List Of Anime Characters Born On December 18th
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1.4K votes
685 voters
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Vote up the December 18th anime birthdays you'd most want to celebrate.
Who knew there were so many anime characters born on December 18th? Here's a list of anime characters whose canon birthday is December 18, ranked by popularity. If you share a December 18th birthday with these anime characters, vote up the ones you're most happy to share your special day with.
Famous anime characters born on December 18th include Tomoya Aki (Saekano: How to Raise a Boring Girlfriend), Gengai Hiraga (Gintama), and Kei Iura (Burning Kabaddi).
Vote up your favorite anime characters born on December 18th, and downvote any you don't like as much.
- 2
Tomoya Aki
Saekano: How to Raise a Boring Girlfriend - 3
Ryo Kanzato
Persona: Trinity Soul - 4
Kei Iura
Burning Kabaddi - 5
Shino Mizusaki
Blue Reflection Ray - 6
Yuu Kusakabe
Wolf Girl & Black Prince - 7
Michiru Hyodo
Saekano: How to Raise a Boring Girlfriend - 8
One Piece - 10
Kaede Yamabuki
Schoolgirl Strikers: Animation Channel - 11
Chika Yokoyama
The Idolmaster Cinderella Girls - 12
Heishi Otomaru
Norn9 - 13
Seika Bundou
Saki - 14
Saint Seiya