lists over 8,000 items under the search term "fertility"
Image: Joy of Scotland's oldest mother, aged 50. Photo Credit:
Photo Credit: -- All Rights Reserved
Juliet Le Page became Scotland's oldest mother when she gave birth at 50 years old.

Having settled down with her husband Richard, who is ten years her junior, Juliet has always been determined to have children.

I was quite a determined person, I'd met my husband and thought 'I really want to have a family with this man', Juliet said.

I was pretty sure I wasn't able to conceive naturally, so it had to be some form of assisted conception.

The proportion of women in the UK having children in their forties is the highest it has been in decades.

Fertility rates for women aged 30 and over has gradually increased since 1980, with more women having children between 30 and 34 than those aged 25-29 since 2002.

This Pregnancy Over 40 story was found on
Read more: Joy of Scotland's oldest mother, aged 50
Originally posted on November 27, 2008

Right Time Baby
Right Time Baby: The Complete Guide to Later Motherhood and Pregnancy
by Claudia Spahr

-- There couldn't be a better time for motherhood than after you've explored some of your own dreams and ambitions.

Studies show later mothers to be more secure emotionally and financially than younger mothers and nearly a quarter of all women in the UK are now having babies after 35.

Packed full of useful tips from top medical experts, scientists and world authorities, including Dr. Michel Odent and Dr. Marilyn Glenville, this book is a complete guide for the woman who's lived a life before giving birth.

It covers: preparing for pregnancy and motherhood; how to improve egg quality and prolong fertility so you can get pregnant naturally; exercises, relaxation techniques, mind-body connection for conception; how to increase your chances of success at IVF; making the most of your pregnancy, month by month; ways to avoid pregnancy loss; pregnancy yoga and natural remedies for common pregnancy ailments; how to have the best birth possible; from me to mum - adjusting to lack of sleep, relationship changes and that other job; parenting secrets and concepts from around the globe to inspire new mothers; and, the latest research in neuroscience, nutrition and psychology.

Get ready to embrace the biggest, most exciting transition of your life!

📚 Paperback: 320 pages
Click to order/for more info: Right Time Baby

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Image: Photo credit: Heather and Laila, by @joefoodie, on Flickr

Sandy, 49, Wichita, Kansas, US 
-- I find myself pregnant at 49 years old, my 50th birthday on the near horizon.

I have a son born in 1982 who is himself already the father of my 2-year-old grandson.

I have another son born in 1985. I re-married (a younger man) and had another son in 1996 after struggling with infertility.

I was surprised in 1996 to discover I was pregnant with another boy. I have joked for the past decade - I turned 40 and found out I was pregnant in the same week.

Now I find I will turn 50 pregnant. Un-planned.

Have you ever heard of such a thing?

Do 49-year-old women actually get pregnant without fertility boosts?

My periods have become less regular, but I still had them, and I know when I am ovulating.


Dolores, 52, Savannah, Georgia, US 
-- I am currently pregnant with IVF [in-vitro fertilization] twins


Stacey, 44, New Jersey, US 
-- My name is Stacy (first time Mom), and I naturally conceived and delivered a healthy baby boy September 2004 at 43 years of age.

I am now expecting another child April of 2006, again naturally conceived.


You know the saying 'life is full of surprises' is true!

I did have an uncle whose wife was 50/51 years old when they had their 12th child - so I can only keep hoping and praying.


Leslie, 45, Germany 
-- this is my third pregnancy in one year, all naturally conceived.

The first one was terminated in August 2004; it was in the tube and the tube had to be removed.

I was devastated, as I thought there is no way to become pregnant at 43/44 years old, with only one tube left.

The first time we tried again after the operation in December 2004, I fell pregnant again.

I could hardly believe it, but sadly enough it was not OK, I lost it in the 11th week.

I just did not want to give up, even though my spirits started to be very low indeed.

All the hormones up and down really affected my body. and I gained a lot of weight.

Anyway, after the pregnancy loss and operation on 4th of March, we tried again in May - and I fell pregnant straight away.

Now I am in the 18th week, and until now it looks very good and healthy.

I can even feel the baby kick.

So I think it is just as possible to become pregnant in the forties or even late forties.

Just do not give up!

Unsung Lullabies: Understanding and Coping with Infertility
by Martha Diamond, David Diamond and Janet Jaffe

-- For people experiencing infertility, wanting a baby is a craving unlike any other. The intensity of their longing is matched only by the complexity of the emotional maze they must navigate.

With insight and compassion, Drs. Janet Jaffe, Martha Diamond, and David Diamond-specialists in the field of Reproductive Psychology who have each experienced their own struggle with infertility-give couples the tools to:

 • Reduce their sense of helplessness and isolation
 • Identify their mates' coping styles to erase unfair expectations
 • Listen to their unsung lullabies--their conscious and unconscious dreams about having a family -- to mourn the losses of infertility and move on.

Ground-breaking, wise, and compassionate, Unsung Lullabies is a necessary companion for anyone coping with infertility.

📚 Paperback: 304 pages
Click to order/for more info: Unsung Lullabies

📚 Start reading Unsung Lullabies on your Kindle in under a minute!

