The Most Epic Insults From Game of Thrones

Ranker of Thrones
Updated May 6, 2020 675.0K views 72 items
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Vote up the best insults from Game of Thrones (series and books) or add an epic burn that isn't below.

All across the Seven Kingdoms, people are getting burned. And not just by dragons. Insults fly across the realm, whether your mother was a whore or you have no honor. No one is safe from a verbal lashing or quick put down. What are the best insults ever thrown down on Game of Thrones or in A Song of Ice and Fire?

Some characters are known for their sharp wit and frequent barbs. Tyrion Lannister is the most prolific insulter in Westeros. He can take it just as well as he can dish it out and is never wanting for a great comeback. Insults must run in the Lannister blood, as Cersei can also be relied upon for an epic burn. However, she usually lacks the wordplay and artistry of Tyrion, choosing instead to hurt her target as deeply as possible.

Many GoT insults focus on the target's birth. Was your mother a whore? Get ready to hear about it for the rest of your life. But nothing is off limits and there's no shortage of classic jabs at another person's looks, pointed statements about one's talents (or lack thereof) on the battlefield, and sarcastic mentions of a man's lack of honor.

Vote up the absolute best insults from Game of Thrones - either the HBO series or the George R. R. Martin books. If your favorite put down isn't here, add it below, and be sure to check out more shows like Game of Thrones.

  • Honor
    2,900 votes


    Tyrion: I'm not questioning your honor, Lord Janos. I'm denying its existence.

    S2E2, "The Night Lands"
  • Cleverness
    3,206 votes


    Cersei: You know that you're not half as clever as you think.
    Tyrion: That still makes me twice as clever as you.

    S2E1, "Valar Dohaeris"
  • Incest
    2,684 votes


    Cersei: It's all fallen on me...
    Tyrion: As has Jaime repeatedly, according to Stannis Baratheon.

    S2E2, "The Night Lands"
  • BAM!
    2,409 votes


    Cersei: “Ah yes, the famously tart-tongued Queen of Thorns." 
    Olenna: “And the famous tart, Queen Cersei."   

    Cersei: “As for your veiled threats…" 
    Olenna: “What veil?"   

    S5E6, “Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken”
  • Tit for Tyrion’s Tat
    1,872 votes

    Tit for Tyrion’s Tat

    Varys: “Cersei has offered a lordship to the man who brings her your head." 
    Tyrion: “She ought to offer her c—t. Best part of her for the best part of me."  

    S5E2, “The House of Black and White” 
  • Margaery puts the smackdown on Cersei.
    1,876 votes

    Margaery puts the smackdown on Cersei.

    “Can we bring you anything to eat or drink? I wish we had some wine for you, it’s a bit early in the day for us.”

    Episode: The High Sparrow
  • Uncurable Disease
    2,391 votes

    Uncurable Disease

    Bronn: There's no cure for being a c*nt.

    S2E4, "Garden of Bones"
  • Really?
    1,941 votes


    Cersei: If it weren't for my children, I would have thrown myself from the highest tower in the Red Keep. They're the reason I'm alive.
    Tyrion Lannister: Even Joffrey?

    S3E10, "Mhysa"
  • Comedy
    1,811 votes


    Tyrion (to Cersei): Grand Maester Pycelle made the same joke. You must be proud to be as funny as a man whose balls brush his knees.

    S3E1, "Valar Dohaeris"
  • Conqueror Burn
    2,077 votes

    Conqueror Burn

    Jaime: Three victories don't make you a conqueror.
    Robb: It's better than three defeats.

    S2E1, "The North Remembers"
  • A Burn They Could Smell in Highgarden
    1,469 votes

    A Burn They Could Smell in Highgarden

    Margaery to Cersei: “What’s the proper way to address you now: Queen Mother or Dowager Queen? In any event, judging from the king’s enthusiasm, the Queen Mother will be a Queen Grandmother soon.” 
    S5E3, “High Sparrow”  
  • Royalty Loyalty
    2,092 votes

    Royalty Loyalty

    Tywin: Any man who must say, 'I am the king' is no true king.

    S3E10, "Mhysa"
  • The B Word
    1,582 votes

    The B Word

    Ramsay: “I’ve been naturalized by a royal degree."
    Sansa: “By Tommen Baratheon? Another bastard.”    

