If you're looking for comedy anime on Netflix, we've got you covered. Here are the funniest anime currently streaming on Netflix, ranked by otakus like you.
Some of these anime don't necessarily fall strictly into the comedy genre, but they certainly have comedic elements to them. Take Fairy Tail, for example, or Naruto. These shows feature a lot of fighting and drama, but will also make you laugh regularly. Other comedy anime on Netflix are more focused in their goal to make you laugh, like The Devil Is a Part-Timer! Imagine what it would be like to work with Satan at a fast food restaurant! You can imagine how funny this anime can get.
Vote up your favorite Netflix comedy anime on this list, or simply use the list as a recommendation guide to see what's currently streaming in 2018. The list will be updated as new series come to the service.
Over 4.0K Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of Comedy Anime on Netflix