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Image: the mother of Pop-singer Sarah Connor brought twins to the world

Dorsi wrote on the Pregnancy after 50 site:

the story attached was in German -
the twins are their child nr5+nr6 - and it is nothing more said than that the mother was very happy about the healthy babes and her strong wish was fulfilled. I read it in YAHOO Germany, Soraya Lewe-Tacke the woman's name.
München (AFP) - Die Mutter von Popsängerin Sarah Connor hat Zwillinge zur Welt gebracht. Wie die Bild-Zeitung berichtet, bekam die 50-jährige Soraya Lewe-Tacke im Universitätsklinikum Eppendorf in Hamburg zwei gesunde Jungen. Soraya und ich sind überglücklich, sagte ihr Ehemann Jürgen Tacke dem Blatt. Die Kinder seien zwei Wunschbabys, die Krönung unseres gemeinsamen Glücks. Dem Bericht zufolge war auch der Pop-Star bei der Geburt im Kreißsaal dabei.

(Poor English translation - thanks to Babel Fish)
Munich (AFP) - the mother of Pop-singer Sarah Connor brought twins to the world. As Bild - Newspaper reported, got the 50-year old Soraya Lewe Tacke in the university clinic Eppendorf in Hamburg two healthy boys. Soraya and I are overjoyed, her husband Jürgen Tacke said to the sheet. The children are two desired babies, the coronation/culmination of our common Glücks. According to the report also the Pop star participated in the birth in the Kreißsaal.

I also found this:

March 2008 - Sarah Connor's mother Soraya, 50, has confirmed to Bild newspaper she's expecting twins! She's five months pregnant for her second husband, plastic surgeon Jürgen Tacke, 47. Soraya already has six children, aged 11 to 27 and Jürgen has an 11-year-old daughter. Soraya also told Bild that Sarah was surprised to hear the news and she's already shopping baby stuff.

Ready: Why Women Are Embracing The New Later Motherhood
by Elizabeth Gregory

-- Over the past three decades, skyrocketing numbers of women have chosen to start their families in their late thirties and early forties.

In 2005, ten times as many women had their first child between the ages of 35 and 39 as in 1975, and thirteen times as many had their first between 40 and 44.

Women now have the option to define for themselves when they're ready for family, rather than sticking to a schedule set by social convention.

As a society, however, we have yet to come to terms with the phenomenon of later motherhood, and women who decide it makes sense for them to delay pregnancy often find themselves confronted with alarmist warnings about the dangers of waiting too long.

In Ready, Elizabeth Gregory tracks the burgeoning trend of new later motherhood and demonstrates that for many women today, waiting for family works best.

She provides compelling evidence of the benefits of having children later -- by birth or by adoption.

📚 Paperback: 336 pages
Click to order/for more info: Ready

📚 Start reading Ready on your Kindle in under a minute!

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Image: Maria cradles her new baby boy with her husband Enzo look on. Picture: Australscope
Maria cradles her new baby boy with her husband Enzo look on. Image credit: Australscope

-- A 61-year-old Italian woman became a mum for the first time.

Maria Rosaria Veneruso delivered a baby boy, Elia Francesco, weighing 3.5kg, at a hospital in the Campania region in the south-western part of Italy.

Maria did not have any reproductive treatment to fall pregnant and her doctor Stefano Palmieri described her pregnancy as peaceful.

Read more: Mum gives birth to first child at 61 after conceiving NATURALLY


-- The oldest recorded natural pregnancy in the US was a woman who was 57 years old in California in the late 90s.


-- In the UK, Dawn Brooke gave birth at 59 years old, without the aid of fertility treatment breaking the previous world record for a natural pregnancy by two years.


Many of the spontaneous conceptions after age 45 result in multiple births.

Take Arcelia Garcia for example -- triplets at age 54 in 2000. Natural conceptions.

Also in 2000, a 53-year-old gave birth to twins (natural conceptions), her story was a bit eclipsed by Mrs. Garcia's however.


My name is Terry, I am 47 years old, my husband is 50 years old (this week). I am pregnant, again, without TTC (trying to conceive), seven kids (28-6 years old) and four pregnancy losses in past four years.........


I just read on a site a 50-year-old woman is nine weeks pregnant after doing an IVF (in vitro fertilization).

This was in Europe, no donor eggs were used, and the parents-to-be are just delirious.

She got pregnant on her very first try.

She got married when she was 45 years old.

She wanted kids as soon as she did get married, but never thought about alternative treatments.


Because of her poor responses to ovarian stimulation, inferior oocyte grading and prohibition of donor oocyte usage in Japan, the couple decided to discontinue further IVF treatment at age 48 years, 10 months.

One and one-half years later, at age 50 years, 3 months she presented to our clinic eight weeks pregnant.

At term she delivered vaginally a 2740 gram healthy infant at 38 weeks gestation; Apgar scores were 9 and 10.