    S5E7, “The Gift” 
  • Bragging
    1,408 votes


    Tyrion to Daenerys: “You want revenge against the Lannisters? I killed my mother, Joanna Lannister, on the day I was born. I killed my father, Tywin Lannister, with a bolt to the heart. I am the greatest Lannister killer of our time.”   

    S5E8, “Hardhome”
  • Badge of Honor
    1,643 votes

    Badge of Honor

    Robert: *slaps Cersei*
    Cersei: "I shall wear this as a badge of honor"
    Robert: "Wear it in silence or I'll honor you again"

    S1E6, "A Golden Crown"
  • T.M.I.
    1,342 votes


    Brynden Tully: I've seen wet sh*ts I liked better than Walder Frey.

    S3E7, "The Bear and the Maiden Fair"
  • Handsomeness
    1,376 votes


    Tyrion: We have our differences, Jaime and I. He is braver; I am better looking.

    S1E8, "The Pointy End"
  • Useless
    1,441 votes


    Cersei (about Pycelle): The man is as useless as nipples on a breastplate.

    A Feast for Crows, Chapter 3
  • Hound Out
    1,786 votes

    Hound Out

    Sandor Clegane: F**k the Kingsguard. F**k the city. F**k the king. 

    S2E9, "Blackwater"
  • Beauty
    1,241 votes


    Tyrion (to Cersei): You love your children. It's your one redeeming quality; that and your cheekbones.

    S2E2, "The Night Lands"
  • Preach
    872 votes


    Olenna to Margaery: “If they arrested all the pillow biters in King’s Landing, there’d be no room left in the dungeons for anyone else.” 
    S5E6, “Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken”
  • Mmm... Ham
    1,324 votes

    Mmm... Ham

    Renly: Born amidst salt and smoke... Is he a ham?

    S2E4, "Garden of Bones"
  • Ancestry Dot Naw
    1,051 votes

    Ancestry Dot Naw

    Loboda the thenn chieftain: “My ancestors would spit on me if I broke bread with a Crow.” Karsi the wildling chieftain: “So would mine. But f*ck ‘em, they’re dead.” 

    S5E8, “Hardhome” 

  • Tyrion on the Tyranny of Evil Men
    658 votes

    Tyrion on the Tyranny of Evil Men

    Tyrion to Hizdahr: “You’re an eloquent man. It doesn’t mean you’re wrong. In my experience, eloquent men are right every bit as often as imbeciles.” 
    S5E9, “The Dance of Dragons”
  • Tyrion Writes Jorah’s Tinder Profile
    860 votes

    Tyrion Writes Jorah’s Tinder Profile

    Tyrion to Jorah Mormont: “Long, sullen silences and an occasional punch in the face: the Mormont Way.”   

    S5E5, “Kill the Boy”
  • The Size of Sam's Dragon Glass
    819 votes

    The Size of Sam's Dragon Glass

    "I killed a White Walker, I killed a Thenn, I’ll take my chances with you." 

    S5E7, “The Gift”
  • No Balls Necessary
    825 votes

    No Balls Necessary

    Daario about Grey Worm: “He’s the toughest man with no balls I ever met.”  

    S5E10, “Mother’s Mercy” 
  • Sarcasm
    1,115 votes


    Cersei (to Robert): I'm sorry your marriage to Ned Stark didn't work out. You seemed so good together.

    S1E5, "The Wolf and the Lion"
  • Back-Handed Compliment
    529 votes

    Back-Handed Compliment

    Tyrion: “It’s easy to confuse what is with what ought to be, especially when what is has worked out in your favor.” 

    Hizdahr: “It’s an unpleasant question, but what great thing has ever been accomplished without killing or cruelty?” 

    Tyrion: “My father would have liked you.”  

    S5E9, “The Dance of Dragons”
  • Arya Stark
    966 votes
    A lot of people name their sword.  The Hound - A lot of cunts name their sword.
  • Snap
    705 votes


    Arya Stark to Meryn Trant: “You know who I am. I’m Arya Stark. Do you know who you are? You’re no one. You’re nothing.”  

    S5E10, “Mother’s Mercy” 
  • Literacy
    1,011 votes


    Shireen (to Davos): You won't be a very good hand if you see the word 'knight' and say "ka-niggit."

