Most Popular Themes – All-Time

Most popular themes All-Time
  1. PlayB3yond - 1,923,684
  2. Grand Theft Auto V Ultra Slideshow 2 - 1,551,309
  3. PS4 On PS3 - 1,303,522
  4. Girls of Playboy (safe) v.04 - 1,171,464
  5. COD: Black Ops 2 Dynamic Theme - 1,065,910
  6. iPhone PS3 Theme - 1,063,748
  7. Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Dynamic Theme - 1,029,497
  8. Call of Duty: Ghosts Dynamic Theme - 879,575
  9. PS3 Theme by Sudi - 562,174
  10. Neon - 557,753
  11. Heavy Rain Dynamic Theme - 537,555
  12. PS4 XMB - 469,678
  13. CoD: Black Ops II Dynamic Theme - 462,343
  14. PS2 Animated Theme - 413,322
  15. MGS4 #3 - 409,615
  16. Call of Duty Black Ops 3 Dynamic - 406,460
  17. Call Of Duty: MW3 Animated - 406,301
  18. Vista Ultimate - 379,695
  19. Family Guy Dynamic - 377,206
  20. GT5 Theme - 353,788
  21. Time to Panic Dynamic/Static Theme - 350,151
  22. Fortnite Battle Royale Theme - 336,887
  23. Metal Gear Solid 4 - 336,757
  24. Apple: Mac OS X Leopard V2.0 - 310,818
  25. arabic theme v1.5 - 298,336