Image: How to Get Pregnant Fast: Crucial Knowledge for Getting Pregnant, by Hillary J Lowndes. Publisher: CreateSpace (January 13, 2012)How to Get Pregnant Fast: Crucial Knowledge for Getting Pregnant
by Hillary J Lowndes

-- Discover the keys to getting giving yourself the best chances of getting pregnant.

Don't surround yourself with information about what not to do.

Instead, you can take proactive steps to make sure that everything is just right.

If you feel you can't get pregnant it may be because you're not taking the right approach.

The best way to get pregnant doesn't have to be stressful.

You can take control once you learn some of the science and some of the secrets passed down through time.

📚 Paperback: 124 pages
Click to order/for more info: How to Get Pregnant Fast
Image: Pregnant Woman makes Heart, by StockSnap on PixabayI just decided I'd give you some positives.

I am 44 years old and have a 7-month-old son, a 3-year-old son, a 4-year-old son and a 6-year-old daughter.

I also was pregnant three additional times (between the birth of the 3-year-old and my most recent addition), but lost them due to miscarriage (all flukes, at different stages of development).

All children were conceived on the first or second attempt; all pregnancies were easy without complication; all births also without complication. The risks are so overstated.

Yes, they exist and yes, they are greater than at a younger age, but the increase is not dramatic and the odds are still very much in your favor of having a baby that is happy, healthy and wise!

Even though it may sound impossible, it's entirely probable to get pregnant during menopause - although the chances of a woman getting pregnant are decidedly slimmer during middle age compared to during her 20s and 30s.

Egg production naturally decreases by 50-percent by the time most women reach the age of 40. The percentage continues to decline every year after.

Yet, women are not completely infertile until menstruation has stopped for 12 months straight.

In fact, almost 70-percent of women between the ages of 40- and 44-years old ovulate regularly during the perimenopause stage.

In fact, about half of perimenopausal women between the ages of 40- and 49-years of age don't use any contraception, which results in more than 60-percent of unplanned pregnancies and abortions in women over 40.

There you have it - it is possible to become pregnant during menopause!

So if you don't want to become pregnant, continue using a reliable birth control method.

Image: Birth Begins at Forty: Challenging the Myths of Late Motherhood, by Corinne Sweet (Author). Publisher: Hodder and Stoughton (June 1, 2001)
Birth Begins at Forty: Challenging the Myths of Late Motherhood
by Elizabeth Gregory

-- More and more women are giving birth in their forties, and for some, it will be their first baby.

What was unusual is now becoming quite common, yet little has been written on this dramatic shift.

This book tells all and is the result of honest and revealing interviews.

The book covers a range of topics, including the trend to late parenthood; how do you decide?; how easy is it?; the risks and differences with late motherhood; combating age prejudice; getting life back on track; having another baby; fathers over 40; and the benefits and delights.

Image: Buy Now on Amazon.comPaperback: 203 pages
Click to order/for more info: Birth Begins at Forty
Image: Woman Sitting by the Seaside, by Steve Buissinne on Pixabay

As I checked out a tall, slim man in his thirties with salt and pepper hair at a Greenwich Village party, a lady astrologist a couple of years older than moi looked my way and said, When we get to this age, we lose interest in men.

I assume she believed I would agree with her reading of the situation, but I, a divorced, almost forty-nine-year old Jewish female from New York City, still have a seventy-year-old aunt who dates.

I also contemplated how we women peak sexually in our forties, but I am one year away from, gulp, fifty.

And the thing is, I want to be pregnant again.

I already have an amazing twenty-three-year-old son, but I want a repeat performance.

Yes; even as most women my age throw in the hormonal towel, I find myself looking at guys much the way Samantha would in Sex In The City, sizing up men between 25 and 45 at the supermarket, the mall, the ballgame.

Only I'm not looking for potential lovers, I'm looking for a baby daddy.

Blue eyes or brown, balding or Kennedy-esque — I try to gaze right through their skin to see their very DNA.

My friends think I am off my rocker, I should enjoy the empty nest and not make a syndrome out of it.

They're in the been-there/done-that phase, and those still interested in men go for the immediate gratification relationships and have no desire for long-term proposals.

Not one friend will admit maybe my pregnancy desires might be something she feels, too.

This Pregnancy Over 40 story was found on
Read more: I'm Almost 50 and I Want to Get Pregnant - Am I The Only One?
Originally posted on September 30th, 2010.

Image: Fertility, Cycles and Nutrition 4th Edition, by Marilyn M. Shannon. Publisher: Couple to Couple League (January 1, 2009)Fertility, Cycles and Nutrition 4th Edition
by Marilyn M. Shannon

-- How your diet affects your menstrual cycles and fertility...

Self-help strategies for PMS, infertility, painful periods, pre-menopause, repeated pregnancy loss, irregular cycles, heavy bleeding, pregnancy, and male infertility.

The premise which prompted Marilyn Shannon to write the first edition of Fertility, Cycles and Nutrition in 1990 has more scientific backing than ever before: There are many cycle irregularities which can either be eliminated or alleviated simply through better nutrition or body balance.

In this completely updated and expanded edition, Shannon identifies the specific nutrition and targeted supplementation which can be used as self-care to overcome cycle problems or improve fertility.