    S4E3, "Breaker of Chains"
  • Tyrion’s Take
    504 votes

    Tyrion’s Take

    Tyrion Lannister to Daario Naharis and Jorah Mormont about Daenerys Targaryen: “You love her, don’t you? How could you not? Of course it’s hopeless for the both of you, a sellsword from the fighting pits and a disgraced knight. Neither one of you is fit consort for a queen, but we always want the wrong woman.”   

    S5E10, “Mother’s Mercy” 
  • Saints & Sinners
    680 votes

    Saints & Sinners

    Littlefinger to Lancel: “We both peddle fantasies, Brother Lancel, mine just happen to be entertaining.” 

    S5E6, “Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken” 
  • Body Image
    910 votes

    Body Image

    Ned: Your Grace.
    King Robert: You got fat.

    S1E1, "Winter Is Coming"
  • Do You Have a Banner?
    351 votes

    Do You Have a Banner?

    Tyrion to Varys: “We’ve already got a ruler. Everywhere’s already got a ruler. Every pile of sh*t on the side of every road has someone’s banner hanging from it.”   

    S5E2, “The House of Black and White” 
  • Teenagers
    456 votes


    Daenerys drops some wisdom about her grown-ass dragons: “They will eat you if I tell them to. They may eat you even if I don’t. Children. Some say I should give up on them. But a good mother never gives up on her children. She disciplines them if she must. But she does not give up on them.” 
    S5E5 “Kill the Boy” 
  • Shade From the Crypt
    542 votes

    Shade From the Crypt

    Margaery: "Lies come easily to you, everyone knows that. But innocence, decency and concern, you’re not very good at those, I’m afraid." 
    S5E7, “The Gift” 
  • Who Cares?
    1,089 votes

    Who Cares?

    Loras: My father once told me...
    Cersei: Nobody cares what your father once told you. 

    S3E8, "Second Sons"
  • Compelling
    796 votes


    Brynden Tully: The laws of my fist are about to compel your teeth!

    S3E6, "The Climb"
  • Elder Slam
    458 votes

    Elder Slam

    Shireen Baratheon to Gilly on reading: “I taught Ser Davos and old people are terrible at learning new things.”   

    S5E2, “The House of Black and White” 
  • Braavos Fortune Cookie
    375 votes

    Braavos Fortune Cookie

    Arya Stark to a Braavosi man: “Nothing’s worth anything to dead men.”
    S5E2, “The House of Black and White” 
  • I Said Biiiiiitch
    685 votes

    I Said Biiiiiitch

    Sansa to Myranda: “I’m Sansa Stark of Winterfell. This is my home and you can’t frighten me.” 

    S5E6, “Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken”
  • Old Gs
    443 votes

    Old Gs

    Olenna: “You should have the decency to stand when you speak to a lady.” 
    High Sparrow: “You should have the decency to kneel before the gods.”  
    Olenna: “Don’t spar with me, little fellow.”  

    Olenna: "Spare me the homilies, I can smell a fraud from a mile away." 
    High Sparrow: “Useful talent.”   

    High Sparrow: "A lifetime of wealth and power has left you blind in one eye." 

    S5E7, “The Gift” 
  • Chores
    584 votes


    Ser Jorah: Viserys could not sweep a stable with ten thousand brooms.

    A Game of Thrones, Chapter 36 (Daenerys IV)
  • Needles
    605 votes


    Arya: Sansa can have her sewing needles. I have a Needle of my own.

    S1E2, "The Kingsroad"
  • Absolutely Nothing
    1,057 votes

    Absolutely Nothing

    Ygritte: You know nothing Jon Snow.
  • He’ll Be Here All Winter, Folks. Tip Your Wargs and Wildlings.
    308 votes

    He’ll Be Here All Winter, Folks. Tip Your Wargs and Wildlings.

    Tyrion to Varys about red priestess preaching to the people:  “Good luck stopping the spread of greyscale with prayer. You’d have better luck dancing away the plague.” 
    S5E3, “High Sparrow”   
  • Sisterhood
    752 votes


    Cersei (to Margaery Tyrell): If you ever call me sister again, I'll have you strangled in your sleep.

    S2E8, "Second Sons"
  • Whore's Honor
    565 votes

    Whore's Honor

    Ser Rodrik: You have less honor than a back alley whore.

    S2E6, "The Old Gods and the New"
  • Regret
    837 votes


    Roose Bolton: Don't make me rue the day I raped your mother.

