The Best Ricky Quotes From 'Trailer Park Boys'

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Fellow Trailer Park Boys fans! Are you ready to dive deep into the wacky world of Sunnyvale Trailer Park with some of the greatest Ricky LaFleur quotes? Look no further, because we have you covered with the best Trailer Park Boys quotes from this beloved character! Get ready to laugh, cringe, and maybe even shed a tear as we countdown the top quotes that have made Ricky one of the most beloved characters in TV comedy history.

Some of the funniest lines and running jokes from TPB are Ricky LaFleur quotes, as evidenced by the many memes and ongoing references still prevalent today. These Rickyisms are ranked from best to worst by fans like you. It doesn't matter if he is getting into some serious trouble or trying to push his merchandise, Ricky always has something funny to say. From his iconic one-liners and recurring sayings to his hilarious misquotes and misuse of the English language, Ricky has provided us with endless moments of pure comedy gold. Whether he's getting into trouble with the law or coming up with his unique schemes to make a quick buck, Ricky's quotes never fail to entertain. So grab a drink, roll one up, and get ready to relive some of the most unforgettable moments from the one and only Ricky LaFleur.

But which of these are the best Ricky Trailer Park Boys quotes? You get to help decide with your votes. So what are you waiting for? Scroll down, read through the list of quotes, and be sure to vote for your favorites at the end of the article. Let's see which Ricky LaFleur quote comes out on top as the ultimate fan favorite! It's time to show some love for everyone's favorite park resident and relive the hilarity that is Trailer Park Boys.

Whether you want a quick reference for the many hilarious phrases from this country boy, or simply enjoy a bit of nostalgia revisiting this famous TV classic, our list has you covered. Vote up your favorite Ricky quotes so they reach the top of the list. 

  • 1


    Ricky: I love all creatures like gophers and deerts, and those things that fly and everything else, but f*ck seagulls. I got no time for those c*cksuckers.

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  • 2

    A Car

    Ricky: I mean how many fathers can give a nine-year-old daughter a car? I'm just happy I'm in a position where I can do something like that.

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  • 3

    Some Offs

    Ricky: Don't you have some offs to f*ck there, boys?

    Randy: What?

    Ricky: F*ck off!

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  • 4

    A Role Model

    Ricky: I try to be a role model for kids around the park. If some kid wants to grow dope, they can come talk to me, instead of growing dope 6 or 7 times through denial and error, they're going to get it right the first time and have some good dope.

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  • 5

    Prevent A Murder

    Ricky: (leaving a messege) Julian! It's Ricky here. Just letting you know that, uh, I've thought about this, I feel I have no other options. I'm gonna go down to Lahey's trailer, I'm gonna break in, and I'm basically probably gonna kill Mr. Lahey and I'm thinking about killing Randy as well and I'm gonna take the porno tape back. I've talked to Bubbles about it, he's probably gonna give me a hand because we both can't have this tape floating around. So, anyway, you know, I was kind of counting on you to maybe help plan this, but if you don't want to that's up to you. I just hope you won't feel guilty when me and Bubbles are in jail and you know that you could have prevented a murder. Talk to you later.

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  • 6

    Knock Knock

    Ricky: Knock knock boys?

    Trevor: Who's there?

    (Ricky gives them the middle fingers)

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  • 7

    Like A Tree

    Ricky: Make like a tree and f*ck off.

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  • 8

    Two Birds

    Ricky: Get two birds stoned at once.

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  • 9

    Good Parenting

    Ricky: The thing with kids and growings and getting learnings and stuff is that... You can't lie to them. Basically, if you wanna tell the children they can't do something they're gonna want to do it more. When I was young I did all kinds of crazy sh*t and I turned out wicked. That's because my dad was f*ckin' cool, he let me do sh*t. I was allowed to drive his car around the park, basically took my dirt bike to school, let me grow dope in his shed in grade 7. You know, that's what good parenting is all about. You gotta let them have a bit of freedom.

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  • 10

    A Superhero

    Ricky: Boys, what the f*ck is up with me getting shot with three darts, and it didn't even affect me? I must be like a superhero or something.


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  • 11

    Strong Chain

    Ricky: A link is only as long as your longest strong chain.