Image: Buy Now on Amazon.comPaperback: 204 pages
Click to order/for more info: Fertility, Cycles and Nutrition
Image: Sleeping Baby, by Candelario Gomez Lopez on Pixabay

I've done a lot of genealogy research along with my girlfriend (on her family) and there were SO MANY natural oops babies in their late forties, and early 50's.

Keep up the hope ladies!


Hello all, I am 52 years old, and I am five months pregnant with my fourth child...

This was actually unplanned (and a big surprise because I thought it was menopause, I couldn't believe it!)

But I think that I'm adjusting fine to the fact I am getting up there (age-wise) and expecting.

Bear in mind I have a 26-year-old (with a one-year-old), a 19-year-old, and I also have a 10-year-old.

I plan to have a natural birth, but I am nervous about it.

So far the pregnancy has been fine for the most part except I have had some extreme back pain, and some heartburn as well, and I've had a lot of bed rest.

Luckily, I have a supportive husband who has always done his part and continues to do so, and my children have been very supportive.

It seems odd my newborn will be younger than his or her niece, but I think this part will be just fine.


I can't relate to being an over 50 mom, but I'm the daughter of an over 50 mom.

I am child #7, arriving when my mom was 55 years old, and her second menopause baby!

Most of our nieces and nephews were older than us, except two were born within 8 months of me!

My sisters said what was weird was being pregnant when Mom was, and she didn't go crazy over the grandkids as much as their in-laws did.

I was so lucky to have her for 40 years after my birth, my older kids loved her sooo much.


I didn't heed one sage piece of advice my mom gave us girls our entire life...

Honey, if the plumbing ain't yanked out, it can work

Thus, here I am pregnant at 44 years old since my plumbing was intact.

All of my sisters had a baby past 40 years old, so I'm not the only one!


My grandmother was 51 years old when she had her last baby.

Image: Pregnancy After 40: 40 Things No One Told You About Being Pregnant Over 40 (Pregnancy Plan Series), by Jill Conrad, Pregnancy Support Institute. Publisher: Pregnancy Tips (August 14, 2012)Pregnancy After 40: 40 Things No One Told You About Being Pregnant Over 40 (Pregnancy Plan Series)
by Jill Conrad, Pregnancy Support Institute

-- So you're over 40 and you've decided to get pregnant. You are not alone.

A growing number of women are waiting to have a baby until they are over 40.
This book will reveal:

♥ How you can have a healthy baby in your forties (in spite of all the warnings).
♥ What the biggest risks are and what you can do about them (it may not be as bad as you think)
♥ The 3 most important things you can do to have a healthy baby after 40 (you might already be doing some of them)
♥ Why older mothers often make better parents (the surprising reason)
♥ The one thing you should do every night to keep you fertile and able to conceive naturally (it takes 5 minutes)
…and Much More!

So get started and discover how to have the safest pregnancy and the healthiest baby when you are over 40 and pregnant.

Image: Buy Now on Amazon.comStart reading Pregnancy After 40 on your Kindle in under a minute!

Don't have a Kindle? Get your Kindle here, or download a FREE Kindle Reading App.
Image: Dear Abby

Many women have written to Dear Abby to ask about their over 40 pregnancy...

The Kansas City Star - Aug. 01, 2011
Dear Abby;
My parents had a bonus baby when they were in their early 40s. I was 17 years old, and my brother was 13 years old when we found out.
-- Proud Big Sister in Chicago

Dear Abby;
I was pregnant with twins at 45 years old, and my then-18-year-old daughter was furious with me, going as far as banning me from her high school graduation. It hurt, and I agonized over the decision, but in the end, I waddled in any way. I am so glad I did.
-- Unexpected Surprise in Texas

Dear Abby;
I was 42 years old with children ages 12 and 17, when we were surprised by an unplanned pregnancy. We were concerned, of course, with the statistics for a complicated pregnancy, so we had the testing done and trusted everything would be OK. My pregnancy and delivery were the best of all three, and my little girl has been a blessing to everyone.
-- Another Old Mom in Richmond

Bangor Daily News - Dec 19, 1997
Dear Abby;
At 44 years old, my mother announced to her doctor she might be pregnant with her seventh child. Without bothering to examine her, he informed her she was going thru the change. A few months later, Mom returned and said, If I am not pregnant, what is moving around in my stomach? That was me!

The Deseret News - Nov 10, 1992
Dear Abby;
I was 45 years old and my husband was 50 years old when I became pregnant. We had been childless for 22 years, and it was quite a shock, to put it mildly.

Daytona Beach Sunday News-Journal - Nov 21, 1986
Dear Abby;
Fifteen years ago, when I was 43 years old, and pregnant with my seventh child...

St. Joseph Gazette - Mar 30, 1979
Dear Abby;
After 24 years of marriage, my mother became pregnant. She was 47 years old and my father 55 years old. They were thrilled and are now the proud parents of a baby girl.

Daytona Beach Morning Journal - Apr 9, 1974
Dear Abby;
I am 44 years old and pregnant, but that's not my problem. I have had 27 children.

