The 260+ Best SciFi Shows Of All Time

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Updated February 6, 2025 905.2K views 297 items
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1.4M votes
76.9K voters
253 reranks
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Vote for the greatest sci-fi TV shows and series of all time.

Latest additions: Cassandra, Tomorrow and I, Star Wars: Skeleton Crew
Most divisive: Babylon 5
Over 76.9K Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of The 260+ Best SciFi Shows Of All Time

Science fiction has always captivated audiences with its ability to transport viewers to otherworldly realms, exploring unfathomable possibilities. The best sci fi TV shows of all time offer immersive universes, technological marvels, and thought-provoking narratives, catering to viewers' fascination with the unknown and igniting their inner dreamers. This comprehensive collection of over 200 exceptional science fiction series aims to showcase the genre's vast potential while promising an thrilling adventure into the far reaches of the imagination.

In examining the best sci fi shows of all time, one cannot overlook the significance of their innovative use of futuristic technology, as well as the exploration of science fiction themes and ideologies. Good sci fi TV shows like The Expanse masterfully illustrate this notion with its gripping depiction of interstellar travel and political intrigue in a colonized solar system while Star Trek, a timeless classic sci fi TV series, introduces audiences to a utopian world brimming with advanced technology, exploring interstellar diplomacy and the complexities of human nature. Most recently, The Mandalorian brought viewers back to the beloved Star Wars universe, delving into an uncharted era filled with captivating adventures and enthralling new characters. These remarkable science fiction TV shows exemplify the limitless potential of the genre, pushing the boundaries of storytelling and leaving lasting impressions on both seasoned enthusiasts and newcomers alike.

This extensive compilation of the best sci fi shows serves as a testament to the genre's ability to enchant, inspire, and provoke thought, capturing the essence of what makes science fiction truly exceptional. From star-faring adventures to dystopian futures, and intergalactic mysteries, it is evident that the sci fi realm has much to offer. Embarking on a journey through these sci fi TV series promises an unforgettable experience, granting viewers a glimpse into the boundless creativity and innovation that lies at the heart of science fiction storytelling. With a diverse assortment of series spanning across decades and subgenres, this collection caters to the interests of both aficionados and newcomers alike, ensuring that all who delve into these imaginative worlds will be captivated by the limitless potential offered by the realm of science fiction TV shows.