    A Dance with Dragons, Chapter 32 (Reek III)
  • A Grandfather's Love
    689 votes

    A Grandfather's Love

    Walder Frey: My granddaughter, Waltha? Walra? Waldina.
    Mary: I'm Mary.
    Walder Frey: Fine.

    S3E9, "The Rains of Castamere"
  • Boredom
    626 votes


    Jamie (to Brienne): Has anyone ever told you you're as boring as you are ugly?

    S2E8, "The Prince of Winterfell"
  • Jellie
    322 votes


    Cersei to Tommen about wifey Queen Margaery: “She’s certainly very pretty, isn’t she? Like a doll. She smiles quite a lot. Do you think she’s intelligent? I can’t quite tell, not that it matters.” 

    S5E3, “High Sparrow”
  • Killing Us All with Kindness
    293 votes

    Killing Us All with Kindness

    Alliser Thorne to Jon Snow: “You have a good heart, Jon Snow. It’ll get us all killed.”    

    S5E9, “The Dance of Dragons”
  • Pretty Colors
    539 votes

    Pretty Colors

    Sansa: Loras likes green and gold brocade.
    Shae: I bet he does.

    S3E6, "The Climb"
  • A Simple "No" Will Do, Dude
    271 votes

    A Simple "No" Will Do, Dude

    Tormund Giantsbane to Jon Snow: “The day I ask my people to fight with the Crows is the day my people cut my guts from my belly and make me eat them.”   

    S5E5, “Kill the Boy” 
  • A Knight’s Word
    268 votes

    A Knight’s Word

    Jorah to Tyrion: “If I ever kill you, your eyes will be wide open.” 
    S5E10, “Mother’s Mercy” 
  • Oh, Cersei
    258 votes

    Oh, Cersei

    Cersei to Septa Uriella: “I’ll get out of here, you realize, before long. I can make you a wealthy woman, a lady of the court. Or I can make sure you die in the most hideous way imaginable, and all I do is sit here, imagining hideous ways for you to die.” 

    S5E8, “Hardhome” 
  • Fortune Telling
    280 votes

    Fortune Telling

    Cersei to lady Sparrow: "Look at my face. It’s the last thing you’ll see before you die." 

    S5E7, “The Gift” 
  • Brienne of Tarth
    387 votes
    "Two quick deaths?"  She says while slowly skewering  the man responsible for killng 3 woen.
  • A Father's Love
    461 votes

    A Father's Love

    Walder Frey: I need lessons in courtesy from you, bastard? Your mother would still be a milkmaid if I hadn't squirted you into her belly!

    S1E9, "Baelor"
  • Admitting Mistakes
    363 votes

    Admitting Mistakes

    Tywin (to Tyrion): I always thought you were a stunted fool. Perhaps I was wrong.

    S1E10, "Fire and Blood"
  • Winter Is Here
    398 votes

    Winter Is Here

    Night King White Walker's to Jon Snow  
    S5E8, "Hardhome"
  • Cersei Has Never Met a Rat From Hell's Kitchen
    211 votes

    Cersei Has Never Met a Rat From Hell's Kitchen

    Cersei: “My Uncle Kevan has all the courage of a kitchen mouse.” 
    S5E6, “Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken”
  • We’re Not Cool
    222 votes

    We’re Not Cool

    Jaime to Bronn about Tyrion: “He murdered my father. If I ever see him, I’ll split him in two. And then I’ll give him your regards.”  

    S5E4, “Sons of the Harpy” 
  • The Hurling
    260 votes

    The Hurling

    The actual insults hurled at Cersei on her walk of literal shame. All are unrepeatable.  
    S5E10, “Mother’s Mercy”
  • She’ll Do It, Too
    194 votes

    She’ll Do It, Too

    Cersei to Jaime about Myrcella living in Dorne: “It’s a threat. They blame us for the death of Oberyn and his sister and every other tragedy that’s befallen their cursed country. I will burn their cities to the ground if they touch her!"  
    S5E2, “The House of Black and White” 
  • The Selfie Slam
    210 votes

    The Selfie Slam

    Brienne to Podrick: “Brienne the Beauty, they called me. Great joke. And I realized I was the ugliest girl alive, a great lumbering beast.” 

    S5E3, “High Sparrow” 
  • But Not Really
    237 votes

    But Not Really

    Alliser Thorne and others to Jon while stabbing him: “For the Watch.” 
    S5E10, “Mother’s Mercy”