The Deseret News - Jan 9, 1969
Dear Abby;
Tell that 44-year-old woman who cried her eyes out and blamed her husband when she discovered she was pregnant, she should dry her eyes and thank God. I was 46 years old when the same thing happened to me. And my own mom was 48 years old when I was born.
-- San Diego

The Evening Independent - Nov 30, 1968
Dear Abby;
I am 44 years old, and always worked to help with extras and to assure our children of a college education — then discovered I was pregnant! ...

St. Joseph Gazette - Jul 17, 1963
Dear Abby;
Many women are able to bear children in their 50s - and have the children to prove it.

Image: How to Get Pregnant Fast: Crucial Knowledge for Getting Pregnant, by Hillary J Lowndes. Publisher: CreateSpace (January 13, 2012)How to Get Pregnant Fast: Crucial Knowledge for Getting Pregnant
by Hillary J Lowndes

-- Discover the keys to getting giving yourself the best chances of getting pregnant. Don't surround yourself with information about what not to do.

Instead, you can take proactive steps to make sure that everything is just right. If you feel you can't get pregnant it may be because you're not taking the right approach.

The best way to get pregnant doesn't have to be stressful.

You can take control once you learn some of the science and some of the secrets that have been passed down through time.

Image: Buy Now on Amazon.comPaperback: 124 pages
Click to order/for more info: How to Get Pregnant Fast
Image: First time mother: Fiona Palin, 49, who tried, unsuccessfully, to conceive for a decade, breastfeeds five-month-old daughter Kiki
Photo credit: © Wayne Lawrence / Institute ~~ -- All rights reserved
It may seem a concept that defies nature, but with the help of fertility specialists, rising numbers of women are giving birth to their firstborns at an age when many of their peers are anticipating, or enjoying, grandparenthood.

Ann Maloney, who gave birth to her first baby at 50, is just one example.

She told New York Magazine how she and her second husband, John Ross, who she met when she was 47, conceived using a donor egg within a year of meeting.

Fiona Palin, from Los Angeles, California, who, like Kelly Preston, was 48 when she gave birth to new baby daughter Katherine, is not much younger and also struggled to conceive.

Since she and husband Nick, 63, started trying for a baby ten years ago, she went through six failed IVF [in vitro fertilization] cycles and three tragic pregnancy losses.

This Pregnancy Over 40 story was found on
Read more: When is an older mother TOO old? Meet the women becoming first-time parents in their fifties
Originally posted on October 26, 2011.

Image: Pregnancy Miracle: clinically proven holistic and ancient Chinese system for permanently reversing your infertilityPregnancy Miracle
by Lisa Olsen

-- A 279-page, instantly downloadable e-book presenting a 5-step, sure-fire, 100% guaranteed, clinically proven holistic and ancient Chinese system for permanently reversing your infertility and your partner's infertility disorders and getting pregnant quickly, naturally and safely within 2-4 months without drugs, dangerous surgeries, side effects, or expensive infertility treatments.

It's probably the most powerful infertility reversal system ever developed, and currently the best-selling e-book of its kind on the entire Web!

Here's what the author Lisa Olson had to say about her incredible program:
After 14 years of trial, error, and experimentation, I finally discovered the answer to infertility and developed a fool-proof system to getting pregnant the natural way - no drugs, or surgery necessary.

It took a lot of research to get to where I am today, to know exactly what works and what doesn't. Yes, after desperate trial and error, countless of useless treatments, disappointments, and agony, a simple holistic system opened the door to my new and much brighter life of motherhood.

I was also excited to see that my other infertility related symptoms had diminished. After years of waiting, I was finally free from Infertility! I have become a proud mother of two.

And now I'm finally revealing my secrets in this new 'encyclopedia' of pregnancy called, Pregnancy Miracle.

I will be your own personal coach, take you by the hand, and lead you through the lousy advice, hype and gimmicks... and directly to the sort of inner balance perfection that will end your battle with infertility forever and help you become a proud mother of your healthy children.

Image: Buy NowClick to order/for more info on this helpful program:
Pregnancy Miracle
Image: Anthea Burns is a mum-to-be at 50
Photo credit: Luke Marsden / The Sunday Mail (Qld) - All rights reserved
They appear at first glance to be like any other semi-retired fifty-somethings.

But this Gold Coast couple is about to have their lives turned upside-down by becoming parents for the first time - without the help of IVF treatment.

All going to plan, at Pindara Hospital on June 15, Anthea Burns, 50 years old, will become one of the oldest women in Australia to have a baby who was conceived naturally.

The Australian record for the oldest mother was broken last year by a 57-year-old woman who gave birth to twins in a Perth hospital after receiving IVF treatment.

The couple have had no regrets before or since, and have set up a special trust for son Harry in case they died before he turned 18 years old.

This Pregnancy Over 40 story was found on
Read more: Anthea Burns is a mum-to-be at 50 and all without IVF
Originally posted on June 4, 2011.