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  • 12

    My Wife

    Ricky: The thing is when you're shopping for a ring you gotta take your time because you know it's my wife we're talking about. She's not gonna be wearing one of those Cubic Zarcarbian things, she's gotta have a nice ring.

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  • 13

    Was It Awesome

    Ricky: F*ck, I missed jail this year. Was it awesome?

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  • 14

    You Know What

    Randy: ...I want my barbeque.

    Ricky: You know what Randy, you're totally right and you know what I'm gonna do for ya?

    Randy: What?

    Ricky: Jack sh*t.

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  • 15

    Plutonium Kind Of Love

    Ricky: We got this plutonium kind of love sh*t going and I don't wanna f*ck that up, all right.

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  • 16

    Julian's Changed

    Ricky: You know, ever since you guys have been around with your TV cameras, Julian's changed. You know, he's getting all frustated and he's taking his problems out on me and other people in the park... It's crazy! He lives in there, in a palace and he's all stressed out! I live out here in a car and I've got everything I need and I'm happy! I mean, this is my home. So I don't know what his problem is.

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  • 17

    Nine Cans

    Ricky: I mean, nobody wants to admit they ate nine cans of ravioli, but I did. I'm ashamed of myself. The first can doesn't count, then you get to the second and third, fourth and fifth I think I burnt with the blowtorch, and then I just kept eatin'.

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  • 18


    Lahey: Ricky, do you want me to ask my friends down at the police station if it's okay for you to be drunk in a public place and carrying a loaded handgun while you're on probation?

    Ricky: Why don't you start doing your job instead of making false incriminations all the time?

    Lahey: Why don't you get a life, Rick? Why don't you go to community college like Julian here? Hey! I got a good idea! You could teach living in a car and growing dope 101!

    Ricky: And you could teach how to get drunk, get fired from the police force, become a lousy trailer park supervisor that sucks, hangs around with a f*cking idiot that doesn't wear a shirt and looks like a d*ck but thinks he looks good, 101.

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  • 19

    Good Pepperoni

    Ricky: F*ck, that's good pepperoni!

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  • 20

    Same Wave Lengths

    Ricky: I don't do as much coke as you do. We're not on the same wavelength.


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  • 21


    Mr. Lahey: Where ya stayin' Rick?

    Ricky: At the f*ck-off hotel Lahey.

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  • 22

    Heavy Metal

    Ricky: You better chill out there, heavy metal d*ck.

    Cyrus: Why don't you go back to the bowling alley where you came from, helmet head?

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  • 23

    Gimme Smokes

    Ricky: Smokes, let's go, gimme some smokes.

    Randy: I've only got two left, I'm not giving you any.

    Ricky: You're a f*cking d*ck. Lahey, go f*ck yourself.

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  • 24

    Two Dumb Idiots

    Ricky: Knock knock, boys?

    Cory: What?

    Ricky: Knock knock.

    Cory: Who's there?

    Ricky: Two f*cking dumb idiots that drive a big piece of sh*t from the trailer park that don't know when to come buy f*cking dope. Now get the f*ck out of here!

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  • Or Psychic
    • Photo:
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    Or Psychic

    Ricky: Apparently people think I look like this man they call Reveen. I don't even know who the f*ck Reveen is. Apparently he's this ventriloquist or psychic or some guy and I look like him. Which is kinda cool people think I look like a famous person. And that's kinda neat, I guess, but I don't like all these little f*ckers running around calling me Reveen.

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  • 26

    Out Of Me

    Ricky: You think Lucy is gonna marry me or what?

    Julian: Yeah. Why?

    Ricky: Are you kidding me?

    Julian: Ricky, all you can do is ask. And all she can say is yes or no. She's gonna marry you.

    Ricky: Alright, man, hurry up I gotta get this ring out of me... See you in a bit.

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  • 27

    Chocolate Milk

    Randy: I can't get stoned, Ricky.

    Ricky: What do you mean? It's sh*tty work. Everybody does that, all right? Carpenters, electricians, dishwashers, floor cleaners, lawyers, doctors, f*ckin' politicians, CBC employees, principals, people who paint the lines on the f*ckin' roads, get stoned, it'll be fun, get to work! Oh, and this is the most important, go down to the Sh*t-Mart. I need a bag of chicken chips. If they don't have chicken, get me dill pickle. And I want a chocolate milk. Okay? Here's some money.

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