seventh Chords, Minor Seventh Chords, Dinished Seventh Chords... |
Sus7 Chord, Sus2 Chord, Sus4 Chord... |
Falling fifth, voice Leading in the Diatonic Cricle... |
The function of the Secondary Dominant, A chord Chart of Secondary Dominant Chords... |
Secondary Dominant, II-V-I and more... |
Chord Progressions in Hello by Lionel Richie, The Diatonic Circle.... |
Major Blues, Minor Blues, Blues Scheme |
Seventh Chords in the Blues, Blues Structure |
Expending the Blues Structure, A Bluesy Groove |
What's shell voicings? Examples of shell voicings, Voice leading in Shell Voicings |
Chord Progressions in I Got Rhythm... |
Jazz chords Lessons
9th in Jazz Chords, Chord with a 2nd, Inversion of a 9th Chord... |
11th in Jazz Chords, Inversion of 11th Chords... |
13th Chords in Jazz, Inversions of 13th Chords... |
II-V-I in Jazz, Inversion of Jazzy II-V-I Chord Progressions... |
Adding Jazzy Colors to the Blues, Expending the Blues... |
All Major Chords
All Minor Piano Chords
All Major 7th Piano Chords
All Minor 7th Piano Chords
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