Image: 50 Things You Can Do Today to Increase Your Fertility, by Sally Lewis and Nim Barnes. Publisher: Summersdale (October 1, 2011)50 Things You Can Do Today to Increase Your Fertility
by Sally Lewis and Nim Barnes

-- Practical advice and a holistic approach to help you conceive, including simple dietary and lifestyle changes and do it yourself complementary therapies.

In this accessible and informative guide, Sally Lewis explains how age, sexual infections, diet, excess weight, stress, and anxiety affect fertility.

Teaching how to discover the best time for conception; understand the link between body, mind, and fertility; and manage stress and relax to prevent anxiety, this is the ultimate guide to increasing the likelihood of conception at any age.

Image: Buy Now on Amazon.comPaperback: 128 pages
Click to order/for more info: 50 Things You Can Do Today to Increase Your Fertility

Image: Buy Now on Amazon.comStart reading 50 Things You Can Do Today to Increase Your Fertility on your Kindle in under a minute!

Don't have a Kindle? Get your Kindle here, or download a FREE Kindle Reading App.
Image: Baby Bath, by Nasacoat1 on Pixabay

We shouldn't be making assumptions that every older mother did donor egg, nor should we put too much hope in stories of much older women conceiving with their own eggs.

Look at the trends, and make your own decision about how long you want to fight the trend by trying with your own eggs, vs. deciding the time has come to accept the odds are just so stacked against you that you must move on to other alternatives.

Remember, too, that is really is not all age related. I apparently lost my egg quality in my late 20s, as do some women. Others retain their fertility into their 50s.

An Israeli RE [reproductive endocrinologist] named Neri Laufer just discovered a gene in certain women which corresponds to later fertility. He was fascinated by the number of older pregnant women coming into the hospital for delivery.

You can google his name if you want to read about it. His group included women up into their early 50's. So much for any stats showing that NO women conceive in this age group!

For those who just can't let go of the belief all pregnant women over 45 must have used donor eggs, consider the population Laufer studied. These were mostly, if not all, ultra-religious women for whom DE [donor eggs] would have been prohibited.

Imagine you have ten kids already, you're living on government assistance and still exist below the poverty line, donor egg is not offered in your country, and your religious leader forbids the procedure anyway.

Now you tell me -- all these women secretly squirreled away thousands of dollars, disappeared from their communities for a couple of weeks to go to the Ukraine, defied their religious teachings, all in an effort to get pregnant with baby #11? Use your common sense!

The same can be applied to the Native American women living on reservations. Many have a lot of kids already and can't afford groceries let alone donor egg IVF cycles. The problem with middle and upper-class American women like us is we think we are representative of every group (and our RE's [reproductive endocrinologist] promote that thinking too because they are victims of the same egocentric system).

If it becomes impossible for US to conceive after age 43, well, then, that must be true of everyone. Only it's not true. It's really not even true for our demographic.

RE's choose to present certain information based on the context. When they are counseling a 40 yr old with high FSH [follicle stimulating hormone] about her treatment options, of course they are going to highlight fertility trends in the general population and the success rates of certain treatment options because this is what is relevant to her. The goal is to get her a baby, not turn her into a rare statistic.

She has to make an informed decision based on medical facts as to what will give her the best odds of success. After age 40 and with high FSH, that's donor egg.

But if you ask that same doctor in another context, say, a conversational context, about much older women conceiving, he will concede yes, it is absolutely possible and does happen, though not as often as we would like.

If your doctor subscribes to the notion no women get pregnant naturally after 45, then your doctor is an idiot and you should get another doctor -- it means they are not up on basic information in their field.

Image: Pregnancy Miracle | probably the most powerful infertility reversal system ever developedPregnancy Miracle
by Lisa Olsen

-- A 279-page, instantly downloadable e-book presenting a 5-step, sure-fire, 100% guaranteed, clinically proven holistic and ancient Chinese system for permanently reversing your infertility and your partner's infertility disorders and getting pregnant quickly, naturally and safely within 2-4 months without drugs, dangerous surgeries, side effects, or expensive infertility treatments.

It's probably the most powerful infertility reversal system ever developed, and currently the best-selling e-book of its kind on the entire Web!

Here's what the author Lisa Olson had to say about her incredible program:
After 14 years of trial, error, and experimentation, I finally discovered the answer to infertility and developed a fool-proof system to getting pregnant the natural way - no drugs, or surgery necessary.

It took a lot of research to get to where I am today, to know exactly what works and what doesn't. Yes, after desperate trial and error, countless of useless treatments, disappointments, and agony, a simple holistic system opened the door to my new and much brighter life of motherhood.

I was also excited to see that my other infertility related symptoms had diminished. After years of waiting, I was finally free from Infertility! I have become a proud mother of two.

And now I'm finally revealing my secrets in this new 'encyclopedia' of pregnancy called, Pregnancy Miracle.

I will be your own personal coach, take you by the hand, and lead you through the lousy advice, hype and gimmicks... and directly to the sort of inner balance perfection that will end your battle with infertility forever and help you become a proud mother of your healthy children.

Image: Buy Now
Click to order/for more info on this helpful program:
Pregnancy Miracle
Image: Famous Moms Over 40
Photo Credit: Kirsten Gillibrand - All Rights Reserved
Famous Moms Over 40

Biological clocks be damned, more American women than ever are having babies at an age when previous generations might have been sending their kids off to college.

