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Tuesday 07.17.07

« Make art, make a statement! | Main | Interesting combinations & feedback »

Gender Reflections

Philip Iosca at Chambers
Philip Iosca, Untitled

Through September 1, Chambers will be exhibiting the work of Jenny Strayer and Philip Iosca, united in the exploration of gender. Iosca's Holy Glory, My Private Parts Public, My Public Parts Private re-contextualizes words, images, and objects, challenging themes of masculinity and sexuality. Strayer will present 20th Century Women, a series of photomontages from 1930s and 1940s ephemera that highlight the highly stereotyped femininity of that era.

Opening Reception • 5:30-8:30pm • July 19
Chambers Fine Art • 207 SW Pine St. #102 • 503.227.9398

Posted by Megan Driscoll on July 17, 2007 at 9:51 | Comments (4)


Gee, it is like Amy's review of this group show had some influence on or at least predicted this dual bill of solo shows.

It should be good... Iosca was the deisgner for the much lauded Ace hotel.

Posted by: Double J [TypeKey Profile Page] at July 17, 2007 10:23 AM

Maybe it should be good, but it's not.

Posted by: Stinky [TypeKey Profile Page] at July 23, 2007 07:24 PM

I am with Stinky on this one. A bit of an immature rant.

Posted by: Norma Dee Plume [TypeKey Profile Page] at July 23, 2007 08:00 PM

I'll have to see it again (without tons of peopl)e before I can really judge the show.

Though I can say that it hardly felt like a rant as it lacked any sense of bitterness. The only generalization I'd offer so far is that it's rather humorous and a welcome addition to July's somewhat humorless shows. I like britpop (Emin, Hirst, Ofili etc.) and this show reminded me of that kind of provocative stance.

Pink crowbars on the floor... lol.

Posted by: Double J [TypeKey Profile Page] at July 24, 2007 08:26 AM

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