The Public Eye:
Current Issue
Fall 2010
Beyond Green Jobs
By Julie Quiroz-Martinez
The Public Eye, Fall 2010
Everyone wants to be green. Fossil fuel companies tout their commitments to the environment, with BP sporting its green and yellow flower logo and Chevron scooping up a Green Apple award for promoting public-school energy efficiency. In 2009 Exxon-Mobil got itself named Forbes magazine’s Green Company of the Year for stepping up its natural gas production.
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Also in this issue:
Summer 2010 |
From Schoolhouse to Statehouse:
By Rachel Tabachnick
The Public Eye
May 21, Texas School Board member Cynthia Dunbar opened
the board’s meeting with an invocation: “Whether we look
to the first charter of Virginia, or the charter of New
England, or the charter of Massachusetts Bay, or the
Fundamental Orders of Connecticut, the same objective is
present—a Christian land governed by Christian
principles.” Read more
Also in this issue:
Winter 09/Spring 10 Edition |
The U.S. Christian Right and the Attack on Gays in Africa
By Kapya Kaoma
The Public Eye, Winter 09/Spring 10 Edition
For two days in early March 2009, Ugandans flocked to the Kampala Triangle Hotel for the Family Life Network's "Seminar on Exposing the Homosexuals' Agenda." The seminar's very title revealed its claim: LGBT people and activists are engaged in a well thought-out plan to take over the world. The U.S. culture wars had come to Africa with a vengeance. Read more...
Also in this issue:
Vol. 24, No. 3 - Fall 2009 [PDF version] |
The Politics of Schism in the Catholic Church
The Right-Wing Takeover of the Roman Catholic Church
By Frank L. Cocozzelli
The Public Eye, Fall 2009
I heard recently from one of my regular readers (I’ll call her “Kathy”) who shared her concerns about the future of our shared faith. Like me, she is a Roman Catholic with liberal religious and political inclinations. And, like me, she was distressed by several recent major events in the Church: the Ryan Report documenting generations of sexual abuse by the clergy in Ireland, the hostility expressed by several American bishops towards Notre Dame University for inviting President Obama to give the commencement address, and the recent conversion of Florida’s Father Alberto Cutié to the Episcopal Church.
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Also in this issue:
Vol. 24, No. 2 - Summer 2009 [PDF version] |
From Movements to Mosques, Informants Endanger Democracy
By Thomas Cincotta
The Public Eye, Summer 2009
In February, 2009, members of the Islamic Center of Irvine learned that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) had hired Craig Monteilh, a 46-year-old fitness instructor and convicted con man, to infiltrate their mosque and keep it under surveillance. Members had wondered about Monteilh for a while. Back in 2007, the local chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), alarmed by his talk of jihad and plans for a terrorist attack, reported him to Irvine police and secured a three-year restraining order against him.
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Also in this issue:
Vol. 24, No. 1 - Spring 2009 [PDF version] |
Younger Evangelicals
Where Will They Take the Christian Right?
By Pam Chamberlain
Last October a chartered bus rolled deep through the South, its passengers college-aged young people drawing inspiration from the Freedom Riders of the 1960s. The black vinyl advertising plastered on the side broadcast the riders’ goals, “Equality Ride 2008: Faith in Action: Social Justice for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered People.” The bus brought young LGBTQ activists and their allies face to face with students at 15 Christian colleges in an attempt to generate more acceptance of homosexuality at evangelical schools.
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Also in this issue:
Vol. 23, No. 4 - Winter 2008 [PDF version] |
Post-Palin Feminism
By Abby Scher
From the podium at the Christian Right’s Values Voter Summit in mid-September, National Review Institute’s Kate O’Beirne, 59, pronounced that the “selection of Sarah Palin [as the GOP vice presidential nominee] sounded the death knell of modern American feminism.”
“She’s a prick to the liberal establishment, to the feminists, and to the men who fear them,” she jeered to the audience of Christian Right activists.
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Also in this issue:
Vol. 23, No. 3 - Fall 2008 [PDF version] |
Abstaining From the Truth
Sex Education as Ideology
By Pam Chamberlain
The Osseo Public School District is in most ways a typical Minnesota suburban system: three high schools, scores of athletic teams, and a graduation rate of 94 percent. But for the past ten years, it has run a dual-track curriculum in sexuality education. Students can choose between an abstinence-only health class and a comprehensive sexuality education class—the result of a prolonged, and expensive, debate among community members ofthe district’s human sexuality curriculum advisory committee.
Also in this issue:
Vol. 23, No. 2 - Summer 2008 [PDF version] |
Nativist Bedfellows
The Christian Right Embraces Anti-Immigrant Politics
By Tarso Luís Ramos and Pam Chamberlain
If the September 2007 Values Voters Summit is anything to go by, the Christian Right is now nearly as worked up about illegal immigration as about abortion and same-sex marriage. At that political gathering—sponsored annually in Washington D.C. by such key groups as the Family Research Council and attracting grassroots activists from across the country —the Heritage Foundation’s Robert Rector used fuzzy math as he told a packed room that low-skilled immigrants from Latin America actually drain, rather than bolster, the U.S. economy. A parade of Republican presidential hopefuls there to court support from right-wing Protestant evangelicals attempted to outdo each other with the aggressiveness of their border security plans and the severity of their proposed policies towards immigrants.