The number of women delivering their bundles of joy after age 40 has doubled in the past two decades, according to the National Center for Health Statistics.

Meet a diverse group of women - from Madonna to Sarah Palin - who have defied the odds of giving birth at 41, 51 and beyond.

This Pregnancy Over 40 story was found on

Image: Pregnancy After 40: 40 Things No One Told You About Being Pregnant Over 40 (Pregnancy Plan Series), by Jill Conrad, Pregnancy Support Institute. Publisher: Pregnancy Tips (August 14, 2012)Pregnancy After 40: 40 Things No One Told You About Being Pregnant Over 40 (Pregnancy Plan Series)
by Jill Conrad, Pregnancy Support Institute

-- So you're over 40 and you've decided to get pregnant. You are not alone.

A growing number of women are waiting to have a baby until they are over 40.
This book will reveal:

♥ How you can have a healthy baby in your forties (in spite of all the warnings).
♥ What the biggest risks are and what you can do about them (it may not be as bad as you think)
♥ The 3 most important things you can do to have a healthy baby after 40 (you might already be doing some of them)
♥ Why older mothers often make better parents (the surprising reason)
♥ The one thing you should do every night to keep you fertile and able to conceive naturally (it takes 5 minutes)
…and Much More!

So get started and discover how to have the safest pregnancy and the healthiest baby when you are over 40 and pregnant.

Image: Buy Now on Amazon.comStart reading Pregnancy After 40 on your Kindle in under a minute!

Don't have a Kindle? Get your Kindle here, or download a FREE Kindle Reading App.
Image: A triumph of spirit over an antiquated womb
Photo credit: - All rights reserved
PLEASE don't call me an older mother.

Call me an old mother, if you don't mind.

I fell pregnant with my first child on the cusp of 50 years old, a good half-hour after midnight in biological terms, and after 10 years of trying to conceive.

Of course, the verb is ironic: a woman doesn't fall pregnant in her late 40s, she achieves pregnancy.

As with any achievement, there are hardships and sacrifices along the way, but while a man undertaking a do-or-die challenge is praised for heroism and determination to succeed against the odds, old mothers are merely accused of selfishness.

This Pregnancy Over 40 story was found on
Read more: A triumph of spirit over an antiquated womb
Originally posted on January 14, 2012

Image: Pregnancy Miracle: clinically proven holistic and ancient Chinese system for permanently reversing your infertilityPregnancy Miracle
by Lisa Olsen

-- A 279-page, instantly downloadable e-book presenting a 5-step, sure-fire, 100% guaranteed, clinically proven holistic and ancient Chinese system for permanently reversing your infertility and your partner's infertility disorders and getting pregnant quickly, naturally and safely within 2-4 months without drugs, dangerous surgeries, side effects, or expensive infertility treatments.

It's probably the most powerful infertility reversal system ever developed, and currently the best-selling e-book of its kind on the entire Web!

Here's what the author Lisa Olson had to say about her incredible program:
After 14 years of trial, error and experimentation, I finally discovered the answer to infertility and developed a fool-proof system to getting pregnant the natural way - no drugs, or surgery necessary.

It took a lot of research to get to where I am today, to know exactly what works and what doesn't. Yes, after desperate trial and error, countless of useless treatments, disappointments and agony, a simple holistic system opened the door to my new and much brighter life of motherhood.

I was also excited to see that my other infertility related symptoms had diminished. After years of waiting I was finally free from Infertility! I have become a proud mother of two.

And now I'm finally revealing my secrets in this new 'encyclopedia' of pregnancy called, Pregnancy Miracle.

I will be your own personal coach, take you by the hand, and lead you through the lousy advice, hype and gimmicks... and directly to the sort of inner balance perfection that will end your battle with infertility forever and help you become a proud mother of your healthy children.

Image: Buy Now
Click to order/for more info on this helpful program:
Pregnancy Miracle
Image: Baby Love, by Ariosvaldo on Pixaby

Hello all, My name is Lisa, and I am 55 years old.

I needed to join this board because I really hope to be an inspiration for women trying to conceive at later ages.

Two weeks ago, I found out I am expecting my sixth child, and I am now at 8 weeks pregnant.

I went in to see my doctor because I had not been feeling well.

I was getting frequent headaches and lower back pain, along with some queasiness.

So I went in to make sure things were OK, and my doctor told me I was actually expecting!

I will be 56 years old when this baby is born, and I do plan to have a natural birth.

I have four older children - ages 17, 23, 26, and 28 years old - and I also have a five-year-old.

My five-year-old was actually planned, born when I was 50 years old.

My husband and I had wanted one more little one.

But I guess she was not supposed to be the last!

I also have two grandchildren.

My 28-year-old daughter has a four-year-old, and she and I were both preggo around the same time, which was pretty exciting.

And my 26-year-old son has a three-year-old.

So I am a grandmother as well.

I have seen a few others on this board expecting after 50, and I hope if anyone out there is trying to conceive at an older age, they do not give up!

