The Best Movies About Letting Go
  • Photo:
    • Universal Pictures

The Best Movies About Letting Go

Ranker Film
Updated January 21, 2025 22.0K views 39 items
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2.2K votes
288 voters
1 reranks
Voting Rules
Vote up your favorite films where characters learn to accept/deal with change.

You can see from this list of movies about letting go, it's never easy to say goodbye, whether it's to a person, a place, or even just a certain time in your life. Nothing is worse than having to move on before you're ready, and we all have those things in our lives that we should let go of, but just can't.

The films on this list of letting go movies are here to teach us how to say goodbye. They range from movies about saying goodbye to childhood to movies about death, grief and time. Ultimately, they all have something to say about one of the most difficult experiences in the human lifetime. The characters sometimes rage against their loss, sometimes try to bargain their way out of it, and sometimes they finally accept it and find peace.

But this isn't just a list of downers. While there are some dramas here, you'll also find Pixar's sweet and hilarious Inside Out, along with Christopher Nolan's gripping Memento. A surprising amount of movies have letting go as a theme.

So vote for your favorites and add any of the greatest letting go movies that aren't on the list!

Most divisive: The Wrestler
Over 200 Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of The Best Movies About Letting Go