Also in this issue:
Vol. 23, No. 1 - Spring 2008 [PDF version] |
The North American Union
Right-wing Populist Conspiracism Rebounds
By Chip Berlet
The same right-wing populist fears of a collectivist one-world government and new world order that fueled Cold War anticommunism, mobilized opposition to the Civil Rights Movement, and spawned the armed citizens militia movement in the 1990s, have resurfaced as an elaborate conspiracy theory about the alleged impending creation of a North American Union that would merge the United States, Canada, and Mexico.
No such merger is seriously being contemplated by any of the three governments. Yet a conspiracy theory about the North American Union (NAU) simmered in right-wing “Patriot Movement” alternative media for several years before bubbling up to reach larger audiences in mass media when callers to talk radio and cable television news programs began asking about the alleged plans for the North American Union, and what was dubbed the “NAFTA Superhighway” linking Mexico to Canada through the American heartland.
Also in this issue:
Pushed to the Altar: The Right-Wing Roots of Marriage Promotion
by Jean V. Hardisty
The New Secular
Fundamentalist Conspiracy!
by Frederick Clarkson
Commentary: Judicial Watch Glories in Victories over Undocumented Workers
by Eleanor J. Bader
The Conspiracy’s Kernel of Truth
by Laura Carlsen
Eyes Right
Reports in Review
Web Only: One Raid at a Time: How Immigrant Crackdowns Build the National Security State
by Roberto Lovato
Vol. 22, No. 4 - Winter 2007 [PDF version] |
First Amendment Blues
Police Tactics Suppress Free Speech
By Heidi Boghosian and Abby Scher
Miles Swanson was a legal observer at the 2003 protests in Miami against the Free Trade Agreement of the Americas when he became victim of a “snatch squad,” a new police tactic where officers drag protestors off, having singled them out based on their perceived political ideology. It is unconstitutional to target someone for arrest based on their political views, but snatch squads are only one of many new government tactics that are chilling Americans’ free speech rights. These measures are rarely passed by Congress or a state legislature, but are devised and adopted informally through expanding networks of police agencies. Now lawyers are learning from past abuses to try to protect protestors attending the Republican and Democratic conventions next summer. |
Also in this issue:
Heritage is Hip to Culture Think Tank Turns to Family Values
by Pam Chamberlain
Living in the Gap The Ideal and the Reality of the Christian Right Family by Jeremy Adam Smith
Book Review: Pledging Allegiance: The Politics of Patriotism in America's Schools
Reviewer: Eleanor J. Bader
Book Review: God's Harvard: A Christian College on a Mission to Save America
Reviewer: Pam Chamberlain
Eyes Right
Reports in Review
Vol. 22, No. 3 - Fall 2007 [PDF version] |
Legacies of Lynching
An Interview with On the Courthouse Lawn author Sherrilyn Ifill
With Tarso Luís Ramos
The memories and legacy of lynchings of African Americans fifty years ago still shape the politics and lives of those living where they happened. So discovered civil rights lawyer Sherrilyn Ifill while she was trying a discrimination case in Maryland. The Public Eye explored the impact in this exclusive interview. |
Also in this issue:
Male Victims of Abortion New Theme of Right to Life Committee
by Eleanor J. Bader
The Libertarian Theocrats The Long, Strange History of R.J. Rushdoony and Christian Reconstructionism by Michael J. MvVicar
Editorial by Chip Berlet
Book Review by Abby Scher: The Conservatism of Radicals
Eyes Right
Reports in Review
Vol. 19, No. 1 - Spring 2005 [PDF version] |
The Extreme Right in Europe
By Jérôme Jamin
Fascist or Mainstream?
Parties of the extreme Right now have a role in the governments
of several European countries. What was widely once feared has to a significant
extent become the reality. And, as power went from democratic hands to
these new parties, the words used to describe these parties were changed: the neo-Nazis
became "parties with extremist trends"; the fascists became the radical Right or
national Right... |
Also in this issue:
Excerpts from Progressive and Conservative Campus Activism by Pam Chamberlain
Guest Commentary by Victor Wallis |
Vol. 18, No. 3 - Winter 2004 - Righting Crime [PDF version] |
Crime and Political Ideology
By Jean Hardisty
It wasn't simply economic and social tensions that underlay the
New Right's success in promoting its message on crime. "Law and
order" resonated with a powerful ideological strain within the U.S.
populace- the conservative worldview. You might think of
this worldview as the ideological default to which many White
Americans return when they are anxious, confused, or resentful.... |
Also in this issue:
Calvinism, Capitalism, Conversion, and Incarceration by Chip Berlet
Guest Commentary by Rose Braz
Eyes Right |
Vol. 18, No. 1 - Spring 2004 [PDF version] |
Policing Civil Society: NGO Watch
By Jean Hardisty and Elizabeth Furdon
On June 11, 2003, an international group of right wing think tanks organized a conference held at the American Enterprise Institute offices in Washington, D.C. The conference laid the ground for the launch of "NGO Watch," a website and political campaign designed to monitor and critique "liberal" U.N.-designated NGOs. This campaign will undoubtedly be applied to other nonprofits with similar liberal politics... |
Also in this issue:
Campus Insecurity by Nikhil Aziz
Guest Commentary by Michael Avery |
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