And congrats to all the expectant mothers out there!


Congrats on your new found pregnancy!

I am also in my fifties (54 years old), and expecting my fourth baby in late July.

I have a 16-year-old, a 20-year-old and a 26-year-old.

And I too have two grandchildren!

It's is always exciting to hear stories I can relate to, and hopefully, be an encouragement!

I wish you all luck, and I will keep you in my prayers!

Image: Eat, Love, Get Pregnant: A Couple's Guide To Boosting Fertility and Having A Healthy Baby, by Karen Daniels. Publication Date: July 29, 2011Eat, Love, Get Pregnant: A Couple's Guide To Boosting Fertility and Having A Healthy Baby
by Karen Daniels

-- A breakthrough revolutionary plan for getting pregnant fast, solving common fertility problems and having a healthy baby – this is NOT your average book on getting pregnant!

Renowned fertility expert Dr. Niels Lauersen and women's wellness expert Colette Bouchez help readers take charge of their fertility with a revolutionary new self-help plan designed to show couples how to work together to boost their conception odds, plan for a healthy pregnancy, and get pregnant faster – all without the use of expensive fertility treatments or medications.

Based on scientific research and tested on thousands of couples Eat-Love-GET PREGNANT is a simple yet revolutionary plan that provides the quintessential missing link absent from most other fertility programs.

Namely, the importance of not only boosting both male and female fertility simultaneously, but bold new evidence showing how, when couples work together in certain special and unique ways, they can create a unified fertility power boost strong enough to take them from infertile to fertile in as little as three months

Image: Buy Now on Amazon.comPaperback: 116 pages
Click to order/for more info: Eat, Love, Get Pregnant

Image: Buy Now on Amazon.comStart reading Eat, Love, Get Pregnant on your Kindle in under a minute!

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Image: Baby Shoes, by Jyn Meyer, on FreeImages

I am sure you've heard the term menopause baby.

Women in their 50s, who think they are no longer fertile, and skip using birth control, sometimes find out the hard way they are still more than capable of becoming pregnant.

While it is true your risk of becoming pregnant declines each year as you move towards menopause, there's always a chance you still can get pregnant.


During peri-menopause, a woman can still get pregnant.

As such, the term menopause baby is a misnomer, since a woman who is truly in menopause has already lost her fertility.


Dr. Hillard: You are, technically, still fertile until one year after your last menstrual period (which incidentally, you don't know is your last until it's been a year! CATCH 22).

Many of us have heard about the menopause baby our mother/grandmother/great aunt or other family member thought was the change of life and turned out to be pregnancy, with all of its life changes.


My mother was a menopause baby.

My grandmother had her when she was 47 years old, and my grandfather was 50 years old, in 1931.

She had three other children aged 21, 19, and 10 years old.


I am sure a lot of people will be asking, Is it possible for a 49-year-old menopausal woman to get pregnant?

Yes, it is, said Direk Maryo. I am a menopause baby.

My mother was 49 years old when she had me.

September 28, 2018 -- Grandmother Tracey, 50 years old, was cruelly abused when she found herself pregnant with FOUR babies after IVF treatment.

Her response: If Jagger can be a dad at 73, why should I feel guilty?

Like many of her peers, 50-year-old Tracey Britten has a touch of arthritis, frequent bouts of backache and has, inevitably, succumbed to reading glasses.

However, while her contemporaries may be looking forward to taking life a little easier, their children have left home, Tracey is about to become Britain’s oldest mother of quadruplets.

This Pregnancy Over 40 story was found on
Read more: Grandmother Tracey, 50, was cruelly abused when she found herself pregnant with FOUR babies after IVF treatment
Originally posted on September 28, 2018.

Image: Girl Walks into a Bar . . .: Comedy Calamities, Dating Disasters, and a Midlife Miracle, by Rachel Dratch. Publisher: Gotham; 1st ed., 1st Ptg edition (March 29, 2012)Girl Walks into a Bar...: Comedy Calamities, Dating Disasters, and a Midlife Miracle
by Rachel Dratch

-- Her career at a low point, Rachel Dratch suddenly had time for yoga, dog-sitting, learning Spanish - and dating.

After all, what did a forty-something single woman living in New York have to lose?

Resigned to childlessness but still hoping for romance, Dratch was out for drinks with a friend when she met John.

Handsome and funny, after only six months of dating long-distance, he became the inadvertent father of her wholly unplanned, undreamed-of child, and moved to New York to be a dad.

With riotous humor, Dratch recounts breaking the news to her bewildered parents, the awe of her single friends, and the awkwardness of a baby-care class where the instructor kept tossing out the f-word.

Filled with great behind-the-scenes anecdotes from Dratch's time on SNL, Girl Walks into a Bar is a refreshing version of the happily ever after story that proves female comics - like best sellers Tina Fey and Chelsea Handler - are truly having their moment.

Image: Buy Now on Amazon.comPaperback: 272 pages
Click to order/for more info: Girl Walks into a Bar...

Image: Buy Now on Amazon.comStart reading Girl Walks into a Bar... on your Kindle in under a minute!

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